"Brother Lang." Su Luofei hung a ponytail, pulled the suitcase, stood in front of him cleanly, and greeted him.

"Good morning, you're well dressed! It's very small and fresh! Let's go, get in the car."

"Thank you, Brother Lang, for your compliment." Su Luofei was in a good mood, and jumped into the car.

"The crew is not a company, just like the company is not your home. Talk less and do more. Don't even watch what you shouldn't care about." Brother Lang closed his eyes and said, "There are mixed fish and dragons inside, so it doesn't necessarily offend someone. People. You won’t be able to eat this bowl of rice in the future.”


"Let's go to the hotel when we arrive later, the crew has already started filming. Then we'll go around and see if the clothes fit."


"Also, we are not only in charge of making clothes, but also in matching. After a while, there is a person named Zhang Qing who is in charge of that part. She and your sister Zhang Yi are cousins."

Laurent said what he thought of, and slowly explained the situation to them.

"Zhang Qing..." Laurent called out to an ordinary woman.

"Well, let's go! Is this the new one?" Zhang Qing pointed to Su Luofei who was among the crowd.

"Yes." Laurent said.

"Hello, Miss Zhang Qing." Su Luofei greeted politely.

"He looks good..." This was Zhang Qing's first impression of Su Luofei.

"I'll take you to get the room card, then take a rest, have something to eat and go around the crew."

"Have you told them? There are many staff in this hotel, don't gossip."

"I've said it." Laurent chatted with her, Su Luofei and the others followed behind.

"Take out your ID cards and check in." Sister Qing, though not as refined as Sister Zhang Yi.But it should also be a vigorous and resolute master.

"I forgot to bring it." A colleague said suddenly.

"Are you underage? You don't even know you need to bring your ID card when you go out?" Zhang Qing was very speechless.

"I'm sorry, sister. I came out in a hurry this morning." The boy quickly explained.

"This morning? Your boss just notified you of a business trip, and you don't know how to pack it in advance? Go back!"


"I haven't finished weaning yet! What kind of work are you here for? Follow the driver back!" Zhang Qing was too lazy to talk to him.The man looked at Laurent, asking him to intercede.Laurent gestured to him to let him go back, and he would not be expelled.

Great Lord, Su Luofei was startled.Seeing that there was no one to help him, he had no choice but to leave in despair.

After checking in, Su Luofei took pictures of the interior of the room for Ou Chen and Li Yixiao respectively and sent them to report that they were safe.

"This environment is okay! Sister. Your company is really good." Li Yixiao took the lead in replying to the message.

"So-so!" Su Luofei sent a very playful emoji: "I don't have any water in the room, go down and fill a bottle."


Su Luofei went out and walked in the direction of the elevator, passing by two muttering women wearing peaked caps and a sign hanging on their chests, they should be the staff.

It’s just that there are many production crews around here, and I don’t know which one they belong to: “The director is angry today.”

"She didn't come again?" The other person's tone was surprised.

"Yeah! Only a stand-in was sent, and the director was about to explode."

Su Luofei walked up to them, and they noticed it, and immediately lowered the volume.

It's not the staff of any group, discussing the privacy of the actors in private, it will be miserable if someone with a heart overhears.In Su Luofei's mind, he went over what Brother Lang said in the car this morning.

"Hello, there is no water in my room. Please check." Su Luofei walked to the front desk.

"Sorry, I forgot to make up after the last resident left. I'll send it to you right now." The front desk clerk tapped the computer to check the situation.

"No, I'll just take it with me."

"I'm very sorry~" The lady at the front desk handed her the water and apologized again very sincerely.

"It's okay." Su Luofei didn't care about this kind of thing, went back to the room and played a video for Li Yixiao and fell asleep.Until he was woken up by a mobile phone call, and went to the production team together.

"The work is done?" Su Luofei received a video call from Ou Chen just as she arrived in the room and turned on the light.

"Yeah! I just saw your news." Ou Chen must be very tired, and lay on the bed without changing clothes.

The two chatted a little about their parents, and finally said good night to each other.

"Luo Fei, come and help me measure the size of this."

"Okay Lango."

She didn't feel hungry when she was busy, and she didn't know that it was past the meal time until Laurent brought her the meal.

"Thank you Lang~"

"You're welcome, I didn't see you at dinner just now, I guess I just forgot the time. Old people often say that eating is the biggest meal in the world, you'd better forget to eat."

"Hey." Su Luofei opened the box and took a sip: "It's delicious."

"Let me see what you changed." Laurent went over to look at her drawings, corrected two mistakes for her, and then discussed the layout for a long time before reaching a result.

"Okay, you, in such a short time, you have learned quite a lot of professional knowledge."

"I can't, I'm far behind you."

"I've been in this business for several years, and it's better to let you outperform me. Little girl, don't be too greedy, you! Work hard, and you will come out ahead."


"Believe in yourself. You will be questioned a lot in the future. If you are not confident, you will be easily scared back." Laurent shared a lot of experience with her.Su Luofei listened very carefully and remembered it in her heart.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll take you to the scene to learn matching. Don't look at it as a costume movie, this headdress is also very particular."

"Thank you Lango."

"You're welcome~"

In the morning, Su Luofei got up early to tidy herself up, went down early, ordered breakfast and waited for Laurent.

"Good morning."

"Scared me." Laurent covered his chest and glanced at her attentive appearance.

"I took these, what else do you want to eat, I'll go and get them."

"I said to teach you, and I will definitely teach you well." Laurent said: "If I don't teach well, it will be bad for my reputation."

"I know, but I still want to express my thanks." Su Luofei stood beside him and said respectfully.

"Then, go and get me a small red bean paste bun!" Laurent was not polite to push and push.

"Okay, wait a minute." Su Luofei flew over to get it, then came back to put it down, and went to get the milk and coffee that she had just ordered.

"You're really enjoying life."

"It's for you, you pick it first." Su Luofei pushed the things over.

"I want milk." Laurent took the milk into his hand and pushed the coffee back.

"It just complements each other. I like coffee." Su Luofei took a sip and was satisfied.

"Little girl's film." Laurent gave her a white look, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"You go to the clothing store with me first. I just came over a batch of clothes today, check and check, and see if there is anything you think needs to be improved by the way."

"Okay." Su Luofei followed behind Laurent.But there is a group of staff around who don't know what they are doing.

"She didn't come again?" A high-pitched male voice came from the crowd.

"We, Qi Qi, are not feeling well, so please bear with us!" It was a younger male voice, apologetic but indifferent.

"When did she feel comfortable, and how long has it been? Just a few scenes, how long has it been delayed."

The voice of confrontation came from inside.Su Luofei looked inside curiously.

"Don't look blindly." Laurent looked straight ahead and reminded Su Luofei.

Su Luofei was startled when she heard the sound, she quickly turned her head back and followed them into the clothing room, shutting the other noisy voices out of the door.

"Look at this piece first, it is used for the No.80 seven games, check it carefully, the general blueprint is fine, see if there is any problem with the stop.

That room is for decorations, pick them after inspection.In fact, film and television dramas all have fixed fashion design patterns, and it is relatively difficult to design them well. "

Su Luofei took out the small notebook she had prepared and wrote down the key points.

"What about the color matching! You have read it in the book, and now I will tell you what is not in the book..."

"Okay." The two chatted for a long time in the clothing room.

"Brother Lang, are you in the costume room? Bring the No. 137 dress here, the lead actor needs to change." The voice from the walkie-talkie broke the thinking of the two of them.

"Received." Laurent replied, and found out the clothes: "You also bring the number 98, let's compare it in the past, I think it's a bit big."

"Okay." Su Luofei acted immediately, and walked out after finishing.The matter over there should have not been resolved, and there are still a lot of people.

"Brother Lang, here."

"Come on, hello, we have a set of clothes that I suspect will be a little too big for you. I want you to try it, do you think it's okay?" Laurent stepped forward to communicate.

"Of course." This pretty sister is easy to talk to.

"Then, Luo Fei, follow the teacher in for a change."

"Okay." Su Luofei followed the heroine into the room, helped her get dressed, and measured it.

"It's really big." Su Luofei admired Laurent's ability in his heart, and he could see it with just his eyes.

"I feel that the waist can be closed again." The heroine put forward her own idea.

"It's true that your waist is relatively thin. Slimming it down will make your figure more prominent, and it will look better on camera."

"Brother Lang, come in and take a look." Su Luofei called Laurent in: "I think the cuffs can also be tucked in properly. Make it a cuff, so there won't be much change."

Laurent circled around the heroine: "You can do as you say, but you have to find a good dynasty. Otherwise, you will make mistakes."


"Is this your new little girl?"

"Yes! How is it that you have good ability?" Laurent never hesitated to praise his own people in front of outsiders.

"Yes, the little girl has a lot of ideas."

"You all praise me like that, I'll be lost for a while." Su Luofei joked.

"I'll call it for you when the time comes." Laurent also answered.All three laughed.

"You guys just came over there, did you see that, is the matter over?" the heroine looked at herself in the mirror and asked casually.

"What? We don't know~" Su Luofei's answer made Laurent very satisfied.

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