Xiao Wangchu paused.

"Sure enough, it's uncle!" Mrs. Song was overjoyed.

She was out to throw out the garbage, but she saw a familiar car parked at the door. She was puzzled, so she stepped forward and looked through the streetlights.

Unexpectedly, it was the handsome uncle whom he had just met in the morning.

Xiao Wangchu turned around, pulled the corners of his lips towards her, and smiled politely.

"Why doesn't my uncle come in? Are you leaving?"

"Ah, no, I just came to see." Xiao Wangchu smiled awkwardly.

"Is there any reason not to see each other when we arrive at the door? The third lady is not asleep yet. If it's inconvenient for you, how about I call her out for you?"

For some reason, Mrs. Song felt that the "uncle" in front of her really liked Gu Man, so she had a good impression of him.

Xiao Wangchu originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he nodded his head: "Then I'll be fine."

Gu Man should have just taken a shower, his hair was still wet, and he was wrapped in a light gray nightgown and a black windbreaker.

Just now when Mrs. Song went upstairs and told her that Xiao Wangchu had arrived, she was still a little suspicious, but now seeing the real person standing at the door of her house, she felt a little unreal.

"Why are you here?" Gu Manqi asked.

"Oh, passing by, let's take a look." Xiao Wangchu lightly coughed.

When she got closer, he realized that her hair was wet.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he grabbed her wrist: "Go to the car."

"Oh, good." Gu Man nodded, very well-behaved.

Wilson consciously evaded, retreated 50 meters away from the car and stopped.

The heating in the car was fully turned on, yet Xiao Wangchu did not know where to find a clean towel.

"I'll wipe it for you." His voice was low and soft, as if whispering in Gu Man's ear.

Although the space in the back seat is larger than that of ordinary cars, it is still a bit cramped compared to the room.

From the tip of her hair hanging on her chest, water drops fell from time to time, following Gu Man's creamy collarbone and sinking into her neckline.

Xiao Wangchu's movements were gentle, his eyebrows were serious, and he wiped it carefully for her.

"...Thank you." His warm fingertips touched his cheeks, earlobes and neck from time to time. Gu Man straightened his upper body, but he didn't dare to move, and his voice was as quiet as a mosquito.

"You're welcome. According to Article 146 of the agreement, the husband has the obligation to dry and wipe his wife's hair."

Hearing this, Gu Man's pupils shrank, as if he had been choked, and he coughed twice.

"That, in fact, you don't need to follow that, it's just a reference..."

Gu Man was shocked for a while, he remembered it so clearly, he must have read the content of the agreement carefully.

The closed space environment made Gu Man's shyness grow wildly at the moment.

Embarrassing, capitalized embarrassment.

"I think that agreement is pretty good." Xiao Wangchu continued to wipe Gu Man's hair as if nothing had happened, and said what he said very casually.

"As long as you think it's good." Gu Man murmured and stopped talking.

The car fell into silence, only the sound of the warm wind blowing softly, and the sound of the towel rubbing against the hair.

Finally, the root of the hair is wiped dry.

Xiao Wangchu continued to wipe the ends of her hair carefully, but Gu Man relaxed when his hands were far away.

"What did Grandpa Xiao say?" Gu Man spoke at the right time.

Now that the two have obtained their certificates and are a legal couple, they have to face the doubts of the outside world together.

She thought it over, if Mr. Xiao no longer agrees with Wang Chu to be with her because of the public opinion on the Internet, then she will try to do something to make him accept her.

Because after all, old man Xiao raised Wang Chu so big, and Wang Chu had no father or mother since he was a child, so old man Xiao gave him a family.

Even if it is incomplete warmth, Mr. Xiao did his best.

So you can't force it, let alone let Wang Chu break with Mr. Xiao for himself, or break with the entire Xiao family.

"No, the wedding date is still the same."

Gu Man couldn't believe it: "The wedding date is still the same? Grandpa Xiao really didn't say anything?"

"Well, there is a request." Xiao Wang paused, "Grandpa asked us to respond to national policies as soon as possible."

"Policy? What policy?" Gu Man blinked, then turned to look at Xiao Wangchu.

"Three children." Xiao Wangchu's speech slowed down, his voice was calm, and he relayed, "Grandpa said that the more children there are, the more lively it is. He suggested that we should have at least three children. He is getting old and wants children and grandchildren around his knees. Four generations live together."

Gu Man was a little dumbfounded.

Xiao Wangchu changed the subject and said again: "But I don't want to."

"Why?" Gu Man asked back.

"It's a bit bitter, seeing you suffer once is already the limit of what I can bear." Xiao Wangchu seemed to remember something, his eyes were dark and deep, his brows were lightly frowned, and he said seriously, "It's okay if we don't want children."

Gu Man twitched the corners of his lips, not realizing what he was struggling with at the moment, and suddenly said: "Don't worry about it, the children are fine, if there are three, it's like my family, I have two older brothers to protect me , how lively it is."

She thought he didn't like human cubs by nature, so she tried to talk to him about the benefits of human cubs.

But his brows were tightened even more, and he turned his eyes away and looked out of the window: "I don't want to lose, this kind of happiness is already very good."

Gu Man was startled, thinking of his life experience, swallowed his throat, stretched out a hand to put on his back, and patted him lightly, with a tone as if coaxing a child: "Look, the current medical conditions are very poor. Okay, if you do all kinds of pregnancy checks and birth checks, there is a high probability that there will be no danger."

Xiao Wangchu's back stiffened, and he slowly turned his head: "If you decide because of my grandfather's request..."

"No, it's not." Gu Man interrupted him, "I want to have our children, and I want to have a lively family. This may also be related to my living environment since I was a child... I think if two people fall in love, It’s a matter of course, and having a child is a very happy thing.”

"Do you know Gu Man?" Xiao Wangchu said suddenly.

Gu Man looked up at her: "Huh?"

"I have envied your family since I was a child, and I envy you who are so confident, proud and fearless raised by such a family. Do you know when I started to like you? Probably when I was bullied, you jumped out When I raised my round head and stretched out my hands to protect me, I was thinking at that time, what kind of family can raise such an angelic little girl."

Xiao Wangchu didn't know why he said this suddenly, he obviously didn't drink.

Maybe it was because the atmosphere in the car was too ambiguous, which made him relax his vigilance, and maybe it was because of the atmosphere that he couldn't help but want to show his heart to her.

Gu Man was stunned.

He laughed at himself, and continued: "How can I be worthy of such a perfect you with my life experience, and then for a long time, you started to ignore me and trample on me, and I said to myself it's okay, this is not the real you , you are not like this..."

As he spoke, his voice sank, his throat was so dry that he couldn't speak any more.

"I'm sorry." Gu Man burst into tears uncontrollably.

Since her rebirth, she has been bound to Xiao Wangchu at the fastest speed, and established a relationship with him at the fastest speed, but she has never torn apart this most obscure, most private, and most embarrassing past. Open it and put it in front of the two of you.

She even deceived herself and wanted to forget the hurt she had brought to him, but now hearing him confide in her heart like this, her heart suddenly hurt like a dull pain.

It was as if the most embarrassing bad things he had done before had been punctured by him, but he only wanted to escape.

That's right, how could the harm I caused him be truly eliminated by lightly saying I'm sorry.

These superficial harmony and harmony are nothing but his trying to digest that period of the past, trying to make her feel less guilty.

For the first time, Gu Man realized very clearly that this man's love for him was so deep.

Tears rolled down like beans, and she felt that she was not a thing in the previous life: "Wang Chu." She hugged him, put her head on his back, and murmured again, "I'm sorry."

The dull pain in her heart was more because of seeing his sad and self-deprecating expression just now, lonely and sad.

She wanted to gag him and make him take back what he just said. She wanted to tell him that he deserved it!Perfect match!
And the reason behind all her emotions is a fact that her brain and heart are telling her at the same time, a fact that she has never recognized before.

That is: she also loves him, very much.

That's why I don't want to see him lonely, let alone hear him belittle himself.

A warm and generous hand suddenly fell from the top of his head, gently stroking himself, the owner of the voice was hoarse and soft, as if he was sighing softly: "It's all over, don't cry."

Gu Man shook his head: "You make me cry enough."

"it is good."

She cried for a while, then felt dissatisfied, raised her head and ordered him: "Say you are worthy of me!"

Xiao Wangchu paused for a moment, looked into her misty eyes: "I love you."

As soon as the words fell, he leaned over and kissed her.

Gu Man was stunned for a moment, his bright eyes were like water and silk, for a moment, strands of unspeakable emotion seeped.

His lips were soft to the touch, wrapping Gu Man's lips and tongue as gently as cotton candy, making her fascinated.

While tossing and turning, Gu Man suddenly stretched out his hand to hook Xiao Wangchu's neck, and took the initiative to deepen the kiss.

Both of them fell.


Sure enough, what Wang Chu said was correct, there was no change in the wedding date.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, Gu Man was looking down at the apology letters about "first-hand entertainment" forwarded on Weibo and various websites.

My eyes just passed the last paragraph of the lengthy apology letter: "...I am really ashamed of Miss Gu. Miss Gu is such a kind-hearted person. According to the investigation, she has a good family style, treats people sincerely, is gentle and virtuous. It is ours" Entertainment' report is not true, we sincerely apologize... After investigation, it was completely provocative by Pei Shuyuan, a thief shouting "stop thief..."

Just when Gu Man was almost spit out his coffee by the string of flattering adjectives, someone from the Xiao family came.

Those who came were two respected uncles and elders who were in charge of the Xiao family, and the person in charge of a well-known Chinese wedding planning company in China.

Said to finalize the details.

In fact, Gu Man also likes Chinese weddings very much, so it is up to them to discuss and decide, because after all, professional things should be left to professional people.

It was inconvenient for her to attend such an occasion, so she went to Li Weilai's place.

Li Weilai was rarely in the company. When Gu Man called her, she was in the spa.

Following the address reported by Li Weilai, Gu Man drove to the beauty salon, knocked on the door of the VIP room, and Li Weilai's lazy voice came from inside.


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