"Hey, what are you fussing about?" Li Sicheng pushed Mu Kaiyan, tilted his head and asked with a smile.

"I didn't think about anything, I just thought you were annoying and didn't want to talk to you."

"I'll be sad if you say that." Li Sicheng leaned his head on his shoulder like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Unexpectedly, he pushed him away at once, gave Li Sicheng a hard look, and said, "Stop making me sick here."

Li Sicheng pretended to be wronged and said, "I don't understand the style."

Xiaoyao turned his head to look at them in front, and said with a smile: "Two big brothers, you two, wherever you go, you are so poor, I really can't stand you."

"Boss, we've reached the service area ahead, should we go down and have a rest?" Fang Peng asked with his head turned slightly.


After getting the consent, Fang Peng turned right and prepared to get off the highway. After parking the car, the four of them got out of the car and got a lot of turning heads.

There were a lot of people getting off a tourist bus at the same time, many of them were girls, when they saw Mu Kaiyan and the others, they exclaimed in twos and threes: "Wow~~Look, is that F4? It's so handsome, what a pity. Ah, not with us."

"Didn't you see? They are driving by themselves, and their car is amazing."

Several women gathered together and patted and shouted.

Mu Kaiyan approached Li Sicheng and said, "Do you need to go to the bathroom? Wow, get in the car first."

"I don't need it, let's go with you." They also noticed the eyes of the group of people at the same time.

After the two of them got into the car, Li Sicheng said, "You still had the foresight. Fortunately, King was not asked to come over, otherwise I don't think we will be able to leave here."

Mu Kaiyan glanced at him, and then said, "Tell Fang Peng and the others to buy some water."

Li Sicheng said OK, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and after connecting, he said, "Fang Peng, buy some water and some food."

After a while, I saw Fang Peng and Xiaoyao carrying a box of water, and then got into the car with two buckets of grandfather in their arms, smiling.

The girls couldn't see the four of them anymore, so they couldn't help feeling extremely disappointed.

As soon as he got in the car, Xiaoyao handed a bucket of old grandpa to the back row, and then the four of them ate happily.

Mu Kaiyan took a hot wing, looked at it for a while, then stuffed it into his mouth hesitantly, and said, "I haven't eaten these for a long time."

"Yeah, I remember when I was in junior high school, but I'm better than you. I went to eat with Jiali before, and she liked it. By the way, haven't you eaten with Sinuo?" Li Sicheng asked Said while eating.

"No, does she like this?" Mu Kaiyan thought to himself, as if she had never noticed that she liked eating this.

"That girl, she liked to eat it when she was a child, but she suddenly quit, as if she was afraid of getting fat, you know, girl."

"Really? I don't think she has such a personality." Mu Kaiyan was a little puzzled.

Li Sicheng took another Orleans roasted wing, and said: "You can't imagine, that girl had to suffer enough to make herself perfect at that time, so, in the future, be nice to my sister."

"You don't need to say that. I don't love my wife. Who cares? Can I still count on you? You are a serious person."

"ok I admit it."

Xiaoyao said with a smile while eating: "If that guy King is here, I will definitely talk about it." Then he coughed twice, imitating Jin Mingjun's tone and said: "This fried chicken and beer, life is beautiful. "

There were bursts of laughter in the car, and it was almost time to eat, Xiaoyao said again: "Fang Peng, I will change with you, you have a rest meeting, I will drive."

"I'm fine, I'll come."

"Okay, I've been here for more than two hours anyway, let me come for a while." Then he got out of the car, walked to the driver's seat, and changed with him.

As the two entered and exited, the group of girls couldn't help screaming again until the car slowly faded out of their sight.

"Boss, if you are tired, you can close your eyes and rest for a while. Don't worry, I drive very steadily. It's just that I'm not used to changing the direction of the wheel." Xiaoyao said happily.

As soon as he heard him say this, Fang Peng immediately said: "Whether you can do it or not, if you can't, let me do it."

"Okay, just relax, don't underestimate me, you guys can take a break." Said and drove the car on his own.

Slowly, everyone was a little tired, and slowly closed their eyes, narrowing their eyes.

At this time, Li Sinuo was also on the bus heading to Lijiang. This time, all the members took the bus arranged by the program group, and everyone was talking and laughing on the bus.

Li Sinuo sat in the last row, he didn't really want to join their discussion, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Her thoughts were a little distracted, her heart was full of doubts, and unconsciously, her brows were full of worry.

Mu Kaiyan promised to contact him every day, but why did he suddenly lose contact?Is something wrong with him?

Li Sinuo kept looking for the answer in his heart, but he couldn't find it.

The director's voice suddenly sounded in the carriage, everyone raised their heads to look at him, and Li Sinuo slowly opened his eyes and looked over.

I saw him holding the microphone and said mysteriously: "Everyone, our next stop is Lijiang. I know everyone is quite tired, but what I want to tell you is that in Lijiang, the program team has something for you." A surprise is prepared, it's super big."

"Director, what kind of surprise is it?" Rainbow immediately raised his hand and asked.

"It's a surprise, I guarantee you will like it when the time comes." The director still kept his secret.

Everyone saw that they couldn't ask any questions, so they also gave up. What Li Sinuo thought in his heart was, what kind of surprise could there be? Unless Mu Kaiyan suddenly appeared in front of him, nothing would be considered a surprise. But, she He knew in his heart that the program team didn't have the ability, and he even disdained to do such a thing.

The car was driving on the high speed, everyone was very tired, and slowly closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Just when everyone was about to fall asleep, they suddenly heard a "bang", and finally fell forward.

Fortunately, Li Sinuo did not fall asleep. Feeling the impact, she quickly supported the seat in front of Ma Jiali with one hand, and quickly protected her with the other hand. When the car stopped, she immediately turned to look at her: "Carrie, how are you doing?"

Ma Jiali took her hand, smiled and said, "I'm fine, thank you."

Li Sinuo let out a "hiss" when she held her hand, and said, "It's fine, I'm scared to death."

"What's wrong with you? Are you injured?" Ma Jiali noticed that something was wrong with her, and immediately helped her to sit on the seat.

At this moment, Si Yuan just calmed down, and immediately looked towards them, meeting his gaze, Ma Jiali showed a trace of worry.

Si Yuan rushed over immediately, squatted in front of them, and asked anxiously: "How is it? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine. Sinuo seemed to hurt his hand when he was protecting me just now. Let the doctor come and have a look." Ma Jiali said anxiously.

He stood up and said as he walked towards the front row: "My sisters are shocked, are you all right? If you feel uncomfortable, please let me know in time."

Then he walked up to the doctor and whispered a few words to him, seeing the worry on the doctor's face that couldn't be hidden, he immediately stood up and went to Li Sinuo and the others.

He checked it and said, "Mrs. Mu, ah, Miss Li, your hand must be dislocated and needs to be reset. It's best to go to the hospital right away."

"Doctor, can't you do it?" Li Sinuo raised his head and asked enduring the pain.

"I can do it, but I'm not a professional surgeon, so let's go to the hospital as soon as possible." The doctor said quietly.

Everyone nodded, and instantly understood what he meant. After all, he is a professional obstetrician and gynecologist.

When the director saw that Li Sinuo was injured, he was really taken aback, thinking that it was over for now, Mu Kaiyan's wife was injured and it was fine, not to mention that her husband was coming soon, he was in a bad mood now Up and down.

But after all, he is someone who is used to big scenes, so he calmly walked to Li Sinuo's side, and asked with concern: "Sinuo, how is it?"

The doctor immediately said: "Her hand may be dislocated, and she needs to go to the hospital to take an X-ray to make sure."

When the director heard this, he immediately yelled to go to the hospital, but after he recovered, he realized that he was stuck on the highway.

Si Yuan planned to get out of the car to take a look at the situation, but was stopped by the director, and he immediately shouted in the car: "Please close the curtains now, so as not to be photographed, Si Yuan, you stay in the car, don't be caught by others." I recognized it, everyone, please be patient, I will go down and take a look first."

After finishing speaking, the director got out of the car by himself. After inquiring, there were three rear-end collisions on the road ahead, and they couldn't move. Even they were hit by five cars in a row, and their bus also hesitated and kissed the bus in front of them. car.

He saw that the waiting time would definitely not be short in this situation, but with so many people in the car, it was impossible for several cars to come in, so he dialed 120 and asked the car to come in from the emergency lane to take Li Sinuo with him. Walk. "

At that time, he returned to the car and asked the driver to close the door quickly, absolutely guaranteeing that the people in the car would not be exposed.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry, there have been four traffic accidents with us now, and I may stay here for a while, and I feel sorry for everyone to take a rest here, and I have already called 120, and I will wait a while. Come here and take Si Nuo to the hospital first."

After hearing this, Ma Jiali said to Li Sinuo: "I'll go with you later."

"You should stay here, don't run back and forth." Li Sinuo said with a smile.

Si Yuan, who was standing beside them, said: "I'll go later, Sister Jiali, you can stay here at ease, and I'll go with Sinuo."

Ma Jiali thought for a while and said: "That's fine, you have to take good care of her."

"Okay, I know."

After a while, I heard the sound of an ambulance. The director signaled that they could go there. Si Yuan and Li Sinuodou put on their hats and masks and got out of the car. There were several other programs getting off the car with them. The people in the group surrounded the two of them and sent them to the ambulance before they dispersed.

The ambulance drove away immediately, and many people on the highway saw that scene, thinking who was so mysterious, so they also became interested in that bus.

Seeing this, the people in the car pulled the curtains tighter and lowered the decibel a lot. Just like that, everyone sat in the car and waited.

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