Alas, after thinking about it for a while, Yan Chen can understand that the relationship between these two has always been like this.

Thinking of the request she made to him at the airport before she left, Yan Chen didn't criticize it.

He took the initiative to answer: [Report to sister-in-law, Master Jin has been doing quite well recently, and he is doing his best to take care of Douding. Don't worry, sister-in-law~]

He also thought that the goddess was helping Douding to heal his illness, and that Douding's condition seemed to have improved, so he added, [Douding is very good. much better. 】


Weiser on the other side froze for a moment when he heard this, but quickly stabilized his voice: 【... Famous doctor?Is that "Cicada"? 】

Yan Chen nodded hurriedly: [Yes, sister-in-law, you also know Chanyi? 】

Weiser narrowed his eyes.

How could she not know.

At the beginning, the three of them lived well in country M, because Cheng Jinyu heard that there was a miracle doctor in Hua country who was famous all over the world for his superb medical skills. In order to find him to treat Douding's autism, that's why he traveled thousands of miles. The whole family went to Huaguo.

The name of that divine doctor is "Chan Yi"!
But the whereabouts of that "Chan Yi" were secretive, and until the eve of his departure from Huaguo to Madai, he still hadn't heard that Cheng Jinyu had found him.

Why did he find him not long after he left?
No, you can't let him cure that little brat just like that.

At the beginning, in order to make the little brat easy to be controlled by me, I deliberately turned him into an autistic and cowardly character, but it took a lot of effort!
Over there, Yan Chen saw that Weiser did not reply for a long time, thinking that she forgot to answer because she was excited and happy to hear that Douding's autism had improved.

So I added a sentence: "Don't worry about taking a good vacation over there, sister-in-law, when you come back, Douding's autism will be cured, and it will be much easier for you to take it with you~"

Only then did Weisser withdraw his thoughts, deal with it with a few vague words, and then ended the call with Yan Chen.

But after hanging up the phone, her originally plain eyes dimmed for an instant.

I heard that the miracle doctor has great powers and superb medical skills. If he discovers the real cause of Douding's autism...

no!She has to go back quickly!Stop that miracle doctor!

Thinking of this, she got up quickly, walked straight to the hotel, packed her luggage, and went straight to the airport.


After getting on the plane, Weiser realized that he had missed an important thing. If Cheng Jinyu had already found the miracle doctor "Chanyi" who could heal Douding, why was he so eager to let him go back?
Has he already made an entry point from Douding's autism, and found out something?
No, if something was found, she knew his character, and she would definitely not ask herself to go back so politely, but directly sent someone to escort her back to China.

The reason why he is like this is that he hasn't found anything yet, maybe he is so anxious to call himself back, just considering that Douding's condition has improved, and he wants his "mother" to go back and witness with his own eyes, and stay by Douding's side in person .

Thinking of this, the corners of Weiser's lips curled up triumphantly: Look, no matter what, at any time, I will be his son's legitimate mother!
No matter how much he ostracizes himself, at the critical moment, his Madam Cheng's position is still unshakable!

Thinking of it this way, Weiser seemed to be in a good mood, even eating the unpalatable plane meal with relish.


On the other side, Huaguo, Taicheng, and suburban villa areas.

Because the treatment plan for Xiao Douding was redesigned, more acupoints were needed for acupuncture and it took longer, so after dinner, Gu Man made Douding prepare early.

Outside the villa, the twilight was deep, and the orange street lamp pierced the darkness, shining in through the window, and sprinkled on the face of the little person in the bedroom on the second floor.

It was the first time to live in someone else's house, and the other party was Doudou's mother whom he had been thinking about... Xiao Douding was extremely embarrassed, he had just been washed by Doudou, and now he was looking at the bedroom with wide eyes.

When turning his little head, the tip of his nose rubbed against the fluffy quilt, and some sweet smell got into his nose.

The smell!It looks like the one on Doudou's mother!

He couldn't help taking a few more breaths, feeling inexplicably relaxed.

"Brother Douding~ Which pajamas do you want to wear?" Suddenly, Xiao Doudou's figure broke into his field of vision, and when he looked closely, he saw Xiao Doudou holding two pajamas and stretching them out in front of his eyes.

One has a cartoon monster on it and the other has a cartoon panda on it.

"...anything is fine." Xiaodouding replied, but his eyes stayed on the pajamas with the monster pattern for a while longer.

The big eyes flickered a few times, I don't know what I thought of, so I hurriedly don't open them, there is a frantic broken light flashing in the pupils.

"Hmm..." Xiao Doudou saw his expression, "Is Brother Douding afraid of monsters?"

Xiaodouding didn't answer, but still lowered his eyes.

"Hey, I'll help you choose~" Xiao Doudou put the giant panda pajamas in front of Xiao Douding very thoughtfully.

At this moment, the bedroom door was pushed open, and Gu Man walked in with an acupuncture bag and a sachet.

She put the sachet on the bedside, and then said to Xiao Douding, "Douding, are you ready? Auntie is going to start acupuncture?"

Xiao Douding looked at Gu Man timidly with his eyes, and nodded: "...Auntie is ready."

Gu Man understood, told Doudou to go to sleep, and then began to treat Douding.

Since the child is young, it is difficult to find a few acupuncture points, and the risk involved is extremely high. This is the first time Gu Man has tried it on Douding.

But if it can be successful, it will get twice the result with half the effort and produce significant results.

The reason why she sent Doudou away was because she knew that there might be a tough battle tonight, and she didn't want Doudou to interfere with her giving Douding the needle.

Although it was difficult, Douding cooperated very well. The little guy lay motionless on the bed and closed his eyes obediently.

"Don't be afraid." After Gu Man finished speaking, he opened the silver needle box, and put the sachet closer to Douding, and then began to take the needle.

The incense in the sachet was specially prepared by her, it has the effect of calming the nerves, and it is very good for Douding.

The silver needle shone coldly under the light, looking scary, but when it was twisted by Gu Man, it was like twisting a non-aggressive silver hair.

On the window glass, Gu Man's gradually serious eyes were reflected. She seemed to have identified an acupuncture point, and in the blink of an eye, the needle had landed on the acupuncture point on the top of Douding's head.

The silver needle penetrated into the scalp, and it was accurate to a distance of an inch, so Gu Man withdrew his hand.

After finishing this step, cold sweat had already formed on her forehead.

Immediately afterwards, she held her breath again, found the remaining acupuncture points one by one, and then carefully inserted the silver needle, and saw a black color rising slowly from the root of the silver needle, reaching the middle of the silver needle.

She exhaled slowly.

It seems that he succeeded.

Recalling my acupuncture skills, I also benefited from four years ago...

That year, when she returned to Imperial Capital, she took away all the booklets about traditional Chinese medicine left by her grandma, and accidentally discovered that there was another medical book on acupuncture and moxibustion in her collection.

Every word and every acupoint on the human body in that medical book was written and drawn by my grandma. I felt like I had found a treasure, studied it with great concentration, and finally absorbed all the content above, and used it for myself.

It was also after that that she gradually became famous, but she didn't want to show her edge.

"Cicada clothes" is a traditional Chinese medicine, but because she likes these two words, she uses them as a vest for herself to deal with the outside world.

It has been used until now.

The night was dark, and Douding had fallen asleep due to the effects of acupuncture. Gu Man watched his brows gradually relax after falling asleep, and unexpectedly stretched out his hand to gently caress his smooth forehead.

However, as soon as her hand was touched, the sleeping little man suddenly raised his little hand, grabbed her wrist tightly, closed his eyes tightly, and shouted in a panic, "Mommy! Mommy, don't go! Mommy!" Mommy save me! Monsters are coming to eat me again!! Mommy save me..."

The little person seemed to exert all his strength to suckle, as if he was about to drown in a straw sticking out from the shore, and squeezed Gu Man's wrist out of a white seal.

Gu Man was taken aback, but did not pull away his hand, but gently covered the back of the little guy's hand with his other hand, and patted it with an unusually soft voice.

"Hey...don't be afraid...everything will be fine..."

She knew that acupuncture had worked.

This treatment will allow Xiaodouding to face the most frightening things in his memory, and awaken the truest self in his heart.

Of course, this process is extremely painful, so tonight, there will be a tough battle to fight.

Gu Man must stay by his side all the time, and she must deal with any emergency in time.

Now, it is a kind of emergency situation.

With Gu Man's soft soothing voice, Xiao Douding's tightly clenched little hands gradually loosened, and he pulled Gu Man's arm and was about to crawl into her arms.

Gu Man had no choice but to hug him and pat his back lightly.

Not long after, the little guy was born safely, and his breathing gradually became even.

In the second half of the night, everything was calm.

When the sun rose the next day, Xiao Douding opened his sleepy eyes, and saw Gu Man's side face facing him, with the other hand still patting his back.

After this night, Xiao Douding's grape-sized star pupils seemed brighter than before.

It was dark and shiny, staring at the woman in front of him who had taken care of him all night.

There are countless thoughts in my little head at the moment: Her eyelashes are so long, I want to kiss her, I want to call her Mommy, I want to be her child...

Thinking about it this way, he actually did it.

Closing her eyes, she slowly moved closer to Gu Man's forehead, left a shallow kiss, and then whispered: "...Mommy, good morning."

I don't know if the treatment is effective, but Gu Man felt that Xiao Douding had changed. When he woke up in the morning, he saw him sitting obediently by the bed and staring at him with joy.

His two small hands were neatly stacked in front of him, and his two big eyes were shining brighter than ever before.

The child who was always taciturn and timid in the past showed an unusually bright smile to himself, and even the voice of his voice contained a bit of excitement: "Auntie, breakfast is ready!"


Gu Man scratched his head: "What breakfast? Who made it?"

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