After Jin Mingjun comforted the two of them, he walked aside and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Lin, I'm King, you immediately take all the experts from your hospital, and you need two more cars, and go to Suhai People's Hospital as quickly as possible, and let you prepare two more wards, remember, keep it secret Good work."

"Yunxi, I'm King, you go to Suhai People's Hospital immediately, don't bring your tail."

"Ai Li, are you here? Go directly to the remote hospital."

After making a few phone calls, he came to the director and said, "Director, I hope that all of you will keep everything secret today, including those who are currently being tracked."

"This is for sure. Excuse me, are you theirs?"

"The ones lying inside are my elder brother and second brother. Don't worry, I can decide everything. If you have anything to do, just contact me. Also, I will send them directly to the remote hospital later. Now their dean and Experts are coming, so I would like to ask the doctors inside to prepare for the handover."

"This." The director was really embarrassed.

He called Dean Qian of Suhai People's Hospital to tell Jin Mingjun what he had just said.

Of course, Dean Qian knows how great the telehospital is, not to mention Su Hai, even the best experts from all over the world are there.

The director of their hospital, Lin Tianyi, is said to be in his thirties. He is a world-renowned medical genius. His medical accomplishments in his teens are comparable to experts in his 50s and [-]s. His most powerful thing is all kinds of problems. He can do surgery, and it is widely rumored that he can watch everything except not delivering babies.

At this moment, a group of white coats headed by Dean Lin ran over. Both Dean Qian and the director were shocked by the scene.

Dean Lin walked up to Dean Qian and shook hands politely.

Jin Mingjun came over and asked, "Lin, do you think it's feasible to get people over now?"

Dean Lin turned his head to look at Dean Qian, and said politely: "Dean Qian, I would like to trouble your people inside to hand over to us?"

Dean Qian nodded immediately, then contacted the inside and asked them to hand over.

He looked at Lin Tianyi and asked, "Should we talk about the condition of the two injured first?"

Lin Tianyi replied: "No need, your people come out and evacuate quickly, clear a passage for us, and help us open all the doors first, thank you."

He turned to the director again: "I would like to ask you to help us open up a green channel immediately, from here to the remote hospital."

After speaking, he signaled all the accompanying doctors to enter the operating room, and watched everyone bring a box in, and there were two carts behind them.

The doctor in the operating room was really shocked when he saw such a scene.

I saw Lin Tianyi's men quickly opened all the accompanying boxes, switched all the instruments on his body, and then moved the man from the operating table to the trolley at lightning speed, and then climbed onto them alone, While doing first aid measures, the others pushed all the instruments and moved at the fastest speed with the least bumps.

Dean Qian felt frightened when he saw it. He had been practicing medicine for decades, and it was the first time he saw a patient undergoing surgery transferred to another hospital, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Lin Tianyi and the others got into the car and arrived at the remote hospital smoothly at a speed of 200. The road was actually not far away. When they arrived at the hospital, they went straight to the operating room. All the actions were done in one go, and the normal operation began.

Jin Mingjun received a call from Ai Li at the remote hospital and learned that the two elder brothers were already undergoing surgery.

When Dean Qian found out, he was completely dumbfounded. How could someone transfer a patient from the operating table of this hospital to another hospital in 5 minutes? It was beyond his own understanding.

At this moment, Jin Mingjun saw Yunxi arriving, and he walked over: "Take care of them both." Then he whispered something in her ear: "Protect them."

Yunxi glanced at him and realized that things were not easy.

Then she walked to Li Sinuo and the others, and when they saw that it was Sister Yun, they felt more at ease.

After Jin Mingjun came over and explained a few words to the dean and director, he took Li Sinuo and the others away.

Dean Qian watched these two hot potatoes go away, but in fact, a big stone fell in his heart, because, in their opinion, Mu Kaiyan's injury was too serious, and they were not sure at all.

The director was like an ant on a hot pot at this time. When he watched the group leave, he immediately contacted the Provincial Public Security Bureau, reported this difficult case, and immediately set up a special case team to follow up non-stop.

When Li Sinuo and the others came to the remote hospital, they saw Ai Li standing there.

Beside her were four people who looked like bodyguards.

I saw her saying to Jin Mingjun: "It's all arranged, these few are carefully selected, do you think it's okay?"

Jin Mingjun glanced at the four people, then at Yunxi, and gave her a look.

Yunxi nodded.

Then he walked up to Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali, and said: "Sisters-in-law, I know you have a lot of questions now, but I don't have time to explain to you now, just remember that no matter what happens, I will protect you, During this period, I will take good care of you for my two brothers."

He glanced at them, and continued: "I still have some things to deal with this time. Don't worry, as long as you stay in this hospital, you will be safe. Yunxi will always be with you, and this The four bodyguards will also follow you, no matter where you go, you must remember to take them with you."

Li Sinuo nodded and said, "I see, I will follow your arrangement."

Because she knew that only by taking good care of herself would she be able to save the two of them from worrying.

After speaking, he and Yunxi exchanged glances, and then left with Ai Li.

"King, isn't it an accident this time? Do you have a clue?" Ai Li asked first.

"I'm not sure yet, but what I know is that it was definitely not an accident. Such a big effort, such a careful arrangement, was definitely carefully arranged. What's more, I guess the two of them have someone from each other's side."

"Could it be someone from Yege who did it?"

"I think so too, but I'm not completely sure. In this way, first let Xiaoyao secretly spy on Miguo, and you and I will go to the company to check first. I will go to Mu's, and you to Li's." Jin Mingjun calmly Said.

"Okay." After speaking, the two parted ways.

He thought that the closest person to Mu Kaiyan was Fang Peng, but he was impossible, the first one could be ruled out, so Jin Mingjun went to the company to find him.

After getting to know some details about the company from Fang Peng, the two of them ruled out one by one, and found that neither of them was suspicious.

At this moment, Ai Li called and said that there seemed to be nothing suspicious there.

After they met, all the clues they got together, the only thing that could be right was that their special assistants said that their boss was going out every day these days, and Li Sicheng's assistant said that he drove out alone at noon every day. What is unclear; Fang Peng said that Mu Kaiyan went out to eat with Li Sicheng every day at noon, and they always took his car, so the specifics are not very clear.

Jin Mingjun came to the place where Li Sicheng's car was stored and took a look. The driving recorder on the car was still there, so he took it off, went back and looked at it, and found that the two of them did go out together every day, and the place they went was the 2L electric car. competitive club.

He was a little puzzled, it hadn't been officially opened, it hadn't been finished yet, and the two sister-in-laws weren't there, why did they go there?

Ai Li said: "Let's take a look and check along the way."

After finishing speaking, the two drove towards the club. When they arrived, Jin Mingjun found that everything was ready and decorated. He instantly understood that the two bosses were here to surprise their sisters-in-law.

He didn't see any directional clues on the driving recorder. When he walked to the guard, he saw the guard's surveillance. He suddenly thought of something, so he went in and asked the guard for the video, and watched it one by one.

He found that there were porters moving things in and out every day, and the people who delivered the things every day were not from the same company. However, one of them was always wearing a hat and mask. It seemed that he was the same person. On the day of the car accident, That person left early, and when he arrived at the gate guard, he was wearing glasses. His clothes were very similar to what the director described.

He turned to look at the guard and asked, "Master, have you seen this man?"

The guard master carefully looked at the person in the video, suddenly clapped his hands, and said, "I remember him, this person is very strange, he is the last one to arrive every day."

"What do you mean? You mean he didn't come with the moving company?" Jin Mingjun asked.

"No, no, I don't understand why he went in with them. I thought he might be kind-hearted, please help, Nuo, he still drove here on the last day, and the car was parked under the tree over there."

"Do you remember what car he drove?"

"It seems to be a big white car, and I don't remember much."

After thanking the doorman, they left.

Jin Mingjun thought for a while, then turned the front of the car and drove to the police station.

He found the director, only to know that they already have a task force.

He told them the clues he had found, and asked them to perform AI face recognition on the person inside. Although only the eyes were exposed, the AI ​​could recognize them.

The director didn't expect that with so many manpower, they didn't find anything. Jin Mingjun found such useful clues in less than half a day. He couldn't help admiring him.

"I heard from the little girls here that you are also a star, and they all like you so much."

"thank you."

"How did you find so many clues? Your investigative ability is very strong." The director couldn't help but praise.

"I used to be a special soldier in Mi country."

He thought that when he was in the commando team, he would be bullied because of his young age, but at that time, Mu Kaiyan and Li Sicheng would protect him. In their team, only the three of them had black hair Yellow skin, so they often hug together.

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