"What else can be done?"

Xiao Liren pursed his lips and blew a huge bubble from the chewing gum in his mouth. With a "pop", the bubble burst, his brows and eyes were bent, his face was pure and kind, excited like a child.

The words that can be exported are terrifying.

"Look, Xiao Wangchu's mother-born and non-mother-in-law have all married wives and come to the old house of Xiao's family. Ask yourself, can you still tell the difference between who is the master and the subordinate of the Xiao family? ? He has already ridden on our heads, will we still have a good life in the future?"

He paused and then said, "Grandfather has lived for so long anyway, he will die sooner or later. Since early death is death, it is better to die early. This will save us a lot of trouble, won't it?"

The more Lin Jiao'e heard it, the more frightened she became, she quickly covered her son's mouth, and looked around vigilantly.

After a long while, he said: "Don't talk about this matter outside again."

Xiao Liren shrugged, spit the chewing gum into a flowerpot beside him, and pulled his collar: "Got it."

After all, he put on a business smiling face and helped to welcome the guests.


In the Gu family, Zhu Qiqi took his mobile phone and took pictures of himself and Gu Man one after another.

When Gu Man was overwhelmed and protested, she still insisted and forced Gu Man to complete the last set of poses with her.

After Zhu Qiqi finished taking pictures, he looked down at the booty in his phone, and made an exaggerated expression: "Manbao, the wedding day is the most important day in my life, of course I have to take a few good ones, I will wash them out later, and I will get old later." , we can dig it out and reminisce about it!"

"Okay, okay." Gu Man sighed helplessly.

"Oh my god, today is the most beautiful day for you since I've known you!" Zhu Qiqi locked his eyes on Gu Man's face in the photo, and exclaimed enviously, "If I were a man, I would be the most beautiful in this life!" If I can marry you, I will die without regret!"

Gu Man sighed again helplessly: "I said Qibao, what day is it today?"

"You have a very happy day!" Zhu Qiqi raised his hand and replied.

"What should I say on the big day?" Gu Man straightened his face, lowered his head and adjusted his wedding clothes.

"Oh yes! I shouldn't have said that word!" Zhu Qiqi finally came to his senses.

Gu Man raised his head and gave her a sideways glance, and she immediately understood, and hurriedly hit the ground with "Bah, Bah, Bah" three times as if to remedy it.

"By the way, it's inconvenient for Guo Guo to show up, so I asked me to bring you a present. I wish you a happy wedding." Zhu Qiqi took out a beautiful packing box from his bag as if remembering something.

"The two of you have made a lot of progress recently. If he wants to give me something, it can pass through your hands now." Gu Man joked.

Zhu Qiqi blushed and stuck out her tongue: "What are you thinking about? It's not that he gave me a Star14 Pro Max. As a thank you, I treated him to a meal, and then he taught me how to play games. We just got acquainted!"

"Oh, that's it." Gu Man smiled meaningfully.

"Oh, I'm ignoring you, I'll just treat him as my younger brother!" Zhu Qiqi cast a reproachful glance at Gu Man.

"Tsk." Gu Man shook his head and unwrapped the gift.

Inside the box is a piece of note paper with clear writing and sharp pen.

There is a sentence written: Master, I didn't expect you to get married so soon. Although I find it difficult to accept it for a while, I still wish you happiness!I'm working hard to do what you told me, don't worry!

Beneath the note was a diamond the size of a pigeon's egg, a shimmering pink-purple.

Zhu Qiqi kept paying attention to this side, and when he saw the contents in the box, he immediately covered his lips and exclaimed.

"My God, this stinky brother's handwriting is too big!"

Gu Man only thought it was quite beautiful, so he pinched it with his hands and looked at it: "Isn't it just a diamond?"

"This is not an ordinary diamond. It is a natural purple-pink diamond named "Rose Soul". I saw it in a magazine. That one seems to be smaller than this one. It was auctioned in Russia for 2888 million US dollars!"

After Zhu Qiqi finished speaking, he emphasized again: "It's US dollars!"

Gu Man couldn't help raising his eyebrows: What's the origin of this Guo Guo?
"Tell me quickly, what is the background of that kid Guo Guo? How did you know him?" Zhu Qiqi asked Gu Man's thoughts with a tacit understanding.

"He didn't tell you?" Gu Man tilted his head and carefully looked at the pink diamond in his hand.

"He said you two met each other through playing games," Zhu Qiqi said.

Gu Man spread out his hands: "We just met each other through playing games."

Zhu Qiqi opened his mouth slightly in disbelief.

Gu Man smiled, and handed the pink diamond to Zhu Qiqi, "If you like it, I will give it to you."

"No, no, how could I want such an expensive thing, you better keep it." Zhu Qiqi quickly waved his hands, "This is a wedding gift from someone else."

Gu Man didn't insist anymore, and put the pink diamond into the box casually.

The phone rang at this moment.

Li Weilai has been abroad during this time and has important business to discuss.

Hearing that Gu Man was going to hold a wedding today, he specially called overseas to wish him well.

"Don't say I'm dishonest! Although I'm not in China, the gifts I prepared will be delivered on time!" Li Weilai's voice was laziness and exhaustion.

Gu Man smiled, paused and said, "Don't be too tired."

Li Weilai giggled a few times: "Unexpectedly, our Manshen would feel sorry for me. I am many years older than you, and I am considered your sister. This gift is considered a dowry. You must accept it and cannot refuse it."

When she said this, Gu Man was confused for a while.

But with Guo Guo's valuable diamond leading the way, she managed to stabilize her voice: "Success."

It can't exceed that diamond worth almost [-] million, right?

But Gu Man obviously underestimated how much Li Weilai loved her.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Mrs. Song knocked on the door.

Sister-in-law Song was dressed in dark red new clothes today, and she was dressed happily. She entered the room and said to Gu Man, "Manman, a courier is here, and I asked you to sign for it personally."

Gu Man didn't think too much about it, and said "Oh", "Okay, I'll go and have a look."

The courier boy was very enthusiastic, and after confirming that it was Gu Man himself, he handed her the document bag in his hand.

Gu Man went upstairs, opened the file bag, and took out the contents to have a look...


Zhu Qiqi also came over and took a look...

Also dumbfounded.

There was a big line written on the document: commercial housing sales contract.

"You bought a house?" Zhu Qiqi blurted out.


Gu Man was stunned for a moment, remembering the phone call just now, as if he had guessed something, he quickly opened the file.

This opened, even more dumbfounded.

"WOC! The house of a drop in Jinghai!" Zhu Qiqi covered her lips and exclaimed.

Gu Man was calmer than her, and turned to the last page of the contract. When he saw the buyer's signature, his pupils trembled slightly.

That's right, in the column of the buyer, the place where the payment is made is clearly my name.

Zhu Qiqi also saw it.

"My God, Manbao! Jinghai Yisu is a luxury real estate developed by Lvsheng. It is a rare super-large apartment design in the world. It has a pure sea view room. The smallest house in it is more than 500 square meters! My cousin took a long time to grab the number some time ago. Just grabbed a set with a small area!"

Zhu Qiqi's eyes were already shining brightly, and he continued chattering: "Great, I will go to Haishi to play in the future, and I can live in your house!"

"Why don't you stay with your cousin?" Gu Man glanced at her.

"Comparing my cousin's 500-square-foot house with your 1000-square-foot house, I will definitely choose you!" Seeing the size of the house, she hugged Gu Man's shoulders excitedly.

"Did the person who called you give it to you just now? It's too expensive, the house is worth [-] million at least!"

Gu Man twitched the corners of his lips, feeling that it was hard to explain.

She wanted to call Li Wei back and forth, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it, there would be more chances to pay her back in the future.

"Oh no, in this comparison, the things I gave are the most embarrassing!" Zhu Qiqi became depressed.

Gu Man patted her on the shoulder backhand: "Ann! Our friendship is not based on money. Besides, you can stay with me, which is the best gift."

Only then did Zhu Qiqi stretch his brows, and smiled sweetly at Gu Man.


The auspicious time is approaching, and the welcoming team has arrived outside the Gu family's villa.

Because of the greeting in advance, the big trees on both sides of the entire villa area were tied with red ribbons by the property management.

A red carpet was spread from the gate of the community to the gate of the Gu family's villa.

On both sides of the red carpet, there are many small paper-cuts of happy characters sprinkled with colorful ribbons.

Because of the wedding, many parents in the villa area brought their children to visit.

The Gu family hired someone to distribute candy to the neighbors.

The children who got the wedding candy jumped up and down happily, clamoring to see the bride.

After a long string of firecrackers sounded from far to near, a tall and handsome man in red got out of the wedding car. The children who were far away couldn't see his appearance clearly, so they rushed forward curiously.

One finally squeezed to the front, raised his head and blinked his eyes for just one look, then innocently said in surprise: "Wow! This brother is so handsome!"

Xiao Wangchu wore a well-crafted bright red gown and mandarin jacket, and today's style is even more exquisite down to every strand of hair.

Together with a wedding dress, the nobility and status are fully displayed.

At this moment, he looked up at the courtyard of the Gu family's villa, standing with his hands behind his back, his eyebrows slightly lowered, his momentum restrained, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

At the door, a boy about seven or eight years old was waiting aside with a tea tray, seeing Xiao Wangchu coming down, he went up to greet him.

He raised a small hand to stop Xiao Wangchu, and said very obediently: "Hello, Uncle."

Xiao Wangchu frowned: "Call me brother."

"Hello brother."

Only then was Xiao Wangchu satisfied, he took out a bulging red envelope and put it on the tea tray.

The boy then put down his hand, "Please come in, uncle."

Xiao Wangchu frowned again, before he could say anything, the boy had already run away grabbing the red envelope.

It was difficult for him to chase, so he stepped into the courtyard gate without paying much attention, and walked downstairs, but was stopped by Zhu Qiqi who was already waiting here.

"Master Xiao." Zhu Qiqi frowned, stuck out her tongue, "It's not so easy to marry my Manbao!"

Xiao Wangchu raised his hand: "Let the horse come here."

"Since we are having a Chinese-style wedding, I will test you on a line of poetry. If you can match it, I will go up and ask the bride to come down and follow you!"

"it is good."

"Pingping and flat make a good relationship, and love will be drawn from the beginning." It seems that Zhu Qiqi was prepared, and came as soon as he opened his mouth.

Xiao Wangchu raised his eyebrows, calm and unhurried: "Sea, stone and mountain alliances are all lingering, love each other, respect each other and enjoy each other forever."

The people watching the excitement around applauded and applauded.

Zhu Qiqi was only on duty, and didn't intend to make things difficult. At this time, he happily said to everyone: "Since our groom is so good, let's ask him to take the bride away?"

"Yes!!" Everyone echoed.

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