Ou Chen woke up in the middle of the night, and Su Luofei fell asleep lying beside the bed again.After reacting for a while, I remembered to help her cover something.

"Hmm, what's the matter?" Su Luofei looked up at Ou Chen even though she was sleepy.

"Why don't you go to sleep in your room?"

"You just had a fever again, I don't worry." Su Luofei shook the thermometer next to him: "Measure it! I'll go wash the towel again."

"No, I took medicine at night, so there's no need to do this again."

"It'll be good soon~" Su Luofei held up the towel in her hand and smiled at him.


Ou Chen's sudden words made Su Luofei stop the hand that put the towel, and looked at Ou Chen, feeling ashamed on his face.

"Why are you tired, you... have something on your mind!"


"I'm afraid you're working hard."

"Hi~ I'm here to accompany you, but other fans wish for it." Su Luofei looked at him with some concern: "I'll see the temperature?"

Ou Chen took a look before handing it over: "It's nothing, you go to rest!"

"Why are you alright? It's still 38 degrees Celsius!" Su Luofei was very worried, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Ou Chen shook his head: "It's really fine, I usually work, it's normal to have a fever outside, I've taken it all over."

"No, it will burn you out. I'll make you a pack of medicine and drink it before going back to sleep."

Ou Chen lay down and closed his eyes, and saw Su Luofei went to sit by the window again.

My neck hurts~ Su Luofei tilted her head and felt unable to move.Frowning, he slowly opened his eyes, and a light appeared on them.

what's the situation?Why didn't she remember that she went back to her room to sleep, and when she turned over, she saw an extremely familiar color.

I'll go, and Su Luofei is frightened immediately.She is on Ou Chen's bed!Su Luofei touched her head with her hands, she had no memory of yesterday at all.

However, Ou Chen was not in the bedroom.Su Luofei hurriedly groped around on the bed, found nothing~ and then found her hand on the table.

It's already 09:30, did Ou Chen go to the study to sleep?Su Luofei walked out with doubts.

"Are you awake?" Su Luofei, who wanted to go to the study, was stopped by Ou Chen's voice.

After laughing twice, she didn't know what to say: "Well, what are you doing!"

"Oh~ I didn't ask Wang Yu to order takeaway. I made some porridge myself. Come and see if it suits your appetite."

"Okay, don't burn it?"

"It should be." Ou Chen put the porridge on the table, and put some sugar beside it for her to add.

"No measure? I'll get the thermometer."

"Don't go, let's eat first!" Ou Chen also brought an apron for cooking this time, making people look very homely.

It was impossible to refuse: "Okay." Su Luofei put some sugar in it.

"is it okay?"

"Delicious, but... a little hot..."

Seeing her expression, Ou Chen couldn't help laughing, and then went to the kitchen to get two plates of steamed dumplings.

"You packed it yourself?" Su Luofei asked in surprise.

"No, I just steamed the quick-frozen one."

"That's amazing!"

"Taste~" Ou Chen was extra gentle today.Seeing Su Luofei pick one up and put it in his mouth, Ou Chen moved his chopsticks.

Do you want to ask yourself how you can sleep in bed!Su Luofei looked at the porridge in the bowl and was very entangled, Ou Chen didn't say anything, and asked if it would make him feel like a villain.

Ou Chen saw Su Luofei's distraction and knew what was going on in his heart, so he didn't ask.The two of them finished their meal quietly and took their body temperature.

37.2℃ has been counted down, and it is already in the early 10s and it is not morning.Su Luofei breathed a sigh of relief.

"But the medicine still needs to be taken. Let the doctor come again this afternoon?" Su Luofei asked Ou Chen's opinion.

"Okay." Ou Chen finished drinking the medicine and sat on the sofa: "These two days have delayed you."

"I was fine."

"Are there enough clothes? I'll ask someone to buy some more." Ou Chen saw that she had changed clothes twice.

"Enough, what you left last time is enough for me to wear. However, I fell asleep quite abruptly yesterday, and now I want to take a bath, you..."

"Go! I have nothing to solve." Ou Chen immediately understood what she said.

"Oops," Su Luofei found out that she didn't bring in the clothes she wore inside after washing: "What should I do, it seems that there are no clothes outside."

When I came out, I didn't bring any luggage. She bought a one-time emergency bag at the supermarket, and it was used up yesterday.Damn, why did she wash off her own.

Go out and find a pair of pants to wear.Su Luofei calmed down for a while, she was wearing loose enough clothes when she came that day, so she couldn't tell.

Thinking of this, Su Luofei wrapped a bath towel and planned to open the door and rush out.

Then, when she opened the door, she ran into Ou Chen who had just come out of the bedroom.

Uh... Su Luofei and Ou Chen both turned around quickly.What a coincidence!

Ou Chen cleared his throat: "There is something in the room, you can see if you need it." After finishing speaking, he felt that he had walked to the living room, without looking over here.

What, Su Luofei didn't turn around, and directly explored and walked in through the bedroom door.Sure enough, I saw a box.

It's quite big, Su Luofei lifted it up and shook it, but couldn't tell what was inside.He looked at the door again and made sure it was closed before opening it with confidence.

At that moment, Su Luo thought his eyes were dazzled, so he opened it and looked at it again, only to be sure, isn't this what he needs right now!Why does Ou Chen know.

It's still a complete set, which is a shame, okay?Su Luofei opened the box and left it there, neither wearing it nor not wearing it.

To prepare this, Ou Chen should have no other intentions!

"Are you ready? Wang Yu got off the plane and came over for a while." Ou Chen's message was sent to Su Luofei's phone in due course.

There was nothing to hesitate about, so he quickly put on his clothes and went out.

"Sit down and watch TV!" Ou Chen extended an invitation to Su Luofei, who was standing there and smirked at him for some reason.

"Okay." Su Luofei walked over immediately.When Ou Chen saw her red face, he understood it and didn't tease her.

When the doorbell rang, Su Luofei felt that it was the voice of salvation sent by God to save her: "I will open the door."

"Brother Chen, how are you doing?" Wang Yu's concerned voice came through just as the door opened a crack.

After all the doors were opened, Wang Yu saw that it wasn't Brother Chen who stood at the door and opened the door for him.

"Inside." Su Luofei pointed indifferently.Wang Yu gave an OK sign and walked in without changing his shoes.

"How about it, Brother Chen is still burning, but I came here as soon as I got off the plane." After Wang Yu went in, he directly touched Ou Chen's forehead: "It's not that hot!"

"It's not burning much." Ou Chen replied.

"That's good~"

"Call the doctor to come over after dinner." Su Luofei also walked over after closing the door, and began to participate in the discussion.

"Yes, we have to take a look." Wang Yu nodded in agreement: "I ordered takeaway just now, let's eat something later, brother Chen has lost weight."

Ou Chen frowned and glanced at him, as if to say what to pretend.

"Miss Su has worked hard. When Brother Chen is fully recovered, I must treat you to dinner."

"Hiss~ You're not used to calling me so politely all of a sudden." Su Luofei pretended to touch the goose bumps on her body.


"Hey, yes, it's still so pleasant."

When Wang Yu came back, it was naturally not Su Luofei's turn to do the work of opening the door and arranging vegetables. Now she is just like Ou Chen, just waiting to eat.

"Okay, come and eat!" As soon as Wang Yu greeted them, they walked over and sat down.

"How is it? Is the takeaway I ordered these two days still to your liking?"

"Yes, it is very suitable for patients to eat." Su Luofei agreed with his work very much.

"That's right, I've discussed it with the hotel owner for a long time~" Wang Yu was a little proud.

"Don't you like it?" Ou Chen looked at Su Luofei beside him.

"I like it! As long as I'm not a vegetarian, I'm fine. The main thing is that you can recover better than anything else."

Ou Chen raised his mouth unnoticed.

"Since you're back, I'll go back to school after the doctor reads and tells you the result."

"Well, okay, you go back first, and I will invite you someday... Hiss~"

"What's wrong?" Wang Yu's expression seemed to be in pain.

"It's okay, I got my teeth stuck by meat." The stuck teeth must be serious, and Wang Yu's speech was a bit intermittent.

"Well, I just suddenly realized that there are still some things to do. You may have to stay with brother Chen for two more days, is that okay?" Wang Yu secretly looked at Ou Chen's expression while talking.

Su Luofei thought about it for a while: "Okay! I just don't know if your brother Chen will bother me."

"How could he dislike you. It's too late for Brother Chen to be happy! Isn't it?"

Ou Chen nodded slightly.

"Then when will you finish your work?"

"That's not sure, it depends on which aspect of the contract is communicated?" Wang Yu said seriously.He also nodded while talking.

"I'm getting better soon, you can go back if you don't want to."

I'll go, what's the role of this?Wang Yu ate melon while eating.

"Why am I unwilling? But it's normal to ask!" Su Luofei pouted.

In the afternoon, the family doctor came and prescribed two more medicines, saying that there was probably nothing wrong, just pay attention to diet and avoid overwork.

Wang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and Su Luofei also felt relieved.Ou Chen himself didn't feel anything.

"Then, since that's the case, I'll leave first. I'll tell you how far the contract is concerned." Wang Yu patted Ou Chen on the shoulder and gestured with his eyes.

Ou Chen pretended not to see anything, Wang Yu didn't get up when he went out, Su Luofei sent him.

"I'll pour you the new medicine."

Ou Chen looked at her back waiting for the water, and thought of last night when he carried her to bed to sleep.

She was so tired that she slept so deeply that Ou Chen didn't feel much while holding her.He put her on the other side of the bed and just looked at her like that.

There are no acne marks or freckles on the clean face. Although it is not high, the proportion is good. Ou Chen has a bold idea. Although he knows it is wrong, it has already begun to take root.

"What are you thinking? I've taken the medicine." Su Luofei handed over the medicine.

"Thank you~"

"Don't say thank you to me again." Su Luofei was helpless.

"Okay." Ou Chen readily agreed.

"When will you move out of school?"

"It's not decided yet! I have to wait for the results of the thesis." Although I didn't make many real friends in college, I still feel a little bit reluctant to be torn apart.

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