Li Sinuo noticed that Mu Kaiyan was laughing at him, so he kicked his legs and shouted: "Go and wash quickly."

Mu Kaiyan walked up to her naked, touched her head, and said, "Okay, sit down obediently."

After he finished speaking, he walked into the bathroom, followed by the sound of rushing water.

Li Sinuo looked at the frosted glass, and there was a figure looming. She imagined that behind the frosted glass was her husband's strong body. After thinking about it, she smiled like a nymphomaniac. In a panic, he covered his face with his hands, shaking his legs shyly.

Just when she buried her little face in her palm, a pain in her head pulled her back from her thoughts, she raised her head to look, and met Mu Kaiyan's deep eyes, slightly red Looking at him with a small face, she asked, "Have you finished washing?"

"En." Mu Kaiyan nodded, and took a towel to wipe his hair.

Li Sinuo easily took the towel from his hand and wiped it for him, and he freed his hands to support the sink on both sides of her body, allowing her to wipe her hair for him, this scene was harmonious and beautiful.

Although it was only a small move, it was enough to warm the hearts of two people, Li Sinuo thought in her heart, this is the simple happiness she wanted.

The hair was almost wiped, Mu Kaiyan immediately picked her up, walked to the bedroom, put her on the bed, and then got into the bed himself, watching Li Sinuo staring at him, Then he pressed her head on his shoulder and said, "Go to sleep."

Li Sinuo couldn't help but raised his head to stare at him, and said, "Sleep now?"

Mu Kaiyan moved his head back a bit, frowned slightly, and asked, "What else? Do you still want to." As he spoke, he slowly approached her.

"No, no, I didn't think about anything." Li Sinuo hurriedly lay down and said, waving his hands.

After a while, just as Mu Kaiyan was about to close his eyes, he felt that the people around him became restless again, so he turned to look at her.

Li Sinuo said with some embarrassment: "Honey, I'm hungry."

Mu Kaiyan narrowed his eyes and looked at her, and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." She pouted slightly and nodded.

What she didn't expect was that Mu Kaiyan turned over and fell on top of her, panicking and stuttering, asking, "What are you doing?"

"Mrs. Mu said she was hungry. Although, I am quite tired today, but"

"Stop, you misunderstood, really misunderstood, I am really hungry."

"Well, I know."

Li Sinuo blushed, pushed him away, sat up, pointed to his stomach and said: "I'm hungry, here, my stomach, my stomach is hungry, it's already dark, I haven't had dinner yet."

Mu Kaiyan looked at her, sat up slowly, stretched out his hand to touch her belly, raised his eyes and asked softly: "Are you really hungry?"

"Yeah, hungry, very hungry." Li Sinuo nodded desperately.

"Do you want to go out to eat? Or did you call me over to eat?"

Li Sinuo picked up the phone to check the time, then looked at Mu Kaiyan, saw his tired face, and then pretended to be lazy and said: "Let's eat here, I don't want to go out, I'm too tired, I'm too lazy out."

"Okay, then I'll call." What a character Mu Kaiyan was, he could see through what this girl was thinking at a glance, and knew that she said this on purpose because she was afraid that she would be tired.

Seeing that he was on the phone, Li Sinuo immediately said in a low voice: "Call more, there are still my brother and Jiali."

Mu Kaiyan made an OK gesture, and then asked for a lot of food on the phone.

After about half an hour, there was a knock on the door. Mu Kaiyan put on a bathrobe, opened the bedroom door, and was about to go out to open the door. Unexpectedly, he bumped into Li Sicheng who also came out of the bedroom. Looking at each other and smiling, they understood each other instantly.

As soon as the door was opened, as expected, two carts of food were delivered, and then the two girls came out from their respective bedrooms. When they saw the two carts full of food, they couldn't help being surprised.

Ma Jiali shouted: "My God, is this going to be fed to pigs? So much food?"

Li Sinuo walked up to Mu Kaiyan, took his arm, looked up and down the dining car, looked at the two cars full of food, and asked in surprise: "Honey, although I'm hungry, I'm still hungry." It can’t be that much.”

"Didn't you say you want more?"

"That won't take two cars."

"It's not my fault, here, I ordered this one, but that one, ask him." Mu Kaiyan pointed at Li Sicheng and said.

Ma Jiali and Li Sinuo exchanged eyes, and asked in unison: "You also ordered dinner?"

Then they said together again: "Yes, we"

Discovering the tacit understanding between each other, the two hugged each other and laughed.

The two men shook their heads helplessly, pushed the dining cart to the dining table, put all the food on the table, and called the two girls to come over for dinner, thinking of feeding them quickly.

After eating and drinking, they went back to their rooms.

As soon as Li Sinuo was lying on the bed, he said to Mu Kaiyan: "Honey, go to bed first, I'm too full, I need to rest for a while, and let me tell you, recently, I've been watching a It’s a TV series, so go to bed first, I’ll watch some TV.”

As she spoke, she pushed Mu Kaiyan to the side of the bed, told him to lie down, covered him with the quilt, kissed him on the forehead, and said softly: "Go to sleep, I'll watch TV later Come." Then he turned off the light beside the bed.

Seeing that he closed his eyes, he quietly walked to the side of the sofa, sat down, took out his mobile phone, and watched the TV series intermittently, his eyes still looked at Mu Kaiyan from time to time.

The room in the dark was very quiet, and Mu Kaiyan's even breathing sound was slowly heard. At this moment, Li Sinuo felt that this breathing sound was the most beautiful sound in the world, and it sounded very solid.

Li Sinuo turned off his phone, took off his slippers, and tiptoed to the bed with bare feet, carefully got into the bed, glanced at him secretly, then closed his eyes firmly, and was ready to sleep.

In the dimness, Li Sinuo seemed to feel someone hugging him from behind, and felt a warmth, so he leaned back again, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, gradually falling into dreamland.

When he woke up early the next morning, Li Sinuo straightened his suit jacket for Mu Kaiyan, and asked, "Honey, you are leaving, do you really want me to see you off?"

"You, it's fine, just stay here. You are going to the airport, and I will worry about you then."

"What, they are not as stupid as you said."

"Not stupid, not stupid, how can my wife be stupid, you are a talented girl from Suhai University." Mu Kaiyan teased her with a smile.

After tidying up for him, Li Sinuo took his arm and prepared to go out. As soon as he walked out of the bedroom door, he saw the door of another room opened. In the same situation, the four people looked at each other, as if Like looking in a mirror.

Li Sicheng came over and put his arms around Mu Kaiyan's shoulders, and said, "Okay, don't be reluctant, you two, shoot well here, and after this show is over soon, go home quickly."

Mu Kaiyan pointed to the outside and said, "People outside will protect you in secret. Although Cherry and the others were arrested, you still have to pay attention to safety when you go out."

The two girls are like children, just nodding and saying hello.

After the two of them sent Mu Kaiyan and Li Sicheng to the parking lot, they also quickly returned to the team, got on the bus and went to the next filming location.

When everyone came to the beach, they heard the director shout: "Teachers, we will welcome two new guests today. Look, they are coming to us."

In fact, when we set off, we didn't see Cherry and the others. We already felt a little strange, but we didn't dare to guess wildly. Now we saw a newcomer joining, and the director didn't explain it at all, which meant that their departure was unusual, and everyone agreed. It is inconvenient to gossip more.

They saw two girls coming from a distance, as if the sea breeze was blowing, which made people feel comfortable and comfortable. They came to everyone, bowed at 90 degrees very politely, and said, "Hello everyone, we are TU. "

"I'm KiKi."

"I'm YoYo."

Seeing them, Ma Jiali whispered to Li Sinuo: "Look, look, it's really KiKi." She was as excited as a little girl.

The other people were all surprised. They never expected that these two would come to participate in this program. After all, they are almost unknown in Asia. Their rank is not low. Their announcement should be soft. How could it be so sudden? What about the [-]th line that replaces Cherry and the others?
KiKi glanced at everyone, and saw the doubts on their faces in an instant, so she smiled and said to them: "It's the first time for us sisters to come here, what's wrong, I hope everyone will forgive me, maybe everyone will understand. It's strange, why did our two sisters suddenly come here, why?"

She cast her eyes on YoYo, and she took the words and said: "It must be because we sisters envy everyone. We knew there was such a program early in the morning. The director team contacted us at the beginning, but because we were busy a while ago Touring, so I didn't catch your first bus, but fortunately, we finally got on the bus of sisters."

KiKi smiled again and said, "Yeah, you don't know, we are so envious. It's a dream to be able to travel with our good friends and chat with each other. Luckily, we are here."

The director watched the performance of the two of them on the spot, and even mentioned the matter of Cherry being replaced in a few words and jokes, secretly admiring in his heart.

Seeing that it was almost done, Si Yuan walked over, first shook hands with KiKi and YoYo, called his sister, and said hello. After the two of them returned to the team, he began to talk about the game on the beach.

Everyone has also discovered that the current game projects are relatively mild, thinking in their hearts, maybe these have something to do with the arrival of Mu Kaiyan and the others, but these have nothing to do with them, just do your own thing up.

Thinking of this, everyone started shooting happily. The addition of KiKi and the others really brought different effects to the whole shooting, and the atmosphere was just right.

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