No matter where, no matter what time, Zhai Nan feels that there are many laws in this world that are the same!

Just like the small restaurant that Lao Zhao brought them to, it is said that the ancestors of the owner used to be the royal cooks of the Summoning Empire, but they couldn’t do it later, so they passed down their skills. The two brothers are now one in Jiangxi. A cook at home, one is like a modern private club next to the palace, open a few small tables to entertain dignitaries!
Needless to say, this is Zhai Nan's first time in a place like this kind of private club!

The place is a courtyard house, even though it is near the palace, it is very quiet, the layout is not so high-end, but the style is still quite high!
"Old Zhao, is this the legendary nail?! Isn't it?" After Zhai Nan took his seat, he immediately thought of those undercover agents in TV dramas and so on. Seeing that there were no outsiders, he asked directly.

"Young master, you are wise!" Old Zhao Caihong offered it directly!If it were someone else, Lao Zhao would have to be a good friend if he could see through or not. If he was a subordinate or something, he would probably be in the cold right away, but who made Zhai Nan ask this out of curiosity?Anyway, this family is leaving today, so Lao Zhao might as well offer up such a rainbow fart!

This place is indeed a nail left by their royal family. It is not shameful to maintain their own rule!
Of course, because Zhai Nan was being entertained today, he had to have a good meal, so this was nothing to worry about. After all, the chef's family was not the only one to blame!
"Hey!" Zhai Nan praised his wit!
After the delicious food was served, Zhai Nan suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, let that great writer from the Jiang family come too." Zhai Nan said.

"OK!" Lao Zhao replied in a foreign style, which made Zhai Nan laugh.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the kid named Jiang Dong entered the door, before people had time to see what he looked like, they would kneel down to Zhai Nan and the others with a plop!

Then he kowtowed his head non-stop, making the whole room confused!

Lao Zhao quickly gave an order, and the man responsible for the afternoon mission quickly ran in and stopped the child.

"San'er, what's going on?!" Old Zhao asked his subordinates!
"Patriarch, it's like this!" Zhao San'er began to describe.

It turned out that after dinner today, the third child who was ordered by Lao Zhao was 120 attentive, and went to handle it quickly, and even used the dark line of today's chef's family. What I didn't expect was that this matter was done with a lot of virtue. up.

Because the entire Jiang family is blowing a storm, a storm aimed at Jiangdong!
It turns out that Jiangjia Jiangdong has always used the strategy of keeping a low profile. Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, in the past 16 years, no one has bothered him too much, or "kicked" him for nothing, just like the beautiful country before. It's as disgusting as Xia Guo, let's see how good you are, and Jiang Dong has been "playing dead" for a while, never revealing any of his strength.

Don't count on your father, it's just a symbol. It can be said that there is no emotional factor in the entire Jiang family. Even if there are two words of emotion, it is reflected in those people with good talents and good potential. Jiangling is a typical representative of them. !

Jiang Dong is just a little better than the Jiang family's underpowered servants, but his life is not bad. It's no problem to eat a restaurant, after all, he is also the child of the Jiang family's head!

The sudden situation this time was not because of Jiang Dong's ignorance of making poems in a restaurant, which caused his talent to be exposed, but because of Jiang Xiaoxiao, who he had been able to find the element of family affection for a long time!

Jiang Xiaoxiao, a young and kind girl, the youngest child of Jiang Tai's family, although she can't catch up with Jiang Ling's treatment, but it's not too bad.

One is because this child is of a very good background, she is Jiang Ling's own younger sister!As I said before, Jiang Ling's mother's family is not just for fun, it is also a powerful family in the entire Summoning Empire.The second reason is that this child's talent is indeed high, although it is not as good as her sister's litter of electric crocodiles, so disappointing, but it is still very good.

Jiang Xiaoxiao's Summoned Warcraft is also a very cherished species, and its name is - Venom Dragon! !
Just by listening to the name, you can tell that this is a very scary and dangerous creature. It is highly toxic. It is still a juvenile body, but if it grows into an adult body, such things as death and death will no longer be a legend, but can actually happen. Something's up!
Originally, Jiang Dong also felt that the two of them could not have any intersection, and there was only a nodding acquaintance, or if someone was polite, it would be quite good to call him. Unexpectedly, when Jiang Dong was playing in the garden one day, a cry directly alarmed him. he.

Hearing the sound and leaving, I saw the little girl was stung by something, crying in pain, Jiang Dong didn't want to care about it at first, but seeing the little girl crying miserably, Xin Xin felt sympathetic, after all, this is also his sister, used My own exclusive formula, which is also the insect repellent ointment I "summarized" when I went out for a "walk" sometimes, it has a certain pain-relieving and itching-relieving effect.

I didn't expect that this smear would have a miraculous effect, the little girl stopped crying immediately, because the relationship between the two siblings became very good, and because they were busy, their parents and sisters didn't have time to accompany the little girl, so Jiang Dong became the little girl's relatives!
The maids are also more grateful to Jiangdong because of this matter, because if the wife finds out, they will not die or be disabled, and the treatment will definitely not be much better!
It is precisely because of such conditions that the relationship between Jiang Dong and Jiang Xiaoxiao's brother and sister is getting deeper and deeper, but Jiang Dong still has some rationality, such as not explaining his talent and summoning monsters. The summoned beast used to block the gun, a water arrow turtle was summoned to relieve the embarrassing anger.

But other things are really unbearable sometimes. The whole family, even his mother who he thinks should be dependent on him, just regards him as a "golden egg" climbing high.

People, even when going to the toilet, if they have time, they will definitely choose the cleanest pit, unless it is too late!Now that I have a clean and warm pit, sometimes I really can't help but give it all away!

"This is our secret, Xiao Xiao!"

"En!" Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded seriously!She also admires this very talented brother who knows astronomy and geography.

But just the day before, Jiang Xiaoxiao officially entered the private school at home. Unexpectedly, due to the accumulation of too much knowledge, the teacher thought he was a genius!
This incident alarmed Jiang Xiaoxiao's mother in the first place!

How could a little girl resist Lao Jianghu's temptation and questioning, so Jiangdong was "exposed" like this! !

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