Not to mention that the big bed in the master bedroom of Zhainan Villa suffered "pain" that it shouldn't have suffered that afternoon.

Let’s just say that in the evening of the same day, the official announcement of the smooth and successful return of Wadao made everyone, including everyone, happy. Firecrackers were even set off in many places, and people were a little bit singing and dancing.

Taoist Dragon Tiger Moves the Mountain, Abbot Shaolin Arhat, and Taoist Wudang Void, three of the top awakening practitioners in the Xia Kingdom, had already arrived at the place where Wang Jianguo temporarily worked.

Seeing him in good spirits made me feel more at ease. After all, they are old, and Wang Jianguo is a bit stinky to them, but no matter how many people are capable or potential, they are very optimistic, and the cooperation is going smoothly. It's okay. just fine.

Several people drank two sips of tea, talked about their experiences and were about to leave.

"It seems that everyone was rescued by Shenlong?"

"Yeah, with a click, they teleported away, and then they appeared on Frog Island together, so I'm looking for you." The Taoist who moved the mountain said with a smile.

"Anyway, it's all because of me. From Shenlong, I will repay you if I have the opportunity. Here, you three, I owe you a favor. In the future, if there is a need, I will definitely do it as soon as possible. Come."

A few people are veterans of the rivers and lakes, and they immediately found the three words "myself".

"Amitabha, the king benefactor wants to..."

"That's right, everyone, I will leave my position. If this attack on me had not been a bit lucky, I would definitely not be able to see him again. It's over now. I want to spend more time with my family and improve myself."

Except for Taoist Qianshan, everyone present was shocked and speechless.

This news shocked the entire Xia Kingdom that night.

No matter how much he tried to persuade him to stay, no matter how much he persuaded him, Wang Jianguo resigned.

"Xia Guo's rise has no external troubles, and the awakened ones have developed too fast these years, and it's time to be restrained." Wang Jianguo gave the last suggestion and left.

On the second day, the Xia State Awakened Administration Bureau officially became the direct jurisdiction of the army, and it was fully restructured. The previous emphasis was on full efficiency, and now it began to focus on loyalty and a comprehensive review of moral character.

And in response to this attack, a comprehensive investigation and review was carried out quickly and efficiently.

But all of this has nothing to do with Wang Jianguo, he declined all old relationships, and late the next night, Wang Jianguo received a call from Mowan at home.

"Just take something out of the gate of the community and wait in place!"

Wang Jianguo took his wife and children, took a suitcase of luggage and went out. This is an ordinary community, and the protection team has withdrawn. After all, Wang Jianguo has said that he wants to return to life.

After leaving the gate of the community, I didn't see anything until I heard a sentence in my mind.

Their family will never forget that such a large invisible spaceship appeared in front of them bit by bit.

The spaceship arrived at the villa area where Zhai Nan lives now.

This place has been completely acquired at Ahua's suggestion. It is Zhai Nan's private property. The park is filled with housekeeping robots controlled by Ahua. Convenient designs such as rail cars such as magnetic levitation have been developed in an orderly manner.

Ahua put her down and left. He still had a lot of things to do, and since he was the apprentice of the old liar who could even logically invade artificial intelligence, it was best to leave as soon as possible.

The magic pill suddenly appeared at this moment.

"This is your family?"

"Yes, master, this is my wife Li Na. Wife-in-law, this is the master who saved my life I told you."

"Hi, Master." Li Na greeted quickly.

"Yeah!" Mowan smiled and nodded.

"Xiaojun, hurry up and say hello, call someone."

"Hi, grandpa, master."

"Okay, okay, hahaha. Let's go, I'll take you to where you live."

After asking three times, the three members of Wang Jianguo's family confirmed that this extravagant and outrageous single-family villa was really their future home.

"In the future, you will live here and be responsible for the security of the community. However, there are no jobs in this community, so you should practice more. As for the salary, you come with me."

"Master, I don't want salary. What you gave me last time was too much." Wang Jianguo said quickly.

"Yes, master, we may not be able to use up what Jianguo took home last time." Li Na also said hastily.

Magic Pill did not speak, but walked towards the negative floor of the villa, and the family had no choice but to follow.

When they saw a room full of gold, the family of three was a little ignorant except for Xiao Luo, and the other two were already stunned. These things would never be spent in ten lifetimes!

The next morning, Wang Jianguo saw several "old acquaintances!"

"Aren't you the head chef? Remember to call me if you cook delicious food in the future."

When Xiaoyu said hello to Shenlong, he was completely dumbfounded. After telling his family, the mother and wife were even more confused.

Seeing a tiger with wings is nothing compared to this.

It wasn't until noon, when Li Kaishan, Cheng Jinglei and several sect elders appeared at the party table, that Wang Jianguo finally recovered.He understood a lot in an instant, but when the orc priest Saar appeared, Wang Jianguo was a little surprised.

At this time, Mowan announced that Wang Jianguo would be the person in charge of the security of the villa in the future and wanted to come to the villa to contact him.

At the same time, he also joined Jingzhe.

Finally, Zhai Nan and Qingzi came.

As usual, with the help of the magic pill, everyone overcomes difficulties and obstacles within ten seconds and restores their calm.

Wang Jianguo immediately noticed the young man sitting in the middle, with a hurdle vest and big pants, a standard ordinary Zhai Nan. Apart from his good looks, he did not have the arrogance and arrogance of the leader of the legendary organization at all, let alone What kind of arrogance or something.

But I can feel that it is definitely because of him that everyone can gather here.

"By the way, has your child's schooling problem been solved?" This was the first sentence Zhai Nan said to Wang Jianguo.

"Thank you—" Wang Jianguo still doesn't know how to address him, let alone what to call him.

"Just call me Young Master from now on."

"Yes, young master, there is no problem for my children to go to school, as long as my wife picks them up, it's quite close to the city."

"Oh? Didn't your child go to the Awakened Management Academy?"

"The child is still young, and besides, he doesn't have much talent." This is also the pain in Wang Jianguo's heart.

"Master, his children are not as good as him."

"Oh, that's normal. Isn't that what God is like, balance. But since you are here, and you are the apprentice of Mowan, let me ask you, do you want him to live a normal life, or in the next general trend? Under the circumstances, alone?!"

Except for the fact that Wang Jianguo couldn't think of any exclamation words. If what the young man in front of him said was true, then his ability was simply too terrifying. No wonder, no wonder these people were by his side, but Wang Jianguo thought of something.

"Aren't you a light therapy? Don't you—"

"Jianguo, you shouldn't ask and shut up." Mowan said.

Only then did Wang Jianguo realize that he was a little too abrupt, so he got up and apologized.

"Sit down!" Zhai Nan waved his hands to indicate that it's okay, but when he said the word "sit down", Zhai Nan felt that he was going to suffer.

Sure enough, the sweat on Wang Jianguo's body instantly penetrated his whole body, and the force of the rules directly pressed him on the chair, unable to move!

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