Cold-faced Young Master Mu's Little Warm Wife

Chapter 177 The Legend of Lugu Lake

"By the way, Fang Peng, where did you find it?" Li Sicheng raised his head and asked.

"I just called the insurance company, and they arranged for someone to come over there." Fang Peng said as he walked over with a bag of food.

"It's a bit slow."

Just as they were talking, an ambulance vehicle drove towards them, and Ninja got off the vehicle quickly.

"Mr. Mu, I'm really sorry, we're late."

Fang Peng immediately stepped forward and said, "It's okay, it's okay, you can deal with it quickly, we have to go on the road."

“good good”

They quickly took out the tools, the original tires, and replaced them in an instant, and then left after saying hello.

Xiaoyao checked the car around, then turned to the driver's seat, opened the door and got into the car, stuck his head out of the window and shouted: "Get in the car, let's go."

"Go, go, go."

Everyone laughed and got into the car together, and then set foot on the way home again. The four of them talked and laughed along the way, very happy.

Amidst their laughter, "Sisters' Journeys" on the other side has already boarded the bus and galloped on the highway.

Si Yuan shouted to everyone at the front of the car: "Sisters, the place we are going on this trip is the place where the country of daughters is located, Lugu Lake. It is said that there are Mosuo people living by the lakeside of Lugu Lake. clan."

"Is that the Mother and Child River, the river in "Journey to the West" where you can get pregnant if you drink it?" a muffled voice sounded from inside the car.

There was a moment of embarrassment in the car.

Si Yuan smiled to resolve the embarrassment, and said, "Well, there is indeed such a legend in the local area, that is, if the girls who go there drink the water there, they will become pregnant."

He paused deliberately, and continued: "This river is called the mother river by the local people, because it has nurtured generations of local people. As for whether it is really possible to conceive after drinking it, Si But I really don’t understand, or when we get there, Miss Sister will give it a try?”

Talking about a burst of laughter in the car, Mao Mao at the beginning smiled slightly with embarrassment.

"Xiaoyuan, tell us about the Lugu Lake first. Is there any beautiful legend?" Rainbow raised his hand and shouted to him.

"That's right, that's what I like to hear the most." Afuzel also shouted in response.

Then everyone booed, Si Yuan smiled and said to everyone: "Okay, our trip will take about four hours, so I will tell you what I have heard first."

There was a round of applause.

"Then let me tell you a legend about maternal love. It is said that in the distant past, Lugu Lake used to be a village. In the village, there was an orphan. He would go to the Lion Mountain to graze every day. As long as people hand over their cattle and sheep to him, he will always make them fat and strong."

Si Yuan picked up a bottle of water and took a sip, moistened his throat and continued: "One day, he fell asleep under a tree on the mountain, fell asleep, and had a dream, he dreamed , a big fish said to him: "Oh, my kind child, you are so pitiful. From now on, you don't bring lunch anymore, just cut off the flesh on my body and eat it." The child After waking up, he kept thinking about the dream he had just now, wondering whether it was true or not, so he searched and searched on the mountain, and finally found the big fish in a cave, and he was overjoyed. , thinking, since he really found a big fish, does it mean that what he said in the dream is true, so he immediately cut off a piece of meat and roasted it to eat. The fish meat was delicious, and the child ate it very happily. "

"Then what? Does it really eat that fish every day?" Lu Min asked in his seat.

"Oh, don't interrupt him, listen to what Si Yuan said." Afuzel complained to her with a smile.

Lu Min also smiled and pushed her with his shoulder, leaned close to her ear and said, "Just protect him."

As soon as her words came out, Afuzel blushed and said in embarrassment: "It's disgusting."

Si Yuan felt a little embarrassed when he heard what the two girls said, so he coughed twice and continued talking.

"So the next day, the kid went again, and he found that the place where the big fish was cut yesterday was covered with meat again, which surprised him, so he told the villagers about the miraculous encounter, but ah , This matter was found out by a greedy person in the village, he wanted to take the big fish as his own, so he invited a group of people who were also greedy for money, came to the mountain, tied the big fish with a rope, Let nine horses and nine cows pull hard together."

"Eventually the big fish was pulled out of the hole and disaster ensued."

Si Yuan lowered his voice and spoke mysteriously, looked at everyone, and found that everyone's faces were full of expectations, so he spoke again.

"Suddenly, from that cave, the flood water spewed out with a bang and submerged the whole village in an instant. At that moment, a Mosuo woman was feeding pigs, and two young children were playing beside her. When the mother saw the flood, she became nervous and quickly carried the two children into the pig trough, but she herself was buried under the water."

"Those two children sat in a pig trough and drifted down the river to the shore of Lugu Lake. Later, they became the ancestors of this place. In memory of that great mother, people took the whole piece of wood to make a "pig trough boat" , and Lugu Lake is also known as the 'Mother Lake'."

Rainbow raised her hand again and shouted: "This is the legend about maternal love? Is there any about love?"

"Yes, usually such a beautiful place will have a poignant or beautiful love story?" Hadara also echoed.

"Of course, there is indeed a legend about love in Lugu Lake. Do you want to hear it? Don't you fall asleep listening to it?" Si Yuan said jokingly.

There was an uproar below, shouting: "No, we like to hear it, please tell us more."

Everyone applauded again.

"Okay then, I'll tell my sisters about the love legend about our Lugu Lake." Si Yuan said with a smile.

The director was in another car, saw the real-time broadcast, nodded with a smile, thinking that Si Yuan was right.

"It is said that a long, long time ago, there was no Lugu Lake, and there was only a vast virgin forest. In this forest lived a hardworking and kind-hearted girl who was as beautiful as a flower. The sorrel she brewed Even the wind will get drunk when you smell Lima wine, and the sun will blush."

"Her name is Gemu. This Gemu is not only beautiful, but also very likable. She has established an 'Asha' relationship with the mountain gods around her."

Si Yuan took another sip of water to moisten his throat, and said: "This 'Axia' is what the Mosuo people call each other for men and women who have an intimate relationship or a lover relationship, but there is one thing, she is dating the surrounding mountain gods It must be done after dark, and you must leave before the rooster crows at dawn. This is the same as the current Mosuo people's custom of walking marriage. The state of dusk and morning departure is the same. , then you will definitely be punished by the gods.”

Avrel raised his hand and asked, "Then what is walking marriage?"

Li Sinuo coughed when she heard her asking, Si Yuan was also a little embarrassed, he scratched his head, thinking about how to explain it to her.

Si Yuan looked at the innocence on Afurele's face, and looked at himself with wide eyes, so he said: "Well, it can't be explained clearly in a few sentences, so let me explain this legend to you first. I'm done, I'll tell you when I have time, how about it?"

"Okay, okay." Afuzel felt unspeakably happy when he heard that he was willing to tell himself, so he sat down and listened to the story like a good baby.

Si Yuan began to continue what he said: "Suddenly one day, the second prince of the Dragon King, Houlong, was hunting in the forest and chasing a rabbit. The rabbit was shot, but it was still jumping forward. The rear dragon quickly chased after it, and found that the rabbit was already in Gemu's arms, and Gemu was healing the rabbit."

"Houlong saw that Gemu was so kind and beautiful, and couldn't help feeling extremely ashamed of his behavior. He came to Gemu, and just like that, they fell in love at first sight and fell in love with each other."

"When night fell, they lit a bonfire in the forest, played and danced, and told each other their love. But one night, because they hadn't been together for a long time, they missed each other very much. Carnival all night, forgetting everything in the world."

"Unknowingly, the sound of a cock crowing came from a distance, and it was already dawn. The rear dragon woke up from sleep, jumped up, jumped on the horse's back, swung the whip to urge the horse to go, but unexpectedly walked too fast, and the horse stumbled. , stepped on a deep horseshoe print on the hillside, and the rear dragon also fell from the horse's back and landed in the horseshoe print, and his body slowly became stiff. Just like that, he turned into a mountain, and Gemu ran over Seeing her most beloved person become what she is now, she couldn't help crying like rain, and cried sadly for seven days and seven nights. Her tears filled the horseshoe prints and formed today's Lugu Lake. The water in Lugu Lake It's so clear that it turned out to be Gorm's tears."

"What happened afterwards? Did she keep crying?" Maomao asked.

"After that, Gemu became a local sacred mountain, called Gemu Goddess Mountain. Gemu blesses the safety and auspiciousness of the Mosuo people. Every year on July 25th of the lunar calendar, the Mosuo people hold a grand ceremony. On the Zhuanshan Festival, I pray that the weather will be good at home, the grain will be plentiful, the family will be safe and happy, and the young people will find their ideal "Axia" as soon as possible."

"Until now, Houlong Mountain and Gemu Goddess Mountain face each other across Lugu Lake, as if they are still telling their eternal love. This is the love legend about Lugu Lake."

After Si Yuan finished speaking, there was a round of applause.

"Si Yuan, you are too powerful, don't you know all this? Then have you been there?" Afugel was full of admiration.

Si Yuan was a little embarrassed by her praise, and said with a smile: "I went there once, when I graduated from high school, and I thought it was beautiful. As for the legend, I also listened to the introduction of the local tour guide, and online checked."

"Now that I'm imagining it, I feel that it must be beautiful, and I'm full of anticipation." I saw Afgelle holding his face in his hands, with a look of anticipation on his face.

What no one knows is that what she is secretly happy about is to go to this place with beautiful love legends with the person she likes.

She looked at Si Yuan and said, "Would you like to educate me about walking marriage?"

"Er, sisters, does anyone know this custom?" Si Yuan stood in front and asked with a smile.

Rainbow raised her hand and shouted: "Then you can spread the word to all of us, and also tell us if there are any local taboos. I heard that those ethnic minorities have many taboos, right?"

"That's true, then as a tour guide, let me talk to you again." Si Yuan said with a smile.

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