"Luo Fei..." Li Yixiao opened the door and called her.

"What's wrong?" Su Luofei glanced at the computer in front of her, and moved a little bit calmly.

"You still work overtime on weekends! What's going on with your company recently. I ordered some porridge and come out to eat some!" Li Yixiao was very disgusted with Su Luofei's actions.

"Okay, I'll go in a while." Su Luofei smiled sweetly, and after watching Li Yixiao leave, she turned to the computer again and clicked the send button.

"Luo Fei, we are about to start school. In a few months, we will have an internship. What do you plan to do?"

"I talked to my current company and he said if I'm happy with the job, I can keep doing it."

"The salary?"

"Salary must not be paid as usual. If you work during school, you will not work! But after finishing school, you can go to the company and go to the company directly."

"Then you have decided not to change companies?"

"I think my company is quite good, and the manager is more human." Su Luofei nodded.

"Then you were working overtime just now." Li Yixiao complained.

"Working overtime..." Su Luofei hesitated for a moment: "No matter where I work, I can't avoid working overtime! Besides, I was late twice before, and the manager didn't tell me to forget it, and my salary was not deducted."

"so good?"


Li Yixiao had never heard of a company that didn't deduct wages for employees who were late.

"What about you, what do you think?" Su Luofei divided the bun into two halves, and handed one to her.

"I didn't think about it! Actually, the company I'm in is pretty good, but my family is afraid that I'll be tired and wants me to go back." Li Yixiao pouted.

"Go back?" Su Luofei was also surprised.

"Yeah! My mother said that it's not safe for girls to go outside, so I asked my father to find me a job when I went back. The nine-to-five people are not tired and can stay by their side."

Su Luofei sighed lightly: "Your mother is right."

Li Yixiao held Su Luofei's hand: "You also think I should go back? People say that roommates after graduation will gradually stop seeing each other. Could it be..." Li Yixiao didn't say anything later.

Su Luofei smiled: "I definitely hope that you can be in the same city as me! But... I am helpless and no one cares about you. You are different. You have parents and bonds, and I can't get you out of this city." Idea!"

Su Luofei was a little helpless when she thought of her mother's appearance, and these words were also laughing at herself.

"I'm sorry~ I won't say this again."

"Sorry, you are right. Anyway, I won't say anything else, anyway, I support whatever decision you make. Also, even if you really go home, we won't appear like you said situation, huh?"

Hearing this, Li Yixiao felt much better: "Then we will retire the house this month."

"Hmm~" Li Yixiao has always been in touch with the landlord, so just tell him about the house inspection when the time comes.

Life is the same every day, but different things will happen.Perhaps this is the charm of the day itself.

"School is about to start, can I treat you to a meal?" Su Luofei saw the news sent out, and her previous hesitation was broken.

"Okay, but not today." It took a long time for Ou Chen's news to come.The moment Su Luofei saw the news, his dangling heart finally let go.

"Yeah, when you have time, I'll arrange it." After getting the answer, Su Luofi was busy choosing restaurants and dishes and practicing wording repeatedly.Recently, she has been reading books about the mind of language and speech.

"Hello, I need a gift box." Su Luofei directly expressed her needs as soon as she entered the store.

"Come with me." The clerk led her in, saying that she could choose whatever she wanted, and then she could go to the front desk to check out.

"Thank you~" Su Luofei was dazzled by the whole wall of boxes: "I want a simpler style."

"Then take a look at these..."

The clerk was very enthusiastic. In the end, Su Luofei chose one and bought a matching bag. After all, this is the fifth store she has visited.

After arriving home, she replied an email and wrapped the gift. Su Luofei sat on the bed and stared at the gift box for a long time before carefully putting it into the bag.After silently praying in my heart that everything will go smoothly tomorrow, I fell into a deep sleep.

"Ou Chen." Seeing someone coming in, Su Luofei immediately stood up from her seat.

Ou Chen said hello, she is wearing a light yellow skirt today, matched with a silver irregular necklace, and put on high heels.

"Very beautiful." This was the first sentence Ou Chen said after sitting down.

"Thank you~" Su Luofei was overwhelmed with flattery, thinking to herself, she didn't waste her time dressing up.

"This is the menu I drew up, let's see if it works."

Ou Chen roughly glanced at it, and said that it's fine to do as she said: "Order a bottle of wine!"

"Okay, I don't know much about wine, just write it down." Su Luofei handed over the pen.

"I told the waiter that they won't come in if they have nothing to do." She chose for a long time. This one is considered to be well hidden, and the owner also pays great attention to privacy.

Ou Chen's hand proportions are perfect, and his writing posture is also very chic.After hearing Su Luofei's words, he nodded. When she sent the address, he knew that she had put a lot of thought into finding this place.

"School will start soon, do you have any plans?" Ou Chen is really serious about being his elder brother, even asking her if she plans to study further.

"It's not interesting if I don't take the entrance exam. I will do it in this company first, and then I will talk about it later." Su Luofei answered his questions one by one, and now they get along more and more naturally.

"Yes, but you still have to think about what you want to do in the future. Your company is actually of average size."

Su Luofei also knew that the cooperation with Ou Chen last time in the mountainous area really made their company a small hit.

"But I just entered the society without experience, and many places are restricted. I think I should learn something first."

The dishes were served slowly, and the wine was ready to serve. Ou Chen poured the wine and drank one with Su Luofei.


Su Luofei felt that Ou Chen's mind was not here, and she might have caused him trouble.I'm so busy with work, I have to rush over to have dinner with myself.

"What's wrong?" Ou Chen noticed that Su Luofei was also absent-minded.

"It's okay!" Su Luofei paused before continuing, "Aren't you very busy recently?"

"Well, there is a recording." Ou Chen was actually explaining why he said that he couldn't eat that day, but Su Luofei thought he was saying that he was busy and she was making trouble.

"Well, I have nothing else to do but just want to thank you for taking me in when I didn't have a key." Su Luofei took out the bag behind her and put it on the table.

"This is the gift I chose, thank you for your care during this time~" Su Luofei pushed the gift over.

Her heart was beating so fast~ Su Luofei didn't dare to look up at Ou Chen's expression, so she could only look at the table and guess wildly in her heart.why do not you answer?If you don't like it, won't I die of embarrassment in a while.

Just thinking about it!What was in his hand was taken away.Um?Su Luofei squeezed again, and she took her hand back after it was indeed gone.

Of course her small movements did not escape Ou Chen's eyes: "Thank you~"

"You're welcome, I don't know if you like it or not, so I bought it blindly, just don't dislike it."

After saying this, Ou Chen was very curious about what was inside.

"Can I take it apart?"

"Yes." Su Luofei smiled, but she was already cursing in her heart.Su Luofei, have you thought about it, what if Ou Chen opened it and didn't like it and returned it to you on the spot, but Ou Chen probably wouldn't do such a thing!

Ou Chen took out the things, slowly untied the ribbon, and carefully opened the package.Every time Su Luofei moved, her heart trembled.

Ou Chen frowned unconsciously when he saw the brand box.Su Luofei's heart stopped.It's over, it's over, don't you like this brand?But the magazine that day was clearly this one.

When the box is opened, there is a delicate belt inside, which is a classic black style and is versatile.Su Luofei deliberately chose this one when he chose it, and he can't go wrong.

When he saw that it was a belt, Ou Chen's expression seemed to be a little relaxed again~ Su Luofei couldn't fix it.Is this satisfactory or not?
"How to buy this brand?"

"Don't like it?" Su Luofei smiled reluctantly.

Ou Chen stared at her for a while before shaking his head: "Thank you~"

Su Luofei breathed a sigh of relief.Seeing the girl relax, Ou Chen slowly took the gift back, and said, "It's very stylish, and has a good eye."

"I just follow along and don't know much about it, as long as I like it."

"Don't give such expensive gifts in the future, I'll be embarrassed." Ou Chen's half-joking statement made Su Luofei's eyes widen.

"Hey..." She must be the first fan who saw Ou Chen making jokes, it's been a long time seeing the big event!

"What date does school start? I'll find someone to send you to help you move your things."

"No, I can do it myself, and I have my roommate too!"

Ou Chen didn't insist, he should do his own thing.

"Well, if you're busy, you can leave first, it's okay." It's not yet her time to go to work, Su Luofei plans to stay for a while.

"Huh?" Ou Chen raised his head in doubt: "You don't want to stay with me anymore?"

"No, I'm just afraid you're busy." Su Luofei quickly denied it, and asked Ou Chen to eat more.

Ou Chen sighed, women are indeed fickle and difficult creatures.

"Anything else? If not, I'll go to checkout first." Su Luofei was told at the cash register that the gentleman put down the bank card for them to swipe when he first arrived.

"What's going on, didn't you say I'm treating you?"

Ou Chen held up his gift: "I've taken everything, shouldn't it be a treat?"


"Not so much, but sit down and have a drink." Ou Chen's words were a little domineering.Su Luofei didn't notice, and subconsciously obeyed.

The two chatted for a while, Ou Chen said that it was troublesome to take a taxi, and asked the driver to drop it at the door of her company before leaving.

"Goodbye." Su Luofei quietly greeted the back seat before turning around.

"Sir, this Miss Su is quite cute." The driver looked in the rearview mirror after speaking, and found that Ou Chen had closed his eyes.

"Have you been drinking?" When passing by the interview department, Sister Shengsheng just came out. After the last mission, they have become familiar comrades-in-arms.

"A little bit." Su Luofei was a little excited, she was expecting Ou Chen to wear that belt before seeing her own appearance.

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