Because of Liu Zhiruo's fuss, the atmosphere in the Liu family dropped to freezing point. No one was in the mood to talk about what happened just now, so they hid in their rooms and had their own thoughts.

Liu Zhirou lay on the bed, feeling so uncomfortable that she couldn't find an outlet.After returning from the racecourse, she was not in a good mood, but what happened back home made her even more exhausted physically and mentally.

She was so blocked, she kept tossing and turning past twelve o'clock in the morning, but she still didn't feel sleepy.She, who hardly suffers from insomnia, finally experienced insomnia...!
But the most important reason for her insomnia is not because of the gloomy atmosphere at home, but more because of ~ Zhang Shou!
Because at this time, all she thought about in her mind was what happened with Zhang Fu.

Before today, she often thought of Zhang Chou before going to bed, but she always fell asleep thinking about it.

Thinking about it now, but the more I think about it, the more I become sober, and the more missing in my heart.This is probably what happens when there are dreams to dream!Waking up from the dream, everything is empty!
Thinking that her dream was empty, Liu Zhirou turned over again.At the same time, she suddenly thought of Lin Wanmian.It's also falling in love with someone. Wanmian's love path is obviously more unrealistic than hers, but Wanmian still got the love she wanted.

Why is it that only her love can't give her a little comfort, and what she wants is not something that is unreasonable.She can accept that the person she loves doesn't love her.But if she just hides aside and guards her love silently, then she really thinks it's too unfair!
Liu Zhirou sighed secretly that "the same person has different fate", the more she sighed, the more uncomfortable she felt.

She even thought with some jealousy that Lin Wanmian was probably so sweet that she met Murong Aoyang in her dreams, but she could only mourn her shattered dream soberly.

In fact, Liu Zhirou's guess about Lin Wanmian's "jealousy" was pretty accurate.But one thing she didn't expect was that Lin Wanmian hadn't fallen asleep like her at this time.

It's just that Liu Zhirou suffered from insomnia because of her discomfort, while Lin Wanmian was reluctant to sleep because of her sweetness.

When she came back from the racecourse, Murong Aoyang personally sent her back to Lin's house. After she had dinner with Mrs. Lin, she went back to the bedroom to calm down and think about how she spent the whole day!

Originally, she was just thinking about it quietly, but she didn't expect Murong Aoyang to call her.In fact, he just called to remind her to remember to soak in hot water, so as not to cause pain in her body the next day.

He was ready to hang up the phone after he explained his heartfelt words, but Lin Wanmian didn't want to hang up so quickly.

Murong Aoyang probably guessed what she was thinking, so he just chatted with her like this, and it was past twelve o'clock in the morning.

It has been three hours since the call was connected.In fact, what he talked to her didn't seem to be that important, what was important was that she could always hear his voice.

But maybe it was too late, Murong Aoyang had no choice but to half-dote and half-coax her:
"It's very late, you should have a good rest first, I will find time to pick you up to meet again, hang up now, okay?"

Lin Wanmian was still in good spirits, she said with some displeasure:

"Did I pester you for too long and disturb your rest time?"

If it wasn't that he didn't have time, she didn't want to hang up the phone, anyway, she didn't want to sleep.

Murong Aoyang's helpless and funny voice came from the other end of the phone, and he pampered and comforted:
"I like you to pester me! However, I don't want you to stay up all night, not to mention you should be very tired today...!"

"No, I'm not tired, I'm not tired at all, I still...don't want to sleep!"

Lin Wanmian eagerly stated that she was still very energetic, but in the end she felt ashamed when she was so anxious.

How much she couldn't bear to part with this beautiful moment, so she didn't want to hang up on his phone?

Murong Aoyang's triumphant laughter came again, Lin Wanmian on the phone bit her lips in embarrassment, and she asked sullenly:

"Why do you always laugh at me?"

"Because I've never seen such a cute idiot, it's hard not to laugh!"

"Do you... think I'm stupid?"

"Hmm! Stupid!"

"Then you...wouldn't you like it?"

"That depends on who you are being stupid for."

"Of course it's for...!"

Who else could she be stupid for? After meeting him, isn't her stupidity all because of him?He knowingly asked her this on purpose, he must be laughing at her again!
Lin Wanmian was thinking so secretly, Murong Aoyang really laughed muffledly, and finally laughed out loud, which shows how proud he is!
"Don't laugh, or I... I'm going to hang up!"

"Lin Wanmian, you are really an idiot. You are the one who is reluctant to hang up the phone, but you threaten me by hanging up the phone. Can you be any more stupid?"

Listening to Murong Aoyang teasing, suppressing a smile, Lin Wanmian was so ashamed that she was covered under the blanket, as if Murong Aoyang was beside her, and she wanted to hide in embarrassment He does.

After hearing Lin Wanmian's reply for a long time, Murong Aoyang guessed that she was probably in a mood, so he quickly stopped his smile and said in a serious tone:
"Okay, you hang up the phone first, and then go to bed obediently, understand?"

It's not that he doesn't want to chat with her, it's just that he really wants her to sleep well and have a good night's sleep.

Lin Wanmian knew that it was time for her to hang up the phone. Even if she didn't want to sleep, she couldn't really pester Murong Aoyang willfully like a child.

What's more, the hot phone is also protesting to her, she should let the phone "rest"!

But before hanging up the phone, she opened the quilt and exposed her head, took a shallow breath of fresh air, and finally said to Murong Aoyang emotionally and seriously:

"Aoyang, you should have seen me through now, right? How much I..." I love you, you understand, right?

Lin Wanmian's last confession settled down again in her heart, she paused for a moment and changed her words:

"How stupid I am is because you make me stupid, and you will always tolerate my stupidity, right?"

Murong Aoyang was silent for a few seconds, and his low-pitched response was only one word:


The word "um" seemed to freeze the time, there was no sound, only the sound of their breathing from the phone.

In fact, Murong Aoyang is very clear about what Lin Wanmian really wants to express.And his answer was not just to answer her superficial question, he also answered the question she really wanted to ask.

He will always tolerate her stupidity, and will always... love her stupidity!
"Love" was not uttered in their mouths, but they all expressed their affection implicitly.For them, this is a "confession" that is better than sound, and their mutual affection has been conveyed to each other invisibly.

Lin Wanmian hung up Murong Aoyang's call with a trace of happiness that she couldn't touch but could understand clearly.

Miraculously, as soon as the phone was hung up, her drowsiness came back. She was so sleepy that she fell asleep with a faint smile before she even had time to put the mobile phone away...!
But Murong Aoyang, who also hung up the phone, did not immediately fall asleep like her.He looked at the time, it was almost one o'clock in the morning, he didn't expect that a call that should have been finished in 3 minutes would take three hours.

This is probably the longest phone call he has ever made in his life. Only Lin Wanmian can make him spend such time.

The whole day and a half night spent with her, he also gained a different kind of happiness that he had never had before.

But faintly, there seemed to be an invisible thorn in the happiness in his heart.He always felt that the thorn didn't exist when he couldn't pull it out. If he had to pull it out one day, it would be very painful.

He will be in pain, and Lin Wanmian, whom he loves, will also be in pain!What should he do to keep her from hurting?
Murong Aoyang is rational after all, while he enjoys the appearance of happiness, he is also worried whether there is an end to the end of happiness.

In the eyes of others, he is omnipotent, but at this moment, he can't do anything.He could only put aside the troubles in his mind for the time being, and concentrate on dealing with the work he had accumulated all day one by one.

Unknowingly, Murong Aoyang, who was still concentrating on every important email, was disturbed by a ray of orange morning light to disturb his deep thinking.

Murong Aoyang squinted his eyes to look at the warm morning light outside the window, but he had not closed his eyes all night and had to raise his hand to block the dazzling light.

After a while, he avoided the morning light and turned himself in one direction. He leaned on the chair, closed his eyes and kneaded the bridge of his nose.

After relaxing, Murong Aoyang stood up and went to the balcony to look at the entire mountain forest bathed in sunlight.

Murong Villa is located in an isolated mountain, and the house of the Murong family is in the center of the estate.

Murong's house is surrounded by an endless pear orchard, but from the balcony on the upper floor of the house, you can still see the forest in the lower place.

Especially on the opposite mountain, every time the sunrise climbs to the top of the mountain, the Liyuan will be blessed by the soft morning light, including the house of Murong's family.

Murong Aoyang, who is used to getting up early, must do every day to stand on the balcony and be with the morning light when the morning light shines.

Even when there is no sunshine, he will stand on the balcony for a while before starting his daily life.

Today's weather is fine, the sky is clean and blue, and there is a thin white mist floating in the forest.But it doesn't affect the line of sight at all. Looking around, the mountains and forests look like a Chinese painting full of charm.

This kind of picture has long been familiar to Murong Aoyang, after all, he has been used to seeing it since he was a child.

It's just that he will never get tired of watching it, because this is the home he wants to protect for the rest of his life.This family has his parents and his younger brothers.Of course, there is also the younger sister who was forced to leave home for 18 years and was found by her family ~ Murong Qingyue!

Although my sister is officially married now, and Murong Villa will not be my sister's permanent home in the future, but there will always be a bedroom for my sister here.

This is not only the home he wants to protect, but also the home he misses so much!Or it should be said that this is the home that everyone in their Murong family misses so much.

"Xi'er, look at the beautiful sunrise today!"

"Well, it's really beautiful!"

"But you are more beautiful in my eyes, let me be fascinated by you for thousands of years!"

"You are also very handsome in my eyes, for thousands of years!"

Hearing the warm and sweet conversation from the balcony on the second floor, Murong Aoyang smiled unconsciously!

This is the most fundamental reason why he is nostalgic for this family~his parents!
From the time he could remember, his parents always loved each other so deeply.They followed each other to the death like souls that came out of thousands of years ago!

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