Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali came to the final scene together.

They saw that the fans had entered the venue early, and their 2L fans accounted for a large number, especially Luo Cheng and Si Yuan, and Lotte's fans were not bad either.

There are many kinds of aids for everyone.Li Sinuo thought to herself, luckily she prepared enough small gifts for fans.

At this time, the players are preparing for the challenge in the waiting room, and Jin Mingjun, as the internal coach, is explaining to everyone the precautions for the upcoming game.

On the stage, the host has already started warming up, and their game spokesperson is also preparing to perform on stage and interact with everyone.

Ma Jiali said softly to Li Sinuo: "You were not pregnant at the beginning, this endorsement is yours."

Li Sinuo smiled and patted her lightly, and said, "Don't make trouble, maybe it will be ours next time."

Hahaha. The two girls are smiling at each other.

It finally started. On a super gorgeous stage, two groups of players appeared on the stage respectively. The first one to appear was the QE team from Linshi. They introduced themselves respectively, and the fans shouted wildly.

Next came the star players of 2L. When the host called 2L, he said that they were a team that made their debut before becoming e-sports players.

The voices of fans below are like waves of sound, which shows how popular this star e-sports team is.

After the introduction, everyone sat on their seats, and everyone looked at the mobile phone on the stand in front of them, and it was exactly the same as the one Li Sinuo gave them.

When Jin Mingjun realized this, he smiled involuntarily, thinking, this mobile phone must be sponsored by his second brother, because this brand is his company.

Jin Mingjun used Marco Polo in the first game, and his performance was particularly impressive. He staged many solo kills and put the opponent's Lu Bu in a dilemma many times.

This time, Luo Cheng's Bull Demon provided a very good output environment for Jin Mingjun's Marco Polo, and Si Yuan's Zhong Wuyan protected Marco Polo's output while also helping him retain people. Their cooperation was seamless.

At the moment when the crystal was finally pushed, everyone cheered.

The teammates rested after the end of the game, and Jin Mingjun was also telling them about the next game, only to hear him say: "The second game is easy, there is no pressure, it is good to win, and if you lose, it will be an extra show."

After cheering each other up, everyone is ready to play again.

Everything was exactly as Jin Mingjun expected, the teammates took the challenge in the second game with ease, but unexpectedly, the opponent was too strict and nervous, making many mistakes and omissions, and was easily won by 2L.

In this way, the 2L team, which participated in the professional competition for the first time, won the championship of the spring competition.

The fans in the audience hugged and cried excitedly.

Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali were also invited on stage by the host.

"Sinuo, Jiali, as the founders of 2L, what do you want to say about today's results?" the host asked.

Li Sinuo picked up the microphone and put it to his mouth and said: "First of all, I want to thank these teammates. I want to tell them that you have worked hard. Secondly, I want to say to Jin Mingjun that I am lucky to have you. Thank you for having you." He bowed.

Immediately afterwards, he added: "The last thing I want to say to them is to find out the passport quickly."

"Oh!" The teammates all screamed excitedly.

The host asked again: "What is the reason for this passport? It seems that everyone is very excited."

Luo Cheng said: "This is our Nuo sister's promise to us, as long as we win the finals, we will invite us to travel abroad."

"Wow, Si Nuo is such a good boss, it makes me want to go to your club, haha." The host said humorously.

Next came the awards ceremony. When the group of children were excited with the heavy trophies, they didn't forget to bow to Li Sinuoque and the others together.

Although this group of children are not very old, they know in their hearts that their academic qualifications are not very high. It is the opportunity Li Sinuo and the others gave them to achieve what they are today. There is a place in the entertainment industry.

After the award ceremony, Luo Cheng and Si Yuan came to Li Sinuo and asked, "Sinuo, the two of us are going to join the group, so we can't travel?"

"Who says it's not possible? We're leaving tomorrow, and I've already made arrangements for the travel agency. I can pack my luggage when I go back today. As for the crew, they don't need to join until next week. I also asked Sister Yun to say hello." Alright, the drama between the two of you will be a bit late, but it may be a bit difficult then, and we will be a little rushed." Li Sinuo said patiently.

Luo Cheng said: "That's okay, but, Sister Nuo, then you and we have a lot of rivalry scenes, so won't you be rushing with us when the time comes?"

"I'm fine. I'm actually the same as you. It's my first time filming TV. Don't think about it so much now, just go and have fun."

"Then are you going with us?" Si Yuan asked.

"I'm not going, you go on your own. Jin Mingjun is not going this time either. His popularity spreads all over the world. If he is photographed and affects your enjoyment, he just happens to have an advertisement in Kazakhstan."

"Huh? Brother King isn't going either."

Li Sinuo patted the two of them on the shoulder and said: "Be happy, boys, don't worry, you don't have to think about everything about going out to play, I have arranged everything, you just need to relax and play and relax, but, you two Just remember, don’t come back fat.”

"Yes Madam!" The two saluted Li Sinuo jokingly.

"OK, Dismiss!"

Hahahaha the three of them laughed and leaned forward and back together.

The organizer came to inform the winner to accept the interview, and Jin Mingjun took the group of children there.

"May I ask Jin Mingjun, as a top star, why did you join this fledgling e-sports club? Did they spend a lot of money to lure you here?"

Jin Mingjun calmly picked up the microphone and said, "So far I haven't seen a huge amount of money transferred into my account."

The reporter who asked the question was a little embarrassed.

"Excuse me, Luo Cheng and Si Yuan, I heard that you two are going to make a TV series soon, is that right?"

Luo Cheng picked up the microphone and said, "Yes."

"Then, as e-sports players, do you feel a little powerless when you go to film TV dramas?"

"Miss, thank you for your concern first, our boss will arrange the most reasonable work and rest time for us." Luo Cheng said jokingly.

"Then you think that you can enter the entertainment industry through e-sports, and the entire club, do you think this is the private use of the Mu's Group?"

This reporter's tricky question caught Li Sinuo's attention.

Li Sinuo immediately picked up the microphone and walked over. She looked at the reporter who asked the question.

"My friend from the reporter, thank you for your concern for our club, and even the entire Mu Group. Regarding the issue of whether the public equipment is used for private use, you come to ask me, don't I have the most right to speak?"

Li Sinuo looked at the reporter with a smile, and continued: "Is it inappropriate for our own company to support me and give suitable resources to the children in my club? For e-sports, our group of children play How, it is obvious to all.”

She slowly stood between Luo Cheng and Si Yuan, and said: "As for entering the entertainment circle, these kids are all good-looking. Take Si Yuan and Luo Cheng as an example. Even if we don't sign, other brokerage companies They will also sign, they are art school students themselves, one majors in dance and the other majors in vocal music, so tell me now, do they have the qualifications?"

What Li Sinuo said left the reporter speechless.

Indeed, this group of children, especially the two of them, can crush many teenagers in the entertainment industry if they are pulled out.

In fact, they have all been discovered by scouts, but they want to enter the entertainment industry, but they also want to play professionally. own little dream.

After the interview, they went out together. The club's car was already parked at the door waiting for them. Everyone got into the car in three steps.

As soon as the car started, Luo Cheng sat next to Li Sinuo, and said to her: "Sister Nuo, in the future, we can solve this kind of thing by ourselves. We can deal with this kind of reporter by ourselves, and we don't need you to come forward. The sandbag thing should not be done by girls."

Si Yuan also said: "That's right, we know you want to protect us, but we are too old, now that we have entered this circle, we know what we will face, so trust us, we can protect you and ourselves. "

Their words warmed Li Sinuo's whole heart, and she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

After Li Sinuo sent them back to the club, he said: "Pack up your luggage and go to bed early, a car will pick you up tomorrow morning."

Then she left in the car.

In the club, Jin Mingjun was also packing his luggage in the room. Several teammates walked in and said, "Brother King, will you come back?"

Jin Mingjun looked at them strangely, touched their heads, and said, "Of course I will come back."

"That's fine, then you go to shoot commercials and pay attention to rest, you have really worked hard during this period of time.

Everyone knows that a top idol like Kim Myung Joon has disappeared in this industry for so long, and there is no release of any works, the hearts of fans will definitely change.

They all feel that Kim Myung Joon has paid a lot for them.

Everyone rushed to help, but they were all kicked out.

Jin Mingjun looked at the closed door with a smile, and he was also very happy to lead this group of children to win the finals. The skills and super-high tacit understanding that have been practiced in so much time are the result of everyone's joint efforts.

After he finished packing, he took his luggage and went downstairs. Ai Li was already waiting for him downstairs. As soon as he saw him, he took the suitcase and went out.

After Jin Mingjun said goodbye to everyone, he said a few words and left.

Everyone looked at his back, feeling a little uncomfortable, and some even hid themselves and secretly wiped their tears.

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