The two sides can be said to be evenly matched, but the real fire has been fought, and there is no longer the composure that used to restrain each other. Due to the appearance of casualties, now the two sides are really enemies of life and death! !

Not to mention the sword qi, the tricks are also vicious, what hurts the innocent, and in the future, they will all be thrown out of the sky. The current situation is that as long as they are not one of them, the dead are the safest and most should have! !
Lu Xiangnan just went to take care of the supporters, and when he heard the news, he also rushed back from the mountain with someone to join the battle group! !
If this fight continues like this, it will probably end in a lose-lose situation!

This is not what Jiang Yuxing and Lu Tianya want to see, sometimes Jiang Yuxing!
After all, this place can be said to be his private property now, even if the flowers and plants continue to be trampled on like this, he will feel distressed!
In addition, he didn't expect that Lu Tianya would also quietly advance to the realm of the fusion of human and sword. The two of them will fight to a tie. If they try their best, neither of them may win!
Jiang Yuxing already has the fruits of today's victory. If he works hard here, it will definitely make it easier for outsiders. This is something he absolutely does not want to see!

After fighting with Lu Tianya, he had something to worry about!

"Junior brother!" Jiang Yuxing took the initiative to speak after the two of them finished a move!

"You'd better go down the mountain, I don't want to make any more troubles and cause more killings!!"

Jiang Yuxing also spoke the truth. Of course, the main reason is that there is no need for hard steel now. When the other party leaves the mountain gate, just these people eat and sleep. Jiang Yuxing feels that the Tianya family will be dragged to death. Gao, isn't it a sudden blow from the auspicious day of Huang Dao, isn't it done? !It is completely unnecessary to fight to the death now!

Lu Tianya is not stupid, he knows that the other party obviously doesn't want to fight anymore, and he doesn't have any idea that the more the other party objects, I will do whatever. He just wants to get out of this shithole as soon as possible, even if it is, any life and death enmity is not important to him up!

Of course, it is only Lu Tianya's idea to persuade others to be kind in this world!

"Then it depends on what senior brother will do!" Lu Tianya stopped and said.

"I didn't want to be entangled, and I also expressed the greatest sincerity. You and I know why the situation is now, so please show some sincerity now, brother!!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuxing didn't think too much, nodded in agreement, and then went straight to his side of the crowd!All kinds of loud shouts to stop, and even beheaded two people who had no intention of stopping, people gradually stopped! !

"Get the fuck back, otherwise it will be difficult to say what I do today!!" Facing the person who stopped, Jiang Yuxing first gave a direct warning, and then winked at several people before someone left!

Still a little unwilling, after all, Lu Xiangbei's sword just now killed or injured their friend, I want to see again, after all, Lu Xiangbei and Yu Wenxiang are still fighting for their lives, which is not within the scope of these people at all!

But Jiang Yuxing obviously didn't want to have any more accidents, so he just scolded and beat the crowd away!

"What I said doesn't work, does it?! If it doesn't work, get out of here!!"

This sentence is still very threatening, and finally some people are so popular that they stomp their feet and leave! !

Similarly, although Lu Tianya here was not as violent as what he did, he also said similar things.

In this way, in front of the entire Lu family's courtyard, there is only a pair of "Happy Enemies" left!
Lu Xiangbei and Yu Wenxiang really fought this time. Between the two, Yu Wenxiang was slightly better by one point, but that was the old calendar 10 minutes ago. Even because of Lu Xiangbei's advanced work experience of "studying" abroad for 15 years, he is even slightly better than Yu Wenxiang now!
The two sides are also quite embarrassed, after all, this is life and death!

At this time, Jiang Yuxing and Lu Tianya looked at each other, and they didn't make any moves. The two of them were surprisingly in agreement at this moment - let them fight! !

The two people also know each other very well, regardless of the short time of contact, the behavior habits of the other party, and the weaknesses of the moves and routines are all thoroughly studied!

In addition, the two sides used Sun Tzu's art of war, showing the enemy to be weak, attacking east and west, seeking survival from death, and even some tricks that made Jiang Yu feel ashamed when he looked at Lu Tianya, which was unexpected!

Finally, the two of them could no longer use the Taoist-level swords in their hands. After all, the swords also require a lot of spiritual power to be driven!

So the two tacitly put away their swords and began to fight each other with their awakened abilities!


Both of them are awakened wind elements, as if they were destined to be a pair of opponents, and all kinds of methods are used again!

Since neither of them has reached the level of the field, they only have conventional methods that can be used. This gives Jiang Yuxing and Lu Tianya the opportunity to intervene directly!

"Brother, I hope this time, there will be no more tricks!"

"I also hope you don't add some exclusive content here!"

After the two people finished speaking, they went to each other's hands, and directly drove away the other party's person!There is no sloppiness in the slightest! !Not to mention giving the opponent any chance to use any tricks! !
"Dad, just let them go like this?!" Lu Xiangbei asked unwillingly even though his whole body was a little wilted because of the big battle.

Yu Wenxiang also asked his master similar words.

But the two people got exactly the same answer - "The days are long!"

Unlike Jiang Yuxing and his apprentice who left directly, the father and son were planning to leave after taking some personal belongings. Unexpectedly, the movement in the house directly attracted the attention of the two of them! !

"This is our home?" Looking at the dilapidated, even collapsed Lu family's house, Lu Xiangbei was a little confused!
Then he became a little angry. There are only two possibilities. One is that someone fished in troubled waters and entered Lu's house while everyone was not paying attention!The second is to think that this is definitely the result of that bastard Yu Wenxiang acting as a demon.

But just when he was thinking of doing it again, Zhai Nan appeared with a child. The child looked about ten years old, but for some reason, he looked weak and without any spirit.

The two rushed to meet him. Lu Xiangbei was fine, but Lu Tianya couldn't help looking at the child.

"Xiang Bei, look at this child, he looks so much like Xiao Wei." Lu Tianya's gaze on the child stopped moving a little.

Zhai Nan didn't care about putting the ashes on his body, so he quickly threw a healing technique over, and took out a cow leg with ease, and handed it to the child! !
"Thank you uncle!"

Only then did the child who took the cow leg see Lu Xiangbei and Lu Tianya, and blurted out——

"Grandpa, old uncle!!"

After saying that, he started to eat happily! !

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