As a member of the foodie army, Alice wouldn't have realized that she could eat so much if the head of the group, Monte, hadn't yelled to wake herself up!
Really, Xiaguo’s food is so delicious, people have never eaten a meal so satisfied, Alice even noticed that some staunch vegetarians in some orchestras eat meat better than anyone else, and their posture is better than anyone else’s. She was much scarier than gobbling it up just now!
Fortunately, the head of the group called a stop in time, otherwise today's performance must have been ruined, and I would lose my job by then, and I would never be able to eat such a sumptuous food again.

"It's okay, Mr. Monte, if you can't finish eating, you can take it away. I will prepare it for you after the performance." At this time, the artificial intelligence robot next to him said.

As a result, the people who heard this sentence began to put everything in the banquet hall on themselves. If they don't take it at this time, when will they take it? !What's more, the master has allowed it!

Even Monte couldn't care less about his image!

After the meal, it should be said that it was after the war. Monte forced everyone to pack their luggage and go out for a walk. At this time, the sun just rose. Although people were sleepy, the beautiful scenery also made people feel refreshed and enjoyed the moment.

Many people call this place heaven, because the sky is blue, the grass is green, and the scenery is more perfect than the photos!
It's a pity that the owner here has defined the scope, otherwise I really want to take a look inside the villa at the top, which is like a dream castle.

At this time, Zhai Nan in the castle also woke up. After grooming, Zhai Nan was also eating pancakes and fruit for breakfast, looking at the scenery in the distance. He liked this very much, because he could proceed with the next steps with more energy. Busy work - play games!
But let’s forget about it today, if you want to watch the performance, there was no condition in the past, but now Zhai Nan decided to spare time to watch it, what he wants is this kind of immersive feeling.

So Zhai Nan has asked Ah Hua to arrange a lot of performing groups like the Aier Orchestra, from symphony to heavy metal, except for cross talk, Zhai Nan thinks he should enjoy it.

Don't go out this time!Zhai Nan thinks there should be no problem!He really got mad when he had a problem. After all, the last time he stayed at home, the operation of blowing up the villa to the sky already made him very unhappy!If it weren't for the feeling of home here, Zhai Nan wouldn't have returned to this newly built villa that smelled of formaldehyde.

Read the news, and then calculate the fortunes of the four of Xiao Yu and the four of them. It will be 08:30 in the morning. Send the old guys from the four sects other than retreat, that is, the elders, to build a team together, and strengthen it by the way Popularity, after all, performance groups rely on the audience's feedback to be more involved. Otherwise, Zhai Nanqingzi plus Wang Jianguo's family of five, and at most one more tiger, it can only be a mechanical performance, it is better to watch an artificial intelligence robot.

Zhai Nan was also a little surprised by the costumes of these old guys who had just been sent here.

They are all dressed in standard evening gowns, their hair is meticulously combed, and it looks like it has been carefully taken care of. The white square scarf on the chest and the shiny leather shoes are really a proper aristocratic party!
It turns out that yesterday when Zhai Nan told Cheng Jing, Lei Yue, and Kaishan that the four of them wanted to build a team, and the content was to listen to a symphony or something, the four of them quickly discussed it. On such an important occasion, it was the third official team building ( The first time was regarded as the cave meeting by default, and it was considered a landmark event! The second time was the action of sending Hengshan to Swinger together!).

It is still such a formal and elegant event, so it must not be messed up, so the four sects exchanged opinions with each other, actively offered advice and suggestions, and finally decided on this plan.
As a result, the tailors at the four sects' residences and nearby private tailors worked overtime overnight to tailor the gowns to prepare for this morning's performance.

So there was such a scene, a group of old men in neat dresses, but Zhai Nan's big pants and hurdle vest looked extremely out of place.

At this time, Wang Jianguo's family also came over. He was originally a vest and shorts, and he quickly wrapped up his family in casual clothes and hurried home, and the family hurriedly changed into them under the scolding of his wife Li Na!

"I said to be more formal, but you have to say no! Are you making a fool of yourself?! The whole family is embarrassing to you......"

Li Na gave Wang Jianguo an "ideological and political education class" while changing her clothes. Old Wang knew he was wrong, so he didn't even dare to speak.

Zhai Nan, who was standing there, was extremely speechless.

He wanted to stop Wang Jianguo's family, but Qingzi stopped him.

"Young master, don't stop me, after all, this is everyone's wish." Haruko persuaded.

"I understand, what's the matter with your cheongsam?!" Zhai Nan was stunned!
Not only was he dumbfounded, but everyone present was also dumbfounded. Zhai Nan was surprised that Qingzi had prepared enough. If the new Chinese-style cheongsam hadn't been prepared in advance, it would be [-]% impossible for it to fit so well!

And the others were stunned because Haruko didn't bring magic today!

Showing her true face, she is even more beautiful than the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, which makes people suffocate, but the word suffocation is correct, because an old man at the scene has already passed out directly, lack of oxygen!

So Zhai Nan had no choice but to pull her into a dress that was very wrapping, don't be so bumpy, or she would be killed!

Boss Qingzi was not happy, so Zhai Nan could only carry out a serious "ideological education"!
The performance was delayed for an hour, and the end result was that when the Irish Orchestra stepped onto the open-air performance platform cut from a single block of marble, they saw a group of people in formal clothes surrounded by two completely misfits, one of whom was not bad but casually dressed. clothes, and the other old man's clothes are nothing more than vests and shorts. He should change with those old men behind him.

Because Zhai Nan was amazed that the entire stage was made of marble and it didn't last more than 2 minutes. People looked at Zhai Nan and whispered something.

Zhai Nan, who has such a good physique, heard clearly and could only roll his eyes.

At this time, Monte, who was the head of the team, stepped forward.

"Get ready, otherwise no one will get a penny!"

Everyone immediately stopped discussing, and quickly and professionally adjusted their positions, the angles of the instruments and the layout of the score.

It seems that money ability is the most powerful ability in this world!
But when Monte was ready and ready to bow, an accident happened.

Monte swears that he just glanced at it, just one glance!It fell completely like that, and even passed out directly.

There were a few people who were close, and hurried over to check the situation. When they looked up, they saw something inadvertently, and they were just stunned.

There's no way, Haruko with pear blossoms and rain is so charming, and she added more adjectives to the word "beautiful".

Regardless of whether they are men, women like Alice have also fallen.

Zhai Nan directly asked Mowan to get out and deal with it, and sent Haruko back to the castle villa by the way.

"Let me tell you, I can't watch the show like this." Zhai Nan said helplessly.

Haruko didn't speak, just shed tears again from being wronged.

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