When Feng Qingyao heard the commotion outside, she held the door open for a long time but didn't quite understand it, she was very puzzled.

After Ou Chen here sent the mother and daughter to the place, he thought that they should have their own private things to talk about.

"Luo Fei~ Can you stay with Auntie for a while? I have something to do and come pick you up at night."

Although Su Luofei closed his eyes along the way, they opened them as soon as the car stopped, obviously not sleeping.

"Okay." She straightened her body, and it was only after she got off the car that she remembered something and turned around.Ou Chen noticed her movements and looked back at her gently.

"be careful on the road."

"Okay, don't worry, my wife."

Luo Ning had already entered the yard first.I don't care, and I'm not interested in listening to the two of them flirting behind.

When Su Luofei came in, Luo Ning was ready to be questioned.When the person sat down and didn't speak for a long time, Luo Ning raised his eyes and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

I don't know where to start asking!Su Luofei thought about the reason all the way: "You looked for it because I lost my job?"


"Why? Shouldn't their family hate us very much?" This was something Su Luofei couldn't figure out.

"Who knows what their rich people think, I don't know the details. Anyway, when dealing with your father's affairs, the old man said that if the three people on the left and right are dead, no one owes the other. Everyone should live a good life." gone."

How can the old man of the Gong family be such a reasonable person?Su Luofei thought silently in her heart.

"But now his granddaughter has violated what he said at the beginning, I don't have to look for it~ I went to that house once when I was taken to deal with the matter. After so many years, I almost couldn't find it. "

I really don't understand why they want to live in a place where there is no village in the front and no shops in the back. It's very difficult.

"Even if they made a promise at the beginning, it's different now after all. Gong Ling is the daughter of those parents, and she is a direct victim. It's normal to have resentment in your heart, why did you bother to find someone?"

"That won't work, if you let it go. Today is a job, but tomorrow ~ we two can't go to eat the northwest wind!" Luo Ning was very persistent in this matter, and he didn't feel that he was in the wrong.

Su Luofei rubbed her head: "The little lady of the Gong family has been spoiled for so many years since she was a child. She won't let it go because of your one or two words, or because of his grandfather's persuasion."

"What kind of palace family, isn't the old man actually in charge, how dare she, a junior, refuse to listen to what he said?" Luo Ning had never been in contact with them, so he didn't know their personalities, nor did he understand the relationship between them.

The old man of the Gong family was drinking tea in the study, he had already thought about it, Gong Ling knew that this matter could only happen at one time, that was when he was chatting with Gong Rui that day.

That little girl was also interesting, she didn't tell Ou Chen about this kind of thing, and she dared to come to the old house with her, she was not afraid of running into her.

"If Xiao Ling comes back in a while, let her come up." He explained and began to read the foreign language documents.


Ou Chen parked the car on an unknown road, first answered Wang Yu's call and briefly talked about the work.Then I recalled in my mind the expressions on everyone's faces when I met them in the old house.

After Liu Qinrui was warned that time, there were not many strange things crammed in. Wang Yu's side is also much more relaxed, and the time can be arranged more.Ou Chen doesn't have to spin around like that anymore.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about." Gong Ling exploded immediately after hearing this: "Her father killed my parents... What's wrong with letting her suffer a little bit, she owes me this."

"It's been so many years, and she was about the same age when the accident happened, and she wasn't in the car. You..."

"But her father is at fault! That's your daughter too, since she already knew the enemy, why didn't she punish them earlier." Gong Ling stood up excitedly.

"I said it at the time, I won't bully their orphans and widowed mothers~ It's been so many years since the words have been released, you can't let your grandpa break his promise now!"

"You've said this before, you can't do it. I never said it~" Gong Ling slammed the door and went out.

The old man knew long ago that this conversation would end without a problem like this.As his granddaughter, she has never experienced any storms since she was a child, so she naturally doesn't know the truth about being forgiving and forgiving.

Gong Ling went out angrily and went back to her room, thinking that their mother and daughter were really a good way to make grandpa say that kind of thing.My mother was very favored back then.

Originally, she didn't want to make a big deal, so she just played tricks behind her back to make Su Luofei feel better, but now that she is like this, she is not afraid of anything.

Hmph~ She just inquired about it, and said that grandpa met a not-so-young woman today, and also met Ou Chen and the others. She must be her mother!
"Small it for me, whoever smashes the most, I will reward~" Gong Ling led a group of people to copy Luo Ning's house directly.

Luo Ning was cooking in the kitchen!Hearing the movement outside and coming out and seeing people, you will know that the person who came is not good.When people smashed things, she couldn't stop them.He was also pushed and almost lost his waist.

"Hey, Luo Fei! Come back quickly, our house is almost lost."

"What's the matter, Mom?" Su Luofei was sitting with Ou Chen having breakfast together: "What's going on over there~"

"Gong Ling, she..." Luo Ning said halfway, the phone was taken away.

"It's me. Didn't your mother go to my grandpa to fulfill the promise? Let me warn you. Do you really think that after so many years, those injuries will disappear?" Gong Ling threw the phone away after finishing speaking.

"Hey, you little girl, why are you so mean?" Luo Ning hurried over to pick it up, but the screen was already shattered and he pressed the power button, and it flashed back after turning it on for two seconds.

Hearing the busy signal that the phone was hung up, Su Luofei paused for two seconds, then looked at Ou Chen who was opposite.Ou Chen also heard the content of the phone clearly, and put down his chopsticks directly.

"Gong Ling~" Su Luofei stood up and rushed outside.

"I'll take you there." Ou Chen followed closely and drove the car out of the garage.

Su Luofei kept biting her fingers in the car, showing her anxiety.Ou Chen stepped on the accelerator silently and increased the speed.When she arrived, Gong Ling had already smashed everything she wanted to smash, and was sitting in the yard.Like a big sister, waiting for them to pass.

"Are you okay!" Su Luofei went over to comfort her mother first.

"I'm fine, but look at this..." Luo Ning was in a hurry, everything in the house that could be destroyed was destroyed.

"As long as people have nothing to do." Su Luofei said, those external things are not that important.

"Yo, Ou Chen is here too!" Gong Ling put down his sunglasses a little bit, and looked at them mockingly.

"Why was my wife called me over to support the scene! You..."

"Little Ling." Liu Qinrui also hurried over, came in and looked at all the people in the yard, focused on Ou Chen, and then ran to Gong Ling: "Are you okay!"

"I'm fine." Gong Ling was in a bad mood, and she spoke coldly: "You must be tired after coming here! Sit down for a while~"

When it was about to hit her, Liu Qinrui called her, and she told the whole thing without hiding it.Liu Qinrui was worried about her, so she hurried over immediately after asking her to calm down.

"I really think this is my home." Luo Ning couldn't help complaining, but was pulled by Su Luofei, telling her to stop talking.

"Don't tell me, if my grandfather was not kind. If there was a lawsuit, this house might really be mine."

Ou Chen listened silently at the side, while digesting the matter, he didn't show any emotion on his face.

Mu Qinghe has been paying attention to this matter, and he feels that Gong Ling will not let it go. He will find time to call Luo Ning every day to say hello. Today he made several calls but didn't answer, so he rushed back immediately.

"It's so lively! You mother and daughter are really talented." The moment Gong Ling saw Mu Qinghe, her anger grew a little bit.

He stood up and pointed at the two of them and cursed: "One can make my grandfather promise not to retaliate, and the other can make two men work for you."

"Little girls should speak more cleanly." Mu Qinghe stood over.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder in the yard was getting stronger and stronger, Su Luofei hurried out to reconcile it: "Okay, that... You see that you have become angry a lot, so just tell me what you want! We can do it if you can." do all."

When Luo Ning heard her daughter say such humble words, the expression in her eyes was very unwilling.

"What do you want... Hmph. I want my parents to come back to life, can you?" The friends around her never laughed at her face to face due to the power of the family, but she knew everything behind her back. Chu.

Of course, this wish could not come true for Su Luofei, and she felt distressed when she saw Gong Ling's tears streaming down uncontrollably.She must have also been neglected and treated unfairly when she was a child because she had no parents by her side.

Su Luofei was silent, and Liu Qinrui who was on the side observed her expression and remembered something.

"Ou Chen, don't you know yet? Luo Fei's father was the one who drove illegally and hit Gong Ling's parents."

Ou Chen knew it in his heart, no wonder Su Luofei was so out of state, he didn't say anything when he asked, "Yes, I see."

Su Luofei was very nervous when she heard this matter being said so openly from others.But unexpectedly, Ou Chen, who knew the truth, only said those four words.

"What does it mean to know? You are considered a palace family member, big or small, how could you be so indifferent to your aunt's death." Gong Ling stared at them viciously, unable to turn her eyes around.

"Did one or two of you get bewitched by Su Luofei?" The murderer's daughter, no one thought it was scary.

"When that incident came out, Luo Fei was just a child. And she didn't sit in the car. So theoretically, it has nothing to do with her." Ou Chen said slowly.

"Ou Chen..."

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