Just when everyone thought that the process should be like this, something unexpected happened in the semi-finals promotion match in the afternoon!
The black boy who possessed a legendary monster like the Death Singer was actually defeated by a disciple sent by Shaolin, the young monk Kong Wen!

It all starts with the lottery ceremony at noon. There are a total of eight people, two-two duels. The default rule in everyone's heart should be that the three Tianxing teenagers should face the opposing boy who summoned the empire. But when the lottery is divided into groups, Maybe it was bad luck, the little monk Kongwen from Shaolin was actually drawn together with David!
This is so surprising!
"What's going on?" This is also the doubt in Zhai Nan's heart. Although Zhai Nan knows that it is the 21st century now and there are fewer messy things, he still can't help but ask Mowan what is going on!
"Master, don't worry, I found an interesting thing. This little monk may benefit a lot from it." Mowan quickly explained with a smile. "That's why I did it."

"Don't make any trouble!" Zhai Nan warned.

"Don't worry about this, I am definitely not groundless, you can just watch it later!"

"Heh, I'm pretty good at showing off!"

"No, it's just that I can't say it clearly now. It mainly depends on whether this little monk has that ability."

"Okay, let's get started."

Zhai Nan just put down the phone and didn't say anything, but the call was made in front of everyone, and those present could hear it clearly.

People are also ready to watch patiently, at least Lao Zhao thinks it's very warm—see?Don't treat me like an outsider!

As a result, many people on the Internet and in the Summoning Empire who said it was a shady story about the afternoon game immediately shut up. Except for some gangsters who said it was to keep a place in the top four instead of being wiped out and losing face, many felt that It seems so unfair that people have shut their mouths!
By the way, this little monk Kongwen has a lot of background. Although he is not the best among the tens of thousands of disciples in Shaolin, and many people inside don't think well of him. He thinks this guy is too maverick. Crazy!

The little monk Kongwen, whose real name is Li Wen, has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. He is the third eldest in his family with an older brother and an older sister!

When he was three years old and just opened his mind, suddenly one day, Li Wen said to his family with a smile.

"Father, mother, brothers and sisters, I originally decided to fulfill my filial piety before entering Buddhism, but now God has given such a happy family, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, please send me to Shaolin, if something happens in the future, Or if you miss me, you can come to the temple to see me. Of course, it would be better to bring me some delicious food!"

This sentence was originally in classical Chinese, but the author translated it for everyone by the way, so it looks happy, but no matter what, a three-year-old child can say this kind of words, people can't be too shocked!
So no matter what, Li Wen's parents will take the child to the hospital to see what's going on. Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not a psychiatric hospital at all. A new department was opened, but this department is in charge of the Awakened Administration Bureau. That is to say, if some people suddenly awaken some abilities and don’t know what to do, the hospital has a special department that can answer questions, so as to prevent people from being afraid. Of course, there are also considerations for maintaining stability.

But at that time, the Awakened Administration Bureau was still a grass-roots team, so it would also coordinate with the sect, and let the sect take turns to relieve the pressure on manpower, just like when the Awakened University was just established.

Five years ago, Li Wen's parents took Li Wen to this department. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or an arrangement. This day happened to be the rotation of the head of Zen Buddhism in Shaolin.

"Little monk, are you in a good state?"

It wasn't that the person in charge of the Zen sect praised Li Wen, but Li Wen praised him as soon as they met. One can imagine how funny the scene was at that time!

He said a few more common words and the person in charge knew on the spot that this child was definitely not taught by his parents on purpose. Even he couldn't understand some of the verses, so he quickly contacted the abbot!
At that time, the master was still the abbot Shi Ran who was known as the abbot of Luohan. Hearing this kind of thing, he didn't hesitate and hurried over!

It is said that when he woke up this morning, he found many auspicious omens. He heard the birds playing, saw the sky clearing after the rain, and passed by the rose flowers in bloom. He had a feeling that maybe everything today was for this matter. Prelude to preparation.

As soon as Abbot Arhat Shiran entered the door, Li Wen had already turned his head as if waiting for him, and the two just looked at each other.

Of course, this glance will not cause Shi Ran to fall into a bloody plot, but Shi Ran has a feeling that Li Wen is the master and he is the disciple.

"Everyone is called Arhat, as if the living Buddha has reappeared, and today he is relieved to see it, hey! Only the real one can see the Buddha!"

As soon as Li Wen heard this verse, he would probably have knelt down if Abbot Shiren's palace was not deep enough and his Taoism was high enough!

Shi Ran wasn't idle either, he just kicked up and confused people, of course, this kick was just for fun, otherwise Li Wen's parents wouldn't do it!
"I don't care what gods you are, I have the final say here!" I didn't explain it in the previous article. The abbot was from Beijing. He hadn't used it in so many years, but Li Wen had to break his defense!

The person in charge of the Zen monastery next to him knelt down to watch all this. Fortunately, his mother passed away a few years ago. Otherwise, when he saw this scene, he would have to ask why he knelt down to watch it!
The end result is very simple, that is, Shi Ran announces that Li Wen is his closed disciple, bestows the dharma title, Kong Wen, and Kong Wen becomes the youngest junior under the direction of the current Shaolin master!

This time when Kong Wen heard the promotion of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference, he directly found Shi Ran who was retreating. He didn't say too much, just five words, "Old man, make arrangements!"

Don't ask, the first two words are for free!

Shi Ran looked at the disciple in front of him who had almost stolen all the chickens around Songshan Mountain, and wanted to go over and think about it or forget it, so he could only say solemnly, "Why do you just go, you bastard? Send it away? !"

"Damn it, the old man looks down on people?! I have real capital!"

"Good guy, you're saying you're rich even before your hair grows?"

"Old man, you seem to be involved in pornography!"

"Hurry up and stop talking nonsense, let me see if you have the capital, or steal your chicken!"

"Old man, there is something wrong with you!"

"What's wrong is better than what you want to send directly!"

"Hey! I have a bad temper!" Li Wen was wrong, he should be talking about Kong Wen at this moment, he moved his palms together and put them together!
Boom-! ! !
In the entire Songshan Shaolin Temple, everyone seemed to hear the sound of the bell!

"The Golden Body of Arhat!!!" Shi Ran immediately jumped up!

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