The three-child group pet has a stable start

Chapter 100 Dragon and phoenix among people, it is recommended to get married in situ!

【"...I heard that MULAN is not married yet, and he is not too young, so you should take the initiative to throw yourself into your arms and let him give you a good ranking at the competition!"

"Isn't that good? I..."

"Countless, what are you afraid of? If you don't have a family background, just rely on this violin performance to become a blockbuster and squeeze into the upper class circle. If you miss it, don't expect me to take you again in the future!"

"Then, what if I get kicked out?"

"No, this unspoken rule is not only common in the music industry, but also in the entertainment industry. As long as you serve him well, what kind of glory and wealth do you want?"


"But what, oh, you go, don't forget to mention me to Master MULAN when the matter is over, let him consider accepting me as a disciple, remember?!"]

boom! ! !
After the video was played, the audience fell silent.

Even the barrage in the live broadcast room has turned into a full screen of capitalized and bold exclamation marks!

On the stage, the blood on Weiser's face faded instantly, and he was frozen on the spot.

Those contestants who just helped Weisser to denounce were also dead on the spot.

Xu Yongzhi continued slowly: "The second point I want to explain is my relationship with Gu Man..."

Xu Yongzhi squinted and looked at Weiser: "First of all, I will not explain why Gu Man entered the lounge with me in the video you showed. Here, let me explain the origin of my stage name, MULAN, and I will correct it by the way. Some of your opinions."

As he spoke, Xu Yongzhi looked far away, with a look of reminiscence: "More than ten years ago, in one of my public classes, I met a violin genius, a little girl. At that time, her excellent performance surprised me a lot. Shocking..."

Under the stage, Gu Man, who was being followed by a beam of spotlights, twitched faintly. She felt that the little girl the old man was talking about was none other than herself.

"At the age of only about ten years old, I can play such a magnificent piece of music. I saw in that little girl a heroic spirit that does not give way to a man! Just like Hua Mulan! So at that time, I wanted to accept her. As a disciple...but...she rejected me..."

Having said that, Xu Yongzhi's expression darkened, and he glanced at Gu Man in the audience with slightly hurt eyes.

"Later, I kept thinking about that little girl, and I always had a pimple in my heart. In the past few years, I went abroad and wanted to change a familiar stage name, so I thought of the little girl who had the temperament of Hua Mulan more than ten years ago... "

Xu Yongzhi pushed his glasses, looked at the camera, looked at the audience, and continued: "So, this is the origin of my stage name MULAN."

"Time flies, more than ten years have passed, and the little girl in the past has grown up. Unexpectedly, her piano skills have not regressed at all! Yes, the little girl I mentioned is Gu Man! On today's stage, the song "Fresh Clothes" It was written by her in her teens!"

"In fact, the primary purpose of my return to China this time is not to make a special trip to participate in this violin competition, but to get rid of the regrets of the year, and to finally fight for it and take Gu Man as my apprentice!"

When he finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar.

"So, I want to correct Ms. Wei's point of view. I have always begged Gu Man to accept me as a teacher, but she has never asked me to accept her as an apprentice!"

Weiser's face had turned white into a piece of paper, and his legs were weak as if he was on the verge of falling.

She didn't expect it to be like this...

At this moment, the barrage also began to reverse.

"So the clown turned out to be Weisser himself!! Heh TUI!"

"Yes, yes! I even felt sorry for her just now! But after watching the surveillance video and hearing her words of urging others to seduce the master, I really feel YUE for this person!"

"How can there be such a rubbish person!! He keeps saying to give her justice! You sister's way! That's not what she said in the surveillance video!"

"Acting Weiser! Don't forget to mention her in front of Master MULAN after making things happen. How can there be such a person who doesn't want fat four! I can't laugh!"

"I can tell, she was rushing to worship Master MULAN as her teacher, but she didn't recognize him. This is a good thing, she offended Master Mulan thoroughly, how can there be such a stupid person in the world?!"

"Compared to this, Gu Man is like a god. Over there, Weiser is rushing to become a teacher, but here Gu Man is being chased by the master and begging her to come to be a teacher!"

"Gu Man YYDS! I just knelt down after listening to the performance just now!!"

"It's really awesome! A piece written in my teens, if played today, it can kill all the performers with professional training in seconds!"


Discussions were in full swing in the major live broadcast rooms, but Gu Man at the scene was completely unaware.

What the old man said just now really made her unexpected, especially the origin of the old man's stage name "MULAN"...

She touched her nose and lowered her head, not even daring to look up at the old man at this moment.

I always feel like I am a scumbag who has been responsible to the old man for more than ten years.

Just as he was thinking, the old man's voice came through the microphone again.

"As for why Gu Man entered the lounge with me, here I will make a final explanation. Thanks to the organizer's attention, I have prepared two adjacent rooms, one for rest and one for storage. The violin I carry."

"Anyone who knows me well knows that I am addicted to the piano, and I take it with me wherever I go, because I can only feel at ease when I have the guy who eats with me."

"The room I took Gu Man to was used to store violins. I took her there just to let her pick a violin. My assistant was there at the time. He can testify. Of course, if you don't believe me, You can take a look at the violin in Gu Man's hand."

"If anyone knows about my itinerary last year, they will know that when I held a concert in Vienna's Golden Hall last year, I used this violin at the scene!"

As soon as his words fell, the camera at the scene approached Gu Man, pointed the camera at the violin in her hand, and the violin appeared on the big screen.

At this time, someone in the live broadcast room immediately took a screenshot and cut to the backstage to check.

Sure enough, within a minute, someone found the video data of MULAN's live performance in Vienna's Golden Hall last year.

At that time, what MULAN was using was the violin in Gu Man's hand!

"My God~ I found it! Master MULAN is right, it's that one!"

"I also found out that the violin is said to be custom-made~"

"Good boy! I found out that someone offered 3000 million yuan to buy that violin after the competition, but Master Mulan didn't even sell it..."

"3000 million violins... Poverty limits my imagination! Such a sky-high violin master MULAN just gave it to Gu Man? It seems that he really values ​​Gu Man!"

"Woo... Gu Man quickly agree to worship Master MUKAN as his teacher!"

"Yes!! Let us witness this exciting moment together on the whole network!!"

"Promise him!! Promise him!!"

"Promise him!!"


The call for apprenticeship in the live broadcast room gradually increased, but Xu Yongzhi knew about it, and Gu Man didn't even know about it.

On the stage, after finishing everything calmly, Xu Yongzhi narrowed his eyes, his hawk-like gaze biting Weiser's earthy face tightly.

"So, this Miss Wei, you can't be an unbearable person, so you can think of others as you, 'extremely shameless' and 'deep scheming', you should use these words on yourself~"

After he finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience, and everyone yelled and cursed in deafening unison: "Wei! Get out! Get out of the violin circle forever!!"

Bottles and cans all greeted her and threw them at her.

Weiser, who was dodging in a panic, screamed again and again, in a panic.

The sound wave was louder than later, and she was so angry that she staggered back in fright, and fell to the ground, shaking like chaff all over her body.

Seeing this, the staff hurriedly carried her off the stage.

The audience in the audience was satisfied when they saw this.

On the stage, Xu Yongzhi glanced coldly at the back of Weiser who was being carried down, looked away, and said slowly: "Today, I actually want to use this stage to end the regrets of the past."

As he said that, he looked at Gu Man in the audience with soft eyes, "Gu Man~ You are indeed very talented in terms of talent, but as long as you take me as your teacher, I will exhaust all I have learned in my life to make your piano skills even better." One floor! Reach the pinnacle realm!"

After a pause, he rolled his throat, his eyes behind the lens were shining with anticipation, and he said in a trembling voice: "Are you... willing to give me this chance and agree to worship me as a teacher?"

Everyone in the audience was infected by these sincere words, and Qi Qi shouted: "Gu Man promised MULAN! Let him be your teacher!!"

"Promise him!! Promise him!!!"

For a moment, the shouts in the entire concert hall were deafening, blood pouring and exciting!
The shouts became louder and louder, and even the roof was blown off. Seeing this, the camera teachers in the major live broadcast rooms hurriedly switched their cameras to the auditorium.

In this passionate scene, even the camera teacher couldn't help pumping his fist and shouting: "Promise him! Promise him!"

Although the audience in the live broadcast room could not reach the scene, they were also greatly affected. On the bullet screen, they all sent: "Promise him, promise him!"

Under the spotlight, Gu Man, who was the focus, plucked his ears with black lines all over his head.

He glanced at the old man on the stage without saying a word, and took the microphone from the host: "I promise."

She quickly agreed to go home and sleep, she felt that she was too tired today.

When Xu Yongzhi heard her answer, his cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly ran around the stage as if he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart!
This exaggerated reaction made everyone on the scene drop their jaws in shock.

But only Xu Yongzhi knew in his heart that it was something worth celebrating to realize his long-cherished wish for many years!
With a flushed face, he was agitated for a moment and finally calmed down, but the hand holding the microphone was still trembling slightly.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Since Xiao Manman agrees, let everyone witness the apprenticeship ceremony on this stage!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone applauded.

The audience in the live broadcast room also excitedly posted on the barrage: "66666666~"

But Gu Man with a confused face was stunned.

What kind of trouble? ?

Xu Yongzhi didn't seem to notice the difference in her expression, and continued into the microphone: "I am ashamed to say that I have another apprentice who has not held a ceremony after apprenticeship many years ago. Taking advantage of today's auspicious day, the ceremony between the two of them Let's do it together!"

Afterwards, he cleared his throat: "I invite my two apprentices, Xiao Wangchu and Gu Man, to come on stage together!"

Under the stage, Gu Man's eyes widened!

There was silence for two seconds.

It turned out that the two No.1s turned out to be master MULAN's apprentice and quasi-apprentice!
The live camera turned around and focused on the two of them.

The audience in the live broadcast room came from all over the country, so few people paid attention to the entanglement of wealthy families in the imperial capital circle, let alone the relationship between Gu Man and Xiao Wangchu in the past.

At this moment, the barrage rolled like crazy.

"Master, you have a good eye~ The apprentice you selected is really a dragon and a phoenix!"

"Yes, yes! Men and women are beautiful, a match made in heaven, I suggest that they get married in place~"

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