As soon as he saw it, Cheng Jinyu saw the short reply from the other party.

Cheng Jinyu sneered slightly, and raised his brows slightly.

Why do you think this person's tone of voice is more arrogant than yourself?

Fortunately, I am a person who cherishes talents, otherwise the other party dares to speak to me in this tone, and the end must be miserable.

But finally got the other party's contact information, Cheng Jinyu didn't think too much, and directly saved the string of numbers sent by the other party on the phone.

Then he tapped the table with his index finger, frowning and thinking about something.

After a while, he suddenly stopped, sat up straight, his slender fingers were jumping on the keyboard, and after a while, a search box appeared on the page.

He bowed his head and entered the string of mobile phone numbers into the search box, and clicked the Enter key.

But the computer screen seemed to be dead, suddenly pitch black.

He frowned.

Should not be ah.

This is the most advanced information query system in his hands. No matter who is the object of inquiry, just enter a little clue, whether it is a number, name or code.

The identity of the other party can be retrieved immediately.


Unwilling to give up, Cheng Jinyu clicked the mouse a few times, but there was still no response from the screen.

He understood something, put the mouse aside, folded his arms and looked at the screen, squinting his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up with interest.

Who is this mysterious man?

It seems that he had been prepared for a long time, fearing that someone would investigate his identity information through the number, so he dealt with it so that no one could find any clues about him.

Who would cover up his true identity so carefully?


After the lunch break, the alarm bell rang, the children woke up one after another, and the quiet classroom instantly became lively.

Teacher Xiao Li opened the curtains, stretched his neck, and started to work nervously.

Help children make quilts, arrange children to line up to go to the toilet, go to the small kitchen to get extra meals...

In the class, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner...

But in the toilet, while the teachers were busy, Qian Duoduo blocked the thin little Douding in the corner of the toilet.

Behind Qian Duoduo, there were a few kids who were as aggressive as him.

At the moment, she was with Qian Duoduo, yelling: "Little dumb! Little dumb!"

Xiao Douding kept his head down, and the clothes on him were deformed by Qian Duoduo.

At this moment, his head drooped, like a lost lamb surrounded by wolves.

In front of him, Qian Duoduo raised his head, squinted his small eyes, and raised the corners of his lips triumphantly: "Hey! Little dumb! I'll give you one more chance to be my little brother! Listen to me from now on, and I'll let you go East, you go east! How about it?"

Xiaodouding didn't respond, but curled his arms and pressed his chin to his neck.

Seeing this, Qian Duoduo pushed him directly: "I'm asking you something!"

The child's attack was not serious, and Xiao Douding was pushed to sit on the ground by him, and his two little hands were directly propped on the urine stains on the ground.

"Hahahaha~" Seeing his hand on the urine stain, Qian Duoduo covered his stomach and laughed, "Stinky dumb! Stinky dumb!"

Hearing what he said, the little followers behind him also echoed: "The little dumb has become a stinky dumb~ The little dumb has become stinky~"

After finishing speaking, they all pinched their noses and showed disgust.

Xiaodouding's face turned red, she shrank her neck and tried to stand up.

But Qian Duoduo's voice sounded above his head again.

"Smelly dumb! Unless you lick my shoes clean, I will let you go in the future, otherwise, you can just wait!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Duoduo lowered his head and spit on his shoes, then stretched his feet in front of Xiaodouding.

Little Douding was trembling all over, and the little man's complexion instantly turned pale.

"Lick it! Lick it!" Qian Duoduo continued to yell.

Seeing that Xiao Douding didn't move, he was about to put the shoes in front of Xiao Douding, when suddenly, a thin, thin hand stopped in front of him.

"Money, much, much! You are too much!"

After Qian Duoduo saw that the person who fell from the sky was Xiao Doudou, he shrunk his neck subconsciously, but remembered what his parents had said.

Immediately, he raised his small chest and raised his chin!
"Gu Yihong! It's none of your business what I do?! What kind of onion are you, a wild child without a father! Get the hell out of here!"

Xiaodoudou frowned, her complexion had changed.

Seeing that Xiaodoudou's complexion was not good, Qian Duoduo only thought that what he said was effective, and continued to add fuel and vinegar: "You bastard without a father! Get out of here! This is the grievance between me and Dumb! I...ah!!!"

Before Qian Duoduo finished speaking, he felt his eyes darken and a sharp pain came from the bridge of his nose, so he couldn't help crying out in pain.

"Gu Yihong! You! How dare you hit me!"

"Heh~" Xiaodoudou smiled contemptuously, and patted her hands, as if she was patting something dirty.

Then he bent down and helped Xiaodouding up.

Looking directly at Qian Duoduo, he didn't appear to be joking around in the slightest.

Seriously with a sullen little face, he said word by word: "My mother said that you can't do anything to children. I am very obedient and have always done well. Except for one case, because that is my bottom line, very good, just now You stepped directly on my bottom line."

What he hates the most is when others call him "wild boy without father" and "wild species".

The last person who called me like this is still lying in the hospital!

"You you you! What bottom line do you have! You are just a wild child without father's education! You... ah!!!"

Qian Duoduo didn't know what the bottom line he was talking about, let alone what it meant.

Before he could finish his reply, another punch was received in the face.

"Wow wow!! It hurts!"

The crying and howling this time directly attracted the teacher.

Teacher Xiao Li looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but gasp...


Four Seasons Cloud Sea Community.

Weiser, who was serving Xiao Douding's meal, was watching the little man in front of him eating the steamed stuffed bun in a gentle mouthful, and felt a shock in his heart.

The child seemed to have a strange smell when he came back from kindergarten, and he hung his head and said nothing.

She suddenly remembered that when she picked him up, Teacher Xiao Li called her to stop, telling herself that a child had a conflict with Xiao Douding in the kindergarten today, but it was nothing serious.

The parent of the child has been contacted, and the kindergarten will urge the other parent to deal with and respond to the matter.

She also thought it was just an ordinary collision between children...

After all, it wasn't her own child, so she didn't take it to heart, let alone feel distressed.

He will only think that this little bastard is useless and deserves to be bullied.

Suddenly, the mobile phone that was placed aside rang.

She picked it up and took a look. It turned out to be the parent group of the kindergarten.

Thinking it was an announcement from the teacher, he clicked on the group message casually.

But it was discovered that it was a message sent by a parent with the note "Qian Duoduo's mother".

[Hello, Gu Yihong's parents!Today your son Gu Yihong beat my son Qian Duoduo for no reason!I think you should be ashamed of what your son did!There is a saying in Huaguo, "Like a father, like a son", but you should change it when you put it here. After all, your family Gu Yihong is a wild child without a father. You should call it "Like a mother, like a son" "!"I need you to apologize to my son now for your son!Or tomorrow, your son kowtows to my son as an apology! @Gu Yihong Mom]

Weiser frowned slightly after reading the news.

This wechat is quite gunpowder, but the quality is worrying.

Taicheng is really a small place, and even the best noble kindergartens accept some weird ones.

Not to mention these parents who she didn't like at all, it was Teacher Xiao Li, she felt disgusted at the first sight.


Although she came to Taicheng with Cheng Jinyu, she still yearns for country M. I really don't understand why Cheng Jinyu is leaving the good country of M alone, why come to such a small place to hang out with a bunch of bad guys!

From the moment she landed in Taicheng, she was thinking about how to escape from here.

Living here, one more second is simply a stain on one's noble status.

The air here is dirty.

After thinking about it, her eyes fell on the news, and she had an idea in her mind.

Xiao Douding on the opposite side had already finished his meal, lowered his head and jumped off the chair, consciously finished washing the dishes, and was about to go upstairs.

"Douding~" Weiser smiled greasyly, "How is it? Are the meat buns made by Mommy delicious?"

Xiaodouding paused, turned around, and nodded dully.

Weisser went around the table and walked in front of Douding, squatting down: "Douding~ What do you think of the kindergarten you are attending now?"

Little Douding looked up in a daze.

"It's about how you get along with the children in the kindergarten, how well the teacher treats you, and whether any classmates bully you..."

Weiser understood that Cheng Jinyu would definitely not agree to his rashly mentioning returning to Country M, but if it was because of Douding's education...

Then Cheng Jinyu will definitely weigh it up and consider it.

So, she just had a flash of inspiration and was going to start with Douding.

It just so happened that he had an awkward fight with his classmates today, so why not strike while the iron is hot!
Tell him to tell Cheng Jinyu that he doesn't like going to school in Taicheng and doesn't like staying in Taicheng.

When the time comes, the three of them will go back to Country M directly, and she won't have to worry about being sent to Madai for some kind of vacation!

Life will return to the right track. She is Mrs. Cheng met by Cheng Jinyu, the ruler of the Cheng family in M ​​country, enjoying the most generous and luxurious treatment...

But the little immortal in front of him just stared at him blankly, like a fool who didn't understand what he meant.

Weiser frowned.

Damn boy!Just stupid and dumb!Can't communicate!
She suppressed the irritability in her heart and prepared to change her talking strategy.

"Is there a kid named Gu Yihong in your class? I heard that he was a bully in the kindergarten and often bullied the kids. Did he bully you? Oh, by the way, the kid Mr. Li said was having trouble with you today , is it him?"

After hearing this, Xiao Douding lowered his head, pinched the chocolate biscuit in his pocket through his pocket, and shook his head.

Seeing that there was no way to break through from this little thing, Weiser simply waved his hand: "Okay, you go up~"

Watching Xiao Douding turn around, she slowly climbed upstairs.

Weiser's face was drawn and long.

Not long after Xiaodouding went upstairs, car lights shone in from outside the courtyard.

Weiser knew that it was Cheng Jinyu who had returned, so he clutched his phone, put on a smiling face, and turned around to greet him...

He said softly, "Jin Yu, you're back~"

Cheng Jinyu parked the car, said "Mm", and when he was about to enter the door, he glanced at Building No. [-], which still had no lights on, and lowered his eyes, "Did Douding sleep?"

Weiser hurriedly replied: "Just went upstairs, Douding seems to have been bullied in kindergarten today, alas... this kind of kindergarten..."

Cheng Jinyu stopped in his tracks, and said in a dangerous tone, "Who bullied you?"

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