The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 107 Boss Gu, something happened to Xiao 2!

It was a message from Han Chenlie.

——Boss Gu, I’m convinced. Since you don’t want to come to the restaurant to be a resident violinist, then you can come over here and take away your 100 million principal, and I’ll give you some interest, otherwise I’ll give you my heart. It's not the taste anymore.

Gu Man moved his fingers and was about to enter characters.

Han Chenlie's second message was sent again.

——Boss Gu, I beg you~ You helped me like that before, if you don’t let me repay you now, then you really don’t treat me as a friend or a buddy!

Gu Man's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Enter two words: OK.

Click Send.

If she doesn't accept it, this kid must really think too much.

Gu Man packed up and was about to go downstairs, it was lunch time, for some reason, as soon as she opened the door, smelling the smell of food coming from other people's houses in the corridor, she rarely felt hungry.

Usually when I smell this smell, I hold my breath and run away.

Otherwise, you will feel nauseous if you stay for a while.

But today I suddenly didn't feel that discomfort anymore.

She didn't think much about it, and was going to go downstairs to pad her stomach before going to Denton.

But she grabbed her coat and was about to go downstairs when Zhu Qiqi's voice came from the corner of the stairs.


Gu Man stared, and saw Zhu Qiqi climbing up with a paper bag in his hand.

"Qibao? Why are you here?" Gu Man stopped the hand that was about to close the door.

"I just drove past a pharmacy, and I bought you some traditional Chinese medicine for regulating the stomach. You can put some in the soup..."

Zhu Qiqi shook the plastic bag in his hand, and explained somewhat out of breath.

Gu Man's nose felt sore, she nodded and took the plastic bag: "Thank you." She turned to let Zhu Qiqi into the room.

"You are welcome, are you going out?"

"Well, it's a little thing, don't be in a hurry, you can come in and sit for a while."

Zhu Qiqi entered the house, looking around the cold and simple room.


This is what Gu Man called "luxury one bedroom and one living room"?
"Manbao, I don't know if I should say something..."

"Well, tell me." Gu Man took out the medicine from the plastic bag, habitually opened the bag of Chinese herbal medicine and smelled it.

"Life still has to go on, you should go back home earlier...Look at you, living outside, you can't even take care of your own body...Let's not take a step back, if the child comes back in the can you How about taking good care of the child?"

Zhu Qiqi really couldn't stand Gu Man's life in such a mess, looking at the whole room, it was deserted and unpopular.

Some time ago, she went to Country M and didn't know about Gu Man's current living conditions. Now that she knows, she won't sit idly by.

Gu Man didn't answer, still fiddled with the Chinese medicine in the bag with his head down.

Zhu Qiqi sighed again, Gu Man had his own ideas since he was a child.

Suddenly, she thought of a good idea, and her eyes lit up: "If it's really not possible, you can go to my house and stay with me for a while? Let's be companions..."

"Well, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, Astragalus membranaceus, lotus seeds, ginseng, Gorgon seed..." Gu Man sniffed the medicinal materials in the traditional Chinese medicine paper bag, and said the name of the dish.

"Manbao!" Zhu Qiqi stomped his feet and said angrily, "I'll be worried if you do this!"

Gu Man finally turned his attention to her: "It's okay, don't worry about me."

"But you..."

"It's really good that I'm so at ease." Gu Man raised his hand and patted Zhu Qiqi's shoulder.

Zhu Qiqi pouted, opened his arms to hug Gu Man, and chose to compromise.

Because since she met Gu Man, Gu Man has been an extremely capable person, different from many girls.

Unable to say anything, Zhu Qiqi had no choice but to go back the same way. After leaving the rented house, he returned home.

Gu Man took the Chinese medicinal materials sent by Zhu Qiqi, but fell into deep thought.

In fact, the Gu family made their fortune in the Chinese medicine industry in the early years.

Later, after my father became famous in the Imperial Capital, he gradually gave up the traditional Chinese medicine industry and started to operate other industries with faster and more profitable businesses.

But she remembered that the grandma, known as "the reincarnation of the genius doctor Hua Tuo" by the world, had always been very obsessed with Chinese medicine.

When she was seven or eight years old, she was influenced by her grandma, and she was obsessed with Chinese medicine for a while...

At that time, Grandma, who was not used to living in high-rise villas in the city, lived in the mountains all year round.

Every summer vacation, my brothers are unwilling to go to the mountains, but she is the only one who is willing to go to the mountains to play with her grandma.

My brothers don't like Chinese herbal medicines either, but she does.

Grandma Tai has a medicinal fragrance all year round. She likes it very much, and often throws herself into Grandma Tai's arms to smell it non-stop.

Grandma liked her very much, and often took her to the mountains to look for herbs and identify herbs, common and uncommon, and their effects, and even taught her how to make pills.

Later, my grandma fell down the mountain while picking herbs. Because she was too old and unable to recover, the situation was very serious.

Those who heal others cannot heal themselves. When she was dying, her grandma, who was over 100 years old, left her a thick handwritten booklet.

The booklet records the diagnosis and treatment methods of many difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and the formula for refining pills.

Grandma Tai said that this booklet can save lives and is wealth, so let her keep it safe so that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

He also said that she is the child of the Gu family with the most aura and understanding.

Later, as she grew up, she became obsessed with other things, such as violins, racing cars, computers...

Then I completely forgot about that booklet.

But once, when she was free and had nothing to do, she turned to that booklet and developed a few pills according to a formula in the booklet. By chance, she even saved a person's life with the pills...

Thinking of the person he saved, Gu Man suddenly narrowed his eyes.

That person once said that he would return to the country once every two years, and now it is almost time for that person to return.

Gu Man stood in the room and thought for a while, before going out again.

When they arrived in Denton, Han Chenlie knew that Gu Man would come, so he was already waiting for her in the restaurant.

As soon as Gu Man entered the restaurant, he saw Xiao Hui, so he asked how her mother was doing.

Xiaohui replied that Dean He's surgery was a success. After chatting with Xiaohui for a few words, Gu Man went to the VIP room where Han Chenlie was.

After entering the private room, Han Chenlie stood up and went forward to meet her.

The dimples on both sides of the cheeks twitched slightly: "Boss Gu, haven't you eaten yet?"

Gu Man rubbed his nose, glanced at the plates of exquisite dishes on the dining room table, and raised his eyebrows: "Take me to dinner?"

"It's just time for dinner, how about something to eat?" Han Chenlie opened the main seat and asked Gu Man to take a seat.

Gu Man pursed her lips: "Then respect is worse than obedience." After that, she took a step with her straight and slender legs, walked over, and took a seat.

Although she eats fast, she eats very well, which is pleasing to the eye.

Han Chenlie sat aside and watched her, and waited until she was almost done eating before pushing a bank card over.

"Boss Gu, this is the 100 million card with interest, you must accept the money, we agreed."

Gu Man was not hypocritical, took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, took the card, and stuffed it into his pocket: "Thank you."

Han Chenlie said, "I should thank you. If it weren't for your 100 million start-up capital back then, I wouldn't be where I am now..."

"You can't say that, you are the one who makes progress." Gu Man waved his hand.

Han Chenlie scratched his head, and the two pear blossoms bloomed shyly.

Even though I am much taller than the girl in front of me now, because I was always covered and protected by her when I was a child.

Now, her image in front of him is still like a noble lotus flower, which can be seen from a distance and cannot be played with.

To herself, she is a respectable and grateful existence.

Seeing that Gu Man finally accepted the card, he felt relieved and secretly sighed.

In the past, it was Boss Gu who protected him and helped him unconditionally, but now he finally has the opportunity to repay her and help her.

After a pause, he hesitated and spoke again as if he remembered something, "Boss Gu, something happened to Xiao"

Gu Man's eyelashes trembled imperceptibly.

She originally thought that she had given up on that person, but she didn't expect that her heart would still ache when she heard about him and his name again.

Even hearing that something happened to him, her heart skipped half a beat.

She picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, trying to keep her voice steady: "What's wrong with him?"

"...a lung grows..."

Gu Man took a breath, the end of his eyes were instantly stained scarlet, and his throat tightened: "What's growing?"

"Tumor." Han Chenlie sighed, and the two dimples released deep sadness.

"When I went to see him in the No. [-] Hospital, he was not in good spirits. He told me not to tell you, but I thought about it... I should tell you about this..."

boom! !

Gu Man's brain buzzed.

She didn't know how she got out of Denton and got into a taxi after she got out.

She forgot the destination she told the driver until the driver pulled her to the gate of the No. [-] Hospital.

The car stopped, and the driver said to her, "Girl, we're here."

Only then did she regain her senses, paid the fare, and mechanically moved her legs out of the car.

When we arrived at the dean's office, He Ping was not there, only his assistant was there.

She was sitting on the sofa in the office waiting for him.

Not long after, He Ping came back.

Seeing Gu Man waiting for him, He Ping was slightly surprised: "You are here."

Gu Man stood up and went straight to the point: "How is he?"

He Ping didn't answer, sighed, walked to the water dispenser, and took a glass of water for Gu Man: "Drink first."

Gu Man didn't take the glass of water, and stared directly at He Ping's eyes with his bright eyes, his voice was a little hoarse: "Is it serious?"

He Ping's vicissitudes of eyelids drooped slightly, with a few creases: ""

Gu Man's feet softened, but he still managed to stabilize his figure: "Are you not even sure that you can be cured?"

With compassion in his eyes, He Ping walked behind the desk and sat down on a chair.

He took off his glasses, lowered his head and rubbed his temples, a hint of anxiety and helplessness emerged in his voice.

"Only by removing the tumor and sending it for biopsy can we know whether it is benign or malignant. If it is benign, we can choose traditional Chinese medicine for conservative treatment..."

Speaking of this, He Ping thumped the table in frustration: "But the tumor is so close to the arteries, it is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, it will... Even if I perform this operation, the probability of success is only 50.00%..."

Gu Man froze, something in his eyes was gradually dimming.

Although he went too far, but hearing the news that his life was hanging by a thread, her whole body seemed to have fallen into the icehouse of the cold winter months.

"Gu Man, don't worry. There is another person who can perform this operation. The success rate is 90.00%. The Xiao family and I are trying to find a way to contact that person, but we haven't heard back from him yet..."

"Who?" Gu Man recovered his voice, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes again.

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