Murong Aoyang thought that seeing Lin Piaoyu again would make him calm, but he found that he still couldn't do it!
Because seeing her, the regret and pain of the Murong family in the past 18 years made his feelings more vivid!

That was the regret and pain that Lin Piaoyu had created for their family, and it was also the root cause of his impossibility to forgive her!

Lin Piaoyu and Murong Aoyang had been sitting face to face for a while, but neither of them made a sound, they just looked at each other.

However, in the end it was Lin Piaoyu who spoke first:

"You and your father look very much alike, even in your demeanor!"

This is the second time Lin Piaoyu faced Murong Aoyang himself.The first time was when he hijacked her into the wild in the middle of the night and exposed her crimes against Murong's family 18 years ago.

That time she faced Murong Aoyang in extreme panic, and because of the late night, she was not as calm as she is now.

So, for the first time, she didn't bother to take a closer look at Murong Aoyang's expression, she only vaguely knew that his facial features were very similar to Murong Hanfeng.But his shocking eyes impressed her deeply, just like now, people can't ignore it!
Murong Aoyang was expressionless, he said with a cold face:
"Is this what you want to talk about?"

Murong Aoyang knew that Lin Piaoyu was infatuated with his father, but he didn't want to recall her youth with Lin Piaoyu!

Of course Lin Piaoyu understood that Murong Aoyang was implying that she was talking nonsense.However, in this field, Murong Aoyang's disdain for her no longer felt uncomfortable.

The reason why she asked Nalan to let Murong Aoyang come to see her anyway was to let Murong Aoyang know her position!
Regarding the development of Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang from enemies to lovers, she would definitely not agree.

Since there is no need for her and Murong Aoyang to exchange pleasantries, she also directly entered the topic and said:

"Mr. Murong, you must already know why I asked to see you, right?"

"You don't allow your daughter to be with me!" Murong Aoyang also went straight in!

"No! It's not that I don't allow it, it's that you shouldn't be together!"

"Your daughter and I really shouldn't be together!"

Needless to say, Murong Aoyang knows better than anyone that he and Lin Wanmian should not be together!

"Then why do you still give my daughter unrealistic hopes? I owe your family, and I can do whatever I can to atone. But Mianmian is innocent, please don't hurt her!"

Lin Wanmian confessed herself with the most sincerity, but she could not let Lin Wanmian get hurt because of her anyway.

"You think I'm with your daughter out of revenge?"

From Lin Piaoyu's standpoint, it's not surprising that she thinks that he might be with Lin Wanmian on purpose just for revenge!
But Lin Wanmian shook her head and said:
"Honestly speaking, when I knew you and Mianmian..." Lin Wanmian paused and exhaled deeply: "At first I really thought it was impossible for you to have any sincerity for Mianmian, after all, I am Mianmian's mother. You can't wait to have If you kill me, how can you treat Mianmian like an ordinary girl, or even love her?"

"I did not say that I love her!" Did not say, but already loved her!
"You don't love... are you really out for revenge...?"

"I don't love your daughter, why are you so shocked?"

Murong Aoyang couldn't face Lin Piaoyu with a pleasant face, and he didn't want to admit in front of Lin Piaoyu that he had fallen in love with her daughter.

Lin Piaoyu looked at Murong Aoyang, she looked very carefully, and soon, her panic was relieved.She smiled as if relieved and said:
"If I were not facing the eldest son of the Murong family today, I think I might really be afraid that you would maliciously hurt my daughter. But, you are Murong Aoyang, the one Murong Hanfeng and Meng Xunqin are most proud of Eldest son, you will never use such a despicable method to avenge my crime!"

To be honest, since she was sentenced to prison, she has been depressed for a while in the pain of losing her dignity, and she is also afraid that Murong Aoyang's revenge will not be so simple.

Therefore, when someone deliberately told her about Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang being together, under the influence of guilt, her first reaction was that Murong Aoyang wanted to hurt her daughter.

That's why when she met Nalan earlier, she couldn't contain herself and got so angry at Nalan. She blamed Nalan for not stopping Lin Wanmian from getting close to Murong Aoyang.

But after the panic passed, she calmed down and thought about it, and she vaguely felt that she might be wrong.

First of all, with Murong Aoyang's ability, if he wants to take revenge on her, her sentence cannot be only one year.

In other words, Murong Aoyang is compromising!She knew that her daughter was running around in public to save her.But she is very clear that if Murong Aoyang is not giving in, her daughter's running around will be in vain.

Moreover, judging from the development of Murong Aoyang and her daughter together, the most direct reason that affects her sentence must be that the object of Murong Aoyang's compromise is her daughter.

Therefore, even if Lin Piaoyu is not sure that Murong Aoyang is sincere towards Lin Wanmian, at least she can be sure that Murong Aoyang will not maliciously hurt Lin Wanmian.

What made her feel more at ease was that after she calmly thought about it, she realized that she had overlooked a crucial point, that is, with the family style of Murong's family, it was impossible for Murong Aoyang to use despicable means to attack her .

Murong Aoyang even used legal means to suppress her directly and made her lose everything.Moreover, after she was detained by the judiciary, Murong Aoyang hardly intervened in her conviction process.

It was precisely because Murong Aoyang did not intervene directly that she was able to buy more or less buffer time for Lin Wanmian to deal with her, and then gradually reduce the charges.

Regarding her conclusion, Murong Aoyang did not refute anything, but he asked back:
"Didn't you just say that you told me not to hurt your daughter, but now you decide that I won't hurt her maliciously because I'm the eldest son of the Murong family?"

Lin Piaoyu was no longer in a hurry, she said frankly:
"The hurt I'm talking about doesn't mean that you will hurt Mianmian on purpose, but that when you have to separate, or when you don't want her, Mianmian will definitely feel overwhelmed with pain. Now that Mianmian's feelings for you are only hazy At this stage, if you are so sincere, please take the initiative to terminate your relationship. As for the remaining punishment I owe to your family, no matter how you want to target me, I will bear it willingly. I only ask you... stay away Live life!"

Murong Aoyang's expression finally changed a little, his brows were furrowed.Although this kind of him also makes people unable to see what he is thinking, but Lin Piaoyu can still see that he is struggling.

In Murong Aoyang's silence, Lin Piaoyu couldn't wait for his reply, so she simply continued:

"Mr. Murong, if there is no enmity between me and your family, if an impeccable man like you is willing to give the imperfect Mian Mian a sincere love, I would be more than I can ask for, and I would even be grateful. But you know that you can't take Mian Mian Take Mian to your parents and tell them that you want to be with my Lin Piaoyu's daughter, I'm can't do it!"

"Don't judge everything by your guesswork!"

In fact, Murong Aoyang also admitted that Lin Piaoyu was not completely wrong, at least for now, it is impossible for him to disclose his relationship with Lin Wanmian.Not only was it impossible to disclose, but he also ordered a complete cover-up.

However, he didn't want to second Lin Piaoyu's assertion.He didn't want to shake his determination to be with Lin Wanmian just because of Lin Piaoyu's few words.

Before he came, he had already guessed what Lin Piaoyu was going to say, but he originally thought that no matter what Lin Piaoyu said, he would not easily shake his heart.

However, Lin Piaoyu's words may not have shaken him, but they made him care about something.An uneasiness also welled up in my heart!

Before he could figure out what his anxiety was, Lin Piaoyu asked again:
"Then do you dare to disclose your relationship with Mianmian?"

"There is nothing I, Murong Aoyang dare not do, it just depends on whether I am willing or not!"

"Then do you want to?"

"I don't need to explain this kind of problem to you!"

"But you have to explain to Mian Mian's mother, even if her mother is your enemy."

Lin Piaoyu's words silenced Murong Aoyang, this was the obstacle that he and Lin Wanmian did not know how to overcome.

He could ignore Lin Piaoyu, but he couldn't ignore Lin Wanmian.And Lin Piaoyu is his enemy, but also Lin Wanmian's favorite mother.How could he ruthlessly cut off contact with Lin Wanmian and her mother?

"You see, you also know that you can't face these things calmly, because you can't forgive my sins at all. But you can't accept me as an enemy, how can you be with Mianmian with a clear conscience? Or say , One day, how do you let Mianmian face her lover who hates her mother? You will eventually separate."

Lin Piaoyu didn't need to ask for proof. From Murong Aoyang's silence, she was sure that he was not ready to let go of all the grudges.

Murong Aoyang's hand clenched into a fist unknowingly, he raised his eyes to look at Lin Piaoyu, and said unwaveringly:
"Even if we have to separate, I will not let go of her hand until then, because I promised!"

"Thank you for your "promise" to Mianmian! But you should know that the more good you promise Mianmian, the more pain she will suffer in the future."

"I won't let her have that day!"

Yes!He will think of a way, for Lin Wanmian, he can overcome all difficulties!

"No! If you don't let go, there will be a day. I know Mianmian. Because she is blind, she is very sensitive. She will not be attracted to anyone casually, and she is not a child who gives her heart easily. She In just a few months of knowing you, falling in love with you without seeing your face or knowing all your past, it proves that she has confirmed her feelings with her unique telepathy. If I guessed correctly , you must have rejected Mianmian, but failed. Because Mianmian must have felt your intolerance and pity for her, and she saw hope. That's why she tried everything to get in touch with you, and you finally And uncontrollably took her hand that stretched out to you."

Of course Lin Piaoyu knows her daughter well, if Lin Wanmian decides on one thing, she becomes stubborn and no one can persuade her determination.On the contrary, her firmness always conquers those who want to persuade her first, and she always allows herself to struggle to the end because of a goal, until she is willing to stop!
Speaking of this, Lin Piaoyu suddenly wanted to laugh, her daughter was good, but when she was not good, she was blind and still chased after men!

It's a pity that the first love in my daughter's life is doomed to fail because of God's tricks!

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