Murong Aoyang's whole body tensed up. If there were no hindrances and troubles from those family enmities, his wife would only be her.

However, he would not let her know the answer, he pushed her away coldly and said:

"Be sober, don't you know who I am, Murong Aoyang? Even if the person who is my Murong Aoyang's wife is not an absolutely perfect woman, she can never be blind. I am the heir of the Murong Group, and I will also There will be an heir, and it is impossible for me to make a disabled woman the mother of my child. What's more, do you think the Murong family will accept a blind eldest daughter-in-law?"

"You... dislike my incompleteness?"

"Yes, I despise it!"


Lin Wanmian was weak and weak, and she was dizzy enough to protest to her, but her mind was clear and firm. She closed her eyes to suppress the dizziness before saying:

"I don't believe any word you say now, and I don't believe that all the tolerance you gave me before was just an illusion."

She trusts her feelings and what he did to her is definitely not a silly joke.

She can feel his sincerity, and he didn't just know that she is blind today, so how could he dislike her incompleteness only now!

This must be his excuse, he was forcing himself to push her away, he deliberately made her feel cold towards him in order to get rid of her!
But why did he have to push her away in such a hurry?She hurts, doesn't he hurt the same?
Murong Aoyang needs to restrain again and again to resist hugging her. He has to remind himself not to be soft-hearted before he can continue to say cruelly:
"Yes, what you felt before may be my sincerity. For a moment, I really wanted to make a "forever" promise to you. I even thought about what I should do to be considerate of you. Consider my family's feelings. However, when I tried to be considerate, I found that I was not considerate at all. Your identity is destined not to be accepted by my family, and your incompleteness means that you are not qualified to be my justifiable woman, understand ?"

It is a certain fact that Murong's family will not accept her as his partner. Murong Aoyang said this conclusion not only to remind her, but also to remind himself.

But the last sentence that made Lin Wanmian's heart hurt was that he deliberately made her hurt.He stubbornly used her incompleteness to "sarcastically" that she was not qualified to stand by his side, so that she could recognize the reality and stop attaching her feelings to him.

He thought that even if Lin Wanmian couldn't let go of the obsession in her heart right away after he said this, she should be chilling towards him.

Although Lin Wanmian's face was full of tears, but after she endured it for a while, she suddenly raised her hand and wiped the tears off her face heavily, and then took a deep breath to adjust her troubled heart.

After feeling calmer, she groped forward with both hands and approached him slowly, until her hands touched his body again, she didn't wait for him to push her away, she plunged into his arms sideways Clinging to his chest, he said softly:
"Okay, I see, I listen to you!"

Murong Aoyang was shocked, he tried every means to push her away, but when he really heard that she agreed to break up, his heart felt so uncomfortable!

But, he made a mistake, because Lin Wanmian immediately said:

"Since the crippled me is not qualified to be your justifiable woman, then according to your wishes, you can hide me, and I can be your...shady woman!"

Can't see the light!How insulting to her self-esteem is this word, but she loves him!She will love him at all costs, if she can stay by his side only by becoming his "shady woman", she doesn't care!
Murong Aoyang didn't know how to describe his feelings, she was always resolutely stubborn and he knew it, but he didn't expect her to be so crazy!

Is it because she loves too stupidly, or because he loves too rationally?
After all, his answer was to push her away again and say:
"I don't have time for a mistress...!"

"If you don't honor the "forever" you gave me, at least give me the "now" at the beginning. Otherwise, I... will die!"


At first, they said that they would not talk about the "future" but only the "present".It was only later that he impulsively wanted to try to go on with her, that's why he gave her so many good hopes.

It's ridiculous that the good things he promised to her with his own mouth only lasted for a few days and were ruthlessly taken back and overturned by him.

Lin Wanmian touched his face, she threw away all her reserve and tiptoed to kiss his lips.But her kiss seemed jerky, and he didn't give her any response, so she kissed so awkwardly...!
Just when she was about to give up and get his response, her waist suddenly tightened, and Murong Aoyang squeezed her into his arms. Before she could react, his breath took over all of her body. Senses...!
After a long, long time, when she lay softly in his arms, she thought that she was treated tenderly by him again, but Murong Aoyang said:

"Are you sure you want the status of a "mistress" even if you don't see the light?"

Lin Wanmian trembled, but responded, "Yes, I want it!"

"Even if you are a mistress, it won't be forever, so do you want it?"

"Well, yes!"

She gambled once and she won!This time, she wants to gamble again, she bets on whether he can really do nothing but let her be his "mistress", will he really be able to be cruel one day without her?

"One year! This is my "now" for you!"

"Good! One year!"

One year is actually not good at all, it is far from satisfying her greed, but now she dare not ask for more.

Murong Aoyang stroked her face, his expression was infinitely soft, but he said coldly:
"This year will end with your mother's sentence, and I will only allow you to pester me for this year. One year later...!"

"One year later, if you don't want me anymore, I will give up."

No, if he really doesn't want her by then, she won't give up, she knows!
But when it comes to her mother, she will inevitably have to face the unforgivable sin her mother owes the Murong family, which is equivalent to what she owes Murong Aoyang!
She is really a bad person. Not only did she not pay back any of what she owed him, but she shamelessly asked him for it again and again, and each time was more extreme!
What's even more frightening is that she doesn't want to let go at all in her heart, whether it's now or a year later, she doesn't want to let go.

She said that she would "give up" because she didn't want him to have the opportunity to change his mind, but what she was looking forward to was that a year is also a time, a time that can change many things.

Who knows, maybe a year later, they won't be separated at all.Because she can still feel his reluctance and love for her now.

But she also believed that his intention to break up was not a joke.She could understand the painful choice he faced between his family and her.

Although he finally chose his family made her somewhat sad, but she was also the same. If she was asked to choose between him and her mother, could she abandon her mother and only want him alone?

She dares to be so willful now, but because Lin Piaoyu is not by her side for the time being, she can grasp the present peace without any scruples.

Her mother tried her best to stop her willful love in prison. It can be seen that once her mother is free, the situation she will face may not be much easier than that of Murong Aoyang.

Thinking of her mother's objection, Lin Wanmian suddenly wondered, if Nalan hadn't told her mother that she was with Murong Aoyang, who told her?
Together with this question, Lin Wanmian almost immediately thought of something again, she blinked lightly, before Murong Aoyang could speak, she suddenly whispered:

"Aoyang, did you... Did you go to see my mother, the day you were supposed to pick me up?"

Murong Aoyang frowned, he didn't know why she thought of this suddenly, but he didn't think it was necessary to talk about whether he had met Lin Piaoyu, it was not important anymore.

In his silence, Lin Wanmian came to the conclusion:
"It seems that I guessed it right. You suddenly treated me like this. It should be my mother who gave you a reason to push me away, right?"

No wonder he suddenly changed his itinerary that day, he promised to come to see her but he didn't come, and then he deliberately ignored her.

Although she knew that his neglect was not accidental, she just didn't expect that it was her mother's intervention that brought things to this point so quickly.

"Now that you guessed it, you should understand why we can't be together."

"It's because... your sister can't come back, so when you see my mother, you can't let go of the hatred in your heart, and by extension, I must disappear in your world?"

Regarding the life and death of his sister, she has never dared to mention it, or she has been avoiding this issue.Because she felt too heavy, heavy for him, and heavy for herself.

Murong Aoyang looked at her guilty expression, he realized that she might think that his sister was dead, he subconsciously wanted to make it clear, but changed his mind, he said:
"That's right! So, you and I can't make it to the end. What your Lin family owes our Murong family, you can't make up for it in your life. Do you still insist on not staying away from me because you owe such a crime?"

If guilt can make her heart stop, then he can only choose to make her feel guilty inexplicably.

When he heard her say the word "death", he was terrified, even looking at her so haggard, his heart ached so much.If he breaks up with her completely today, with her stubbornness, it is not impossible for her to say that she will "die".

He just ignored her for a week, and she could torture herself like this.If they were separated forever, even if she didn't die, she might die with half her life.

He thought he could make her shy by speaking louder, but she was so smart, she believed in her own feelings, so she could expose his "lie".

If he guessed correctly, she was using her own way to take the second best to hold the "position" she wanted to hold.

It was because he knew that she would not easily listen to him and leave, that he made himself cruel to her.

But his cruelty was of no use to her. After she endured to the limit, she would take the initiative to attack.

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