Everyone rode up slowly, and the eight girls lined up in a row, looking at the sky that was gradually turning red.

Looking around, a large piece of green grass is gradually shrouded in golden yellow. Looking up, the many white clouds are also dyed orange red, like a salty egg yolk waving to you, and shouting : "Come on, eat me."

Groups of cattle and sheep on the grass in the distance are being driven by shepherds. This scene makes people feel that although all these are just ordinary lives, it is this simplicity and ordinaryness that makes people feel warm.

Li Sinuo and Ma Jiali sat on the horse, holding hands, smiling and looking into the distance.

She tilted her head and stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to catch that ray of sunlight, but the sunlight did not follow her wishes, as if playing hide and seek with her.

The light of the setting sun shone on her arms, which looked especially white as jade. She lowered her head and whispered a few words to the coach, and saw the coach helping her off the horse.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on her white clothes, she smiled and spun around in circles, like an elf on the grassland, it was a natural painting, no brush could outline its outline, no more A powerful color master can't fill in his colors.

Although the setting sun was beautiful, it was too short-lived. Soon, a little bit of starlight appeared in the sky, twinkling and twinkling, as if saying to everyone: "Go back quickly."

There was still a hint of coolness in the grassland at night, everyone shrugged their shoulders, and all rode their horses back again.

"My sisters, are you cold? Let's go back now and see what is waiting for us. Everyone can look forward to it." Si Yuan said with a smile.

"Is there any surprise? What is it?" Afuzel lightly clamped the horse's belly, then rode to Si Yuan's side and asked, she approached intentionally or unintentionally.

Si Yuan was polite and courteous to her, and at the same time avoided her. He understood her thoughts, seeing her innocent smile, and thinking of her galloping on the grassland just now, his calm heart was hit , but he can't.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said, "I'll find out later."

After finishing speaking, he intentionally or unintentionally distanced himself from her.

Although Avrele is big and refined, she has a delicate mind. She dares to love and hate, and always believes in saying what she likes, so she never hides her affection for Si Yuan. However, she is different from Lu Min in that, Will not persevere.

She looked at the people behind her, then slowed down her riding speed, and gradually returned to the team, only looking at Si Yuan from the corner of her eye.

Everyone walked back laughing and laughing all the way, the more they walked in the direction of the yurt, the more they seemed to see the light.

Li Sinuo took Ma Jiali's hand and said, "Look over there, doesn't it look like fire?"

"Sister Sinuo, where are you?" Lu Min came over to join in the fun.

"Here, look over there." Li Sinuo pointed to the light in front of her and said to her.

Cherry turned her head to look at Li Sinuo, and saw that she and Lu Min were chatting and laughing. Suddenly, she smiled, pinched the horse's belly lightly, then adjusted her direction, and slowly arrived at Afu. Beside Geler.

"Yeah? Sister Cherry, why are you here?" Afuzel was surprised.

"Rele, riding with you just now made me feel Tebi's happiness. When I saw you, I felt something like that." As she spoke, she seemed to be thinking, and then said immediately: "Yes, it is Hit it off."

Her call made Avzel, who is a newcomer, excited for a while. For them, it is a great encouragement for them to get the recognition and kindness of their seniors when they just debuted.

They chatted and laughed and soon arrived in front of the yurt, and saw a large group of people sitting together, only then did they know that the light they saw just now turned out to be a bonfire.

When everyone got off their horses, several Mongolian girls and boys came over, took their hands and came to the campfire, dancing around the campfire together.

Everyone held hands, sang and danced, while Ma Jiali just walked slowly, greeted each other after walking a few times, and sat on the grass beside her.

Just because she was having fun, no one noticed her leaving the team, except Li Sinuo.

She quietly left the bonfire, trotted over to the yurt, quickly took a coat, trotted back to Ma Jiali, put it on her thoughtfully, and then sat beside her.

"Sinuo, I'm fine, you go and play." Ma Jiali motioned for her to play with everyone.

"It's okay, I don't really want to play, so I'm here to accompany you, isn't it good to chat with you? Don't you want me to accompany you?" Li Sinuo's face was full of grievances.

Ma Jiali hugged her arm with a smile, and said, "Okay, stay here, let's watch them play together."

"Yeah." Li Sinuo leaned on her shoulder as he spoke.

"By the way, Sinuo, have you noticed that Cherry seems to be trying to get close to Afuzel today?" Ma Jiali expressed her doubts.

"No? Didn't they come riding together?" Li Sinuo said nonchalantly.

Ma Jiali was still not persuaded by her, but she couldn't say much: "Okay, you should be careful about everything, don't be stupid, if you are really sold, you still count the money for them."

"Okay, okay, I know, but I'm not afraid, anyway, with you by my side, who would dare to betray me." After speaking, he still gave her a big grimace.

"You are naughty."

"Who told you that you are my sister-in-law, right, sister-in-law." Li Sinuo said coquettishly.

Ma Jiali nodded her head, said with a smile, "You."

The interaction between the two of them completely fell into the eyes of May May and Cherry, and Cherry, with a smile on her face, held hands with the big guy, singing and dancing in a circle, and was very integrated.

When Ma Jiali saw her glance, her heart skipped a beat, she looked down at Li Sinuo who was leaning on her shoulder, and suddenly thought of what she told her before, she couldn't help but have some bad thoughts in her heart, but she was still puzzled .

After all, after asking Li Sicheng, he told himself with certainty that he didn't know the so-called Cherry in front of him. If he really had something to do with Mu Kaiyan, then based on the friendship between the two of them, he shouldn't know about it, unless
Li Sicheng lied to himself?No, it won't. Ma Jiali quickly put aside this idea.

Could it be Mu Kaiyan's golden house cangjiao?So mysterious that even the best brother keeps it a secret?
Ma Jiali was thinking about all kinds of possibilities, but she never thought that Mu Kaiyan and Cherry were innocent. At this moment, she was very firm about this possibility.

"Jiali. Jiali, what are you thinking?" Li Sinuo looked at her for a while, and found that she was obviously in a fugue, so he gently pushed her.

"Ah what's wrong?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"No, I didn't think about anything, you should try to stay by my side in the future."

"Why? What happened to you? Did something happen?" Li Sinuo was puzzled.

Ma Jiali squeezed out a smile and said, "No, it's not what you said to take care of me. How can you take care of me when you're not by my side?"

"Okay, I know."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and looked at the group of people singing and dancing around the bonfire.

On Cherry's left is Afuzel, and on the right is Siyuan. They are holding hands together and having a carnival. She slowly pulls Afuzel to the right, with lightning speed, Switched places with her.

Afgelle was flustered at the beginning, but Cherry exchanged with her for an instant, and gave her a meaningful look, and she exchanged positions half-understood, holding hands with Si Yuan's all of a sudden.

The moment the two people's hands touched, Afgelle's face turned red. Perhaps it was because they were by the campfire, so everyone didn't notice.

Due to the fact that there were too many people at the moment, Si Yuan couldn't say anything, and couldn't leave right away, so he held her hand and danced as usual.

Afgelle found that he didn't let go of her, and instantly gained more confidence, grabbed his hand firmly, and turned to Cherry with grateful eyes.

May May looked at Cherry with a smile, she knew it well, she knew exactly how she wanted to match those two young people.

At a bonfire party, everyone has something on their minds.

When Lu Min saw Afu Reile and Si Yuan holding hands and dancing, she thought to herself, if Luo Cheng was here, she would definitely hold him.
Li Sinuo looked at them dancing happily, and thought in his heart, one day, he must bring Yun Zhe to the grassland with Mu Kaiyan to have a wild high.
Ma Jiali took all of Cherry's actions just now into her eyes, and always felt that her every operation was just paving the way. Maybe this behavior was just so-called buying people's hearts.
Gradually, everyone was tired and took a rest. At this moment, the director gathered everyone together.

"Teachers, our next destination is country T, and the departure point is Suhai International Airport." The director shouted passionately.

When they heard that the starting point was Su Hai, everyone was full of doubts, but some people were happy in their hearts.

I only heard the director say again: "Everyone must be thinking, why did they start from Su Hai, right? In fact, it is like this, because our program group received a variety show, and the recording was in Su Hai, so ah, let's understand Depart early in the morning, destination Suhai."

Everyone went back to the yurt one after another. At this time, Cherry came over and said with a smile: "Sinuo, I will be able to go to Suhai tomorrow. I am so happy. Are you looking forward to it?"

Li Sinuo nodded with a smile, and said: "Well, it's actually not bad, but, after all, home is over there, and it's always exciting to be close to home."

Cherry put her arms around her and said, "Then are you going home tomorrow?"

"Not necessarily. Let's see how the program team will arrange it. It should be stipulated that you can't leave the team casually. What about you, do you have any ideas?"

"Me, I want to see my brother Mu, I miss him so much." She said with a girlish appearance.

As soon as these words came out, Ma Jiali's eyes lit up, and she wanted to say something, but held back.

"But, can you go out alone?" Li Sinuo asked with some doubts.

Cherry smiled and said, "No problem, my brother Mu is amazing, he wants me to go out, and no one will stop him."

Just when Li Sinuo was about to digest these words, Ma Jiali interrupted: "Sinuo, I'm a little tired, please accompany me back home."

As soon as Ma Jiali said she was tired, she pulled back her thoughts instantly, said goodbye to Cherry immediately and helped her back to the yurt where they were.

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