Thinking of what happened when he watched the movie just now, the corners of Ou Chen's mouth rose unconsciously.

Ling Tian patted Mu Han to signal him to look at Ou Chen, and both of them showed expressions of watching the show at the same time.No one reminded him, staring silently like two spectators waiting for the performance, waiting for the performance.

It took a while for Ou Chen to notice: "What are you doing?" He quickly adjusted his facial expression.

"Look at you!" Mu Han raised his legs crossed and put them on the table, with the attitude of a dandy.Ling Tian went to the freezer to get two bottles of drinks and handed them to them.

"You can't hold back your expression just now." Ling Tian recalled the expression on his face.

"It's really embarrassing for you to do this!" He would relax and joke only when he was with them.

"It's obviously you who owe the beating." Mu Han unscrewed the bottle cap unhurriedly: "Little brother."

Ou Chen showed a very disgusted expression: "Can you not call me that." It's only two years old.

"Why can't I call you and Ling Tian, ​​who will always be younger brothers."

"Hey, why does this sound so underwhelming!" Ling Tian touched his ear.Ou Chen and him looked at each other, and at the same time rushed towards Mu Han.

"I'll go, you guys are going to sneak attack." Mu Han's voice seemed to shake the house away.

It was almost three in the morning when we got home. The three of them now have their own studios. I don’t know when the time will be right, so we will play for a while when we can see each other.

Ou Chen hung his coat on the hanger, changed into his slippers, went to sit on the sofa, shook his head, they mixed all kinds of wine today, it was too much.

I went to take off my clothes, went into the bathroom, and washed my face to wake myself up.Inadvertently glanced at the lady's facial cleanser next to it, picked it up and looked at it for a while, feeling a little dazed.

Turning around, he leaned against the sink and looked at the many things in the bathroom. It was the first time he felt at home after being single for so many years!
What are you thinking!Ou Chen knocked himself on the head twice, he must have drunk too much, Ou Chen directly turned on the shower head and poured water on himself, this cold feeling made him feel his true self even more.

Su Luofei, who was sorting out the information, received another call from an unfamiliar number.

local?She hesitated for a long time between answering or not answering. Ever since she answered the call from Ou Chen's mother last time, she has been in a shadow.

The phone kept ringing, as if the man over there had tried his best to get through.Let's take it!At worst, pretending to be a signal is not good enough to hang her up.

"Hello?" Before Su Luofei finished speaking, she was interrupted by an anxious voice from the opposite side.

"Where are you now, can you go to Ou Chen's house to see Ou Chen?"

"Wang Yu?" Su Luofei looked around and quickly found a more hidden place.

"what happened?"

"Brother Chen, I didn't go to an announcement today. I'm out of town, so I didn't reply to my calls or messages." Wang Yu was visibly anxious, and his mouth was a little sloppy.

"Then, me? I'll go?" Su Luofei also panicked.

"Brother Chen doesn't like people going to his house. I really can't find anyone else. You should know the password of his house, so just help me... No, I'm helping Brother Chen, okay?"

"I'll go and have a look now." Su Luofei started to tidy up while holding up the phone.

"Okay, then call me back if you can't find it." Wang Yu seemed to be stamping his feet anxiously.

"Okay." After hanging up the phone neatly, he glanced at the time. There would probably be a traffic jam during the morning rush hour.

Finding an easy-to-carry messenger bag, she swept the car and rode to the places where gambling was easiest, before Su Luofei took a taxi.

"Di~" The fingerprint was entered, and with a click, the door opened, and Su Luofei rushed in quickly.

"Ou Chen?" There is no difference in the house as usual, and there is no one there. There is no kitchen, dining room, or bedroom. What's going on?

Su Luofei took out her mobile phone and found Ou Chen's mobile phone number to try to dial, but the bathroom door opened, Su Luofei turned her head and saw Ou Chen.

"What's wrong?" The voice was hoarse.

Su Luofei noticed that Ou Chen's buttons were all messed up: "Why are you here? Wang Yu couldn't find you, and all the calls came to me." Su Luofei raised her mobile phone in front of him.

"What's wrong with him?" Ou Chen pinched his forehead, went to the refrigerator to find a bottle of water to drink.

"He said you had an announcement and didn't go, and you couldn't get through the phone." Su Luofei's mood has calmed down now.

"Announcement?" Ou Chen glanced at the time, it's too bad, he saw the wrong time when he got up.

"I'll call Wang Yu back first and tell him that I found you so he shouldn't be in a hurry." Su Luofei clicked out the call record and prepared to make a call.

"I'm going to call the event party." Ou Chen put the water on the table and was about to go back to the room. Suddenly he fainted, and he shook before continuing to move forward.

"Hey, let's see if this is Wang Yu's call?" Su Luofei was a little unsure when she found it, and was about to ask Ou Chen when he found that he had already walked towards the study.

Looking at his back, I always felt that something was wrong: "Ou Chen~" Su Luofei called out to stop him.

"What's wrong?" As usual, Ou Chen's movement of turning around was still very handsome.

Su Luofei walked over in two steps in three steps, stepped on his feet and stretched out his hands, and the movements were done in one go.

"It's so hot~" I said why I always feel something is wrong!Usually so rigorous, one person can button the wrong button: "You have a fever, can't you feel it?"

"Oh, it'll be fine soon." Ou Chen said nonchalantly, wanting to continue to communicate on the phone in the study.He was stopped by Su Luofei.

"Don't go, go in and lie down on the bed." Su Luofei's tone became strong: "I'll call Wang Yu and ask him to communicate."

Ou Chen didn't expect her to do such a thing, he was pushed into the bedroom when he couldn't figure out what to say, and he was helped to cover the quilt when he lay down.

"I remember that your family has a medicine cabinet." Su Luofei managed to find it in the bedside table, and took out a thermometer and put it on Ou Chen's clip.

"Okay, you can close your eyes and sleep for a while, I'll be back later." Su Luofei went out and closed the door gently, and dialed the phone number she thought should be correct.

"How? Did you find it?" Wang Yu didn't give Su Luofei a chance to test it.

Fortunately, the call was correct, Su Luofei breathed a sigh of relief: "I found it, he has a fever, you can help him push back the work! I just put the thermometer on, and he should not be able to appear in the public hospital, what should I do?"

Ou Chen lay on the bed with his eyes open, waiting for the girl, and after discussing with him, he told him the result.Su Luofei came in after a while.

She took out the thermometer and said, "I'll go, you're going to have a fever of 40 degrees." Su Luofei hated iron and steel, and wanted to reprimand him for being too incompetent in taking care of her body, but seeing his sick appearance, she couldn't bear it anymore. I can't bear it.

"I'll make a pack of antipyretics for you first. Wang Yu said to find a family doctor in a while. Also, he has already taken care of it at work, so don't worry about it anymore." Su Luofei pointed at him, looking like a little girl. grown ups.

"En." Ou Chen wanted to open his mouth, but found that his throat was hoarse.

"I'll get you some water." Su Luofei went out and searched around the kitchen, but couldn't find the kettle.

"Ou Chen, don't you have a kettle at home?" Su Luofei poked her head into the bedroom.

"It's fine if it's cold."

"No, how can you drink cold water when you are sick!" Su Luofei directly refuted his suggestion.I went to the kitchen to find a pot and prepared to boil it.

Um... how to start a fire?Su Luofei searched for several switches, but failed to press them.Although she became independent very early, but working outside has always been bread and mineral water.

Although I rented a room to practice once before, the tableware is obviously not of the same grade as the set in Ou Chen's house, so let's search it!Su Luofei turned on the phone, turned on the fire with difficulty, poured mineral water in and covered the pot.

When the water was bubbling and bubbling, she went to remove the lid of the pot and accidentally burned her hands: "So hot?" Su Luofei searched around the kitchen, took a piece of cloth for no reason, and lifted the lid. Open, hot air hit her face.

When she brought the water in, Ou Chen was already drowsy.

"I'll put the water here, drink it if you're thirsty." I don't know if he heard it, but Su Luofei touched his forehead, it was still hot.

So she gently washed a towel and put it on him.It should be useful, because Ou Chen's eyebrows stretched a little.

After the busy work, the fatigue on the body came up just after riding the bike.Looking at Ou Chen's sleeping face, he smiled, and took out his phone to commemorate it.

Thinking of Ou Chen's sensitivity in the movie theater before.He probably didn't like being photographed very much, so he quietly lowered his hands that were raised up.

Ou Chen was woken up by the vibrating sound of his mobile phone. After opening his eyes and feeling it for a while, he realized that the doorbell at home was also ringing.I moved my body, my whole body was sore and limp.

When she was struggling to get up, she noticed the owner who was vibrating her mobile phone next to her. She was lying on the side of the bed and was sleeping just right ~ she raised her head and wanted to caress her face.

"Hmm..." The girl was obviously disturbed by the vibrating cell phone.

"Are you awake?" She got up and saw Ou Chen, and then noticed her mobile phone: "Sorry! I woke up to you."

Ou Chen shook his head.

"Hello?" It was Wang Yu's call: "Oh, okay, got it."

"The family doctor is here, I'll answer the door." Su Luofei went to see the person. She is around 35 years old, wearing a neat suit. If it weren't for the strong smell of disinfectant on her body, she would not have felt that she was a doctor.

"I'm sorry, a child in my clinic is sick, so I wasted some time." The man apologized first.

"It's okay, come in quickly!" Su Luofei found him a shoe cover, and invited him into the bedroom.

Wang Yu obviously told him, who is the patient who will be seen?and all conditions of the patient.When he opened the door, there was no expression on his face.

"Did you drink yesterday?"

"Yes." Ou Chen answered the doctor's question truthfully.

"No problem, it's just that after drinking and catching cold water, the body is protesting that it is a little inflamed." The doctor said it easily, and took out the medicine box and began to dispense medicine.

"Two pills each in the morning, noon and evening, and one pill in the morning and evening. These are fever medicines, as long as they reduce the fever." The doctor explained to Su Luofei.

"Okay." Su Luofei listened carefully and recorded it.

"This is my phone number. Mr. Wang Yu has already contacted me. If you have any questions, you can call at any time."

"Thank you~"

Ou Chen also nodded to express his thanks.

"You're welcome, I should do it~"

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