The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 83 Arrogant slap in the face, astonished as a heavenly man!

Gu Man stepped onto the stage, walked up to the violinist, patted her on the back lightly, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, you played very well just now, but you were a little nervous."

The violinist's heart, which was still uneasy just now, became inexplicably more at ease because of her words of comfort.

She glanced at Gu Man gratefully.

Gu Man smiled: "Can you lend me your violin?"

"Ah... yes." The violinist nodded blankly.

The manager standing aside looked at Gu Man in puzzlement.

Gu Man took the violin, raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his head to adjust it, and then raised his thin and tight eyelids and said softly to the manager: "Tell them, I will play for them the Massigny's "Meditation" they ordered."

After all, the girl's long eyelashes were half drooped, casting a faint shadow on the fair skin, her lips were naturally slightly parted, showing a bit of carelessness.

"You, you will?" The manager half opened his mouth in surprise.

Hearing this, Gu Man raised his eyes from the violin, and casually tilted his head back: "Ah."

There was obviously disbelief in the manager's eyes.

But when he met Gu Man's confident and calm eyes, his beating heart unexpectedly calmed down, "Okay!"

The reason why he agreed without hesitation was that no one else could come to the rescue, and the second was because the girl in front of him made people feel at ease.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. The song you ordered will be played by another employee of the Denton Hotel."

The manager stood up straight, folded his hands, nodded slightly, and spoke neither humble nor overbearing, without losing his demeanor.

But as soon as he finished speaking, those foreign diners cast contemptuous looks.

"You Denton Hotel is really interesting. Let a waiter play the tunes that the violinist can't play?"

"That's right, how do you describe it in your Huaguo dialect? By the way, just pretend!"

"Hmph, let's see what tricks you can perform!"

"If the performance can convince us, we will wash the dishes for this waiter until dawn today!"

The foreign girl who raised her middle finger just now sneered impatiently.

When Gu Man heard the last sentence, he found it very interesting. He looked at the foreign girl with raised eyebrows, tilted his head and said slowly: "This bet is very interesting, but I want to add one more."

"Say it!" The foreign girl snorted lightly, as if she didn't pay attention to Gu Man at all.

"Apologize to all the Chinese people present here for your ignorant insult."

Gu Man twirled the bow casually with his fingertips, but his tone contained a bit of arrogance like a king.

The foreign girl was taken aback by her posture, but soon rolled her eyes in disdain: "Death struggle! All right, I promise you!"

Gu Man smiled and said no more.

All the eyes of the audience were attracted by her, and no one could believe that a little waiter could play the violin.

Some even thought that she was trying to speak out for the violinist just now, or because she couldn't bear to hear their insults to the Chinese people, so she volunteered to stand up.

But the violin is not something else, and it cannot be played by courage.

Everyone sweated for her.

While everyone was discussing in low voices, Gu Man had already placed the violin on his collarbone, and his shiny white chin lazily rested on the chin rest of the violin.

Tilting his head, he is slender and slender. Although his standing posture is lazy and loose, he is still noble and elegant.

Then, her eyelids were slightly closed, half closed, and when she lifted the slender fingers holding the bow, the bow rested on the strings.

Everyone held their breath.

The whole place was silent.

Suddenly, the girl on the stage moved neatly, her ponytail swayed slightly, and the bow seemed to have life on the strings.

With the beating of the bow, the agile notes pouring from the violin poured into the ears of diners in the restaurant.

Just listening to the music is sometimes low, sometimes soft, sometimes like a slowly lingering stream, and like a hazy veil in a dream.

Restaurant diners follow the continuous ups and downs of the tune, and feel the peaceful and serene emotional changes from the inside out.

As if walking on a mountain path with a wide view, accompanied by dense forests, streams, birds and flowers, it is quiet and soothing.

When the performance reached the middle, the foreign diners all stared in disbelief.

Because Gu Man has changed the music from D major to C major in the first stanza, this transition between tunes makes people feel a kind of steady and vigorous upward force in the music.

It makes the audience's thoughts change from the initial calm to pain, anxiety and regret like a melody.

There is no doubt that Gu Man's performance vividly expresses the woman's lingering thoughts in "Meditation".

But what surprised those foreign diners even more.

Not only did she interpret every note just right, but she could even hear the independence, decisiveness, and distinction between love and hate expressed in the majestic notes in the very wonderful high-pitched see-saw in the last section.

She actually added her own opinion!
Moreover, these insights not only did not pull the whole piece of music, but raised a new ideological realm.

When the last note fell, the girl waved her hand holding the bow, still standing there, as if she was independent from the world.

Under the light, the drooping eyelashes looked more like two butterflies resting on her translucent white cheeks.

And Gu Man is an elf from a mountain full of flowers.

Whoa! ! !
The entire restaurant, not only the diners, but even the waiters surrounded them, and there was a big round of applause!

The faces of the foreign diners at that table had already turned pale, and they stared blankly at Gu Man who put down the violin on the stage and walked towards them calmly.

Tongue gaping, looking at each other.

They originally came to Imperial Capital to participate in the annual violin performance competition in Huaguo, and they were band members of a well-known foreign orchestra.

They originally disdain to come to China, but they heard that this performance competition will have the internationally renowned violinist MULAN as a special award presenter.

You know, MULAN's influence is like a god in the violin circle.

As long as you can meet him once and give him some pointers, you can get a lot of gains.

But the leader of their band made several appointments with MULAN, all of which were directly rejected by MULAN's assistant.

Just now I heard that the Chopin who played the violin in this restaurant was so amateurish, and coupled with his contempt for Chinese people, he immediately put down his face.

I think that the level of Chinese people is no more than this, and MULAN came to a place like China to attend a concert, it is a self-deprecation!

But after that, he was slapped abruptly by the little waiter in this restaurant!
Their stunned expressions had already judged their bet to be a failure.

"There is a saying in China, it is willing to gamble and admit defeat." Gu Man stood still in front of them, holding his pocket in one hand, and narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Yes! I would like to admit defeat and apologize!" Some diners reacted and echoed with fists.

"I'm sorry for what we said and did just now, sorry!"

Just now, the foreign girl looked directly at Gu Man, who had a distant expression and cold eyes, and spoke first.

Gu Man raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "You can't represent them." As he spoke, he pointed to the other foreigners at the table who bowed their heads and remained silent.

The rest of the people looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds, and then they gritted their teeth and apologized in unison: "I'm sorry..."

Gu Man nodded in satisfaction, and was about to leave, but as if he remembered something, his steps stopped, his eyes flickered, and he looked at the foreign girl.

"Oh, by the way, thank you for helping me wash the dishes today."

The foreign girl's face suddenly turned pale, and the corners of her lips twitched: "'re welcome."

Gu Man raised his eyebrows, picked up the tray and was about to leave, the foreign girl blinked her big blue eyes and said again: "May I ask who you learned the violin from?"

"No." Gu Man replied simply, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and went to the back kitchen without looking back.

At the same time, the manager was relieved to find the field back.

His eyes were following Gu Man's leaving back when he suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing in the crowd.

He hurried forward and nodded respectfully to the familiar figure: "Boss Han."

"En." Han Chenlie nodded in response, but his gaze didn't meet him, but kept looking at the beautiful figure who got into the back kitchen.

The corners of the lips hooked slightly, and the iconic pear dimples on both sides of the cheeks sank deeply.


When Gu Man returned to the back kitchen, she was surrounded by her colleagues, and everyone applauded her again.

"My God, Gu Man, it turns out that you can play the violin, and you can play the violin so well!"

"Yeah, have you guys seen the faces of those gringos who were slapped in the face just now? It's so cool to me!"

"It's really an eye-opener! Hey Gu Man, how can you be a waiter here if you have this ability?"

"Yes, I heard that being a violin teacher can earn hundreds of dollars per lesson! Why don't you go?"

Everyone chattered about it.

Xiao Hui was holding a tray in her hand and was about to deliver food to the private room. When she passed by Gu Man, she also cast surprised and delighted eyes on her.

But the guests in the box over there were rushing, so she left the back kitchen without staying long.

Listening to everyone's curious inquiries, Gu Man felt a little regretful that she came on stage so rashly just now, but it happened to be lunch time and she was busy, so she dealt with it after a few words and went to get busy.

At this time, the magnificent headquarters of the Xiao Group.

Xiao Wangchu was sitting on the table, facing the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, lowering his head and rubbing between his brows.

After that night, he went to the rental house again, but was told by the landlord that Gu Man had moved out of there.

He sent someone to the restaurant where she worked, but she hadn't been to work for several days.

It's like the world has evaporated.

Fortunately, the restaurant said that she just asked for leave, meaning that she would go back, so he has been sending Song Ling to guard the Denton restaurant for the past few days.

He knew her character. Although she didn't show hysterical anger afterwards, she must hate herself very much.

He doesn't demand her forgiveness now, he just hopes to know where she is now, and that she is safe and sound.


He turned his gaze to the flipped photo on the marble table.

He has something to give her.

But several days had passed, but there was still no news from Song Ling.

Anxiety grows like grass in my heart.

Because he didn't sleep much for a few days, the two bruises under his eyelids made him look extremely depressed.

He grabbed a handful of hair, stretched his long legs, stepped on the ground with both feet, took out a pack of cigarettes from his suit pocket, and wanted to light it.

Suddenly, a beep sounded from the mobile phone on the table.

He subconsciously reached for it, and saw the WeChat message from Song Ling.

It was a video, followed by a text message.

[Boss, sister-in-law is coming to work! 】

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