The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 140 Master Sumire!Someone has taken an order!

"Mommy! Doudou wants to pee!!"

Xiaodoudou woke up to the smell of toast.

The little man turned over and sat up arching his buttocks.

Then he rubbed his eyes and smashed his mouth: "Mommy~ so fragrant~"

Hearing the sound, Gu Man paused for a moment with the hand on the doorknob that was about to unscrew the door, and then turned around.

"Gu Yihong, you're such a lazy bastard~" The tone was quite disgusting.

"Hey, why does Mommy say that about Xiaodoudou? I'm a lazy idiot, so what is Mommy?"

Xiaodoudou knew that once Mommy started calling her name, it meant that Mommy was a little angry or disliked herself.

"Your mother, I got up at six o'clock!" Gu Man strode to the door of the bedroom, went directly to pick up Xiao Doudou from the bed, walked to the toilet and put him down, "Hurry up, wash up and eat!"

"Obey!" Xiaodoudou rubbed her somewhat messy hair, saluted, and slowly took off her panties.

Gu Man retreated silently.

Outside, the black stretched Lincoln drove further and further away, until Building No. [-] could no longer be seen, and Cheng Jinyu turned his gaze away.

I don't know what I was thinking, and my deep pupils narrowed slightly.


After Xiaodouding woke up, he put on his clothes and shoes, washed up and went downstairs.

But I saw that my father was nowhere to be seen in the living room.

The bright eyes dimmed instantly.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Weiser caught a glimpse of him going downstairs, with disgust in his eyes.

She was in a bad mood, and she didn't get what she wanted last night. She originally thought that she could have breakfast with the family this morning to enhance her relationship.

But when she came, Cheng Jinyu had already left.

As a result, I lost half of my mind to wash my hands and make soup.

"What are you doing there? Go cook!" she yelled at Xiao Douding who was standing stiffly at the bottom of the stairs.

Xiao Douding lowered his eyes, walked towards the kitchen with his little feet without saying a word.

The stove was too high for a little person to reach, so he moved a small stool and stepped on it with his little feet.

Washing and chopping vegetables, pouring oil into the pan, he did everything in an orderly manner, and in a short time, he fried a plate of green vegetables and fried two eggs.

At this time, the milk in the small milk pot is almost hot.

He carefully poured the milk into the glass, then jumped off the stool and walked into the living room.

"Done?" Weiser lowered his crossed legs, and raised his eyes from his beautifully painted nails.

Little Douding nodded.

"Hmph, little mute!" Weiser rolled his eyes, stood up slowly, and walked into the kitchen.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

Picking it up and taking a look, his eyes lit up instantly.

pick up.

"Hello? Jinyu?"

I don't know what was said there, Wei Se smiled tenderly, and nodded: "Well, we are eating, I just made it, Douding wants to eat meat buns, and I will chop the stuffing when I come together."

I don't know what was said there, and Weiser's eyes became brighter: "Auction? Okay, then I will go there with Douding, um, see you then~"

After hanging up the phone, Weiser felt much better again, and walked into the kitchen humming a little tune.

He brought out the plate of fried vegetables and fried eggs and put them on the dining table. When he went to serve the milk, he gave Xiao Douding a sidelong glance.

He muttered in his mouth: "If it wasn't for fear of scalding you, my mother wouldn't help you. My mother is so kind to you. As for you, you have such a sad face all day long that you don't even want to say "mother!"

In fact, she was afraid that Xiao Douding would get burned while serving the food and Cheng Jinyu would find out, so she reluctantly went to serve the food herself.

Xiao Douding still didn't speak, climbed onto the stool with her buttocks pouted, and ate the fried egg silently.

Seeing his silence, Weiser suddenly became angry again, and put down his chopsticks: "Finish this egg, and go to the room to do your Olympiad!"

Xiaodouding was startled, his pupils shrank suddenly, then he stretched his neck to swallow the egg in his mouth, and looked up at Weiser.

There is no wave in the pupils of the eyes, even a little dull.

"What are you looking at?! Little brat!" Weiser slapped the table.

Xiao Douding lowered his eyes, jumped off the chair with his small arms supporting the table, and walked upstairs with his little head drooping.

Only then did Weiser feel more comfortable.

He raised his legs and took a sip of milk.

At that time, Gu Man and Xiao Doudou were enjoying a hearty breakfast.

Xiao Doudou showed his innate "sycophant" spirit and praised Gu Man's cooking skills as a flower.

Although Gu Man has long been used to it, it is also very useful.

"Mommy, the sandwich you made is just right~ there are not enough peas~"

"Well, eat more if it tastes good."

Xiaodoudou took a big bite of the sandwich, pointed at the cold cucumber on the table vaguely and said, "Mum, did we plant this cucumber last weekend?"

"Well, yes."

"Oh my god~ Mommy~ You can handle Cucumber Baby~ You are too..."

"What?" Gu Man gave a threatening look.

"You are too kind!" Xiaodoudou swallowed the sandwich in her mouth, blinked her big obsidian-like eyes, and said full of desire to survive.

Gu Man slowly put the last bite of the sandwich into his mouth, and chewed, "What do you know, kid? The smaller the cucumber, the better it tastes, just like a kid, the smaller it is, the tenderer it is, the tenderer it is, the more delicious it is..."

As he spoke, an evil smile overflowed his lips, he stood up slowly, and threw himself at Xiaodoudou with all his teeth and claws.

Seeing this, Xiaodoudou let out a "wow" and repeatedly begged for mercy: "Mummy, please let me go~ Mommy~ hee hee~ haha~ woooo~ It's so itchy~ Mommy, stop scratching~"

One big and one small are frolicking and making a mess.

The scene is very... emmmmmmm warm?

The pleasant breakfast was over, and the two of them ate their bellies and collapsed on the sofa.

Gu Man is thinking about whether to plant tomatoes today or tomorrow.

Xiaodoudou's little feet were dangling on Gu Man's lap, her head was resting on the pillow, and her two little hands were holding a mobile phone that was bigger than his face.

Skillfully opened the mobile game king.

As soon as he went online, his little follower "A High Mountain Grass" sent a private message.

"Boss, you are finally online~Please bring me~"

Xiaodoudou replied with an "OK" gesture and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I will cover you!"

Gu Man squinted at him: "Remember the agreement, the game time is not allowed to exceed half an hour."

Xiaodoudou looked up at Gu Man, the little man grinned, and responded cleverly: "Okay, Mommy~ Mommy, I love you, Mommy, please rest well first, and Xiaodoudou won't bother you." You are resting~"

Then he sat up, turned over and climbed off the sofa, and rushed towards the study.

While rushing, fingers were operating on the phone screen: "Mommy~ Don't worry~ After half an hour, Xiaodoudou will consciously read the picture book~"

Gu Man gave a light "hmm".

It seems that he is not worried that he will always be addicted to mobile games.

After Xiaodoudou closed the study door, Gu Man also took the laptop from the side coffee table and put it on his lap.


The summer sun lazily shines in through the window, falling on her white and round fingertips.

As her fingers move across the keyboard.

The golden sunlight also seemed to have life, swimming at her fingertips.

Gu Man first logged into his social account, processed several offline files sent by the company assistant Xiao Wang, and then switched to the background.

With one operation on the keyboard, he logged into a niche technology forum called "Black Cat".

This forum is a hidden forum dedicated to accepting scientific and technological tasks. It's not that people in the circle can't find it, and they can't get in.

As soon as she logged in, she saw a reward for a five-star task on the homepage.

Just as she was about to click on it, there was a new short message from the website. It was a message from "Brother Big Face", her eyeliner in this technology forum.

I usually collect any gossip about Star for her, and Star's hidden family history, as well as unknown anecdotes.

Because this forum not only publishes reward tasks, but also has many posts discussing the world's major technology giants.

Discussions were varied.

Although it seems to be gossip, in fact, the authenticity of each event has traces to follow.

Two years ago, because of this forum, she found out about Wen Jiandong, the former head of Star, who had an affair when he was young.

It is rumored that Wen Jiandong cheated on a woman in Huaguo when he was young, and had an illegitimate child with that woman. The child is still living outside, and his life and death are unknown.

People in the circle on the forum said that there are noses and eyes, but someone checked and found that there is indeed such a thing.

At that time, Gu Man felt that this forum was amazing.

But she usually has to take care of Xiaodoudou, and she can't let Star's people find out, let alone reveal her identity.

So, with a high salary, I hired a friend on the site, a "big face brother" who has never been masked, to collect gossip about Star for her.

Of course, the way she communicates with "Big Face Brother" is limited to short exchanges on the forum.

[M Bean, I have sent you all the gossip and trends about Star that I have collected in the forum recently, please check it. 】

The big face brother's message is simple and clear.

Gu Man replied in the dialog box: "Got it, the commission will call you later."

【OK, thanks. 】 There is another reply.

Gu Man was about to exit the chat box when another message was sent over there.

[Did you see the five-star mission on the homepage?The commission is [-] million, and it has been hung up for a week, and no one dares to accept it. 】

The task level of the forum is divided into stars, five stars are the highest degree of difficulty, and one star is the lowest.

Usually, when Gu Man has enough time, he will also take up tasks on the forum, one is to practice his hands, so as not to be unfamiliar with his skills, and the other is to make money.

But she despises those missions with one star, two stars and three stars.

Those with a low degree of difficulty, no challenge, and less commission.

A four-star commission can usually be in the millions, and a five-star commission is at a minimum of 1000 million. In the past, she took over a five-star commission, and the other party was generous, and the bid was 5000 million.

Although she now has a company, she can still make money.

But after all, if you want to raise a baby, the four-legged swallowing gold beast will cost a lot!
Can you do it without making money?
Gu Man typed: "I see, what's the matter? Is this mission so scary? Why is no one taking it?"

"It will be completed within a week over there, and this is a five-star. In addition to you, in the Black Cat Forum, you are the only one who hasn't shown up for a long time. The big guy who has not shown up for a long time is sure to be able to pick it up. But he seems to have almost four years. Did not take over the task."

Gu Man had heard about the great achievements of this "Recalling" senior, but she had no choice but to enter this forum two years ago, so she hadn't really seen the power of "Recalling".

"I gonna go see."

After Gu Man replied this sentence, he closed the dialog box and directly clicked on the reward announcement on the home page.

After glancing at the specific requirements, Gu Man raised his eyebrows.

That's it?

Then decisively clicked on the task to receive.

The moment after she finished clicking, a man who was sitting crookedly across from Cheng Jinyu in the office of the president of Chuxin Group in Taicheng immediately jumped up!

Exclaimed in his mouth: "Fuck! Lord Jin! Someone has taken our order!!!"

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