"Ding! The host triggers and completes the Otaku's Wish mission! Mission description - Which Otaku can tolerate someone spying on his or her secrets? What else is there to say? Kill him! Reward the host with an additional 200 attribute points for all attributes."

Good guy, this is the most given besides the main task.

"Ding, the host triggers and completes Zhai Nan's wish mission. Mission description - when the otaku dreamed, he didn't have the dream of walking around the world with his sword and killing the enemy with his hands?! Reward the host with 20 points for all attributes."

After a long time of fuss, the price/performance ratio of Juggernaut Yagyu is ten times worse than that of his grandson!
Well, the story is over, and the legend is just like this, Zhai Nan decided to pat his ass and leave.

But an accident happened in an unexpected way.

"How do you live like this? Tell me, maybe I'll let you go as soon as I'm happy."

Zhai Nan is really curious, frozen to death, even the violent moves of the Juggernaut just now, the flying sword energy didn't directly turn her into meat sauce, this is really amazing!
"Come on, pretend to be dead again, I will really make you die."

Seeing Asuka lying on the ground still pretending to be dizzy, Zhai Nan couldn't help but complain, your heartbeat sounds like another train, even a deaf person can hear it clearly.

"You, can you put it on first?"


Zhai Nan, who got dressed in an instant, came back again.

"Okay, let's talk." What happened just now?Nothing happened just now, but Zhai Nan felt that he reserved the right to add more, because Asuka must have seen something just now, isn't this a hooligan? !
"My ability is borrowed."

"Borrow? I remember that you seem to be the arrogance of this year, and I remember what your ability is?" Zhai Nan really forgot.

"Holy." Asuka could only resist the embarrassment and explain actively, "That's just an external statement. In fact, my ability is to use the power of others to do what I want to do, but there are still two prerequisites. One is the limit that the body can bear. Exceeding the limit will cause physical damage. The other is that the attribute value of the borrowed person will drop the value I borrowed. And the borrowed person must be within a certain distance, otherwise the borrowed not."

"Fuck C! There is still this kind of operation? No wonder you can survive. You borrowed their attributes and abilities, so you can survive. But you are stealing, right? If anyone offends you, first find a helper with similar attributes, Then if you steal like this, the other party will die without knowing it!"

"Do you call him sacred in your book? Who came up with the name? This is too thick-skinned!"

Asuka can only listen, what else?The old Juggernaut is gone, and he is just a young girl who has not yet developed. What can he do? It is better to say something ugly than to die directly.

Looking at Asuka who didn't speak, Zhai Nan was really in a dilemma. He had been torn between the two options of killing her directly or observing and then beating her to death.

"Forget it, you still..."

"Please let me go, I can do whatever you want! I can be your slave."

What Zhai Nan originally wanted to say was—"Forget it, you'd better go, anyway, there won't be any troubles, but it turned out that Tomorrow Flower voluntarily surrendered, no, it was the initiative to move closer to the forces of justice, which made Zhai Nan a little bit Not anymore.

I want to let you go, but you want to sleep with me?

The little girl must be good-looking, and the pitiful emotions released at this moment made Zhai Nan a little bit uncontrollable, but this place is not suitable, no, Zhai Nan still has something to do.

So Zhai Nan decided to leave this place first.

"Let's go first." Zhai Nan said.

"You can come to my house, I live alone now." Asuka said.

"That's inappropriate!" Zhai Nan felt that he was a gentleman.

"I have stockings and JK's there." Asuka went all out, after all, survival is more important than anything else.

"Then what are you waiting for, no, where is your home?" Zhai Nan lived in Bengbu!
Asuka said something.Zhai Nan teleported there in an instant.

It is an independent villa with a large area. What's more, there is a white Mercedes-Benz in the garage!

Zhai Nan had some thoughts, and some uncontrollable thoughts appeared in his mind.

"You go and wear a Jk, I'm going to take you out in a Mercedes-Benz."

Asuka suddenly thought of something, but could only accept it resignedly.

Soon, the two walked out of the villa, and Zhai Nan was driving a Mercedes-Benz, thinking of that classic scene for a moment.

He has already done what Takumi wants to do, but Zhai Nan also wants to experience what Xia Shu and his "uncle" do!
After getting in the car, Zhai Nan snorted, attracting Asuka's attention.

"Hanako," Asuka took the initiative to tell Zhai Nan her name so that they could call each other conveniently. "See if uncle's flashlight is broken again!"

"Yes, yes, uncle." This is what Zhai Nan asked her to call, and Asuka had no choice but to obey.

There was no words all the way, half an hour later, the two returned to the villa.

"You'd better disappear these two days, and wait until the day after tomorrow when this country is bombed into the sky—" Zhai Nan paused at this point, and waved his hands, it was a hill that was as valuable as heaven and earth, this was last time to prevent When the things on the spaceship hit the flowers and plants, Zhai Nan left some of the treasures left by himself, and now gave them to Asuka.

"Afterwards, take these materials and see what height you can reach, and if you are qualified, follow me." After Zhai Nan finished speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

Only Asuka was left, staring at these treasures of heaven and earth that he had never seen before, in a daze, let alone talking, his mouth was a little too sour.

The book country goes to heaven?Asuka thought about whether she should notify the book official who sent her a car or a house, but gave up in an instant. The whole book, or the whole Tianxing, who can stop that man?The man who let himself repair the flashlight without dignity and disliked himself for a long time.

Contact your mother who lives alone?Haha, forget it, she will only suck her own blood, and let it all disappear. With these natural talents and earthly treasures, what I have to do now is to keep a low profile and even disappear immediately. Asuka is very lucky I have already prepared a "safe house" for myself.Haruko thought everything through and started her own action.

Zhai Nan instantly moved to the room that Qingzi had reserved according to his instructions, and continued to release some of the pressure that he couldn't release just now.

"Does the young master like JK?"

What Haruko suddenly said after the release made Zhai Nan sleepless all night, and instantly became sluggish!

The next day, after finally coaxing Qingzi to be happy, Zhai Nan closed the show at noon and fell asleep for a while.

At this moment, the two of them have arrived at a very famous lavender field on the Pirate Island of this country, enjoying the wonderful world of two people. As for other tourists?No more, the fall of the Benzi country's sword master has become an explosive world news, making Benzi instantly enter a state of emergency, and no one travels anymore.

As night fell, the two returned to yesterday's hotel, admiring the last sunset of Mt. Fuji. Tomorrow is the day when the fireworks will bloom. It's a good day!

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