In the evening, Li Sinuo and Mu Kaiyan followed Luna to Shuangling Island.

This is an island, the beach at the foot is white and crystal clear, the houses on the island are all ancient buildings, green shades can be seen everywhere on the island, and there are various strange-shaped reefs. If you look carefully, you can see various zodiac signs.

Li Sinuo looked at such a beautiful scenery, blue sea and blue sky, water and sky connected, he felt as if he was in a fairyland written in a novel.

Luna glanced at her and said, "This is the island left by my ancestors, come with me."

"Have you lived here all alone?"

I saw Luna nodded.

Luna was walking in front, and Li Sinuo pushed Mu Kaiyan to follow. They were afraid that he would object, so they added a little sedative to his medicine, and he was still sleeping.

Coming to the door of a room, Luna turned to look at Li Sinuo, and said: "You can live in this room, you go to rest, leave the person to me."

After speaking, Li Sinuo took over Mu Kaiyan's wheelchair, and Li Sinuo was reluctant to give up, but there was no other way.

After she entered the door, she heard them leaving. When she came out again, she could no longer see them. She didn't know where they went. This island is so big and there are many rooms. She broke down and sat at the door of the room, crying. with.

She wondered if she could see Mu Kaiyan again, if his eyes would be healed, and if he would miss her after he recovered
One day, two days, three days.
In a flash, it had been a week since Li Sinuo came to the island, but she had never seen Mu Kaiyan since she came to the island, not even Luna.

After lunch, Luna came to find Li Sinuo, took her to the garden, and could see Mu Kaiyan sitting there from a distance, his eyes still wrapped in gauze.

"How is he now? Are his eyes really healed? When will he be able to see?" Li Sinuo asked anxiously.

"He still needs to combine acupuncture and Chinese medicine massage. After another month, he needs to have a second operation. He can see things roughly in about three months, and he can recover his previous vision in half a year."

Hearing her say that, Li Sinuo was very happy in his heart. After half a year, he will be able to see it. By then, his injuries should be almost healed.

Luna turned her head and looked at her again: "I promised you, I have already done it, what about you? What about the reward you promised me? When are you going to fulfill it? Or do you want to go back on your word?"

Li Sinuo hurriedly shook his hands and said: "No, no, no, I didn't. I promised you before, and I will definitely do it. I will leave later. After I leave, I hope you can take good care of him .”

"You can rest assured about this." Luna glanced at her and said.

"Although I have left, what I want to say is that we are already married. If we want to go through the divorce procedure, both parties need to be present. I will go now. After he fully recovers, you can come to me together. I will definitely be with you. He goes through the formalities." Li Sinuo said to her.

"Okay, it's a deal. Seeing as you keep your word, I can also promise you. If he still doesn't want to stay with me after he fully recovers, or if I don't like him anymore, then I will I will return him to you, and I, Luna, am not a person who likes to make things difficult for others, after all, a twisted melon is not sweet." Looking at the little girl in front of her, she felt that she was still so cute.

"Okay, then I'm going to leave here now." After saying that, Li Sinuo turned around and prepared to leave.

"I'll take you out, otherwise you can't leave this island."

Luna took Li Sinuo to leave. This island has a history of hundreds of years. Her ancestors lived here in seclusion at that time. At that time, a lot of traps were made to prevent people from breaking into the island.

Li Sinuo returned to Su Hai again, went directly to the hospital, and when he saw Li Sicheng, he threw himself into his arms.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying like this? Where's Mu Kaiyan? How is he?" Li Sicheng asked while stroking her back.

"He's still on Shuangling Island and needs further treatment." Li Sinuo said sobbing.

Seeing this, Ma Jiali walked to her side, patted her on the back lightly, and asked, "Then why did you come back? Aren't you staying there to take care of him?"

Upon hearing this, Li Sinuo couldn't help but burst into tears, and because he was too emotional, he suddenly lost consciousness.

"Doctor, doctor." Li Sicheng and Ma Jiali both shouted anxiously.

The doctor hurried over to check her up, and found that she was only fainted due to overwork and emotional agitation recently.

When she woke up, she saw everyone beside her bed. Seeing that she was awake, Ma Jiali immediately sat on the edge of her bed, took her hand and said, "Sinuo, you have a baby, it's been three months. You silly girl, you don't even know."

Hearing what she said, Li Sinuo thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it had been a long time since he had visited his aunt, but he was usually uncertain, so he didn't take it seriously.

Li Sicheng sat down, held her hand, and said, "Don't worry, Mu Kaiyan will recover soon. If he knows that he is a father, he must be overjoyed."

Everyone smiled and said congratulations, Li Sinuo himself was both happy and sad.

The happy thing is that there is a crystallization of love between her and Mu Kaiyan conceived in her belly. The sad thing is that this child may not have a father after birth, because Mu Kaiyan no longer belongs to her, and she gave him to Luna .

Thinking of this, she told everyone: "Please don't tell Mu Kaiyan for now, I want him to heal his eyes at ease, otherwise he might not be able to stay here."

Everyone thought the same, so they all agreed to her.

Every day that followed, Ma Jiali and Tumi were always by her side.

Yunxi also stopped all of her and Ma Jiali's itinerary, and Jin Mingjun was in charge of the e-sports competition.

The days without Mu Kaiyan went on day after day, Li Sinuo moved out of the sunflower garden, every day when she saw every inch of the house and every item, she would miss Mu Kaiyan very much, lying on the bed, as if still Can smell his exclusive taste.

Li Sinuo would wake up in a dream every night, and when she opened her eyes, she would never be by her side, and the tears would accompany her until dawn.

The e-sports club has officially started training, and it has lived up to expectations. Both Luo Cheng and Si Yuan stayed, but only 10 of the 4 remaining players can participate as the starters.

In addition to basic game training, other members also need to practice dancing, singing and manners, and Yunxi is also arranging some commercial performances for them.

Everyone seems to be back on track, but Li Sicheng and Jin Mingjun did not relax their pursuit of Hank at all in private. The Suhai police have also been following up, but it seems that every time there are some clues, they stop abruptly. , I always feel that there is an inexplicable force stopping their pursuit.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve, Li Sicheng brought his sister back, everyone gathered together, except for Mu Kaiyan, everyone kept silent to him in order not to make Li Sinuo sad.

Li Sicheng stood up suddenly, looked at Li Sinuo, and said, "Sinuo, brother arranged for you to go to Mi country after the new year, what do you think?"

"elder brother"

"I know you are reluctant, but your belly is getting more and more obvious now, and my brother also wants you to give birth to the child quietly, and I don't want unnecessary public opinion and news to disturb you."

Li Sinuo thought for a while, and indeed, if she is revealed to be pregnant and have a baby now, the pressure of public opinion will be great.

"Okay, I'll follow my brother's arrangement."

Ma Jiali immediately took the words: "Sinuo, I'll go with you."

Hearing her say that, Li Sicheng immediately said: "Jia Li, you."

"Sicheng, I know there are some things you don't want the two of us to know. If we don't ask, it doesn't mean we won't notice it. I also know that you are worried about this sister. Similarly, she is my best friend. Over the years, we Watching and helping each other, she is like this now, I don't worry about her going so far alone."

"Second brother, this." Jin Mingjun showed a trace of worry.

Li Sicheng thought to himself that if the two of them were together, not only would they have a caretaker, but they would also be better arranged, so that they could be protected at the same time, and he could concentrate on searching for Hank here, so he said, "Okay, you guys Let's go together, I have arranged everything over there."

Yunxi immediately said: "Tomorrow I will officially announce that Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali are going to study abroad."

"Okay, then you arrange this, absolutely don't expose the matter of pregnancy." Li Sicheng still thought about not wanting this matter to be known by Hank's people.

After making a decision, he went out for a while, and Jin Mingjun followed suit.

He chased after him and asked, "Second Brother, why did you go to Mi Country? Did you forget that Ye Pavilion is there? Isn't this pushing the two sisters-in-law into the fire pit?"

Li Sicheng turned around to look at him, and patted Jin Mingjun on the shoulder: "Yege is indeed over there, but, have you forgotten that the headquarters of the magic dragon is also there, and they can get better results if they go to Mi Country." Another thing is, here, the two of them are followed by the media at any time, and it is easy to expose their whereabouts, which is different in Miguo."

"Second brother, I understand now that you said that, indeed, Hank is in Zhongguo now, this is the most dangerous place, and Si Nuo is pregnant now, if it falls into their hands, it will be difficult .”

"Well, smarter."

"By the way, do we need to tell Big Brother about this?"

"Don't tell him for the time being. Let him heal his eyes first. Only when his body is fully recovered, otherwise he will be in danger. Most people can't go to the Shuangling Island. He must be safe there now. "Li Sicheng said.

After the two talked it through, they returned to the restaurant.

Everyone happily ate a New Year's Eve dinner. No matter how much happened this year, we must be brave to welcome tomorrow.

Li Sinuo touched her belly, thinking of Mu Kaiyan, this was the first New Year's Eve when the child appeared, but his father was not around, she felt sad, but as long as she thought it was for his own good, she let it go , at least, she still has a little life in her body, she has to be stronger for this little life, and work harder every day to live well, maybe one day Mu Kaiyan will come back?
There is still a dream, maybe one day it will come true.

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