The next morning, Su Luofei went out and saw the plate of dried fruit.

"Hey, did you cut Ou Chen? Why didn't you eat it?"

"I forgot to cut it up yesterday." Ou Chen went over and threw away those fruits: "By the way, you can contact your sister Amy to see when she has time. Let's treat her to dinner."


"I said that the other day, have you forgotten?"

She didn't forget, but she didn't expect to see Ou Chen's face so suddenly so bad, Su Luofei didn't refuse, and called directly.

"Honey, your call is too timely. Just at noon today! I have an evening flight."

"Okay, then I'll send you the location later."

"Well, Sister Amy said it's noon today."

"Coincidentally, I was also thinking about noon today. But I was afraid that it would be impolite to call now to make an appointment at noon, so I didn't say anything." Ou Chen picked up the phone and tapped a few times: "It's booked, I'll send you the location. "

"Okay, are you unhappy today?"

"No! Am I... abnormal?" Ou Chen asked back.

"It's not abnormal either~" Su Luofei smiled.

"Then let's have breakfast! I made an appointment for porridge yesterday~"

"Wow, you are so considerate! I never thought of these things." This feeling of being able to eat with my eyes open is so blissful.

"Do you like it?" Ou Chen asked suddenly.

"I like it~"

Ou Chen sighed.He took out the porridge, and while eating, he didn't find some topics to talk about as usual.

"Do you still need to go to work?"

"No, you forgot. In order to wait for you to come back and play together, I have saved all my vacation until now."


"Thanks to our manager's empathy, he agreed as soon as I told him. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to take consecutive vacations like this."


No matter what Ou Chen said, he was indifferent, Su Luofei didn't know what was wrong, maybe he had work to deal with!

"Then I'll go back to my room to tidy up and put on some makeup?"

"it is good."


"Honey, I miss you so much~" A woman in a white suit walked over from a distance and hugged Su Luofei.

"Sister Amy, I miss you too." Su Luofei also responded eagerly: "Let's go in quickly!"

"Wait, who is this?" Amy pulled down half of her sunglasses and looked at the man following Su Luofei.

"This is…"

"Boyfriend? Yes, it should be quite handsome in terms of its appearance. Take off the mask and let me have a look~" Amy was about to grab it, but Su Luofei stopped her.

"Sister, let's go in and have a look."

"It's quite mysterious, okay, let's go~"

"Hey~" Su Luofei walked into the private room with Amy on her shoulders.

"Actually, it's just the three of us. There's no need to open a private room. It's good to look at the compartment outside. I'm not that delicate." Although he said so, his body sat down naturally.

"How can this work? It's inconvenient." Su Luofei watched Amy sit down and glanced at Ou Chen.

Ou Chen slowly took off the mask: "Hello."

Amy looked up at the two of them: "Hey, this person looks familiar!"

"Hello, Ou Chen~" Ou Chen stretched out his hand.

"National idol~" Amy added up and shook hands in a friendly way, looking at Su Luofei in surprise.

"Don't dare." Ou Chen settled Su Luofei before sitting down.

"It's ok, you, you can handle such a handsome little brother, and you won't tell my sister." Amy clicked on Su Luofei.

"What, sister, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm talking nonsense? Don't tell me that you don't have that kind of relationship. I don't believe it."

"We are." Ou Chen answered this question first.

"Look, there's nothing wrong with admitting it. Ou Chen is in the entertainment industry, isn't it just right. Did you think about what I told you yesterday?"

"Sister..." Su Luofei wanted to say that she hadn't made up her mind yet.

"What's the matter?" Ou Chen asked first.

"She didn't ask you?"

Ou Chen shook his head with an innocent face.

"Then do you know that she won the design competition?" Amy's eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them.

"I do know that."

"Yunshang~ The person in charge of their family fell in love with the works designed by your wife, and wanted to hire her to be a fashion designer in the company. What a great opportunity, your wife has been thinking about it for so long. If you can stay, your salary will be tripled at least , not a commission." Amy raised three fingers to remind them.

How did you become a wife?Su Luofei quietly reminded Amy to pay attention to her wording, but was ignored by Amy.

"Yunshang? It's a very good company, I often see their people on the set." Ou Chen recognized this company very much.

"That's right! You work hard, and when the time comes, you can be with the group. You can't be together. You can't find such a good opportunity with a lantern. Isn't it?" Amy looked at Ou Chen.

"Well, the opportunity is indeed good." Ou Chen took a sip of tea.

"So! Persuasion ~ You give her an objective analysis."

"I'm afraid, I don't have the qualifications yet!" Ou Chen poured tea for them, and said this sentence slowly.

"Huh?" Amy looked at him strangely.

"What are you talking about!" Su Luofei didn't understand how these words came out.

"The dishes are here." Ou Chen pointed to the waiter at the door and turned the topic over.

"Anyway! I've made this matter clear to you young couple, and you can figure it out yourself." Amy left after eating.Su Luofei and Ou Chen were left staring at each other.

"Ou Chen, why did you say that just now!" In the car, Su Luofei glanced at Ou Chen quietly, feeling that he was in a normal mood.

"Otherwise! How should I say it~" Ou Chen's mouth raised a certain arc, but Su Luofei didn't seem to be half happy inside.

"My wife has something to do but she doesn't want to share it with me. I have failed in handling this relationship." The smile on Ou Chen's face just now has disappeared.

"I..." So it was because of this, but Su Luofei didn't think there was anything wrong with her: "That company has a lot of business in the entertainment industry."

"So, you think I won't agree?" Ou Chen asked back.

"No, it's just that it's not good to talk to you, and the relationship between the two of us is more pure, isn't it good?"

"What is purity? The life of a normal couple is not just about eating, drinking and having fun. They will discuss and solve problems together." Ou Chen found a convenient place and parked the car on the side of the road.

"So, you are not sure about being a real boyfriend at all. You just put me there as a vase, an embellishment of life."

"I... haven't thought about this~"

Before she finished speaking, Ou Chen unbuckled her seat belt and kissed her.

"Hmm~" Ou Chen took Su Luofei's hand that pushed him.

"Give me a chance, just treat me as your boyfriend, okay?" Ou Chen put his head on Su Luofei's.

"Ou Chen~" Su Luofei's voice was very soft, and she was still panting just after finishing.

"I know you didn't think that much, but that just proves that you don't regard me as an ordinary boyfriend."

"Then, what is your suggestion?"

"Follow your heart. You don't need to worry, and I will be your very strong backing."

"Okay, I see~" Su Luofei smiled, and Ou Chen responded with a smile: "Then I want to try~"

"Okay, then let's go home and make a resignation report~" The car was driving on the road again, and Ou Chen's mood was completely different.

I don't know if the sudden resignation will be approved by the company.Su Luofei sat in front of the computer, finished typing, and clicked send ruthlessly.

This was the first time she had issued such a formal resignation report, and she stared at the computer for a long time without seeing the reply.Do I need to talk to the manager first?

Su Luofei picked up the phone and organized the wording to send to the manager.After a while the manager called her back.

"What's the matter? Is there not enough rest time, I'll let you rest for two more days."

"No, no need, you are enough to take care of me. It's my own reason~"

"Oh, then you should submit a report first according to the company's procedures. The matter has to be handled by the company." The manager glanced at the message on the other phone.

"I understand. I have handed in the resignation report. I will go to the company tomorrow."

"Okay." Su Luofei, who explained the matter clearly, breathed a sigh of relief.Then I left a message for Amy, telling her that I had submitted my resignation letter and wanted a contact information to facilitate the interview.

"Okay?" Ou Chen was sitting in the living room working and saw Su Luofei coming out of the room.

"The resignation has been submitted, and the rest will be handled by the company tomorrow."

"Hmm. What's for dinner?"

Su Luofei shook her head: "I don't want to eat, three meals a day is not bad, I feel like I'm eating all the time."

"Then let's talk when we're hungry." Normally, Ou Chen himself doesn't eat regularly: "Shall we find a movie to watch at night?"

"Okay! You come to me and follow you." Su Luofei sat next to Ou Chen.

"Yeah." Ou Chen went to get some snacks and fruits and put them on the table, then turned over a big blanket and covered the two of them.

so sweet~
The next day, Su Luofei went to work normally. After saying hello, she went to the manager's office first.

"Manager, I studied the company's articles of association again last night. It says that resignation needs to be applied in advance. Am I not up to standard?"

"It's okay, you sit first. Not satisfied with this job?"

"No, I am very satisfied with this job, and the company's working atmosphere is also very good." Su Luofei truthfully expressed her feelings: "But people! I always want to try something different, and I want to to find a better life."

"Understood." The manager took out a document: "You called me yesterday, and I went to do it. Now I sign and you can pack up and leave. Think about it."

"Well, sure." Su Luofei nodded, watching the manager sign the document: "Thank you for your care during this period of time."

"It's nothing. But among the newcomers, I really take care of you the most, so you are leaving now, please help me speak well to the higher-ups!"

"Above?" Su Luofei didn't understand.

"That's right! The higher-ups called me a few days after you came and asked me to take care of you. Don't tell me you don't know!" The manager looked like he understood.

"Little girl, you are thin-skinned and don't want to admit that you understand. Just understand it in your heart, and don't forget me when you go out of this door."

"Are you sure, you've got the right partner?" No wonder it's so easy for her to ask for leave!But what background can I have that I don't know?
"Impossible, the above mentioned you by name. That's fine, it doesn't matter if you admit it or not. Go and pack your things!"

"Thank you~" Su Luofei was confused.

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