"But what? His plot is bad, can't he be executed?" Xiao Wangchu's voice was extremely cold.

Wilson unconsciously swayed, swallowed his throat, and said bravely: "They said... Madam is safe and sound now, and it may be at most... at most ten years in prison..."

"Bastard!" Xiao Wang clenched his fist into a fist and slammed it hard against the wall, "Safe and sound?! Let their people come over and take a look! Is this what they say is safe and sound?!"

Wilson knew that he couldn't say much at this time, so he just stood aside with his head bowed, his face solemn.

"Go to Ying Huan." Xiao Wangchu ordered coldly.

"But lawyers in country F haven't..."

"No matter where he is, no matter what he is doing at the moment, Tianya or Haijiao will bring him back to me!"

"...Yes, Boss."


When Gu Man woke up, Xiao Wangchu was quietly lying beside her bed, holding one of her hands with both hands, pressing against his cheek.

He fell asleep, breathing lightly, and frowning slightly, as if he had a lot of troubles.

Gu Man has been taken good care of by him these few days. Although there are professional nurses, Xiao Wangchu did many things by himself. There is not even a trace of dry skin on her lips, and they are plump and moist.

He should have taken good care of it.

But maybe she hasn't opened her mouth for several days, her voice is a little hoarse, and she said with difficulty: "Wang Chu..."

Xiao Wangchu woke up almost subconsciously, sat up straight, his red pupils were bloodshot, his lips were slightly cracked, and a lot of blue stubble appeared.

The whole person was extremely haggard.

But after the pupils were focused, when he saw Gu Man with his eyes open, the dim spots of light in his eyes seemed to be rekindled.

"You, you're awake..." The voice was also hoarse and dry.

"I'm thirsty..." Gu Man moved his mouth and squeezed out two dry words.

Xiao Wangchu got up immediately and quickly poured a glass of water.

Just in the muddle-headed sleep just now, he was still filled with guilt and remorse.

Hate myself for not discovering that coat earlier, hate myself for wasting so much time, making him almost... almost lose her.

He was scared to death.

She must have been in pain at the time, with such deep fingerprints, she was suffocated and passed out.

He prayed over and over again in his dream, let her wake up soon!He is willing to trade everything he has, even if it is his life.

He begged the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and even knelt down for them in his dream...

But those gods who used to smile and look down on all living beings, all put away their compassion, looked at themselves indifferently, and did not respond to their prayers.

He almost went crazy.

But suddenly, vaguely, he heard Gu Man's voice, murmured and familiar, and he woke up suddenly from his dream, somewhat unbelievable.

She finally woke up.

But after she drank the water, her expression was still tired, and she fell asleep again without saying a few words.

The doctor came and said it was a normal phenomenon. After a few more days of oxygen inhalation and observation, he prescribed some nutrient solution.

During this period, many people came to visit.

Mr. Xiao also came here, but he couldn't bear to see Gu Man's current appearance, so he only glanced in through the glass window of the ward door, then turned his head away with a sigh.

He told Xiao Wangchu: Take good care of Gu Man, and the wedding will be held after she recovers.

Gu Man was awake sometimes, and fell asleep most of the time.

Xiao Wangchu asked someone to bring a lot of sunflowers, because it was a single VIP room with large and bright floor-to-ceiling windows, before noon, the warm autumn sun would wantonly fall on the row of sunflowers with their heads held high in front of the window.

Most of the time, while he was processing the work, he was worried about the progress of the bit by bit.

The sound of typing on the keyboard often sounded in the ward, matching her light and slow breathing.

As time went on, she fell asleep for less and less time and woke up for longer and longer.

She started chatting with him, although sometimes she didn't respond while chatting.

When he looked at her, she had already leaned her head on the pillow and fell into a deep sleep again. Her long eyelashes were covered, casting a shadow like a feather fan on her lustrous cheeks.

Occasionally, she would smack her little mouth in her sleep, like a little lazy cat who couldn't get enough sleep.

The finger marks on her neck became lighter and lighter, because he found the best imported ointment for removing scars and applied it himself every day.

Wilson came to report to Xiao Wangchu at a fixed time every day, but his face was obviously happy when he came today.

"Boss, good news from Lawyer Ying!"

Xiao Wangchu was carefully helping the sleeping Gu Man to apply the medicine, when he heard this, he stopped, put down the medicine, and beckoned Wilson to go out and talk.

The door was closed, and Wilson spoke again: "Lawyer Ying said that the judge has not yet made a final verdict, and he is already trying his best to collect all kinds of evidence. There is still great hope for a life sentence, but... ..."

"Just what?"

"He said that if he wants to collect strong evidence, he may need the cooperation of his wife."

Xiao Wangchu glanced at Wilson, his brows and eyes covered with a deep evil spirit: "Is he crazy? How can Gu Man's body withstand the toss. Let him investigate by himself, without disturbing Gu Man."

Wilson has been afraid to look directly at Boss these days, although when he said that he had good news just now, the dryness of his brows and eyes has been relieved a lot.

But at this moment, it was mentioned that Gu Man, who was still asleep, was troubled, and he returned to his violent appearance.

He hurriedly explained: "Lawyer Ying knows that Madam has not fully recovered, so he just said to chat with Madam when Madam wakes up, to see if he can get any useful clues..."

"No need." Xiao Wangchu was decisive, his tone unquestionable, "Let him go and find out by himself, Gu Man needs to rest."

Wilson had no choice but to look for Ying Huan in disgrace.

But no one expected that Ying Huan would come directly to the hospital the next morning.

It happened that Gu Man was awake, and Xiao Wangchu was feeding her porridge.

The porridge was delivered by Su Yuehe in the morning, Gu Man's favorite porridge with preserved egg and lean meat.

There was also an insulated box containing old duck soup in clay pot, but Gu Man didn't want to drink it, so Su Yuehe let Xiao Wangchu drink it.

Before leaving, she was very distressed, saying that Wang Chu had been working hard to take care of Manman recently, she was very thin and needed more supplements, and at noon she would send a nutritious meal for the two of them to eat together.

Today is a cloudy day, the sun hides in the clouds and cannot enter the ward.

But the air outside is fresh, the windows are slightly open, and the crisp air comes in, making people feel refreshed.

Gu Man silently ate the porridge that Xiao Wangchu brought to his lips, he looked cute, maybe his body hadn't fully recovered, so he didn't talk much.

"Is it hot?" Xiao Wangchu watched Gu Man swallow a mouthful of porridge, then tucked the corner of the quilt for her, and asked softly.

Gu Man shook his head, his voice was very soft: "It's just right."

Every mouthful was blown by him thoughtfully, how could it still be hot?

He was about to continue feeding her when the door of the ward was knocked lightly.

It was Ying Huan who came.

The door was unlocked, so he knocked twice before turning the lock and coming in.

"Why are you here?" Xiao Wangchu's tone suddenly became cold.

Ying Huan didn't care, took off the beige cashmere scarf wrapped around his neck, first smiled kindly at Gu Man, and then answered Xiao Wangchu's question.

"Look at the siblings." As he spoke, he put the fruit basket in his hand on the table.

Xiao Wang gave him a sideways glance, so he had no choice but to introduce to Gu Man: "This is Ying Huan, a friend of mine."

Gu Man nodded, although he was not in good spirits, he still smiled politely at Ying Huan: "Hello."

Ying Huan was polite and smiled at Gu Man again.

But Gu Man frowned, feeling that he looked familiar, especially when he smiled like this.

She has always had a good memory, and she remembered it after a little searching in her memory. The reason why he looked so familiar was because she had seen his photo on the cover of a magazine called ELITE (Elite).

He also smiled like this in that photo, gentle and polite, neither humble nor overbearing, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Gu Man remembered that there was his introduction in that magazine, a small and brief line of text - Yale Doctor of Laws, refused high-paying employment from top foreign law firms, and resolutely returned to China.And there is no defeat so far.

But she didn't point it out, because a person like Xiao Wangchu should not be surprised to know any kind of powerful person.

"May I borrow Wang Chu for a while? Say something important to him." These words were addressed to Gu Man.

"Okay." Gu Man readily agreed.

But Xiao Wangchu refused: "I'll feed her first."

"I can..."

"No, No. 60 and eight items." Xiao Wangchu opened his lips, and the words he spoke were very serious.

Gu Man realized what he meant.

Later, she read the marriage agreement carefully. She has always had a good memory, and the No. 60 eight articles clearly stated: The husband must take care of his sick wife without complaint.

She glanced at the spoon that was stretched out, pulled the corner of her mouth upwards, and finally opened her mouth.

Ying Huan just stood there, watching Xiao Wangchu patiently feed Gu Man with a spoon, and watched him gently wipe the corners of her lips.

He suddenly asked himself, why did he come here?

Looking for dog food?

Xiao Wangchu didn't get up to go out with Ying Huan until he finished feeding Gu Man the bowl of porridge.

The door is closed.

"I've never seen you treat a girl like this before..." Ying Huan gave a "tsk" sound and stopped talking.

"What?" Xiao Wangchu raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"It's nothing, it's good, hehehe..." Ying Huan shrugged at him, and wisely stopped talking about Gu Man.

The two walked to the window at the end of the corridor, Xiao Wangchu lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and muttered: "Wilson has become more and more unrestrained recently."

"Regardless of Wilson's matter, I'm the one who wants to come." Ying Huan also took a cigarette out of the cigarette case, "I've found out something about Pei Shuyuan, it's very necessary to talk to Gu Man, maybe she will know a little."

"Are you going to look for her?" Xiao Wangchu's brows darkened.

"What's wrong with you?" Ying Huan finally asked, "I've never seen you so nervous as a girl before."

long silence.

When the breeze blows, the red light is extinguished on the fingertips, and the soot is blown onto Xiao Wangchu's palm.

Unconsciously, he laughed at himself as if it was burning hot: "You know what? At that moment, I realized that I was pretending to be her here." He pointed to his heart with his finger, "This place was empty at the time, and it was just a moment later." empty."

Ying Huan patted him on the shoulder: "I know."

"No, you don't know, you don't even have a girlfriend."

"As for Xiao Wangchu! Always use this matter to poke people's hearts!" Ying Huan exaggeratedly exclaimed.

Xiao Wangchu gave him a look, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Finally, he pinched out his cigarette: "It's only five minutes, she has to rest later."

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