Cold-faced Young Master Mu's Little Warm Wife

Chapter 166 A Romantic Surprise in Ice and Snow

The two of them fought and fought all the way, very unhappy.

Mu Kaiyan would always ask her if she was tired, and let her take a rest after walking up.

Li Sinuo thought to himself that he was so caring, he must be afraid that he would lack oxygen in this high-altitude snow-capped mountain.

Just like that, walking and stopping, watching the sky gradually getting dark, Li Sinuo was a little exhausted, and was almost dragged away by Mu Kaiyan.

Walking up slowly, as if seeing lights flickering, she immediately shouted to Mu Kaiyan: "Husband, husband, I'm finished, I'm hallucinating."

"Ah? Hallucination? What hallucination?" Mu Kaiyan walked to her side in a daze, looked in the direction of her finger, found the twinkling light, looked at her again and said: "Then we Go over and see if it's an illusion?"

Li Sinuo nodded dubiously, and said, "Okay."

The farther you go, the brighter it becomes, and soon you come to the bright place.

"Wow, why are there little lanterns here?" Li Sinuo squatted down excitedly, looking at the light yellow light from the little lanterns on the snow.

"Let's go, look ahead." Mu Kaiyan said as he bent down to hold her hand.

The two of them walked and walked, there were the same colorful lights all the way, and as they walked further, it seemed that they could still hear the sound of music, Li Sinuo pricked up his ears to listen.

I want to see you smile, I want to fight with you
want to hold you in my arms

Last second, blushing and arguing
Turn around in the next second and you'll be able to make up

I'm not afraid of you crying, I'm not afraid of you calling

because you are my pride
a pair of eyes chasing you

A heart is already ready
Just once, I'll take you to see the end of time

Laughing on a sunny day
Noisy in the free air

do you know my only want

The world is still small, I will accompany you to the ends of the earth

Stop looking in the corner without worries

Slowly grow old in carefree time

With the sound of music, they walked all the way forward. The louder the music, the brighter the front.

Suddenly, a snow-sculpted castle appeared in front of Li Sinuo. She was stunned at first glance. The castle was colorful and magnificent. There were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple at the door, and seven dwarfs stood there.

"Oh my god, this is too beautiful." Li Sinuo trotted over, stroked the dwarf's head, and smiled happily.

At this moment, Mu Kaiyan walked up to her, patted her head lovingly, and said, "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I really like it." Li Sinuo held the dwarf's head and touched the door of the castle again, very excited.

She felt that the music was coming from inside the castle, so she returned to Mu Kaiyan's side and said, "Honey, why do I feel like there is singing in this castle?"

"Then why don't we go and have a look?" As he said that, Mu Kaiyan took her hand and wanted to enter the castle.

"Wait, if we go in like this, will the castle collapse? If it collapses, we will be buried directly." Li Sinuo said with a trace of doubt on his face.

When Mu Kaiyan came over, he patted her on the head and said, "What's going on in your little head? You can't hope for something good."

Li Sinuo pursed his lips and rubbed Bie's brow, and did not forget to "hum".

Just like that, the two of them held hands and walked slowly into the snow-sculpted castle, where there was warm light, Li Sinuo seemed to have discovered something, and felt for the wall to look.

It turned out to be their photos, but mainly the single photos of Li Sinuo, all these photos were inlaid in the snow, very beautiful.

"Honey, look, it's so beautiful." Li Sinuo's face was full of intoxication.

But Mu Kaiyan said pointedly: "Well, it's really beautiful."

"How can there be these here? It's amazing."

"Is your head melon not used for too long, or it's too cold here, and it's frozen." Mu Kaiyan said with a smile.

Li Sinuo suddenly realized when he heard it, he opened his eyes wide and shouted: "Ah? This. Could it be you who prepared it?"

"Or else?"

Hearing his words, he meant for sure, Li Sinuo immediately put his arms around his waist, buried him in his arms, and said excitedly: "My husband, you are amazing, you are doing well."

"Like it?"

"I like it." As she said that, she left his embrace again, touched the photo in the snow and asked, "But how did you do this?"

"Professional people do professional things."

"Okay, you won." Li Sinuo gave him a thumbs up.

Looking at these photos, I have grown up since I was a child, and I have almost forgotten some of them.

Li Sinuo suddenly looked back at Mu Kaiyan, and asked, "Husband, if you miss me, would you also look at my photos? No, I should ask, do you have my photos in your phone? "

When Mu Kaiyan heard what she said, he directly took out the phone from his pocket and handed it to her, saying, "Then open it yourself to see if there is any."

Li Sinuo took the phone suspiciously, touched the screen lightly, and it lit up. She instantly showed a sweet smile. What she didn't expect was that he was a dignified president with a thousand eyes. A person with the nickname Nian Bingshan actually set her photo as the lock screen.

Seeing this, she wanted to see if it was also her photo, but she had no choice but to need a password, so Li Sinuo held up her phone to him and motioned for the password.

"Aren't you a computer student? It seems that I heard that your technology is quite good. This little millet can't trouble you." Mu Kaiyan hugged himself and said to her with a smile.

Li Sinuo pursed his lips when he heard this, and said, "Don't say it's down, it's just a password, wait, every minute."

Then I started looking at the phone and said to myself: "There will be ten chances in total, so try your birthday first."

An error is displayed as soon as it is entered.

"Then my birthday"

When the error was displayed again, Li Sinuo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, thinking, his password is not his birthday, so whose birthday would it be?

She involuntarily entered a set of numbers with her fingers, and it opened unexpectedly. She rubbed her eyes, and in disbelief, it opened much more.

Li Sinuo recalled the set of numbers just now, and then looked at Mu Kaiyan, only to see that he was looking at her with a smile, and then nodded. She was very excited. Instead of setting her birthday, this set of passwords is more important. make her happy.

Now that he turned on the phone, he quickly lowered his head to look at the main screen, it was also her photo, Li Sinuo happily shook the phone in front of Mu Kaiyan, smiling happily.

"Honey, I didn't expect that, you are not afraid of others laughing at you."

"It's already been laughed at."

"Huh? Really?"

"Well, once I was discussing business with a client, the phone suddenly turned on when he left it there, he saw my lock screen, and said something embarrassed, ah, it turns out that Mr. Mu is also a star chaser." Mu Kaiyan smiled Said.

Hearing this, Li Sinuo laughed and laughed, tears were about to burst into tears, and asked: "Then how do you answer?"

"What can I say, I just smiled and said, this is my wife." Mu Kaiyan said truthfully.

"What did they say?"

"He just smiled awkwardly, that's right, a young talent like me was locked up so early," Mu Kaiyan joked with a smile.

"Mu Kaiyan"

The two were fighting in the castle, Mu Kaiyan hugged her, and suddenly the atmosphere was very ambiguous.

Mu Kaiyan whispered in her ear softly, "I'm happy to be trapped by you."

Hearing his words, the rare sweet talk, Li Sinuo slipped into his arms shyly, thinking to himself, this person is real, if he doesn't flirt, he will definitely enter his heart.

"That's right, come on, come with me." Mu Kaiyan slightly distanced himself from her, then took her hand and left the snow castle.

"Where to?"

"Come with me and you'll know."

As soon as the two of them walked out, they heard a "spray", and then the sky was filled with light.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Li Sinuo saw the fireworks in full bloom, like blooming flowers, extremely beautiful, clapped his hands and jumped up, like a child.

Looking at her so happy, Mu Kaiyan thought to herself that her happiness is so simple.

He walked slowly to her side, put his arms around her shoulders, and asked, "Do you like it?"

"Well, I like it very much, husband, you are a god in my heart now, you are so omnipotent, I love you to death." Li Sinuo said as he put his arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

At this moment, I heard a "pop" in the air, and colorful blooms. When I looked up, I saw the words "wife, I love you" flashing in the air.

Li Sinuo's tears instantly burst into tears, and she fell into Mu Kaiyan's arms. At this moment, she was absolutely too happy. She would never have thought that one day, Mu Kaiyan would do this for her.

"What's the matter, wife? Don't you like it? Is there something wrong?" Mu Kaiyan checked her, saw her crying like this suddenly, and asked with a hint of worry.

"I don't feel uncomfortable, I'm just so happy, I can't believe it, you really prepared these for me." Li Sinuo said with a smile while shaking his head while crying.

Seeing her like this, Mu Kaiyan couldn't help laughing, wiped her tears with his hand, and said, "Silly girl, is this what made you cry like this? Then I won't dare to surprise you anymore."

Upon hearing this, Li Sinuo immediately stopped crying, and said: "That's not okay, I like it, but I just didn't think of it."

"Okay, it's my fault, it's because I didn't do enough. In the future, I will definitely create some romance for you so that you can get used to it. I want you to be the happiest woman in the world." Mu Kaiyan said solemnly .

Li Sinuo looked at him with a smile and said: "Fool, as long as I have you by my side, I will be the happiest. With you, everything is enough."

"Me too." Mu Kaiyan hugged her and smiled happily.

The two embraced and looked at the fireworks in the sky, like bright stars, which instantly brought the two back to their first meeting. Thinking of the scene at that time, both of them smiled.

"Think about it when you were only 10 years old, how dare you." Mu Kaiyan asked curiously.

"Those who don't know are innocent."

"Oh? Was that just casually?"

"That's not true. I have worked hard for that sentence for many years. Such a handsome little brother, I don't want to settle down. What if someone else snatches it away?"

"Well, it's good to have foresight at such a young age."

"That is. But, I'm also curious." Li Sinuo turned to look at Mu Kaiyan, and continued: "Did you really fall in love with me at that time?"

"Want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Li Sinuo looked at the way he was speaking, and immediately said: "It's a lie."

"Well, yes." Mu Kaiyan blurted out.

"Okay, I know." Li Sinuo slightly lowered his head/

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