"And the most important point is that this swordfish can almost be used as a hard currency in the entire Summoning Empire, because of its attribute, time!"

"Oh?!" Zhai Nan was really interested this time, this is also the first time he heard that a creature has such an absolutely powerful attribute ability!
"How could such a strong ability become a meal?!" Zhai Nan asked.

"Hey, I really have to explain this to you, because this kind of fish—"

"Isn't your brain good?!" Zhai Nan has learned to answer quickly!
"Hehehehe, of course not, of course not, but it's about the same, hehe!" Lao Zhao didn't dare to refute the reasons Zhai Nan said directly, after all, this was Zhai Nan's interest!

"Because once this swordfish uses its time energy in a crisis, it will have a very serious side effect, that is, its body will be destroyed by mysterious power, but if it is not used, it will be made delicious like it is now, The time ability contained in it is almost completely preserved, and the person who eats it will have a momentary feeling that he is in a state of rejuvenation, which is very magical!" Lao Zhao didn't hold back, and quickly explained the reason, saving Zhai Nan for a while. Moth reason!

"I'll go, isn't this a poison that looks like a fish?!" Zhai Nan couldn't calm down anymore.

But he really believed what Lao Zhao introduced, because wasn't that mysterious power the eroding force of the long river of time? !At this stage, Zhai Nan also knows that he can truly swim upstream, and no one else exists at all, so it is normal for the saury fish's body to be broken into pieces!
"Yeah, people who ate it for the first time were very surprised, but this kind of delicacy was a bit hard to come by, until later people found a way to control the Lanjiang water with saury, and then boiled the saury slowly like a frog in warm water. Cook it and then process it, but there is also a probability of failure, so the price of this delicacy has remained high, let alone the ones that I entertained you today." Old Zhao's chest was raised high, with a clear expression on his face Four big characters - "Hurry up and praise me!"

Zhai Nan smiled when he heard this and said, "Old Zhao is interested!" In an instant, Old Zhao became extremely beautiful!

Of course, Zhai Nan was not polite, so he gave Qingzi one, and then added another one himself!
"Not bad!" Zhai Nan immediately felt the feeling that Lao Zhao said before, it was a comfort!
Haruko and the others also felt a little strange, but it didn't last long, and they returned to normal in a short while.

Next, Lao Zhao also started to introduce other colors, but Zhai Nan stopped him loudly because he couldn't afford it. If Zhai Nan didn't stop him, Lao Zhao could talk like forever at this dining table.

"Okay, it's almost enough to eat!" Zhai Nan said, but after seeing Xiaoyu and Xiaobai still in the "wind and cloud", Zhai Nan added another sentence, "Let them eat, let's go !"

"Yes!" Lao Zhang rushed to the branch to Hedong

"Not to mention this restaurant, the taste is really good, but what interests me more are these interesting poems!" Zhai Nan said to Lao Zhao, pointing to the poems and songs in the restaurant.

"Hey, young master, this is also the biggest feature of this restaurant. Anyone who thinks they have ink in their belly can leave their own paintings on this wall!" Old Zhao explained. "Of course, if you are interested, you can leave your own calligraphy!"

"That's not necessary, but I want to ask, can you find those poets who have left some excellent works?!"

"Don't worry, as long as you think about it, there is nothing Lao Zhao can't do in the Summoning Empire! Eh? Why are your eyes a little dizzy?!" Lao Zhao unconsciously started the operation of eye exercises!
Zhai Nan could only be speechless.

After Lao Zhao finished shaving his eye sockets, Zhai Nan didn't go around in circles, and directly pointed to the poem "I Eat Fish" to directly control Lao Zhao's important person!

Lao Zhao was not too foolish and quickly asked his men to look for him.

It didn't take long to find it. It turned out that the author of this poem was right outside the door, and he was also one of those people who complained about not being able to eat fish today!

But when he saw this person, Old Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't ask his subordinates to bring him up, but went to Zhai Nan alone to explain the situation!

"Young master, why don't you see this person?!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" The more this happened, the more interested Zhai Nan became. Who is not curious, especially when they hear such stories or accidents, they are very interested!

Lao Zhao saw all this and could only begin to introduce it. With the in-depth introduction, Zhai Nan got a rough impression!

It turns out that the author of this poem is the well-known Jiang family, that is, Jiang Ling's younger brother who has a nest of lightning crocodiles as summons, Jiang Dong created it!
But although they are said to be biological brothers, in fact they were not born from the same mother.As mentioned before, for the big families of the Summoning Empire, especially the Summoning royal family that controls a world, spreading branches and leaves has become their exclusive compulsory course!
Jiang Ling's voice as the next head of the Jiang family is too high in the Jiang family. Even Jiang Ling's father, the current head of the Jiang family, Jiang Tungsten, thinks so!

In addition, Jiang Ling's natal family is also a first-class powerful family in the Summoning Empire. Both manpower, material and financial resources are exaggerated, so even this young man named Jiang Dong is very good, and even has a talent that is not inferior to his sister. ——He can also summon a nest of very good summoned beasts at once, the same thing!
Jiang Dong didn't want to have any burdens, especially since his mother was just a tool for dealing with physical problems after the cheap father's impulsiveness, not to mention the fate of his mother's maidservant's birth. Jiang Dong felt that it was best not to be killed. !
So he made himself look like this on purpose, eating, drinking and having fun, because not only would he be comfortable because of his status as a child of the Jiang family, but it would also allow people not to pay attention to him!Live longer!

"Why are you so clear?!" Zhai Nan understood, but he also had doubts.

"Hehe, habits, occupational habits." Old Zhao quickly explained, in fact, children of this kind of family, especially those with very good talents, have already entered the scope of the watch list, even if it is such a person who is deliberately dusty!

"How old is this man, you haven't said yet?" Zhai Nan continued to ask.

"Well, Jiang Dong is 16 years old this year. He just celebrated his birthday. This poem was created on his birthday. Originally, the owner of the shop thought it was too poorly written. Unexpectedly, it was given by someone with a heart, that is, Jiang Ling's mother. It has been used, and it has been kept until today, and it has become the joke of the entire Surabaya City before and after the Chinese New Year!

The corners of Zhai Nan's mouth rose slightly, and he thought he was right—"This is the taste of the protagonist's script!"

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