"Yi Xiao~" Su Luofei greeted people excitedly.

"Where did you go again, don't go home before you go crazy."

"That won't work, I definitely have to go back. How about I show you the scenery outside me?"

"It's so beautiful! I'm envious, I'm working from nine to five now, I don't know when I can take a casual trip!" Li Yixiao sighed.

"By the way, you've been home for so long, and your uncle and aunt didn't introduce you to a boyfriend or something? You shouldn't!"

"They are very nervous, but there is no good marriage."

"Come on, it must be because you have high vision and no one is interested."

"Now this man doesn't know what's wrong. One by one, he can't do it with confidence. It seems that the daughters of the president of the country are asking to marry them. I really want to share half of my inferiority complex with them."

"Hahaha." Su Luofei smiled heartily, and at the same time Ou Chen handed a plate of cut fruits to her.

"You have changed~"


"I still remember when I was in college, we had dinner together in the dormitory, and you didn't talk much. Later, I took the initiative when we got along better. But now I've become so cheerful,"

"Well, it's changed." Su Luofei took an orange from the fruit plate and ate it, smiling at the other side.

"Okay, you can continue to be happy! Some relatives are coming at home tonight, and my mother is clamoring for me to go to the supermarket to buy them!" Li Yixiao shook her shoulders helplessly.

"Then you go! Maybe I want to introduce you to a boyfriend!" Su Luofei smiled mischievously, and the two hung up the phone.

"Don't call Mu Qinghe anymore?" Ou Chen asked, now that they speak too many foreign languages ​​abroad, Su Luofei always wants to speak Chinese on the phone.

"Stop calling, what if it disturbs his date with that female secretary?"

"You! Just worrying about it, I don't think he's interested in that half-race woman at all."

"He may not be very interested. But I can assure you, that woman likes him." Su Luofei put on a shrewd look, then put down her phone and lay down on the table, looking at the man who was making juice for her, with a big smile Same as honey.

"Mom, I'm going out."

"Remember what I told you, don't freeze the chicken, go to the address I gave you to buy freshly killed chicken."

"Oh." Li Yixiao curled her lips, she had never seen such a big fanfare the day she came back.

"Peanut butter, cabbage..." Li Yixiao checked the list given by her mother one by one: "And cooking wine."

Damn it, why does this supermarket put this thing so high, it doesn't care about girls at all... Li Yixiao worked so hard for a long time and couldn't reach it, and there is no waiter or anything nearby.

"This bottle?" A nice male voice rang above Li Yixiao's head, and helped her take down the bottle of cooking wine that had lasted for a long time.

"Thank you."

"It's easy to do, I see you've been kicking your feet here for a long time." The man with a pair of eyes, is the kind of gentle smile and looks pretty good.

"Ugh. The supermarket puts it so high..." It was a little embarrassing.

"When I just came here, I saw that the carts were put there, maybe I didn't think about it here."

"Ah... I didn't see it." Li Yixiao felt ashamed: "I'll go first, thank you."

"Zeliang? What are you looking at!"

"Mom and Dad, it's nothing to see a cute girl." The one named Zeliang brought the things in the hands of his parents: "How about it! I'll tie these things up first and drive to the door. Call me." They just moved here, and there are too many things to buy.

"Okay, go quickly! It's hard to find a place at this time."


Li Yixiao is struggling with a bunch of things!The company just called at this time and asked her to get some forms.This kind of unit is working overtime and still looking for her?Look at him as a newcomer, bully her!Li Yixiao won't suffer from being dumb, and is fighting with words!
I don't know what jumped out and bumped her, and all the things were scattered.

"What are you doing, touch porcelain!" I was already in a bad mood, but now I became even more angry.

"Eh." Li Zeliang snorted coldly. How could he be a porcelain if he put things here properly? He turned around and was about to argue when he saw a very familiar face: "Is it you?"

"What about me, don't get close to me." Li Yixiao squatted down and saw that her plastic bag was torn.

"We saw it just now in the supermarket." Li Zeliang explained, and Li Yixiao observed him carefully.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't recognize it." I helped her just now and now it's fierce. Fortunately, I didn't know her, or it was the scene of a large-scale social death.

"It's okay. Let me do it!" Li Zeliang helped her pick up the things: "Well, you wait here for me, and I'll go buy two plastic bags and come back."

"No need, I was the one who bumped into you. I was in a bad mood and lost my temper."

Li Zeliang didn't say anything else, and went straight to buy a plastic bag and came back.

"Thank you again, you are a nice person."

"Then...can we do it?" Li Zeliang was about to ask the next step when his father called and asked him where he was, and the two old people were already paying the bill.

"I'll be right there."

Li Yixiao smiled and waved to him: "You are busy, I'll go first!"

Before Li Zeliang could speak, he could only smell the car exhaust.Helplessly shook his head.

"It's here~" Mother instructed Li Zeliang to reverse the car into the parking space that he had bought a long time ago: "Let's put our things in there first, and then go to your Aunt Jane's house for dinner."

"What are you looking at?" The old couple opened the trunk to find someone, but they couldn't find anyone. He stared at the car in a daze: "Do you like this car? This should be your Aunt Jane's parking space, maybe her husband's. Wait until you ask." ask."

"Really?" Li Zeliang asked back.

"That's right! The one we bought is opposite their house, and the parking space probably belongs to their house. By the way, Aunt Jane's family has a daughter who is about your age. You should be able to chat together."

"Since we decided to make a home here, your mother has been so excited."

"Very good~"


Ding dong ding dong ~ the doorbell rang.

"Yixiao, to open the door must be your aunt Ji and the others~"

"Go! I don't know you, how embarrassing."

"This child, really." Her mother walked over to open the door while disliking her. The two little sisters were so happy to meet.The scene is lively like a New Year's Eve.

"I've been thinking about you for a long time, and I finally came here. Come in, this is my daughter Yixiao, our old Li is already on his way back, the work is busy."

"Hahaha, it's okay, our old Li is here, and Yixiao is already a big girl."

"This is your Aunt Ji, Uncle Li, this is Zeliang, right! Young man. You..."

"Hello, Auntie. Miss Li, we meet again."

"It's you." Li Yixiao was very surprised.

"Yes! It's a coincidence."

"Yo~ These two children seem to have met before?"

"It's all fate." Li Zeliang didn't shy away from it, and his eloquent appearance was very popular with the elders.Throughout the meal, Li Yixiao didn't intervene much.Stirring the chopsticks beside him, his face almost froze with laughter.

"It's the first time I've come here, and I'm not very familiar with the surrounding environment. Is Yixiao full? Could you please take me out for a walk?"

His parents are both lazy and busy.After they decided to move in, the family only paid for it. The garage of this house was built with the help of Aunt Jane, and they just waited to move in and sign it.

"Ah!" Li Yixiao hadn't reacted yet.

"She's full. See where she pokes the rice for a long time. Girls don't eat much. You go out with Zeliang and just tell him that those daily necessities are sold in the community. "

"Well. Uncle and aunt, you eat."

"Don't worry about us, let's go! Zeliang is taking care of Yixiao~"

The air outside is obviously much more comfortable, and Li Yixiao feels much more free.Of course, it would be more comfortable without this person nearby.

"Do you think we two are destined for each other?"

"Well, quite a few." Li Yixiao replied absent-mindedly.

"In that case, may I take the liberty of asking for your contact information?"


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