Regarding Nalan's angry accusation, Rong Shengzu didn't hurt, he almost abnormally denied:
"No, no, that's not illegal surveillance. I just care about my fiancée... Ah, of course, the fiancée I'm talking about is not you, but my real fiancée~ Wanmian. Her eyesight is not convenient, I let people follow her for Protect her."

"You...!" Nalan finally couldn't bear it and struggled to beat Rong Shengzu to the ground.

"Tsk tsk, don't get excited so early, the will be excited!"

Rong Shengzu's evil eyes hinted that Nalan still had to suffer.

"What the hell are you trying to do to me?"

"I'm not interested in doing anything to you, but the subordinates I usually raise have performed well today, and I'm going to reward them with my unsatisfied "fiancée". Later, you remember to cooperate better...!"

"Rong Shengzu, you know I won't die, you will die!" Nalan was not very afraid, she also resolutely warned Rong Shengzu.

"Don't threaten me, your Lin family is not the Murong family, I have nothing to fear."

"Then you probably don't know, even if Murong Aoyang and Mianmian can't be together. To Murong Aoyang, Mianmian is still the woman he loves deeply. Mianmian regards me as no less important than her own life. If something happens to me, even if the Lin family treats me For Mian Mian's sake, what happens to me is what happens to Mian Mian, do you think Murong Aoyang will really turn a blind eye?"

"Stop putting on airs here. Since Murong Aoyang wants to abandon Wan Mian, it proves that he will never have anything to do with the Lin family, let alone your life or death."

"It seems that you are not afraid of death, so you can try to move my finger and see what will happen to you if something happens to me."

Nalan's cold smile was full of confidence. From Rong Shengzu's point of view, she seemed not worried about what would happen to her at all, but was prepared to see what would happen to him.

But Rong Shengzu's pent-up anger towards Nalan was hard to dissipate, so he still bit the bullet and shouted:
"Don't think I'll let you go if you're alarmist. Everything I've done today is to make you pay the price."

Nalan sneered:

"If you don't do anything, Mianmian doesn't even look down on you. If you hurt me, Mianmian will hate you even more. You don't have this common sense. You're such a stupid guy."

"Oh, of course I know that Wan Mian doesn't like me, so I have to take extraordinary measures to make her willing to be my woman. Even if I just get her, I'm just as satisfied."

"Rong Shengzu, listen, I can tell you instead of Mianmian, you can never get her person or her heart. Because Murong Aoyang will never allow you to mess with Mianmian. I know you've already learned it, haven't you?"


"Besides, if you want to test whether Murong Aoyang will love Mianmian, you can try me. I can guarantee that this time it will not be as simple as lying in the hospital alone for a month, and you will lose the entire Rong family in minutes... Rong Shao, do you dare to make such a big bet?"

Seeing Nalan's resolute fearlessness and confidence, Rong Shengzu hesitated a little.Now that he dared to touch Nalan, he naturally judged that the Lin family was incapable of doing anything to him.

But if according to what Nalan said, Murong Aoyang will still be Lin Wanmian's reliance, and with the relationship between Lin Wanmian and Nalan, then he will indeed have the risk of offending Murong Aoyang.At that time, what he will face is not the Lin family, but Murong Aoyang!
Previously, he was worried about the relationship between Murong Aoyang and Lin Wanmian, he endured it, he neither dared to retaliate against Nalan, nor dared to get close to Lin Wanmian openly.He knew that angering Murong Aoyang was not a consequence he could bear.

Rong Shengzu didn't dare to provoke Murong Aoyang directly, but he couldn't bear to watch Lin Wanmian become Murong Aoyang's woman.

Although Rong Guanglong has repeatedly warned him to restrain himself recently, he also knows that he can't make any more ugly things, otherwise not only himself, but the entire Rong family will become a joke.

However, Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang were glued to each other day by day, and the devil of jealousy in his heart kept tearing at his heart and lungs.

Ever since his "fiancée" had to become Nalan, it was one thing for him to hate Nalan, but he always believed that Lin Wanmian was his woman and that was the main reason.Therefore, it is impossible for him to give up his determination to get Lin Wanmian.

He has been secretly paying attention to the movements of Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang.Therefore, he is very aware of the close relationship between Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang.

Just because he knew it well, he was unwilling to waste any more time maintaining a false relationship with Nalan and slowly consuming it.

Especially at the celebration banquet when the Liu family successfully acquired the Lin family, he saw with his own eyes the scene of them embracing and kissing in the empty sky garden, which made him even more determined to get rid of Nalan as a stumbling block as soon as possible.

He wanted to dump Nalan as soon as possible in order to find the right opportunity to get Lin Wanmian reasonably.

However, if he wants to get Lin Wanmian, Lin Wanmian cannot be Murong Aoyang's woman.Otherwise, how can he be compared with Murong Aoyang?
Probably because of his crazy obsession with Lin Wanmian, Rong Shengzu only asked Rong Guanglong to show that if he wanted him to marry a wife and have children normally, his wife could only be Lin Wanmian, otherwise he would definitely let the Rong family never before.

Rong Guanglong's weakness is the inheritance of the Rong family. He originally thought that Rong Shengzu would be abolished in this life.

But if Lin Wanmian can save his son, he will help his son get Lin Wanmian no matter what.

Only when Rong Shengzu is normal can the inheritance of the Rong family be normal!

Of course, Rong Guanglong wanted to pave the way for Rong Shengzu, but he also saw with his own eyes that Murong Aoyang took Lin Wanmian away at the Liu family celebration banquet.In addition, Murong Aoyang not only beat up his son because of Lin Wanmian, but also spread his son's scandal to the media overnight as a punishment.

Then, the engagement banquet of their Rong family was inexplicably changed to the "bride-to-be" oolong. Combining all these signs, although Rong Guanglong couldn't find out how Lin Wanmian left the engagement banquet in the end.But he guessed that Murong Aoyang must have intervened to take away Lin Wanmian, so in the end the "bride-to-be" was replaced by Lin Nalan.

This is also a good proof that Murong Aoyang has special affection for Lin Wanmian.

It was precisely because Rong Guanglong guessed in his heart that even if he knew that the Lin family had arranged for him, Rong Guanglong did not dare to pursue the Lin family to the end, for he was afraid that he would offend Murong Aoyang if he was not careful.

But in the face of Rong Shengzu's obsession with Lin Wanmian, Rong Guanglong secretly decided to find a way to meet Rong Shengzu's request.

Afterwards, Rong Guanglong thought about it but couldn't come up with a result. Instead, he had one question after another.

First of all, Murong Aoyang obviously wanted to retaliate against the Lin family, but in the end he gave up suddenly, which can almost be regarded as because of Lin Wanmian.

But the most thought-provoking thing is, why did the Murong family, who had never bullied others, be so cruel to the Lin family?There must be a reason for the Murong family to do that!
After a series of questions about the entanglement between the Murong family and the Lin family, Rong Guanglong had to think of the past when the Murong family and the Lin family, who had an almost iron-like relationship more than 20 years ago, suddenly announced the termination of all business cooperation at the same time one day.

At that time, the industry speculated about what happened, but almost no one knew the real reason.Not long after, Lin Piaoyu, the heir of the Lin family, was sent abroad and only returned after ten years.

If you don't delve into it, few people will connect everything together.But thinking about it carefully, Lin Piaoyu was probably the reason why the Lin family and the Murong family broke off contact.

Thinking of this powerful relationship, if he still wanted to understand the cause and effect, Rong Guanglong could only find someone who was most likely to understand the situation.

That person is Lin Piaoyu's father's most trusted friend and partner ~ Qiu Chengtong.

From Qiu Chengtong's mouth, Rong Guanglong knew that the reason why Lin Piaoyu went abroad was not because the outside world thought it was to study, but was expelled by the Murong family as punishment for almost killing Mrs. Murong.

But some time ago, the Murong family's sudden extermination of the Lin family didn't seem to have much to do with the mistakes Lin Piaoyu made back then.This just shows that the Lin family has something else that the Murong family cannot forgive.

In other words, the Murong family and the Lin family cannot communicate normally, let alone form an in-law relationship!

After Rong Shengzu learned that the Lin family and the Murong family had such grievances, his mind turned quickly.

To prevent Lin Wanmian from becoming Murong Aoyang's woman, he naturally cannot touch Murong Aoyang.But he immediately thought that there was another person who could break Lin Wanmian's love for Murong Aoyang.

And the best candidate is Lin Piaoyu!

This is how Lin Piaoyu was imprisoned but still knew that Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang were in love.
To Rong Shengzu's satisfaction, Lin Piaoyu really became a stumbling block in the love between Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang.

In fact, Rong Shengzu knew about Murong Aoyang's meeting with Lin Piaoyu.

After Murong Aoyang met Lin Piaoyu, Lin Wanmian stayed at home and never met Murong Aoyang again.

When they met again, it turned out that Lin Wanmian fainted in the Murong Group and was carried to the hospital by Liu Baiyu, and Murong Aoyang didn't seem to care about Lin Wanmian's life or death at all.

From this, Rong Shengzu happily concluded that Murong Aoyang abandoned Lin Wanmian.

That's why he was in a hurry to trick Nalan out of the pit and solve all the problems at once.

However, because of Nalan's self-confident threat, his original plan to make Nalan suffer a lot began to hesitate.

Rong Shengzu was worried that Murong Aoyang would do what Nalan said even if he gave up Lin Wanmian, it didn't mean he would no longer protect Lin Wanmian.

Tangled thoughts trapped Rong Shengzu's determination, which also gave Nalan hope.

In order not to irritate Rong Shengzu any more, she tried to lower her posture and lobby from a negotiating point of view:

"Rong Shengzu, I know that there are some things you are unwilling to do. I also admit that my previous impulse made you lose face. I apologize for that. But in the end, both of us did something wrong, so it's worth it. As for your love for Mianmian, I don't think you can control Mianmian with this method. If you really appreciate Mianmian, I suggest you try to impress Mianmian with sincerity. If you don’t use it in a robbing way, you will only backfire.”

Nalan said to Rong Shengzu that it was easy to discuss, but in his heart he already wanted to split him in half.

However, she can't deal with Rong Shengzu like this at all, all she can do is endure!

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