After this sentence, it was time to take action directly.

Although Zhai Nan looks down on the rudeness of foreigners who lack civility, he really appreciates the fact that they make as little noise as possible when they can.

Ask what you ask, say what you say, and say it after a beating to death!

Sagittarius obviously didn't think about sitting still and taking the initiative to attack. One person and one arrow are really treated equally, without any preference.

This Sagittarius no longer held back and fully displayed his hidden skills. Zhai Nan was very interested, so he took a look and found that "[-]% hit his target!"

This is a real "magic skill". No wonder this guy can handle that fruit of wisdom without anyone noticing it. As long as you use something and keep hitting it, it can be hit along the designed route. hit the set place.

This is really amazing, and it is definitely a skill with powerful rules.I don’t know how much better he is than standing up and sitting down.Zhai Nan complained ten thousand times in his heart, and finally regained his composure after the system's habitual three-word "Shall I go?"

So Zhai Nan continued to eat the melon, watching these energy arrows go straight to the door of the three of them. Each of them had their own tricks. Needless to say, Aquarius, the Wall of Sighs was done instantly in the cold air, but he had a little improvement on this. Wrap the whole person in ice, so that no matter whether it hits [-]% or not, the energy arrow will be consumed by the thick ice wall, and even if it reaches the eyes, it will have no power.

Let's talk about Capricorn, that's a lot more popular. Otakus are willing to call him the Golden Sword God. He wields the holy sword given by Athena and splits arrows. Of course, due to the rule of [-]% hit skills, energy arrows Become two pecking Capricorn eyes!

"Atomic Slash!" Capricornus muttered silently, and the screen was full of sword light, cutting the energy arrow into a state of almost slag. What's even more amazing is that as the slashing progressed, the passive skill with 100% hit was directly terminated!
Zhai Nan hurriedly decided to study further, and only then did he realize that this Scorpio has also awakened a very cool skill called Sword Slashing!

It sounds ordinary, but the name of this sword is different, he can cut everything.For example, marriage, just swing a sword, there is no need for too much manipulation.

But similar to 100% hits, you need to accumulate the number of slashes, and slowly get it done like peeling potatoes.

So the Capricorn warrior slashed wildly, and finally reduced [-]% to [-]%, turning it into bright spots all over the sky, which looked really pretty.

Just when these two people used their own methods to block or destroy the lightsaber, Li Kui, no, it was Li Kui of Virgo, and no, it was Gaza, the golden warrior of Virgo, who let the arrows attack him. When the wounded arrow touched Gaza's skin, it turned into a sky full of light, directly blowing up the whole person, but the smoke dissipated and he was unscathed!

This is really a much more shocking operation than the other two, so Zhai Nan looked at the mysterious him again.

"Physical training?! Man of steel?! Damn!" Seeing this, Zhai Nan was not calm.

This thing turns out to be a steel body similar to that of Superman. As long as certain trace elements are supplemented every day, a quenching and alchemy reaction can occur in the body, making the body and will become extremely hard and extremely strong! ! !

Now it has reached the level where it will not be damaged by entering a volcano, and it will not be damaged by pouring sulfuric acid. It can be called the terminator among human beings!Moreover, due to the high physical strength, strength, speed, and endurance are all first-class, as long as there is enough energy to replenish, it will be like a perpetual motion machine, which can be called terrifying!
"Is this a Virgo? This is simply a steel seat!" Zhai Nan couldn't help but sigh, no matter how strong the energy arrow of this Sagittarius is, it might just scratch this person's itch, and it is impossible to have any effect at all. Why is it so? The strong ones didn't know it before.

"Master, because he has been strictly kept secret by the Olympus Palace, he has never been shown to others. This is the first time he has shown up." A Hua explained.

Zhai Nan just nodded again and again, it's no wonder, just this hair, this shape, if it was born earlier, it would definitely become famous all over the world, and it can't be hidden.

"In this state, he should be no worse than Athena, right?"

"I don't know about this, because the strong man named Athena should have some unknown means that he hasn't used yet." A'hua explained, "But the archives show that Zeus discovered this Virgo warrior in the first place, and wanted to give him A title of Hercules, but he didn't like it very much, and instead asked Athena to become a golden warrior."

"You know this as well?"

"Master, the current system of Sparta is the same as that of the kings in the past. Athena Zeus talked with whom, and recorded everything as an epic for future generations to look up to. So someone recorded it, and because of Zeus's memory Ordinary, so the presence of this recorder is really needed."

"..." Those who didn't know thought that they had not traveled to a parallel world, but to the world of ancient Greek mythology.

While Zhai Nan was talking with Ah Hua, the Sagittarius Golden Warrior who had already run a certain distance was surrounded by three people. He couldn't run anymore, and now he might die!

"Aiolos, surrender! This is your last chance." Gaza stalked amidst the rainstorm of arrows, and said as he walked, if not all the places around him were exploding, Zhai Nan really thought this guy was on vacation !
Behind Aiolos, the ice castle has been built, and the Aquarius warrior is now on the fortress, watching quietly.

Under the castle, the Capricorn warrior held on to the holy sword and stood in place, with no expression on his face, the two of them had completely sealed off the back road!

"Hurrah--!" Aiolos finally stopped his useless attacks, gasping for breath, like a broken bellows, his eyes were full of incredible shock, he risked his life, but he didn't expect to change Come to such a result.I didn't expect the gap between the two sides to be so large.

"Okay, let me ask you one last time, where is the fruit of wisdom, hand it over, and you will not die, and I will keep my word." Gaza said with a smile, his face full of calmness.

"Haha, don't you want to? Come here and I'll tell you." Aiolos waved to him to come over.

"Okay." Gaza smiled and stepped forward.

When the two were almost face to face, Aiolos suddenly turned his head quickly, and shot a hearty arrow at Gaza's ear hole!
Even Zhai Nan was shocked, and with such a dark move, this guy is really a bit too good at playing!

It's a pity that the foreseeable situation is not the same. If you dare to come to Gaza, you are absolutely prepared, and a smile is the greatest self-confidence!

Gaza instantly held his neck with one hand, and raised a big goose high!

"It's itchy!"

Although the words are not serious, the ridicule is absolutely full!

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