The TV returned to normal content, but Zhai Nan didn't watch it anymore.

The official released so much information at one time, it must have a lot to do with Xiao Yu saying yesterday that someone was spying on this matter. After all, this matter is inconspicuous to the little mother dragon, but it is a particularly big event for the official Son.

Because this is a public slap in the face, if you don't say anything, then Nanhai will probably become a public toilet where others come and go whenever they want!
There should be a lot of other messages, and Zhai Nan also had some thoughts.

For example, how much do the orcs in World of Warcraft value the ruined and prematurely died temples on the island? Is Xiaoyu's body-shaped dragon the "beast god" that these people really value? Why does the orc civilization have any cultural origins with the Xia Kingdom dragon?
These are all questions. Compared with these, the last supply trucks are inconspicuous things.

Zhai Nan simply didn't think about it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.They can do whatever they want, anyway, it's not Zhai Nana's problem to solve, they can't even pass Qingzi's test, and it may take a long time for them to take action.

Zhai Nan lay down and continued playing with his mobile phone!Xiaoyu will come back to report if something happens, so he is not in a hurry.

At this moment, Xiao Yu had already finished his meal, turned into a dragon, and was about to explain about the space bridge before retreating, and it would be fine to come back tomorrow.

Wang Jianguo was criticizing He Lanshan at this time, because the "acting skills" just now had some poor connections, let him pay attention next time, when he sees Shenlong coming, come over quickly to see if there is a chance to ask for warmth (blackmail) wave!
"Humans, the space bridge will collapse when the sun sets today, so you must pay attention."

"Thank you for telling Your Excellency Shenlong, tomorrow is still this time, and we will definitely prepare delicious food for you to taste."

"Thank you, then I'll go!" The little female dragon plunged into the sea and disappeared.

"Hi——!" Wang Jianguo shouted in his heart, it's a pity, there is no chance, why don't you introduce the head of a lot of private goods one more time, even if you can share some benefits, it would be great, this is a good idea to eat at both ends !Wang Jianguo couldn't help boasting about his great wit!

Just when Zhai Nan lay flat and Wang Jianguo boasted, the whole world has already started a new round of bombing! ! !
The topics of "unknown area", "beastman cooperation", and "countless supplies" have completely ignited new hot spots of public opinion. He Lanshan's interview has been mentioned as the most searched list in all countries in the All-Tianxing, and the topic of Shenlong has been brought up again. hype.

The capital of the free country, the president is listening to relevant reports.

"I fucking want to know what that long worm is? What about intelligence personnel? I can understand if they are all eating shit. If they are not eating shit, then what the hell are they doing?!"

"Your Excellency, our ace intelligence agent, the awakener of floating and transparent double-line abilities-the controller risked his life to get close to investigate, but for some reason, he was discovered. The attack directly burned it, and people were seriously injured, and they were dying when they escaped, and there was no way to tell any information."

"Then why are you raising him? Didn't you boast that after you have him, there is no information you can't get, no place he can't go?! Now that everyone is almost gone, what's the point of saying this?!" The voice of the president of the free country's final shout was almost like a subwoofer, and the scene became audible because of this shout.

At noon, after taking enough breath, the President of the Free State had some thoughts.Although it may be useless, it's okay to disgust Xia Guo!

"Draft a statement. The first point is to say that the long worm belongs to all mankind, and the Xia Kingdom should share it! The second point is that cooperating with the beast tribe is an act of betraying all mankind! Third, the things explored from the secret realm, It should belong to all mankind! Otherwise, the moon base will be withdrawn! The last one, to communicate with the orc tribe in World of Warcraft, all human beings and all countries must be present! Otherwise, there is a ghost in my heart!!!”

"Notify those in power in other countries that we support and control, let them cooperate with us, and even sign directly! Contact those strong people who can speak and make them feel that no matter what the purpose is, they must support us? Why? No why , we are the best!!!”

"At the same time, let the dogs we raise go out, let them vigorously publicize and repost, and guide the public opinion for me!!"

The president deserves to be the president. This method is really good. After saying this idea from the point of view of the common interests of mankind, all the people present put shameless smiles on their faces.

The reactions of the leaders of various countries were very different, and they were all very angry at why this happened to Xia Guo!The sour words like shit luck, the swear words at the beginning of FUC were the main theme of the meeting, until their "biological father" Liberty State gave a phone call, some were extremely flattering and some were serious, but none of them were rejected. The notified country objected.

Because in Tianxing, preventing the rise of the Xia Kingdom is the top priority, and it is a real class antagonism!

All contradictions have to give way before this final relationship, even some superficial "good friends"!
In the afternoon, Xia Guo's high-level officials received a joint statement.

Xia Guo also held a top-secret meeting to study the next countermeasures, not only the response to this joint statement, but also how to carry out the cooperation between the orc tribes was also the focus of the discussion.

In the conference room, more than [-] high-level military and political leaders had a collective meeting to study this matter, and Wang Jianguo also participated in the meeting in the center.

The first thing to study is the matter of the joint statement.

Among them, the people in charge of the Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Education felt that they should agree conditionally. The purpose of raising this reason is very simple, to ease the situation and operate in a curve.

The hawks headed by the military had 1 people who disagreed, did not support, and even pointed their noses and scolded whether the proposer had received money, whether the child was abroad, etc. Anyway, it was not very nice.

The last leader terminated the dispute, so that no further conflicts would occur.

"Jianguo, let's talk about it." As soon as he spoke, all the people present quieted down and listened to what professionals had to say. After all, the awakened ones appeared for too short a time. Fang heard that there is also a very good awakened team, but the promotion has not been so fast, and in two years, it is estimated that it will be fine.

"My opinion is very simple. Let's give a harmless response first. I want to negotiate with Shenlong tomorrow to see if there can be any progress."

"However, take precautions. I suggest that more spaceships should be sent to the moon base again, and our strength on the moon base will be almost overwhelmingly strengthened. Even if the imperial countries catch up later, there will be a certain amount of confrontation and confrontation." safe conditions."

"If I can meet some more conditions, then of course everyone will be happy. I will directly withdraw from the moon base, leaving only some of the strongest people to maintain the threat and strength. I will coordinate with the various sects on this point."

"Of course, I also have other things to report. I think this is the most important thing. It is also the list of materials we have just compiled."

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