While Wang Jianguo was still thinking about the situation in the world that the long-term must be united and the long-term must be divided, Sal who was next to him saw his confused face, and hurriedly explained to him patiently, the content conveyed was simple and easy to understand.

"Your cheap master originally wanted to go home, but it got split up. Now he is a person who can't handle everything. Hey, all civilized creatures should die!"

Wang Jianguo understood instantly, took a deep look at his cheap master, and stopped talking.

"It's just a danger, but also an opportunity," Zhai Nan continued, "In the future, each of you may have a fighting partner again, but you have to be able to stand up."

After Zhai Nan finished speaking, he got up and left.

Except for the two foodies, everyone rushed to send them off. After that, Wang Jianguo was dragged by several people to add his contact information. After all, this is a newly promoted official, the third-rank official in front of the prime minister. Didn’t you hear what I said just now? I want to find Zhai Nan in the future. You have to find him first!

Miss Haruko quit?Shouldn't that be right?After all, Ms. Haruko is in charge of beauty and it's over.

Wang Jianguo also took the opportunity to communicate with everyone to understand the specific situation and specific matters.

Afterwards, Mo Wan taught him face-to-face for a while, and told him to practice hard. After a while, the phone rang, and seeing that it was his wife, Wang Jianguo hurried home, and his son woke up.

Not long after Zhai Nan arrived at the villa, he saw the magic pill appearing again.

"What's the matter if you don't go to your paradise? You won't accept another apprentice, right? It's up to you." Zhai Nan said first.

"Master, I found someone named Asuka——"

The magic pill said this sentence through the mind.

"Stop, don't disturb, don't ask, get out!" Zhai Nan hurriedly explained clearly.

The magic pill left in an instant.

"Master, why didn't he speak? Why did he come?" Qingzi suddenly asked at this moment.

"Oh, he asked me to take care of his apprentice." Zhai Nan hurriedly dealt with it.

"Oh!" Haruko continued to play with her phone.


"What, what's wrong?"

"I want to go out and play."

"Okay, where do you want to go, the young master will take you there."

"I want to go to a place with fewer women."


In the next few days, the matter of Wang Jianguo's resignation was deliberately suppressed by the authorities, and it was also covered up by the news that Bangziguo asked for help.

The North and South Bangzi Kingdoms also begged Xia Guo, hoping to help save the child!
It turned out that after the explosion of the book on the spot, the earthquake had a great impact on their two neighboring countries, and the aftershocks caused a lot of damage. The subsequent tsunami made things worse. Now the erupting volcanic ash seems to be killing them all because of the wind direction The problem blocked the sky and rushed towards the Bangzi Peninsula.

Bangziguo asks Xiaguo for help, if he doesn't save him, there will probably be a humanitarian crisis!

Based on the principle of convenience for others and self convenience and the premise of a community with a shared future for mankind, the two parties negotiated amicably, and finally Bangziguo decided to provide all the needed items and give participants a certain amount of extra remuneration.

Many people were surprised, the original Bangzi had never been like this, and some smart ones had already thought that Xia Guo was bound to rise to become the strongest country in Tianxing.

Many people feel elated, and many people living in foreign countries want to come back. However, due to the impact of the attack on Wang Jianguo, these people will be subject to the strictest scrutiny. It is not that simple to go out and come back.

As the magic circle arranged by the Xia Kingdom on the island between Benzi and Bangzi was officially put into use, the series of events in Tianxing finally came to an end.

Relying on the supplies from World of Warcraft, Xia Guo ushered in a more rapid and comprehensive development.

At this time, many old people choose to take the initiative to let the virtuous, and let more thoughtful young people lead this turbulent era.

Taoist Qianshan resigned immediately after setting up the magic circle and traveled around the world. The head abbot of Shaolin Wudang also announced his resignation and practiced in seclusion.

As a result, a large number of leaders of traditional sects followed suit. Times have changed!
Kaishanjian Jingleizhang and their four elders also announced their resignation, and they came outside the villa the next day. The four brazenly begged Zhai Nan for a long time before agreeing to let them move into a villa.

"Okay, if you disturb me, let you go home!"

After a few people made promises, they settled down.

No matter what these people think, Zhai Nan thinks that at least this place has gained some popularity, which is not bad.

In mid-October, the weather turned completely cold, and even the South China Sea Island was a bit cool. After a few days of delay in adding attribute points to Wang Jianguo's son, Zhai Nan also thought of a wonderful place to travel. At least, there is no What woman!
"Emerald Kingdom, let's go!"

This time, Zhai Nan took Wang Jianguo's family with him. Mowan and Ahua were too busy, and Xiao Yu and Xiaobai ate everywhere they went. It was too unpleasant, so Zhai Nan didn't bring them with him. A few old men happened to be looking at the villa, Zhai Nan was relieved .

One teleported to the border between Emerald Country and Xia Country, and the humid heat wave immediately hit the face, making people really uncomfortable.

So Wang Jianguo hurriedly rented a business class on the spot to block the heat wave.

The current Wang Jianguo is called a diligent person, but he can't help it. He feels the changes in his son too much, from the heart, and Zhai Nan has never used him these days, which makes him feel a strong sense of indebtedness, so he takes the initiative to come to the door. Ask for a job.

"Cultivation is the most important thing for you."

So Wang Jianguo practiced every day. Don't look at the matter of giving him a security captain. In fact, Ahua, that is, Chaonao, has been closely monitoring this place for a long time. Even a fly can't fly over. He sleeps at night and even takes a walk. Never met a mosquito!
Wang Jianguo drove slowly, and went directly to a jadeite market, which Zhai Nan had ordered, and he had to see it, not because of the jadeite that had been used to build a wall at home, let alone because Qingzi was not interested at all. The imperial green is purely for gaining insight and just for fun!

"My lord, I've made an inquiry. This is the largest public market in the border area between the Xia Kingdom and the Emerald Kingdom. If you estimate the amount of rough jadeite in it now, it must be at least 30 billion or more. Among them, the largest one is 15 tons. The bidding king, with a price tag of [-] million yuan, has been out of bid for [-] years since it was dug out, and no one has made a move at all.”

"Roar? Is that so? Isn't this thing just a rock?" Zhai Nan became interested.

"I don't know, just now I inquired about it, and said that it didn't show much. Although I wiped a small area and opened the window, everyone who saw it said that a thousand or eight hundred bracelets can come out at most, and the planting water is very ordinary. , not to mention being able to see the color bands, variants and the like."

"That's no wonder. After all, it's not [-] million worth of waste paper. Who dares to gamble like that with real money?"

"However, it's interesting not to let go in the past 15 years. Are you not in a hurry to make a move?"

"Hey, it was dug out by a big mine owner. He said it was based on his worth. It's nothing at all."

"Haha, that's interesting. It seems that this rough stone may be waiting for me!" Zhai Nan became more interested.

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