Of course, Zhai Nan still used his mobile phone to search a wave, so as not to be a layman. Now it’s not like in the past. You can only listen to what people say and accept it passively. Nowadays, people can actively search and obtain it.

After searching on the mobile phone, Zhai Nan found out that GRAFF is famous all over the world for its rare diamonds and classic jewelry, which can be passed down from generation to generation, making it a better choice for family heirlooms.

It is one of the top five luxury jewelry companies in the world, and in the field of diamonds, he said that it is second, and no one dares to be called first. It is known as the diamond among diamonds!
It looks really bluffing.

As soon as you enter the door, it is indeed resplendent and resplendent. If there are as many Versailles as there are, there will be as many Versailles as there are!All the luxurious idioms you can think of can be used in this store.

The manager of this store obviously received the news in advance and was waiting at the door. However, the store manager is a woman. She looks to be in her early 30s. She doesn’t wear any jewelry or anything like that. She just wears a simple brand-name ol outfit. The natural oval face is full of beauty and elegance, and it looks high-end at first glance.

The store manager is also observing the two people who came here. The man's shorts and vest are ordinary and he looks pretty good, but the woman next to him is so beautiful. The store manager thinks he has the right to stand out from the crowd in the society. Only then did I know that there is a phoenix in this world!The kind that shines!

"Hey, hurry up and welcome!" The Patek Philippe store manager hurriedly poked Graf's store manager, telling her to turn around.

"Oooh, the main thing is that Mrs. Ma'am is too dazzling, which made me a little stunned for a moment. Please come inside, Mr. Ma'am." The store manager Graf hurriedly explained.

Haruko was smiling the whole time, and Zhai Nan also borrowed the expression of a boy with a smirk, coped with the matter, and said to himself, if you look at me, I don't know? !The eyeballs are almost hanging on Haruko!
Perfunctory each other!

The manager of Patek Philippe said hello and left.

Graf, the store manager, hurriedly led the two people to visit and choose.

Looking at the counters, Zhai Nan couldn't help but admire that Graf's cowhide is really not just a bragging rights, the quality is very good, and there is one characteristic, that is, it is big!

As we all know, Tianxing's science and technology can completely use carbon to synthesize precious jewelry like diamonds, so many people say that diamonds are the scam of the century and the IQ tax.The reality is that if you buy a lot of diamonds, that's true.

But in fact, due to the very high requirements for diamond formation, even if synthetic diamonds can reach hundreds of carats, the two can be clearly distinguished.

Natural diamonds are quite different from man-made diamonds in terms of crystal shape, crystal plane characteristics, growth lines, and fluorescence characteristics.

There is another level that is more difficult to operate, that is, the degree of purity and man-made traces are not easy to solve under the current conditions, so not all natural gemstones are scams.A few carats are still very valuable for collection.

Let’s go back to the Graff jewelry store, the counters Zhai Nan looked at were all big ones, the smallest ones were over two carats, and under the effect of the lights, it was really dizzying.

Haruko, on the other hand, was in high spirits and seemed very interested.

Zhai Nanxin said that it seems that he is about to bleed heavily, and he must ask if Qingzi is also a dragon when he has time, otherwise why is he so interested in shiny things.

This is Zhai Nan's otaku mentality. In fact, in this world, not only women, but even men are also fascinated by jewelry. Haruko is just particularly interested in this.

"Let's wrap up what we saw just now." When Zhai Nan said this, the scene was extremely quiet, and only Qingzi was still picking up the tour counter.

"Sir, what you just read requires at least—"

"Swipe the card!" Zhai Nan didn't want to listen to their explanations anymore. It was quite fresh to play Zhai Nan once, and then he just felt bored. This was also affected by the mentality of an otaku. After all, it has been ten years from completing tasks to cultivating pets!Either at home or on an island.

"Okay, okay sir, I'll put it on for you."

"Okay, let them pretend. Just now the shop next door said that you have two peerless watches, and we want to see them." Zhai Nan didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained the purpose.

"Yes sir," only our VIPs can watch, now you are fully qualified, please follow me to the back. "The store manager hurriedly led the two people to the second floor.

There are two security guards at the entrance of the elevator on the second floor. Zhai Nan can feel the obvious energy fluctuations of these two tall and burly men in suits and leather shoes. Absolutely not bad, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a level of security.

Moreover, the second floor is very empty, with only a few showcases, but Zhai Nan was not interested in going to see it, because he was immediately attracted by the largest showcase in the middle.

"It's so beautiful!" Haruko also sighed at this time.

"It's really beautiful!" Zhai Nan also echoed.

There are also two Awakeners next to the largest display cabinet, but they are not as attractive as the two watches on the counter.

The store manager hurriedly introduced, "Sir, ma'am, these two watches are the top products made by Graf with a huge investment. Let's take a look at this colorful watch first. The name is Illusion. It was the most expensive gemstone in the world at that time. The watch, and this record has continued until now, with a price of 110 million yuan. It was unveiled at the World Watch and Jewelry Show a few years ago, and Graff participated for the first time. The incredible price stems from the rarity of [-] carats and real big color diamonds set in a platinum bangle. If you take a closer look at the stones, you can see that in the middle of it there is a small quartz dial with pink diamonds. All that makes way for luxury , so in terms of mechanical technology, we admit that there is indeed a lack."

“Another solid color diamond watch, which we call the Heart of Charm, is composed of 153 carats of flawless white diamonds, carefully selected for their color, and is set with a 38.13 carats of flawless pear-shaped diamonds. Although not as dazzling and colorful as the illusion next to it, the unique 38-carat pear-shaped diamond symbolizes uniqueness and eternal charm. This watch is priced at 3 million."

“Both watches are subject to lifelong maintenance. If you have any questions, you can come to our brand store for consultation and maintenance at any time.”

"Good guy, it's really expensive!"

Haruko also nodded. Haruko is also a perfect artificial human. She has been exposed to the information bombardment on her mobile phone for a long time, and she knows no less than Zhai Nan. In this society, no one is willing to spend a lot of money on such a luxury. Everyone More pursuits are a special product in World of Warcraft. People can become taller, faster, stronger, have more potential, and can increase physical stats. Therefore, Haruko feels that there is no need for luxury goods with this stat. But women, even artificial humans, can't hide their liking for this kind of thing.

The store manager also knows that this is indeed a bit too expensive, even though they have bought more than [-] million just now, these two watches are indeed a bit too extravagant.But it's normal, the store manager adjusts his mentality and is going to let the two of them look at other showcases. Even if they don't buy them, it's worth introducing and explaining to them carefully.

"Master, let's go." Qingzi is also very sensible. After all, this thing is not like a yacht, it is just a carry-on. There are already a lot of them at home and what I just bought.

"Swipe your card."

"I want both."

Not to mention the store manager was stunned, even the bluffing security guards were also stunned.

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