Everyone wandered around for a while, and when it was almost eight o'clock, the director gathered everyone together.

"Teachers, we just got in touch with a bar in front of us, why don't you sit there for a while?" Director Han asked standing among the crowd.

"Okay." Everyone shouted almost in unison.

Then the director quickly evacuated, only to hear Si Yuan shouting from the side: "People say that when you come to Lijiang, you must go to the bar, so shall we join in the fun?"

Everyone shouted at the camera: "Okay."

"Then, sisters, please follow your little Yuan and set off." Si Yuan raised his hand and waved forward, and they all walked forward with him.

After a while, everyone came to a folk song bar called "Understanding You".

"Understanding You" doesn't have a big face, and it doesn't look particularly conspicuous, but I heard that this is one of the folk bars with the best atmosphere in the ancient city.

Folk bars in the ancient city of Lijiang all have a characteristic, that is, they will place a "fire pit" in the middle of the bar, and everyone will gather around the fire pit and listen to the songs, which is quite unique.

Knowing You Bar is no exception, as expected, Lijiang is full of characteristics.

After everyone was seated, listening to the singers, taking a sip of the wine, they were instantly brought into the cozy world of music, as if all the worries in their hearts were thrown away.

When the host on the stage shouted, all the lights were directed in their direction, helplessly, everyone was invited to sing a few songs.

Rainbow and Hadara happily picked up the microphone and started singing.

"Finally the people I miss get together and finally all the wounds are healed

The flowers are blooming again, finally the heart is full of courage again
Watching a movie, the main character is the epitome of your own life upside down

Memories are a talent and a natural enemy make tears endless
I don’t want to grow up, who took me to a strange place when I couldn’t go back

How many sighs are needed to evaporate a teardrop, who understands me

Falling into the loneliest dike break, I want to give up again and again
There may be no chance that the flowers will bloom again
Walking through the most desperate ups and downs, I ask myself again and again
How far away is the day when the flowers bloom again
Sing a song where the main character is yourself at that time in your life
That year I moved into the girls' dormitory, and since then I have had you laughing and crying
Break into a rainforest fantasy journey, only with you can we learn beauty in a new world

When the nightmare is over, open your eyes, it's you waiting for me

Finally, the people I miss meet, and finally all the wounds are healed

The flowers are blooming again, finally the heart is full of courage again

Listening to the song, Ma Jiali bit the straw and drank orange juice, and couldn't help falling into memories
I remember that in the summer of that year, she happily carried a dilapidated schoolbag and pushed open the door of a dormitory. As soon as she entered, she saw a little girl inside. Wrong.

She walked in again and asked softly, "Excuse me, are you?"

The little girl turned around to look at her, and said with a sweet smile, "Hi, my name is Li Sinuo, and I'm a freshman."

Ma Jiali looked at her smiling face, especially when she smiled, the shallow tears looked especially cute, she was completely a humanoid Barbie doll, she was slightly taken aback, and said: "Uh hello, I'm also a freshman Freshmen, my name is Ma Jiali, you"

She looked at Li Sinuo with a face of surprise, thinking in her heart, is she too anxious to grow up?Or are girls really too petite?
Li Sinuo walked to her side with a smile, looked her over, and roughly understood what she was wondering about, so he explained with a smile: "I'm from the junior class, and I'm younger than you."

"Ah? Junior class? Then how old are you this year? I'm sorry, but you really look so small." Ma Jiali was a little embarrassed, afraid that what she said was inappropriate and offended the other party, after all, she looked at it at this time , she could see that the girl in front of her must have a good family background, and she could tell by looking at her things and the feeling of displaying them.

Ma Jiali looked at herself again, wearing a simple white T-shirt and a pair of washed white jeans, she couldn't help but backed away.

Li Sinuo caught her emotion in an instant, and took the initiative to walk over, took her hand, sat down on the sofa beside her, and said with a smile: "I am 14 years old this year, from now on we It's a roommate, so I'll call you Carrie from now on, and you can call me Sinuo?"

"Well, okay." Ma Jiali stared at her and held her hand, feeling so warm. It was the first time, at least in her memory, that someone sincerely held her hand. From that moment on, she has regarded Li Sinuo as her best friend in life.

The two girls chatted for a long time in the dormitory, and then they started to pack their things. Although Li Sinuo was small, but tried his best to help Ma Jiali, the two girls seemed to be long-lost friends. Since then, the two have been with each other Siamese twins in general.

"Carrie, Carrie" Li Sinuo gently pushed Ma Jiali's arm.

"Ah" Ma Jiali regained consciousness in an instant, turned her head, and found that Li Sinuo was calling her, so she immediately asked, "Sinuo, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter? It's time for me to ask you what's wrong? Where have you been so far?"

Ma Jiali looked back and forth, and found that Rainbow and Hadara had returned to their seats, and it seemed that their song had already been sung.

"Carrie, let's go, it's time for us to sing." Li Sinuo pulled her to stand up.

The two walked to the stage while discussing what song to sing.

Li Sinuo suddenly thought of something, and immediately leaned his head over and asked, "What were you thinking just now?"

"Ah, I heard them sing just now, and I suddenly thought of the time when we first met."

"You mean our first time in the dormitory, right?"


"Then let's sing the song of our dormitory?" Ma Jiali suggested.


The two decided on the song with a smile, and with the slow prelude, the two began to sing.

"every time

They are all wandering in loneliness and strong

every time

Don't shed tears even if I'm hurt
I know

I have always had a pair of invisible wings
带 我 飞 飞过 绝望
don't think

they have a beautiful sun

I see

Every day the sunset will change
I know

I have always had a pair of invisible wings
带 我 飞 我 希望
I finally see all my dreams blossom

chasing young
so loud

I finally soar

stare attentively without fear

Fly wherever there is wind
don't think

they have a beautiful sun

I see

Every day the sunset will change
I know

I have always had a pair of invisible wings
带 我 飞 我 希望
I finally see all my dreams blossom

chasing young
so loud

I finally soar

stare attentively without fear

Fly wherever there is wind
Invisible wings make dreams last longer than the sky

Leave a wish for yourself to imagine"

After a song was sung, the two girls were already in tears and embraced each other, and several pairs of sisters in the audience also hugged each other.

After a while, the two returned to their seats supporting each other.

Lu Min handed the two of them a tissue and said, "Sister Sinuo, Sister Jiali, I'm so envious of your relationship."

Ma Jiali said while wiping her tears: "You and Gelle will do it too."

"I'm curious, have you been together for so many years, will you quarrel?" Afugel also came over curiously to join in the fun and asked.

Li Sinuo pursed his lips, thinking carefully in his mind, then looked at Ma Jiali, and said, "It seems that I really can't think of it, do we have it?"

Ma Jiali also thought about it, then shook her head and said: "It seems that there is really no, yes, no."

"Wow, I'm so envious of you guys. You haven't quarreled in so many years. Isn't this relationship really good?" Lu Min's face was full of envy.

"It's actually not difficult. Honesty is the most important thing between friends. The biggest conflict with girlfriends is actually with men. We don't like the same person at the same time, so we completely avoid conflicts in this area." Ma Jiali said, and looked at it again Li Sinuo, motioned for her to continue.

Li Sinuo understood what she meant, and continued: "At that time, the two of us actually cherished each other, we both belonged to the non-mainstream category in school, and because I was too young, I played with me. There were not many people, and at that time, she closed herself off and didn't want to get in touch with others, so the two of us are the most stable together."

"Ah, Sister Sinuo, both of you should be heartthrobs in school. How can you be so different from the crowd?" Afuzel asked suspiciously.

"Okay, stop discussing the two of us, come on, who's turn to sing next." Li Sinuo said to them.

I saw Lu Min and Afu Rele went up to sit in front of the wheat and sang hand in hand.

Li Sinuo took a sip of the wine in his glass, and said to Ma Jiali: "Jiali, this wine tastes good, but it's a pity you can't drink it."

"Okay, drink less, don't get drunk then, don't you know how much you can drink?" Ma Jiali worriedly tried to take the cup away from her hand, but failed.

She leaned into Li Sinuo's ear and said, "If you drink any more, I'll call your husband."

Seeing that the persuasion was useless, Ma Jiali knew that she was already in the top position because she had no capacity for alcohol. He could only use Mu Kaiyan's trump card.

This scare really worked, Li Sinuo obediently handed the glass to Ma Jiali, and then drank the orange juice in her glass.

Ma Jiali gave Si Yuan a wink, and he immediately walked over, looked at the blushing Li Sinuo, and then greeted the director, saying that Li Sinuo was feeling unwell, and took her back to the hotel first up.

When the director heard this, he didn't dare to be sloppy regardless of whether it was true or not. He immediately let the three of them go first, and stopped the follow-up filming of the three of them. , It depends on what her husband means.

With the permission of the director, Si Yuan and Ma Jiali took charge of Li Sinuo on both sides respectively, left the bar, and went back to the hotel in the car of the program team.

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