When Mu Kaiyan heard the host pointing to him, he picked up the microphone and looked at Li Sinuo: "It sounds good."

Then put down the microphone.

The host didn't expect it to end like this, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Mr. Mu's comments are very exquisite, thank you, Mr. Mu." Then he looked at the contestants and said, "Okay, now all our contestants have passed The performance is over, please come to the stage."

After all the contestants came to the stage, they lined up in ten vertical rows according to the team.Li Sinuo's group is on the far side, very close to Mu Kaiyan's position.

She didn't pay attention to what the host was saying, she kept thinking about the phrase "good to hear" that Mu Kaiyan said.

Is that affirmation of her?Does he enjoy his performance?Or... was that sentence just a polite gesture?
The arrival of Mu Kaiyan was very exciting to many girls.

In the waiting room just now, everyone was discussing the young president.

Mu Kaiyan felt that many eyes were watching him, he raised his head to look at Li Sinuo, and the two looked at each other in unison.

The host was announcing the scores of each team, and in the blink of an eye, only the Li Sinuo team remained unannounced.

Everyone waited with bated breath.Everyone cares about the result.

Because the team that ranks first this time will give priority to the order of appearance and performances next time.

Once the results of the last ten people are announced, it will be determined which 30 people have left.

In fact, the bottom-ranked players are already preparing to leave their testimonials, and only the players who are on the verge of elimination are still looking forward to and struggling.

Finally, it's all announced.

Li Sinuo lived up to expectations and won the first place.

Some people are happy and some are worried. Those who have been promoted hug and say blessings, and those who need to leave cry and hug and say goodbye.

And Li Sinuo's thoughts never left Mu Kaiyan.

"Sinuo, Sinuo." His teammates pushed her gently, bringing her back to her thoughts. "Moderator Q, where are you speaking?"

"Okay, maybe we, Sinuo, haven't relieved our nervousness yet, come on, let's applaud and invite Li Sinuo to give a speech."

"Thank you to all the friends who love me and support me. I am very happy to meet you. I am honored to get this ranking today. I will work harder to repay your love. Thank you everyone." After speaking, he bowed.

"Okay, thank you Li Sinuo for your speech. This is the end of our live broadcast for today. Please continue to watch the 70-to-50 event next Saturday. Thank you everyone. Goodbye!"

After the recording was over, everyone relaxed. This is the first time to participate in a live recording, especially since Mu Kaiyan, the ideal husband of hundreds of millions of girls, is sitting on the scene, the girls are especially nervous.

The judges all left one by one.

Seeing the direction Mu Kaiyan was leaving, Li Sinuo chased after without thinking, but forgot that he was wearing 10cm stilettos, and sprained accidentally.

Seeing that he was about to come into close contact with the ground, Li Sinuo closed his eyes in fear.

Why does it feel warm? Is the ground feeling like this?

Li Sinuo rubbed his hands, opened his eyes, and saw Mu Kaiyan's exquisite face.

It turned out that Mu Kaiyan hugged her so that she didn't fall to the ground.

"Have you touched enough?" Mu Kaiyan asked.

Li Sinuo realized that his hand was touching his chest, and immediately blushed like a monkey PP: "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Immediately take your hands away.

"Looking for me?" Mu Kaiyan asked again.

"Is it just me?" Li Sinuo said incoherently.

I don't know why, but whenever she meets Mu Kaiyan, she loses her composure and is at a loss.Who would have thought that she was like a king on stage just now.

Fortunately, the other members are still on the stage. They are in the backlight and no one has noticed, otherwise she would really have to find a crack in the ground to get in.

After Mu Kaiyan confirmed that she was fine, he left directly.

Li Sinuo looked at his back, unable to recover for a long time.

Back at the Mu Group, Mu Kaiyan sat and turned his custom-made Hermès boss chair, recalling how she sang and danced on the stage, like an elf.
Thinking of her running to him without any scruples, if he hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands, she would have fallen to the ground. Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling a little worried.Was she that careless?

What he didn't know was that Li Sinuo would lose his composure only when he saw Mu Kaiyan.

Fang Peng hastily interrupted Mu Kaiyan, who was reminiscing.

"Mr. Mu, there is a message from Miguo that Italy has suddenly opened a network technology company with strong strength. Several companies that cooperate with us intend to turn to them. I also heard that they are poaching other companies everywhere. People, it seems that many people in our company are shaken, and Miguo hopes that you can deal with it yourself to appease people's hearts."

Mu Kaiyan thought for a while and said, "Well, you can book a plane ticket for me."

When Mu Kaiyan arrived in Miguo, he had a meeting with everyone and met those partners. They didn't intend to leave, but because Mu Kaiyan was in the country all year round, everyone was afraid that Miguo would be abandoned.

So I thought about finding another way out.Now that they saw Mu Kaiyan's arrival, everyone had faith and gave up all thoughts of leaving.

Mu Kaiyan dealt with some trivial matters again, he did not participate in the 70-50 match.

Many contestants felt very disappointed, looking forward to a week, thinking that they could see Mu Kaiyan, but the deity did not arrive.

Until the time of recording, Li Sinuo still didn't meet the person he wanted to see.

Why didn't he come?Is it because of her?Is he angry?

Various speculations cannot be confirmed.

Since they were purely closed and did not have any communication tools, she did not know what happened to Mu Kaiyan.

But Li Sinuo still completed the competition very professionally and kept his ranking as usual.

All the judges and the media looked at this 18-year-old girl differently.

After the recording ended, the host announced the content of next week's game as usual. Next week is a 50-30 game, and almost half of the people left, and the girls were even more nervous.

When Mu Kaiyan got off the plane, he came to the competition venue, but it was already over, so he didn't get off the car, but stopped at the door.

He saw Li Sinuo coming out, she boarded the bus prepared for them by the radio station, watched the bus drive away slowly, and then he asked the driver to drive.

Li Sinuo was sitting at the back of the car, she seemed to have seen that phantom just now, it was Mu Kaiyan's car, was it him?What is he here for?Are you here to see her?She felt that she couldn't understand Mu Kaiyan.

Mu Kaiyan was holding the iPad at this moment, watching Li Sinuo's match just now, smiling.

The next competition went smoothly, Li Sinuo always maintained the first place, and Mu Kaiyan did not participate in the recording.

Until the day of the finals, Mu Kaiyan appeared again.

Because he also wants to sign a contract with the new combination in public.

After a theoretical competition, there are only 20 people left, and Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali are still in their debut positions.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, the players appeared one by one.

The fans below shouted for their idols. When the host introduced the judges, Li Sinuo's eyes lit up when he mentioned Mu Kaiyan, and he became full of energy.

He came, really came.Li Sinuo made up his mind to perform hard.

The first round is a team performance, and the second round is an individual solo.

Li Sinuo sang "Breakpoint" by Zhang Jingxuan, and there were tears in his eyes after singing.

Seeing her cry, many fans in the audience also cried, and everyone was shouting.

"Sinuo doesn't cry, Sinuo doesn't cry"

Mu Kaiyan glanced at Li Sinuo's fans, thinking that the little girl has quite a lot of fans.

Seeing her cry, his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

After everyone had finished their performances, the host announced the final score.

When the fans heard that their idols entered the debut position, they all screamed.

"Right now, there are still two unannounced rankings, No. 2 and No. [-]. Guess who it will be?"

A large group of shouts below: "Li Sinuo, Li Sinuo"

The host continued: "Alright, let's invite Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali to come to the center of our stage. How about guessing your own ranking?"

Ma Jiali spoke first: "I am already very happy to be here. I am good friends with Sinuo, and the ranking is not important."

Li Sinuo picked up the microphone: "I am very happy to be standing here with Jiali at this moment. I am satisfied with her company, thank you everyone."

The host took over the words: "Okay, let's wait with bated breath, the most exciting moment has come, everyone, please watch the big screen."

Then the numbers on the big screen kept scrolling, and suddenly the number stopped at 9500, everyone held their breath, and suddenly, Li Sinuo's votes continued to scroll, and the fans cried and hugged, extremely happy.

Ma Jiali also came over to hug Li Sinuo: "Sinuo, congratulations."

The two girlfriends were able to debut together, and they were very happy.

Ma Jiali made her debut speech first, followed by Li Sinuo.

She walked to the center of the stage and held the microphone: "Thank you very much to all the friends who love me. Without your support, I would not be standing here today. Standing here is more of a responsibility. I will take everyone I hope that you can still grow up with me, and I will use actions to prove that your love for me is worth it!"

After speaking, he bowed deeply.

The host came to the middle: "Let's congratulate these seven girls. Next, I invite Mr. Mu Kaiyan, the president of Mu Group, to come on stage. He will sign contracts with the debut members on the spot."

There was applause below.

Mu Kaiyan got up, straightened his suit, walked onto the stage slowly, and took the microphone.

"First of all, congratulations to these seven players, all of them will sign with Mu's Prophecy Entertainment. Secondly, our group will officially debut with 20-7."

Then the staff brought up the signing table and the contract.

Mu Kaiyan signed and shook hands with every player.The girls were all excited.

It was Li Sinuo, after she signed her name, she looked at Mu Kaiyan's outstretched hand, and slowly stretched out her hand to him.

When the two held hands, Mu Kaiyan noticed that her hands were shaking, and he pulled her into his arms without thinking.

Both of them were stunned, Mu Kaiyan didn't expect that he would do this.

And everyone on and off the stage is boiling, this is definitely the headlines on the front page.

Mu Kaiyan whispered in her ear, "Congratulations."

Li Sinuo came out of his arms, thanked him and returned to his team.

Everyone was questioning the relationship between the two of them, but Li Sinuo was secretly happy.

After the signing ceremony, the recording also ended, and everyone came to the celebration banquet prepared by the company.

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