"Crazy, it's crazy. This is likely to be regarded as a public provocation by Ou Chen's fans!" Ling Tian looked behind and complained. They don't even have to think about what will happen on the live broadcast barrage now.

"He doesn't care!" Mu Han was leisurely beside him.

"No, where did you get the red wine! I don't know how to share it, so bring it here." Ling Tian went over and directly snatched it from the person's hand and drank it.

Mu Han laughed happily for a long time.

"What do you mean?" The reporter would of course think that he was being provoked, and his tone became very fierce from the seriousness at the beginning.

"Um. It's just a literal meaning." After Su Luofei answered, she just continued to filter out the question: "And just now, it seems to be this one! Ask me what do you think about Ou Chen not inheriting the property of the palace family? "

"I have always thought that Ou Chen and the Gong family are like two completely different systems that have no intersection, so it is normal for him not to participate in the inheritance of the Gong family."

"So, you have always known that Ou Chen is an illegitimate child. Do you dare to say that you don't mind at all? If Ou Chen is not a star, he would not have achieved what he is today!"

"Yes, I've always known it. I don't mind, because of Ou Chen's character, he is upright and kind and has never relied on anyone until now.

As for the hypothesis you just mentioned, it is actually not true. I like everything about him. He has always been complete and lacks nothing. "

After Su Luofei explained, she stood a little behind Ou Chen, and Ou Chen also took her hand.This is a typical couple's position.

"Okay, I personally don't think it's necessary to delve deeper into this issue. It's the two of us who live our lives, and the two of us who experience things. No matter how many questions you ask, you won't know everything." Ou Chen interrupted and wanted to continue the person who asked the question.

"I didn't intend to occupy public resources, especially because of personal matters, but there are indeed many uncontrollable factors after the incident happened. Here, I would like to sincerely apologize to all those who pay attention and those who don't~" Ou Chen this time After bowing for 3 minutes, I got up.

"The next thing I want to announce is my statement of retiring from the circle." The big screen at the back lit up at the right time, and the letter that Ou Chen had confirmed countless times was displayed in front of the public.

What?He wants to retire?The reporters looked at each other in blank dismay, and after everyone reacted, they hurriedly took photos and asked questions.

"I probably know what everyone wants to ask, and I have really thought about it. After so many years... I am quite reluctant." Ou Chen paused, and Su Luofei silently squeezed him tightly. After all, this is the youth he threw into it!It was also her youth watching him grow up.

"If the fans like it, I will continue to share my daily life on my personal account. If I don't like it, forget it." His private account was obviously full of advertisements before. Although the fan base is large, there are very few photos about life. Pitiful.

"I also struggled for a long time to make this decision. It is true... After working for so long, both the stage and the theater have gradually become a part of me. It seems that it is impossible to let go. He gradually invaded almost the whole of my life.

My wife was threatened when she was clearly innocent.Threatening my identity... Saying that I do this, there can be no black material, and the identity of an illegitimate child will not be accepted.

It also includes me... It is said that when I do this job, I must focus on the external image, and my own true thoughts are rarely taken seriously.My private life is also easily leaked, and I am often tracked down in various ways.

Many artists will encounter this situation, in fact, they are very helpless.Now that I have a wife, I don't want my family to be exposed in the public eye.

Of course, I don't like the term illegitimate child, because I dare say that I have never used any resources from their palace family.The public is willing to say, but I can't gag either.Fortunately... In the future, I won't have to be forced to accept news that is true or false. "

To quit the circle?Originally, I thought it was just to come out to explain the misery, and there would always be fans who couldn't stand it and come out to protect the lord. Even if they couldn't keep their position, they wouldn't be too bad.

He has been chased by me since I was a child, why is he going to retire like this.It's all the fault of those people who don't distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate. It's not that Ou Chen cheated after getting married, and it's not his own fault.

He quit, so what about my combination, Infinite is incomplete without one.

It's good to retreat, it's time to retreat.I have long seen him as disliked, and an illegitimate child has come out with a bright face, which is really insightful.

Bah~ I don't want to retreat, I just want to suppress this turmoil.The entertainment industry is so rich, do you mean you can let it go?
Upstairs, you are not allowed to say that about my idol.

Upstairs, I think you are right.He still doesn't know how he will live without money, and he has to come back disheartened if he knows all about it.Those girls have always had no brains, and as soon as they spoke soft words, they would obediently go back to kneeling and licking.

Fuck off you!less confrontation~
The barrage and comments under various accounts are naturally in full swing.The shock of the reporters at the scene was no less than that of those who ate melons.

They used many channels to get news from Ou Chen's studio.I haven't heard a little bit about his plan to quit the circle.

"Actually, there was no such thing as a so-called circle. It was all thought up by the netizens. I quit, and my two brothers are the ones who feel the most sorry." Ou Chen picked up the topic and mentioned their combination.

Mu Han and Ling Tian had already stood by the side, smiling and beckoning.

"Mu Han and Ling Tian~" I was so shocked just now, I didn't even see when these two people came out.At this time, a reporter shouted and pointed out.

"Oh my god~ can the two of them run over to accompany Ou Chen?"

"Fitted. Three people fit together, this is another big news."

"I'm sorry, brothers. I can't go on with you. I have already negotiated the contract with the group." Ou Chen looked at the two of them, even though he knew they would support him, he would Can't help expressing emotion.

The three of them have been unknown from the beginning to now, although they are not considered successful.But it finally made a difference~ Supporting each other for so long, they are no different from brothers.

"It's okay, we support you." Wang Yu handed the microphone to the two, and Mu Han took the lead and spoke.

"It doesn't matter if they are combined or not, we are brothers anyway." Ling Tian also said.

These two people supported him aboveboard, which naturally sparked heated discussions among netizens.From the attitudes of these two people, it can be seen that they know the true identity of Ou Chen's illegitimate son.

Knock it, knock it.In other groups, if one person had an accident, the other members were afraid to avoid it.However, Infinite is different. Xiaoyao in the team is deeply involved in the public opinion storm, and these two people directly jumped out to support him.

This is a piece of news that Tuan Fan is excited about, but Wei Fan is sad and in tears.

"Okay, let's talk about the rest in private."

"You have to thank us very much, we pushed a lot of work to come here!" Mu Han said this with a smile, and the three of them looked at each other more or less sweetly.

"I know." Ou Chen turned his head and recalled the reporter area here.

"I'll finish what I want to say today. If you have no questions, I'll take my wife down first. I'm in a hurry today, and I haven't had breakfast yet." Ou Chen put down the microphone and was about to leave.

Of course the reporters didn't want to let it go like this, it would be nice if they could ask one more question!Everyone thought so, so they all rushed forward.No one took advantage of it.

"Hey, Ou Chen, you are right in saying something." Ling Tian said as they walked beside him.


"We didn't even have breakfast, how did you figure out where to go? Don't say you're not ready, I'll beat you up."

"Of course, you don't want to vomit today. I won't let you go~" Ou Chen pointed at him: "Wang Yu, let the brothers work overtime to deal with all these matters on the scene. I will wait for you at the hotel at night."

"Okay, brother." Wang Yu nodded and gave him the key.

"Luo Fei." Li Yixiao grabbed him.

Su Luofei motioned for them to take a step first: "What's the matter?"

"My mother and the others are at the door. I'll go first. I'm glad you didn't give up on me."

"What?" Su Luofei hadn't reacted yet.

"It's not convenient for you to go out with your identity. Go with them to a safe place! Don't give it away, and don't miss me too much. It's okay! We will keep in touch." Li Yixiao patted her.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"In this city, there is nothing I miss except you. Remember to call often, don't make me miss you too much." Li Yixiao kissed her repeatedly, and ran away as if afraid of regretting herself.Su Luofei could only wave to her from behind.

It's okay to go back, you can continue to be that carefree little princess when you go back.Su Luofei saw people off with a smile, and got into Ou Chen's co-pilot.

I watched the live broadcast, I wish you happiness.Along with Mu Qinghe's news, there was also a photo of the airport.

"What's wrong?" Ou Chen noticed that she was a little absent-minded.

"Oh, it's okay~" Su Luofei shook her head, and checked the flight number on the photo by the way, and it was about to take off.No loss is high

Cai Sheng, even calculated the approximate time when the press conference will end.

"Look at what to eat." Ou Chen handed the menu to Su Luofei.

"Damn~ you still don't know me? You can eat anything, just watch it!" Su Luofei really lost that mood, it's really sad for her friend to leave, so Ou Chen decided to order a few of her usual favorite foods of.

She suddenly thought of something and raised her head to look in Ling Tian's direction.As the best friend, sitting here at this moment, he didn't even send it off.If he leaves alone, Qinghe will be very lonely!

Ling Tian poured the wine in the glass and smiled.

"We had a drink yesterday, and it was practiced for him. He supported me to come~" With such a sentence, the other two people except Su Luofei reacted for a while.

Su Luofei, who was exposed, quickly looked away: "Sorry, I was rude~"

"He asked me to give this to you."

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