Cold-faced Young Master Mu's Little Warm Wife

Chapter 197 This Man Is a Scourge

In the palace, inside Die Yuxuan, the moment Mu Kaiyan pushed open the door, he saw a man sitting inside waiting with a cynical look.

As soon as he entered, the other party said: "What's the matter? Why is it so good today, you want to treat me to dinner."

"What? Isn't it happy to invite you to dinner?"

"I said, you can go to my side next time, and let me run so far every time." Li Sicheng looked at him with a smile.

Mu Kaiyan picked up a napkin on the table and threw it at him, saying, "You ran away? If I read correctly, it was your chartered car that ran here again today."

"Hey, Mu Kaiyan, you can disrespect me, but you can't disrespect my car, please call it Lally." Li Sicheng looked ambiguous.

"Li Sicheng, are you hypocritical? Don't you just love a Ferrari, or Lally, I think you are sick."

"You don't understand this. Everything has spirituality. I have to take care of them and love them like my wife." Li Sicheng smiled all over his face.

Mu Kaiyan gave him a blank look, and said, "Then how dare you ask Mr. Li, where is your Ma Jiali ranked?" As he spoke, he picked up the phone in his hand and shook it.

"Can this be compared?"

"Oh? Then you mean, Ma Jiali is not as good as those." Mu Kaiyan said deliberately.

"What nonsense are you talking about, don't try to provoke the relationship between our husband and wife, my daughter-in-law is absolutely number one, nothing can compare to it." Li Sicheng patted his chest and said boldly.

"Okay, I called you here today because I want to tell you something and see what you plan to do." Mu Kaiyan pulled a chair beside him and sat down.

At this moment, the waiters had already lined up to serve the dish, and the two of them also paused their conversation, and left the box after all the dishes were served.

Li Sicheng picked up the chopsticks and stuffed a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth. He turned to look at Mu Kaiyan and asked, "What did you just say? A wedding?"

In his opinion, the most important thing now is their four-person wedding. It seems that after this incident, the two of them don't have much connection.

"No, I want to ask you, do you want to get Ma Jiali back first?" Mu Kaiyan asked tentatively.

"Why did you let her come back first?"

"Aren't you worried that she is pregnant?"

"I'm not worried, but there is still Sinuo, besides, even if I let her come back, she will never agree to abandon this show at this time and leave alone. In her words, this is a deserter .” Li Sicheng ate with all his might.

The taste buds controlled his brain, and his thinking slowed down a bit. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he seemed to smell something wrong, immediately put down his chopsticks, and turned to Mu Kaiyan.

"Tell me the truth, do you know something? Is there something wrong? Otherwise, you would definitely not say such things for no reason." Li Sicheng said firmly.

Mu Kaiyan also put down the chopsticks in his hand, picked up the cup, took a sip, and then looked at Li Sicheng meaningfully.

"I'm not sure what will go wrong for the time being, but in order to prevent problems before they happen, I thought of asking you."

"Mu Kaiyan, tell me the truth, is it because of the new Cherry?"

"How do you know her?"

"Do you really have anything to do with her?" Li Sicheng wanted to know the answer.

Mu Kaiyan rolled his eyes at him and said, "What relationship can I have with her?"

"Before, Si Nuo and Jiali asked me, do you really know her?"

"I know it, I knew it when I was in Mi country."

When Li Sicheng heard this, he shouted excitedly: "What? So long? Why didn't I know? Okay, you, Mu Kaiyan, we both wish we could grow up wearing a pair of trousers. How dare you hide such a big thing from me? ah."

"Who wears a pair of pants with you, that's all right, let's get down to business."

"Then tell me." Li Sicheng sat and looked at him, waiting for him to say something serious.

"I suspect that Cherry has a purpose in coming back to participate in these shows. Of course, maybe the purpose is just Si Nuo. I think you let Jiali come back because you are afraid of harming Chi Yu."

The expression on Li Sicheng's face became slightly serious, and he said: "If this is the case, it is even more impossible for her to leave, how could she be willing to leave Sinuo alone, but, do you have any evidence to support this?"

"There is a clue, and I can't explain the specifics in a few words. Now, Xiaoyao is looking into the specifics."

"Xiaoyao? Could it be possible to check it at Mi Country?" Li Sicheng was a little puzzled.

"Yes, as much information as possible."

Li Sicheng lowered his head and said nothing, suddenly picked up the chopsticks and started eating the rice in the bowl, no one noticed, his eyes started to turn red, thinking in his heart, one is his sister and the other is his lover, nothing will happen.

After eating, he took a sip of water, stood up, looked at Mu Kaiyan and said, "As you said, take precautions before they happen. No matter what happens, since you can't change the result, then change the process."

Mu Kaiyan also stood up, put a hand on his shoulder, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I'm going to country T right now. People will definitely not be able to bring them back, so I have to ensure their safety. At least I can appear in front of them as soon as possible for anything." After finishing speaking, she planned to go out go.

Mu Kaiyan immediately grabbed him and said, "I'll go with you, do you want to go back and clean up?"

"Okay, I have my passport and everything at home, so I'll go back and pack up, and I'll meet you at the airport in an hour."

"Okay, brother, I'm sorry." Mu Kaiyan revealed his true feelings.

Li Sicheng patted him on the shoulder, sighed slightly, and said, "Whoever told me my sister is stubborn and fell in love with a man like you, I hope this is really the last ordeal, you man, It’s just a disaster, they don’t recruit people, and they make each one more serious than the other, pity my silly sister.”

"Sicheng, don't worry, I will guarantee you with my life that Si Nuo will never be hurt in the slightest this time." Mu Kaiyan's eyes showed a murderous look.

"Let's go, hurry up."

The two got into their car directly and drove away.

Mu Kaiyan called Fang Peng in the car: "Fang Peng, I will go to country T with Li Sicheng later, you will be in charge of the company, and if you have any news over there, please tell me as soon as possible, don't worry about it during the day night."

"Boss, I'll go with you." Fang Peng said anxiously on the other end of the phone.

"No, the two of us, it's okay, going to too many people at once is too big a goal, well, you can check where Michelle is again? If you are in Suhai, you can't let the news that I am not in the company leak out."

"Okay, Boss, then you must be careful over there."

"Okay, hang up." After hanging up the phone, he stepped on the accelerator and drove towards home very quickly.

An hour later, Mu Kaiyan and Li Sicheng had already arrived at the airport, and the plane had been arranged on the way. The two were about to board the plane, but their progress was interrupted by a phone ringing.

As soon as Mu Kaiyan saw the notification of the call, he picked it up: "Xiaoyao, how are you?"

The other party was very anxious, and said eagerly: "Kay, I found out, you should hurry to country T to find your sister-in-law, you must hurry up, try to stay there as much as possible, there are still some ways."

As soon as he heard his nonsensical words, but it was enough to prove that something particularly bad must happen, he immediately said to Li Sicheng: "Arrange a private jet immediately, and it must be fast."

The two speeded up their feet, and he continued to ask: "I'll go over right now, you continue to talk."

"Kay, I haven't checked it out yet, but I just found some. Let me tell you that your acquaintance with her in Mi country was not an accident. It was carefully arranged. Also, she is indeed an orphan, but she didn't grow up In Mi country, she came from T country not long ago when I met you, and the most important thing is that she was adopted by a wizard in T country since she was a child."

Hearing this, Mu Kaiyan felt completely upset, and asked, "You mean she knows witchcraft?"

"I think so. As for Country T, I haven't found any details yet. It's probably because the wizard has no children, and Cherry is the only one around him all the time. Also, her real name is Ismay. "Xiaoyao said on the other end of the phone.

"Where is that old wizard now?"

"According to the investigation, the old wizard passed away the year Cherry left Mi country."

Mu Kaiyan took a deep breath and asked, "Have you found the address?"

"Yes, I'll send it to you right away."

"Okay, I'm about to take off here, so you should hurry up and investigate, first check the T country, and tell me as soon as you find any clues."


After speaking, I hung up the phone.

The plane began to taxi slowly, Mu Kaiyan threw the phone on the seat beside him, grabbed his hair with both hands, lowered his head, feeling extremely painful in his heart.

Seeing his appearance, Li Sicheng didn't know what to do for a moment, so he patted his back and asked, "What did Xiaoyao find out?"

Mu Kaiyan raised his head, his eyes were red, and he could see that there had been tears in his eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoyao said, he said Cherry, no, it should be Ismay, she has been with you since she was a child I grew up in country T, and my acquaintance with me was a deliberate arrangement, and"

"And what?"

"She could be witchcraft."

"What?" Li Sicheng jumped up suddenly, put his hands in his waist, walked back and forth a few steps, shook his head, and asked in disbelief.

"Are you sure? Then if she really knows witchcraft, wouldn't Si Nuo be very dangerous?"

Mu Kaiyan buried his face in his palms and nodded. He was about to collapse, and he dared not imagine that all this happened too unexpectedly, beyond the scope of his imagination.

Li Sicheng walked back and forth a few times, slowly trying to calm himself down, and then looked at Mu Kaiyan, he knew that Mu Kaiyan would never feel better than himself, and all of this was completely beyond their ability, if a knife and a gun , they can still deal with it, but it involves witchcraft, not their ability.

He stopped beside Mu Kaiyan, patted him, and said, "Cheer up, I'm as sad and worried as you are, but at this time, we need to calm down, I don't believe there will be There must be a solution to the problem that cannot be overcome, let us think about it carefully and make full preparations."

After hearing what he said, Mu Kaiyan slowly raised his head, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and said, "You are right, I need to be calm and not lose my mind, yes, be prepared, and if you don't fight uncertain battles, you must There will be a way."

In my heart, I told myself that I must protect Si Nuo, and I must not let her suffer any more harm for me. I must cheer up to give her strength, and I must not let bad things happen. She dies!

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