"Come here." Mu Kaiyan shouted to Li Sinuo who was at the door, and then patted the edge of the bed.

Li Sinuo was stunned for a moment, walked over slowly, sat down hesitantly, looked up at him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why are you nervous? Can I still eat you up? I just want to talk to you." Seeing her anxious look, Mu Kaiyan really wanted to laugh.

"What do you want to tell me?"

Mu Kaiyan sat up straight and leaned forward, tilted his head and said with a smile: "What? Are you nervous? This is completely different from the previous you. Where did the person who couldn't help kissing me go? You must have Split personality?"

"Mu Kaiyan, you are too much, you have a split personality, you have a brain problem, I...I don't care about you." Li Sinuo blushed and said.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." He leaned against the pillow behind him, adjusted his posture and continued, "You really liked me since you were a child?"

"Yeah." Li Sinuo lowered his head and nodded.

"I heard what your brother said, and I also believe that we should have been in love before, but..."

"No, but you will be fine." Before Mu Kaiyan could finish speaking, she interrupted her.

"What if I can never remember?" When he said this, a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

Hearing what he said, Li Sinuo immediately raised his head to look at him, swept away the depressed mood just now, grabbed his hand and said: "If you really can't remember our past anymore, then we will start over again. Create new memories, if you forget me completely, then I will spend another ten years to make you fall in love with me."

Seeing her resolute expression, her eyes showing persistence, Mu Kaiyan covered her hand with his backhand, and said with a smile, "Okay."

When Li Sinuo heard this "OK", he was taken aback for a moment, then excited, seeing his little hand being wrapped in his, feeling the warmth from his palm, felt a little more warmth in his heart, very at ease .

The two of them were just sitting like that, Li Sinuo suddenly said: "Lie down and have a rest, Lin Tianyi will come later."

Mu Kaiyan had a look of helplessness on his face, and said with a slightly slanted face, "I said, can you spoil the scenery any more?"

"What, come on, come on, lie down." She stood up and helped him as she spoke.

"That's right, stay away from that doctor and stop laughing foolishly with him." He propped his hands on the bed.

Li Sinuo looked at him like that, shook his head with a smile, and said, "Okay, listen to you."

"It's not too bad." Mu Kaiyan smiled brightly like a child who got a beloved toy, and lay down contentedly.

"You, it's never been like this before." Li Sinuo said while helping him cover the quilt.

"Oh? Then what was I like before?" Mu Kaiyan suddenly became curious about his past self.

"You? In the past, you were the famous ten-thousand-year iceberg."

"So cool? Then you still like it?"

"I just like it, what can you do to me?" Li Sinuo raised his head and said.

Mu Kaiyan looked at her with a smile and said: "It can't be done, then I like it, then according to what you say, no woman likes me, right?"

"How is it possible? With your charming face, how many women can attract moths to the flame? You don't even know how I overcame obstacles to get you." Li Sinuo said a little excitedly.

"How to say?"

"Uh, it's really nothing, but you are very good." Then he laughed awkwardly.

After a while, Lin Tianyi and a nurse came in pushing the treatment cart.

Just doing dialysis every day, seeing Mu Kaiyan's body start to weaken, Li Sinuo saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

A week passed, and when Lin Tian finally heard that the toxins had all been removed in one mouthful, she jumped up excitedly, walked to Mu Kaiyan's bedside, and threw herself into his arms, happily sharing the good news with him.

After laughing, she slowly withdrew from his embrace, and a trace of sadness appeared on her face involuntarily, this little emotion was completely caught in Mu Kaiyan's eyes.

He took her into his arms again, stroked her long hair gently, and said, "Don't worry, haven't you all said it, Lin Tianyi is the best doctor, and he is also my best friend, Since he can pat his chest to assure, then nothing will happen."

As he said that, he gently separated her from himself, put his hands on her shoulders, stared at her and continued: "You just think, maybe I will recognize you when I come out of the operating room, right?"

Hearing what he said, Li Sinuo thought that he should comfort and encourage him, but now he was trying to explain himself, so he nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I know."

Mu Kaiyan looked at her with satisfaction, and suddenly frowned slightly, looking at her face carefully.

Li Sinuo felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, and asked, "What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

Mu Kaiyan didn't speak, but poked her cheek with his finger.


Li Sinuo screamed, quickly covered his right face with his hand, and shouted: "What are you doing, it hurts so much."

"What's wrong with your face? Why is it swollen?"

"Ah, here I am."

"What, what, what's going on?" Mu Kaiyan asked pretending to be angry.

"Oh, that's right. It's my toothache." Li Sinuo said while lowering his head.

"Toothache? Can toothache make your face swell? Show me if it's an infection?" He said, looking at her teeth.

Li Sinuo immediately covered his mouth and said, "I don't want it, you're not a doctor, what do you think, besides, doesn't it hurt when you look at it? I don't want it."

In fact, she was embarrassed to let him see her teeth, afraid that he would feel a little disgusted with her, and she didn't want him to see her bad points.

Seeing that she was so stubborn, Mu Kaiyan got up from the bed, picked up a coat and put it on directly.

"Why are you going?" Li Sinuo immediately ran to him and asked.

Mu Kaiyan directly turned Li Sinuo in front of him, then hugged her and walked out the door, saying as he walked, "Take you to the dentist."

As soon as Li Sinuo heard that she was going to see a dentist, Li Sinuo quickly clung to the door frame, no matter how much Mu Kaiyan pulled her back, he would not let go, and shook his head and shouted: "I won't go, I'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore, don't go no go."

Mu Kaiyan let go of her hand, looked at her with his hands on his hips, shook his head and asked with a smile, "Are you sure you won't let go?"

"No, never, unless you."

"Unless you don't let me go to the dentist", before she finished her words, she found that she had vacated.


Li Sinuo reacted and found that he was striding forward with his arms in his arms. He was worried for a while, and immediately said: "Stop, your body hasn't recovered yet, let me down quickly."

"It's okay to hug you." Mu Kaiyan looked at her with a smile and said.

Just like this, they walked through the ward to the outpatient clinic, and everyone was watching them along the way.

"Look at that guy, he's so handsome."

"It's really handsome. It would be great if the person he hugged was me."

"Look at that man wearing a hospital gown, my God, he can look so handsome in a hospital gown."

"Look how happy that girl is."

"Hey, do you think that woman is Li Sinuo?"

There were groups of lemon essences along the road, and some people even recognized her, and immediately felt very embarrassed and embarrassed, so she patted Mu Kaiyan on the shoulder and said, "Put me down quickly, you see everyone is watching La."

"Then let them see."

"You've never been so ostentatious before."

"You also said it before."

"Hurry up, let me down, I'll go by myself."

"Let you down and let you run? Do you want to play cat and mouse with me or eagle and chicken?" Mu Kaiyan said with a smile.

Li Sinuo raised three fingers and said, "I promise not to run."

"Your guarantee has expired, why? Are you shy?" Mu Kaiyan suddenly realized.

"Aren't you embarrassed by me?" Li Sinuo said while lowering his head.

Mu Kaiyan stopped suddenly, stared at her and said, "Didn't you say that we are husband and wife? Since we are husband and wife, why are you embarrassed? Isn't it natural for me to hug you?"

"Okay, okay, you won, I can't say no to you, then let's go." Li Sinuo patted him again, beckoning him to move forward quickly, and then completely buried his face in his neck.

Mu Kaiyan felt her breath on his neck, bursts of hot air blowing on his neck, her lips touched his skin intentionally or unintentionally, these inadvertent touches, like waves of electric current, made him unable to breathe. Ignore this feeling.

Sitting in the office, Lin Tianyi received a call from the security room, took the surveillance video and watched the scene of the couple crossing the sea of ​​people, with the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily, and then told the security to deal with all the secretly photographed photos.

Mu Kaiyan and his wife had no idea how much their actions had added to the workload of the security guards.

Finally arrived at the Department of Stomatology, as soon as they entered, they found that there was no patient inside. Both of them were puzzled for a while, thinking to themselves, the Department of Stomatology is so deserted in such a big hospital.

In fact, what the two of them didn't know was that as soon as Lin Tian learned that they were going to see their teeth, he informed them in advance to evacuate all the patients.

A doctor in a white coat walked up to them and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm the director of the Department of Stomatology, and my name is Yi Yi."

Mu Kaiyan also nodded politely to him, and called out, "Director Rong."

Then he followed him to a device, Mu Kaiyan gently placed Li Sinuo on the treatment device.

Director Rong sat on the side, looked at her face, and noticed that her face was swollen, so he said, "Open your mouth and let me have a look." Then he turned on the light on the top of the treatment chair. her face.

Li Sinuo looked at Mu Kaiyan, then closed his eyes tightly, and slowly opened his mouth.

Seeing her like this, Mu Kaiyan squatted beside her and grabbed her hand, whispering in her ear, "It's okay, I'm here."

Just a few words, as if there was magic power, Li Sinuo's heart was not so scared.

He looked up at Director Rong again, and said, "Please be gentle, my wife is afraid of pain."

"I will, Mr. Mu." Director Rong smiled and nodded slightly.

The words "My wife is afraid of pain" circled in Li Sinuo's mind, as if colorful fireworks were going off in his heart, he felt very warm.

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