This contest was also strictly blocked as a secret by the top leaders of various countries.

But since the end of this competition, various countries have stepped up their recruitment of young people who later awakened their talents.

We have to talk about the first batch of chosen ones.

It is true that many of the chosen ones have become the mainstay of the awakened ones on the sky star.The construction of the moon in various countries, the management of the awakened ones, and the teaching work of the awakened universities are all supported by them.

But these people have almost been excavated.Not only because the base number is too small, but also because although the overall talents of the Chosen Ones are good, there are still many people whose awakening ability is too general or too single.

Some can only jump very high and run very fast, and their bodies are just stronger, but they don’t have much fighting power.

And there are also awakening abilities that are very rare but the scope of application is too limited.

For example, some people have awakened their space powers, but only have a small storage space.Others have awakened the more precious gift of time, but they can only accelerate time for themselves, not others, including objects they come into contact with.

This category is not rare, but there are more wonderful ones.

For example, if someone only awakens the lockpicking skill, they can only open the anti-theft door, not the safe.

Some people have awakened the talent of repairing cars, but they can only repair cars and nothing else.

There are also awakened fishing talents, who can fish with a rod within four hours, and have a real hook.But it has been collectively blocked by the major black pits and reservoir bosses.

It is no problem to be a craftsman among the above, but if you are fighting a monster, it is to deliver food to the monster.

Therefore, the quality of the awakened people of all mankind is not very high, which directly makes people pay more attention to the later young awakened people!
The leaders of Huaxia's various sects also saw this and took the initiative to cooperate with relevant departments.Originally, the higher-ups expressed their dissatisfaction with their recruitment of disciples before. If they recruit so many young people alone, I am afraid that they will face the power of the country. You must know that it is a taboo for a chivalrous man to violate the ban!
Therefore, in order to avoid the problem of overreaching, in order to carry forward the sect, and to avoid being severely attacked by relevant departments, each sect can only recruit talents in universities.

Since the leaders of the various sects were very satisfied with what they had done, the senior management of China turned a blind eye to these sects privately recruiting some disciples who were willing to go up to the mountain to learn from them.

In Huaxia Awakening University, there are now many masters from various sects as teachers, and they are also very popular, because no matter how talented you are, if you can get the bonus of Taoism, you may be stronger.

Similarly, you can also choose not to learn, but only learn some control skills, no one forces you, it's all voluntary.

Originally, according to the arrangements of various countries, if they graduate, after selection, the outstanding ones must go to the moon or the awakened person management department.

But after being selected by the sect, you can postpone going to the moon and the awakening management department.And if you learn the core skills, you can greatly increase your chances of surviving when you go to the moon and deal with awakening cases.

Because of this, Huaxia's supernatural university has become even more attractive.

After compensation from various interests last year, even Chinese people finally had the opportunity to study at the Huaxia Awakening University.

After all, there is only one way to enter the Huaxia sect on the surface.

And all this is for the stronger actions of human beings, the priests of World of Warcraft know it, and they are more vigilant!So this burst of energy, priests of World of Warcraft, prepare to take action!
In the sacrificial temple, the priests felt the violent energy fluctuation that Zhai Nan sent out on the sky star just now, and quickly gathered to discuss countermeasures.

"There may be another strong person born in Tianxing! Everyone should have felt it." Chief High Priest Artest spoke first.

The rest of the priests nodded one after another. There was no reason why they couldn't feel it, because it was really too close. Although the duration was very short, it was indeed an astonishing force.

"Looks like we need to prepare—"

"But the high priest—" Someone quickly interrupted the high priest to continue speaking.

"Nothing but! Do you want our group to be killed and slaughtered like monsters?! Didn't the human beings we captured for interrogation tell you their history? Or after the real magic, what he said The minds of my race must be different, is it just a joke?!!!" The high priest Artai roared angrily!

"But the price for us would be too high! It's possible to save one out of ten!!!" The person just now roared angrily.

"Is there any price in this world?!" Artai said this quietly.

"We can learn the technology of those humans, we can expand the sacrificial group—"

"That's enough." At this time, a low voice sounded in the sacrificial temple.

"See teacher!" Priest 72 hurriedly knelt down to meet the person who appeared at the gate of the temple. He was the only one who was still alive among the 72 priests of the previous generation.

"Just now I felt the strength, now, I feel the split!"

"Artest, there is nothing wrong with the preparation you want."

The high priest was not very excited when he heard that, but lowered his head even further. He didn't want to take this road. He said so much just now, but he just wanted someone to have a reason to stop him.

"Sal. You're not wrong either."

Thrall was the one who wanted to stop the high priest just now.

"Teacher!" Sal raised his head and looked at the old teacher. He wanted to see the word "stop".

"Ahem, you go with some of your people. Within a year, the clan will not stop because of you and will slowly advance. As for you, even if you fail, just treat it as a trial to continue the clan. ." The old man finally sighed and said it under Sal's expectant eyes.

"Teacher, can you wait, give me a little more time, and I will prove to you and all the clansmen that our two ancestors can be peaceful—" Thrall knew that this was the old man's last intention, but he still Trying to buy some time.

"Tap!" The crutch in the old man's hand was gently raised, then put down gently, and Thrall stopped immediately.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of annihilation if you fail?!" The old man's voice was low but extremely serious.

"I can use my—"

"Stop talking, your life is not as important as the life of the whole family."

"A-Tai, prepare slowly this year!" After the old man finished speaking, his figure disappeared with the wind.

"Yes, teacher!" Atai answered seriously, stood up, and spoke to all the priests.

"Within one year, half of all prey must be handed over and placed in the warehouse. Priority will be given to the old, weak, sick and disabled people in the clan, and tell them that we may have to use their blood to summon the beast god."

"Tell all the men to protect the children, they are our hope."

Artest arranged it without sadness or joy.

"Yes!" Except for Thrall, the remaining seventy priests got up to leave, and everyone's face was determined.

High Priest Artest walked up to Thrall who was devastated, and squeezed his shoulder.

"Brother, I hope you can succeed!" After finishing speaking, he also left.

Thrall looked blankly at the statue of the beast god in the temple, and remained silent for a long time.

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