One dragon and one demon finally did not go down.

And the devil really wanted to help the nearly 50-year-old young man in front of him out of kindness!

Cheng Guo, the leader of the Kongtong faction, sat directly opposite Mowan with a face full of fear, not knowing what to do, after all, the other party was a demon!The real demons are born with a little fear, not to mention that the other party is a challenger to Shenlong!

"What the hell?!" Cheng Jinglei spoke directly, and kicked his son by the way.That look of hating iron but not steel and skilled movements is the old father at first glance.

Cheng Guo could only smile awkwardly, but didn't speak.

"Come!" Mowan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly recited a word silently, as if possessing magical powers. After reading this word, he suddenly froze, motionless like a wooden stake.

Cheng Jinglei was so anxious that he subconsciously wanted to go over and touch his own. When the magic pill raised his finger in the air, Cheng Jinglei felt as if the energy of heaven and earth had completely imprisoned him, making him unable to move at all. This feeling was really uncomfortable. It's like meat on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered, but Cheng Jinglei can't even move his eyes even if he uses all his strength and even mobilizes his awakened abilities. He can only look at it like this, which is really terrifying.

The magic pill restrained Cheng Jinglei, and stared at the body of the head of the Kongtong faction. After saying "come" just now, although the result was that he couldn't move his body, he felt that his brain seemed to be heating up, almost burning his brain Suddenly, the severe pain spread, Cheng Guo began to tremble all over his body as if he had touched a switch, but he couldn't make a sound.

While Cheng Guo was dancing the "mechanical dance", Zhai Nan noticed a thin layer of black mist suddenly appearing on his head. Although it was very faint, it could be seen with the naked eye.

That is to say, within three to five seconds, a small black mass formed and headed towards the palm of the magic pill. In such a short distance of one or two meters, the black mass made a sound similar to metal friction, which was extremely uncomfortable. , and even felt nauseous, but fortunately it didn't last long, and when the magic pill caught the black group, all the sounds stopped.

Cheng Guo also stopped twitching, rolled his eyes and passed out.

Cheng Jinglei resumed his actions, but he didn't know what was going on. Zhai Nanqingzi and the others reacted by raising their eyebrows and frowning, waiting for the magic pill to explain with their eyes closed.

Finally, Mo Wan was not so immersed in that selfless state that Zhai Nan hammered him, and opened his eyes within two or three seconds.

"Master, I have helped this young man get rid of his demons. He will wake up in a while, and he will probably gain something." Mo Wan told the truth, but Zhai Nan rolled his eyes a little bit because of Fan Er, an expert in the world.

"All right, all right, just don't die." Zhai Nan could only say this. After all, although Mo Wan spoke the Chinese language, Zhai Nan couldn't even understand what he meant, and he didn't care. Thought understood.

"Inner demon?!" Cheng Jinglei was really shocked this time. Although he had been shocked many times today and was working at a major streaming media, what Mowan said was too shocking.

"What? You know?" Zhai Nanxin said, if you know it, tell it quickly. Like the captain of the atmosphere group, those who don't know think that the two are singing a double reed!I knew that I would have to "calculate" when I went out today, but now this passer-by feels a little tired, Zhai Nan said!

"Young master, if what the Lord Devil Emperor said is true, then it will be like a kindness to my Cheng family!" Cheng Jinglei said hastily.

"As we all know, those of us who know a little bit of boxing, when we don't encounter any setbacks, we all feel like the boss of the sky and the second child of the earth. But as we expand our ego, we will also do some stupid things." Cheng Jinglei said It seems to fall into the memory, there is probably a history of the growth of a young man, first he was high-spirited, then Hexi Mo bullied the poor young man in the 30 years and 30 years, and finally became famous, married Bai Fumei, and went to the peak of Kongtong Such a happy ending.

"Don't say it again!" Zhai Nan said that he was very annoyed!
"The so-called demon is a kind of negative thinking of people. "Devil" refers to the demon in the heart of a person, and can also be understood as spiritual, conscious, and psychological defects and obstacles. At least that's what science says." Cheng Jinglei hurriedly began to explain in detail, and the energy of recalling the past and the glorious years just now hastened to converge.

"For example, when we martial artists come into contact with a skill that interests us, we forget about food and sleep and devote ourselves to it. This state is actually a state of obsession. In fact, we should restrain our minds, relax and calm down, and proceed step by step, otherwise we will become obsessed. This Demons, in fact, have the kind of self-centeredness in heaven and earth, and will even deliberately ignore the shortcomings of the practice, causing themselves to suffer from chronic diseases and lose their lives in vain at the critical moment."

"Or another situation is that after practicing, you feel that you have some great ability in a certain field, and you should have some status. Then you compare it with others. It's bullshit. It's completely behind closed doors, deceiving yourself and others. Those who can bear better in their hearts must clean up and start all over again. Those who are worse will give up directly, return to a peaceful life, put down everything they used to be, and lie flat. Those who are even worse will go crazy and feel that the whole world is Lie to him. Finally, it is also the most rubbish, who regards those who are better than him, or those who are at the same level as him, as unfair. , all settled, fighting poison with fire."

"Good guy, what about writing TV drama novels?" Zhai Nan felt that this routine was very familiar. Thinking about it carefully, isn't this how the villains always appear on the stage, and then they are punished by Wei Guangzheng's power to leave?

"Art comes from life." Cheng Jinglei said a very classic sentence.

Zhai Nan can only say that you continue, you can talk.

"In our martial arts world, we classify the above types of people as those who are obsessed and controlled by demons. They are even more dangerous than those who practice evil skills." Cheng Jinglei said.

Zhai Nan agrees very much, even in the TV novels, the destructive ability of these people is far more powerful than that of cult members.

"So, I really find the heart demon that Lord Demon Emperor mentioned just now a bit unbelievable, even..."

"Do you even want something to eliminate harm in the martial arts world?" Mowan said at this time. "I wonder if your child will become the last person you said."

"Hey, what about killing harm for the people? My old Cheng is not so honorable and upright. As for me, I just want him to live." Old Cheng also said what was in his heart.

"Then look at what your son's inner demon looks like!" Mo Wan said, and opened his palm, the black mist instantly reappeared and formed a black mass, Mo Wan lightly tapped his finger, and instantly flew between the eyebrows of thunder!

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