The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 104 I, Xiao Wangchu, only need Gu Man!

——Gu Man is now in the Jinlin Star Hotel, being drugged.

Xiao Wangchu quickly glanced at the sender, it was a network number.

Obviously, that person didn't want to reveal his identity.

The matter was related to Gu Man, so he didn't have time to verify the authenticity of the news, so he grabbed his phone tightly and rushed out the door.

Grandpa asked from behind: "Chu'er? Where are you going?! Doctor Han will be here soon..."

"Grandpa, I have something urgent."

After saying this, Xiao Wangchu quickened his pace, ran out of the courtyard, dragged the driver Xiao Zhang from the phantom car, and then drove away.

In the cab, Xiao Wangchu pursed his lips tightly, looking at the congested road outside.

With a sharp hammer on the steering wheel, the brows are full of anxiety.

At this speed, it would take at least half an hour to reach Jinlin Star.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately called Wilson.

The voice was low and hurried, and he ordered: "Use resources and clear the road. I am going to Jinlin Star now. You have to make sure that there is no car on this road. I will only give you 3 minutes. If you can't do it, you are asking." .”

On the other side, Wilson, who was leading Dr. Han into the other hospital, broke out in a cold sweat immediately: "Got it!"

But wasn't the Boss still in the other courtyard just now?Why are you going to Jinlin Star now?
Before he had time to think about it, he wiped the sweat off his brow, drew out a number on his phone and dialed it.

Xiao Wangchu moved left and right on the road.

After 1 minute, sirens started to sound on the road.

After 2 minutes, the cars on the road began to drive off the road under the guidance of the traffic police.

Three minutes later, there was no other car on the road except his Phantom.

If the road surface is cleared, then we can play it next.

Suddenly, a stern look flashed in his eyes, he straightened the steering wheel, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!
The car seemed to be flying towards Jinlin Star under his control. It took him less than 10 minutes to travel 8 minutes!

Just as the car stopped at the gate of Jinlin Star Hotel, the phone rang again.

is the second message.

- Presidential Suite on the top floor.

The room manager of Jinlin Star happened to be in the lobby, when he saw Xiao Wangchu coming in, he trotted up to greet him.

"Mr. Xiao, why are you here in person?"

Jinlin Star is a high-end luxury hotel purchased by the Xiao family, and it is usually managed by a dedicated person, so Xiao Wangchu usually does not come here.

"Well, there is something to do." While speaking, Xiao Wangchu didn't stop, and walked directly to the elevator hall.

"Which floor do you want to go to?" The room manager asked very attentively and winkingly.

"Top floor."

"This is the room card that leads directly to the top floor. You can just swipe the card to enter." The room manager took out a gold card from his body and handed it over with both hands.

Because there is only one presidential suite on the entire top floor, which is very luxurious, and usually the distinguished guests who are either rich or noble live in it, so guests from other floors cannot enter.

"En." Xiao Wangchu took the card and entered the elevator. After swiping the card, the elevator started on its own and began to go up.

After 20 seconds, there was a "ding" sound, reaching the top floor, and the elevator door slowly opened.

With his long legs, he rushed out of the door and rushed to the door of the only room on the entire floor.

Panting, he had swiped the room card on the sensor on the doorknob.

There was a soft "click" from the door.

automatically open……


at the same time.

In the examination room of the hospital, Gu Man, who had woken up slowly, stared at the gray ceiling for a long while in a daze before sitting up suddenly.

Suddenly, an indescribable discomfort in her abdomen made her frown.

"Oh, you're awake." At this moment, the doctor wearing a mask came over.

"What's wrong with me?" Gu Man frowned, clenched his fists, and looked at the doctor warily.

"You just passed out suddenly during the examination because of low blood sugar."

"Hypoglycemia?" Gu Man's eyelashes trembled suspiciously.

Is it because I haven't eaten well recently?

"Yes, I've given you a fluid transfusion, so you have to eat on time in the future."

The doctor said, handed over a checklist, and continued, "Your test results came out, and you are not pregnant."

Gu Man was startled, and took it.

Not pregnant?That……

"But what's wrong with my period being a week late and having nausea?" she asked.

"Irregular diet can also indirectly lead to the occurrence of these situations." The doctor added.

Gu Man breathed a sigh of relief, and said again casually: "I used to check blood for pregnancy, but this time..."

"The B-ultrasound performed directly this time is more intuitive."

The doubts were completely dispelled, and Gu Man took another look at what was written on the checklist: no gestational sac was found.

I thanked the doctor and took a taxi back home.

But almost as soon as she got home, the phone on the table rang, indicating that a text message had come in.


Concern is chaotic, as soon as the door opened, Xiao Wangchu quickly entered the suite, not noticing the faint fragrance wafting in the air at all.

He walked through the living room and the long corridor, and shouted: "Gu Man!"

No one responded.

The uneasiness in his heart prompted him to quicken his pace and walk towards the bedroom.

But after he pushed open the bedroom door, the dark fragrance became even stronger, almost rushing towards his face, and drilled into his nostrils as if he had grown legs.

Only then did he realize the abnormality. While covering his mouth and nose with his arms, he coughed a few times and walked towards the bed.

The voice was muffled: "Gu Man!"

The quilt on the bed was red, covering the person lying down, only half of the head could be seen with a few strands of black hair exposed under the quilt.

When he approached, he leaned over and wanted to lift the quilt.

But as soon as his fingers lifted a corner of the quilt, the person inside stretched out two white arms, and suddenly wrapped around his neck!
Then there was a bone-crushing panting sound: "I have been waiting for you for a long are finally here~"

That voice was extremely charming, combined with the dark fragrance, the scorching breath sprayed onto the cold white skin of Xiao Wangchu's neck.

It made him confused for a moment, and his eyes turned scarlet like blood.

"Hmm~ Is it hot? Take off the heat~ I'll help you take it off~" That charming voice still echoed in my ears.

The person under him has already stretched out his small hand to his back, moving up and down on his broad back through his clothes, like a dexterous little snake.

Wherever the little snake went, it became numb due to sensitivity and excitement.

The people under him kept breathing on the pinnae of his ear, moaning, weeping and complaining, and they were melodious, like a snake spirit hungry and thirsty for pleasure.

"What are you waiting for? You're going to get me soon~ You must not be able to take it anymore~ Can't you~" The voice was like a hook, and it couldn't help seducing him.

Xiao Wangchu's breathing gradually became a little rough, and the remaining rationality told him: the person on the bed is not Gu Man.

But his brain seemed to be out of control, and his eyes were full of desire, sparkling with waves.

He snorted and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

But the more he swayed, the more he could feel the restlessness in his body, that restlessness was like a beast, constantly impacting his reason and defense.

He kept roaring in the deepest part of his brain, accusing!
Accused him why he still didn't eat the people on the bed.

The voice was getting louder and louder, so loud that it was about to break through his ear canal!

He broke free from the restraint of the person below him, stood up and took two steps back.

His delicate jaw, which was as flawless as a knife carving, was slightly tensed, and his cold white skin showed an abnormal blush because of the heat of his body at the moment.

"Weiser, you are courting death." The words were almost squeezed out between his teeth, brewing with a monstrous rage.

Weiser on the bed suddenly laughed softly and sat up. Against the backdrop of the red quilt, Weiser's white body was gorgeous and tender.

Xiao Wangchu turned his eyes away.

Weiser lifted the quilt, slowly got off the bed, and slowly approached Xiao Wangchu with bare feet: "Brother Wangchu~ I let you escape last time~ I've been sad for a long time~ This time, I won't let go of anything I'm leaving~"

Said, she went around behind Xiao Wangchu, and slowly climbed onto his shoulder.

"I've already had someone lock the door, and no one can open it, and... the effect of the medicine this time is ten times that of last time... The side effects are also very serious... If you don't find someone to solve it... After a while, You may suffer greatly..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Wangchu turned around suddenly, his palm covered with veins tightly grabbed Weiser's neck, "Do you believe that I will kill you right now?!"

Weiser's eyes widened immediately, and he panted with a charming smile, "You, you are not willing to kill me. If you kill me, who will help you solve the current trouble?"

She was sure, there was no other woman in the room at the moment, he had no other way to break the situation except to find himself!

The dryness and heat in the body became more and more violent, and began to rampage, Xiao Wangchu lowered his eyes and shook his head vigorously.

But his eyes were getting darker and darker, and the beast in the deepest part of his heart began to change strategies, bewitching him in a low voice.

"Hurry up, aren't you in pain? Eat her... eat her and you won't be in pain... eat her and you will be relieved..."

Do not! !

"Ah!" Xiao Wangchu let out a low growl, grabbed Weiser's hand and pushed her away violently.

Then with a sharp look in his eyes, he pointed at the corner of the bedside table, rushed forward, and bumped into it!

The corner of the cabinet cracked his brow bone, and the tip of a pen on the cabinet just pierced into the end of his eye. In an instant, blood flowed all over his cheek.

Before fainting, he sneered in Weiser's direction: "I, Xiao Wangchu, in this life, there is only one woman, Gu Man!"

Weiser stared blankly at Xiao Wangchu who passed out, her chest heaved violently due to shock, and it took her a while to recover.

Stepping forward to check his breath, the corners of his lips curled up in an unwilling arc.

She stood on the spot for a long while before dragging Xiao Wangchu onto the bed with great effort, and panting, she took out an antidote from the drawer and swallowed it for herself.

Looking coldly at Xiao Wangchu who passed out on the bed, a trace of distorted pain and gloom appeared in his eyes.

Why did he not even look at himself when he wanted to sacrifice himself so passionately?

Why does he only have that bitch Gu Man in his eyes!
She is not reconciled, she wants to get it!

She didn't believe that when he saw that he had his child in his womb, he would still treat her so coldly and alienated!

After being silent for a while, she looked at the clock on the wall, and suddenly her rose red lips pulled in a cruel arc.

Don't worry, she still has another move, counting the time, the fish should take the bait...


at that time.

Gu Man had already boarded the taxi bound for Jinlin Star, holding the phone tightly in his palm, the screen of the phone was on, showing a read text message.

—Want to know news about your child?Want to know Xiao Wangchu's secret?Quickly come to Jinlin Star Hotel.

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