Just like Xiaoyu thought!
The core of this world has long had its own consciousness, and intends to lure Qinglong's potential body to find it, so Qinglong has never encountered any truly powerful monsters that can determine the direction of the world!

The core master, that is, the purpose of the formation of the forest world is very simple, to find an incarnation outside the body for yourself!
Qinglong didn't know all of this, he just thought he was lucky!Encountered a small world!

As everyone knows, the other party is devouring the supplements "sent to the door" in very secretive ways!
Due to the particularity of time travel, the speed of time passing varies, so this time is not long, only a few thousand years, Qinglong still has a layer of self-protection awareness, so there is Mizonglong! !

For the sake of information, Zhai Nan just glanced a few times at the beginning to confirm the general direction, and only then did he know the "tricky!"

Zhai Nan held down Xiao Yu at this moment!
"Don't bother, it was lured here on purpose, if you expand the area, it's not just following its will!" Zhai Nan persuaded.

Qingzi Lao Zhao took a step forward at this time, they were ready!

"You guys also go back a little bit, otherwise it will be completely unnecessary!" Zhai Nan felt that it would not be a problem for Qingzi and Lao Zhao to get this thing done, but for the purpose of world peace, he decided to do it himself. shot.

It's still the same, the almighty attribute is instantly switched to time. Zhai Nan's strategy is very simple, solve the problem from the source!

Everything became so slow. Zhai Nan crossed the long river of time and arrived before the core of the world woke up!
"What do you want to do?" The system was full of curiosity at times.

"Ah?! I still want to ask you!" Zhai Nan said.

"..." The system felt that it should be silent at this time!
"Tch, I'm kidding you. You gave me a task this morning to retrieve the Azure Dragon Totem. I've already thought about putting a time trap on this thing called the "core"!"

"Let this guy instantly return to his own time trap at this time!"

"Damn it, 6, young man!" The system didn't hold back its own praise this time!

"Hmph!" Zhai Nan groaned, and went straight to work!
"It's done!" After some operations, it was done smoothly!

Crossing the long river of time again, and returning to the time just now, Zhai Nan stood still, waiting for the other party to start performing!
"Since you ants have already discovered it, let's use it as a nutrient!"

Sure enough, the next moment, the villain's lines were arranged directly!

Zhai Nan knew that it was time to stop pretending and they were going to have a showdown!
The entire forest world began to tremble violently. If Zhai Nan and the others could watch the entire forest world with God's vision, they could clearly see that Green Willow City had begun to shake!

Zhai Nan has actually seen it before, and this Green Willow City is actually the five fingers of the forest world itself!
Can you imagine that the Liu family's royal city, a city with a population of tens of millions, is actually just five fingers! ! !
Of course, Zhai Nan would not allow these fingers to tremble and cause mass casualties. This is also the purpose of his direct action, to finish the matter of Qinglong at the lowest cost!
"Stop!" Three simple words contain infinite power!
Time is still going on, the birds are still flying to the sky, the leaves are still being blown by the wind, but something seems to have stopped!

The master of the forest world stopped!
It can also be said to be a sudden brake. It forgets, forgets what it should do next, forgets what it is doing, and forgets why it is doing it!
"Where is this?!" The world ruler was a little confused!I don't know what's going on!

Then, Zhai Nan launched the field of deprivation!

At this moment, here, next to the core of the forest world, the Overlord turned into a dragon, a white dragon, as white as feathers, as holy as edelweiss!
Xiao Yu recognized Qinglong at a glance!But she also saw the diamond-shaped crystal between Qinglong's eyebrows!
This is by no means an evolution or an upgrade. It should be the master of this world, the core that tried to devour the green dragon!
At this time, Qinglong's eyes were dull, and he didn't know what to do or how to do it. After all, his consciousness had been disturbed by Zhai Nan, and he returned to it that hadn't created the world at the beginning!
"Qinglong, come out!" Zhai Nan said lightly!

Just when everyone in the audience was a little dazed, a ray of light emerged from Qinglong's body. Xiao Yu was the first to notice that position, it was Qinglong's reverse scale!

"Have you regained consciousness now?" Zhai Nan asked!
"Recovered, thank you sir!"

With this very gentle voice, Xiao Yu couldn't bear it at that time.

"Brother Qing, is that you?!" At this moment, it was as if time traveled back to the time when a few people, or a few four-dimensional beasts knew each other and met each other.

That familiar feeling, that familiar smell, came back again, and it was no longer the smell of wood scum just now!
"Lord Huanglong, long time no see!" Mizonglong said with an anthropomorphic smile.

Both parties were in tears at this moment, this scene was really touching, but now there are more important things than this matter, Zhai Nan felt that it should be arranged as soon as possible.

"Stop reminiscing about the old days, hurry up and devour this stuff first, it should be a great supplement to you!" Zhai Nan interrupted the atmosphere of reminiscing about the past with a glance at the two beasts!

"Yes, yes, I really need this energy too much. At that time, I was really dizzy!" Qinglong still had that kind of gentle tone, which made people sound very comfortable.

"Go quickly, don't waste time, finish early and rest early!" Zhai Nan said very straightforwardly.

"Okay!" The subconsciousness of Mizonglong, or Qinglong disappeared quickly, and he directly picked out the diamond-shaped energy crystal on the forehead of the sluggish body, and swallowed it into his stomach in one gulp!

Then this lost dragon, the reverse scale of Qinglong, quickly returned to Qinglong's body!

Then there are all kinds of upgraded apertures rising from the original place, which is called a spectacular, that is called a super special effect of bright blinding titanium dog eyes!

This time, Qinglong was not set up by others to kill pigs, nor was he patiently worn down by others plotting his own body!

Some just drive straight in without any resistance, as if something is wrong? !No matter what, when Qinglong opened his eyes after successfully absorbing the energy, only Old Zhao and a stranger in Taoist robes were left in front of him!

"Are you awake?!" Old Zhao said with a smile.

"Excuse me, what time is it now? Just now?"

"Don't stop just now, you have closed your eyes and upgraded, ah, no, it's been a whole month of retreat to digest energy cores!"

"This is Wu Daozi who was sent by the young master to keep the forest world from collapsing!" Old Zhao continued to introduce the situation at the scene.

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