Cold-faced Young Master Mu's Little Warm Wife

Chapter 123: Black and White Impermanence

When Yunxi returned to the house, Ma Jiali immediately walked up to her, grabbed her arm and asked, "Sister Yun, have you found Sinuo?"

Then she looked behind her again and asked, "Where's Jin Mingjun? Is he still looking outside?"

After speaking, Ma Jiali was about to go out to look for it, but was stopped by Yunxi. She adjusted her inner self, showed a relaxed smile, and said, "Jiali, don't look for it anymore, Sinuo called just now , she was in a bad mood, and went to Mi Country to see Yunzhe by herself."

"Ah? How can she do it by herself? Shall I go with her?" Ma Jiali wanted to chase after she said that.

"Don't go, Jin Mingjun has already chased after him, he will take good care of Sinuo, you are pregnant now, taking care of yourself is the most important thing, don't worry about her."

Ma Jiali looked at Yunxi with a puzzled face, and asked, "Really?"

"Well, don't worry."

"OK then."

Then, Yunxi helped Ma Jiali to sit back on the sofa, and made her a cup of hot chocolate to ease her mood.

Jin Mingjun rushed to the airport at high speed, and rushed to the ticket office as if rushing. Knowing that the regular flight had just taken off, he thought for a while, then checked the ticket online, calculated the route, quickly left the airport, and returned to the airport. to the car.

He ran back and forth at the airport in a hurry, and was photographed by many fans. Everyone was curious about what happened to their idol. .

Jin Mingjun didn't care about being photographed or fans calling, he quickly got into the car and drove to Linshi. He booked a flight ticket from Linshi, but he was leaving in two hours. He is now It would take at least an hour and a half to pass without stopping, so he needed to race against time.

Two hours later, he finally boarded the plane, but Li Sinuo was already on the boat to Shuangling Island.

It's still the sea, the beach, the rock.
For a moment, Li Sinuo remembered that when she sent Mu Kaiyan to the island to treat her eyes, she left alone, but this time she came alone.

She looked around the current environment for a week, and suddenly felt so strange, her heart twitched, her nose was sore, and a tear fell into the sand disobediently.

Li Sinuo squatted down on the spot, hugged herself, buried her head in the crook of her arms, her shoulders shrugged, she was looking forward to seeing Mu Kaiyan soon, but she was afraid that when she saw him, he would There was already another woman by his side, and he was afraid that something might happen to him.

With these nervous emotions, she slowly walked forward relying on her few memories.

Li Sinuo was dragging a suitcase on the beach, but the wheels of the suitcase were always stuck in the sand. She could only grit her teeth and carried the suitcase away. After walking a few steps, she felt that someone was approaching her , I was overjoyed at first, wondering if it was Mu Kaiyan or my brother.

She managed her facial expressions, looked up with a smile, and her smile froze instantly when she saw the person walking across from her. They were two foreigners, one black and one white, with a visual height of about 2 meters and a burly physique. Li Si Nuo suddenly had a bad premonition.

Her mind was running fast, she remembered that Luna lived alone on this small island, and the Shuangling Island was passed down from her ancestors, so there should be no outsiders, let alone these two people who seemed to be black and white.

Seeing the two black and white Wuchang slowly approaching in their direction, they all had their hands on their hips, looking like they were sent by Lord Yama.

Li Sinuo retreated instinctively, feeling terrified in his heart, calling Mu Kaiyan countless times in his heart, but he couldn't telepathically feel helpless.

Seeing the two burly men getting closer and closer, Li Sinuo fell down on the beach in fear. She still tried her best to move back with her legs staring at her. Among them, "Heiwuchang" squatted in front of her, carefully He looked at it, and then turned his head to look at "Bai Wuchang".

"Wow, little cutey!"

Li Sinuo looked at the exaggerated smiles of the two, and the fear in her heart deepened. She wanted to get up, but when she was about to get up, the "black impermanence" grabbed her ankle.

"Ah, let me go." Li Sinuo was startled, and immediately shouted, staring at his legs.

"Oh, relax."

That "Heiwuchang" let go of her ankles, raised his hands and said, then looked up at another person.

"Bai Wuchang" also squatted down, and said in broken Mandarin: "Don't be nervous, tell us, who are you and why are you here?"

Li Sinuo relaxed a little bit, thinking, maybe they just came here for medical treatment, she took a deep breath and said, "My name is Li Sinuo, I"

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted, and "Bai Wuchang" asked eagerly: "Your name is Li Sinuo? Then what is your relationship with Li Sicheng?"

When Li Sinuo heard the other party mention his brother's name, his heart beat a small drum. Is this an enemy with his brother or a friend?

The other party saw that she was looking at the sand under her feet and didn't answer, so she moved forward, hit the sand beside her with a fist, and asked again with a serious face: "What's the relationship between you?"

"He is my brother." Li Sinuo felt a bad breath.

"Bai Wuchang" and "Hei Wuchang" whispered to each other, then without saying a word, they slipped Li Sinuo up and walked forward with them.

"What are you doing, who are you? Let me go, let go" Li Sinuo shouted loudly, staring at his legs that had been vacated while being carried.

At this moment, they no longer had the patience they had just now, and the face of "Heiwuchang" became even darker, and they shouted loudly: "Shut up!"

Li Sinuo was really frightened, she closed her mouth unconsciously, and stopped yelling, but she tried hard to calm herself down, thinking that shouting at this moment would be useless, her eyes recorded the route they took.

After walking for a few minutes, they threw her into a room, whispered a few words before closing the door and going out.

Li Sinuo looked around the room, the windows were closed tightly, and when she was about to open it to have a look, she heard two figures outside the window, and the sound of pinging, bang, bang, and bang, and she instantly understood what they were doing. After nailing the windows, she didn't go any further, knowing in her heart that since the windows were sealed, the door must be locked, and even if it wasn't locked, someone must be guarding it.

She sat in a corner, tears shed in her heart, she was very clear about the current situation, something must have happened to Mu Kaiyan and her brother, and only now did she understand why everyone would hide it from her. Maybe I have become their burden again.

Outside the door, "Hei Wuchang" suddenly said to "Bai Wuchang", "Where's her luggage?"

"Beach? I'll get it." Saying that, "Bai Wuchang" walked away.

On the seashore, a boat slowly approached, and a handsome young man got off the boat. Looking carefully, it turned out that Jin Mingjun had arrived. He got off the boat, looked around, and saw a suitcase after walking a few steps.

He thought to himself why there is a suitcase here, seeing that the style looks like it is for girls, he lowered his head and carefully looked at the consignment label on it, and confirmed that it was Li Sinuo's.

After getting this confirmation, Jin Mingjun's heart sank, his vigilance instantly increased, and he sensed someone approaching. He didn't take the suitcase, and quickly hid behind a big rock, watching that "Bai Wuchang" approaching.

He walked to Li Sinuo's suitcase, looked around, then bent down to pick up the suitcase and turned away.

After confirming that he was leaving, Jin Mingjun came out from behind the rock. He walked to the place where the suitcase was placed just now, squatted down, and looked carefully. He found a lot of scattered footprints on this side. Based on these marks, he deduced that There must have been entanglement here.

Jin Mingjun walked forward along the footprints, seeing that there should be two men, thinking, Li Sinuo must have been kidnapped by the other party, it seems that Hank has a lot of people this time, Mu Kaiyan and Li Sicheng must have fallen into their hands.

He walked along the road and saw a building not far away, thinking that there must be someone guarding it, Jin Mingjun went around and hid behind the bushes on the side, thinking about what to do next.

Jin Mingjun saw the white man on the beach just now, and saw who he was calling, speaking in plastic Mandarin: "Boss, we caught a girl on the beach just now, she said she is Lee's sister."

"Okay, Boss."

Then after hanging up the phone, he went in again.

Through this phone call, Jin Mingjun judged that he should have called Hank, which indicated that Li Sinuo was indeed locked up here, while Mu Kaiyan and Li Sicheng should be in another place, and, so far, he has not Meet the miracle doctor they call Luna.

Jin Mingjun quickly moved to another place to hide, and found that a window was nailed with wooden boards. It is conceivable that Li Sinuo should be locked in this room. He looked around, and there was no surveillance. , then walked under the window and tapped lightly on the window sill.


All I could hear was a faint knock on the window sill inside.


He will return right away.


Li Sinuo was stunned for a moment when she heard the knock inside, but she still replied tentatively, but when she heard that it was Jin Mingjun, a glimmer of hope lit up in her heart.

She leaned on the window and softly called, "Jin Mingjun."

Hearing her voice, Jin Mingjun also asked, "Sinuo, it's me, how are you doing now?"

"I'm fine. They just locked me up. My brother and the others should have been caught too. You should go find them first."

"Can you really be here?" Jin Mingjun asked uncertainly.

Li Sinuo thought about it, and said: "I can, you go to save them first, or it will be too troublesome to take me with you, don't worry, I will protect myself before you come back."

Jin Mingjun thought for a while and said, "Well, you must protect yourself. I'll go find them first and wait for me to come back."

"it is good."

After speaking, Jin Mingjun left quickly.

Heiheiwuchang heard something moving inside the house, so he opened the door and looked, only to see Li Sinuo standing by the window, nothing wrong, so he closed the door and went out to guard again.

The big stone in Li Sinuo's heart has also fallen, knowing that Jin Mingjun is going to rescue Mu Kaiyan and the others, he is really relieved.

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