Then, Zhai Nan raised a finger and pointed at the place where Suzaku was. A beam of light poured from his finger onto Suzaku, covering her whole body.

Xuanwu frowned at first, but just as he was about to say something, Xiao Yu teleported him to him.

"Don't speak, don't question, just watch."

"Yes, my lord!" Xuanwu clapped his hands and said yes, without further questioning.

The light finally poured out, and Suzaku also developed a transformation under the light. Her long fiery red hair seemed to be burning all the time, and the crown that had been burning on the top of her head turned into a golden hairpin and stayed on top of her head.

Looking at the appearance again, the flaming red lips come with a breathtaking Buff blessing!Looking at the figure, if I use an inappropriate word to describe it, it is round and smooth!Charming!
Dressed in a fluttering red dress, the picture on the scene is just two words that have no cultural connotation but are just right—beautiful!
At this moment, Xuanwu didn't even care about thanking him, he rushed over like the wind and hugged the person he was thinking about day and night!

Of course, the utterance of one sentence is a bit cheap, but it doesn't hurt.

"Xiaohong, I have found you." After Xuanwu finished speaking, he hugged Suzaku and cried for a while!Suzaku also shed tears from the corners of her eyes.

Everyone present except Zhai Nan was crying, including Qingzi, the little tiger was also crying. The purest emotion in this world can resonate with all creatures.

Why didn't Zhai Nan cry? It was because he was comforting Qingzi. At this time, the old man needed to comfort his big baby.

Moreover, Zhai Nan, whose heart of gossip is burning, needs more urgently to let these two people quickly tell their stories.

But the two were still crying, as if they were going to cry 10 years of tears at once.

"Master, let me tell the story." Xiao Yu took the initiative to stand up and told the story of the two of them.

That has to start from the ancient times, but it's okay, needless to say, it's the beginning of the world, the first arrival of Hongmeng.

Xiao Yu started from the origin of the Sifang mythical beast.

The four mythical beasts were originally powerful beasts from various planes of space. They arrived at Tianxing by chance and destiny. Because of their strong mana, that is, their attribute values, they were conferred as guardian beasts of the four directions, and they were enshrined by the civilization of the ancient Xia Kingdom. .

At that time, Sanqing didn't know where to study. At that time, there was no such thing as conferring gods and killing robberies. There were only some ancient powerful people who walked between heaven and earth, competed for various resources, and competed in various competitions. fight.

Until the human beings who claim to be gods come from the top of Kunlun, they behave more like invaders. Compared with what Summoned World did to World of Warcraft at the beginning, it is not at 01:30. Summoned World is slavery anyway, and Make plans for WoW.And they are more like ruined, eaten and wiped clean!

Relying on their mighty power and possession of Taoist artifacts, they killed people and seized treasures, hunted and killed all kinds of ancient strange species, and even some powerful people began to tamper with the historical memory of the Tianxing plane!Trying to suppress forever!
As the leader and guardian of Sifang 10 years ago, the Sifang mythical beasts were not so pedantic, so of course they stepped forward and led the Tianxing indigenous people to rise up to resist!
This is how the thousands of years of war began. Countless people who are worthy of praise and tears have fought and died on the stars, bleeding. The four of them never give up, and they will never give up in every big battle!
But 10 years ago, during a special battle between immortals, the four guarding beasts were all besieged and seriously injured!As a result, they fell into a state of decline, and the Tianxing indigenous people entered a decline!

"Tell me specifically what's going on?" Zhai Nan became interested.

"That's the way it is, a traitor has appeared." Xiao Yu explained it with a little ease.


In any era, at any moment, there is no shortage of dog traitors, leaders, and pretentious people who are opportunistic, entrap teammates, and compatriots. Certainly, that battle where the traitor betrayed must have been bloody!
"Are all the traitors dead?"

"of course not!"

"????!!!!" Zhai Nan had a black question mark on his face.

"After Xuanwu found out who it was with our own abilities, we pretended not to know and used them to send false information to people from the fairy world."

"Tall, it's really tall!" Zhai Nan even started to admire Xiao Yu at this moment, he really deserves to be a master of strategy, no wonder it was so difficult to tame at the beginning, and he often played tricks!

"After many calculations, many people were sacrificed, and finally we worked together to completely destroy the teleportation formation on Kunlun Mountain, and released a cursed thing called the Sea of ​​Blood, which can cause the five degenerations of heaven and humans, and connect cause and effect. Things, but the price is that our realm has dropped one level again. And the aura of the entire star gradually disappeared, until a few days ago, the World of Warcraft suddenly connected, triggering the blood sea to connect cause and effect, and auras emerged again around the world, causing a collective awakening of living things."

"Let me guess, you were surrounded and killed by those traitors who didn't have time to deal with it!"

"That's right," Xiao Yu fell into deep thought at this moment, "Everyone knows that divine beasts are full of treasures of heaven and earth. Under the protection of the rulers of the time.”

"The first people to be surrounded and killed are Suzaku and Xuanwu. One has a single ability, the other has a huge body, and his actions are inconsistent. As long as he is willing to give up his Taoist weapons and pay attention to his methods, he is most likely to be surrounded and killed!"

"But they misjudged Xuanwu's strength! Even Xuanwu who fell into the realm! When he knew that Suzaku had an accident, Xuanwu ran away! Thus, there was the Himalayas, the Mariana Trench, and the broken iron Mine Island."

With his excellent knowledge of geography, Zhai Nan looked at the fragmented southeast islands on the map, looked at the islands that were intermittently connected to the Kangaroo Kingdom, and fell into deep thought!
This is really amazing destructive power!A continent was torn apart!
"Wait, I was led astray by you. I don't want to hear this. The great battle 10 years ago caused the aura of heaven and earth to almost disappear, and the stars of the sky almost became a locked cage. Why did you leave here to recharge your batteries? Don't talk about it, I'm not very interested, I just want to hear how this pair came together now!"

"Oh!" Xiaoyu quickly brought the focus back.

"The two of them established a profound revolutionary friendship when they fought against the aggression of the immortal world. Those who have lived from the prehistoric era to the present basically know about the two of them."

"It turns out it's - long-term love!" This reason is completely acceptable to Zhai Nan. Under many circumstances, this kind of thing will definitely happen.

"Okay, now the four of you are gathered together, it's good, you can fight together again." Zhai Nan sighed, "I can count them as the fulfillment of these two hard-working beasts."

"That's not true, the Qinglong is missing now." Xiaoyu added.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhai Nan said why he didn't understand?Why is Xiaoyu so strange, isn't she Qinglong? !

"Aren't you Qinglong?" Zhai Nan asked directly.

"Master, I am Huanglong."

"Huanglong? What is this?!" Zhai Nan hurriedly opened the database to refresh his knowledge, and he was shocked immediately after seeing it!

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